# PhotoSearch
AppKit Sample application for the WWDC 2007 session:
"Beyond Buttons and Sliders - Advanced Controls in Cocoa"
## Sample Requirements
The supplied Xcode project builds with Mac OS X 10.11 SDK or later, and runs on 10.9 or later.
This sample is also designed to be App Sandboxed, and with Sandboxing, it means this app should also be code signed.
## About the Sample
This sample application uses Spotlight to perform a search for images on your computer. The search location or search scope can also be customized by the user.  The results are displayed in a view-based table view. The NSPredicateEditor (introduced in OS X 10.6) is used to create a search rule. The NSPathControl (also introduced in OS X 10.6) is used to display a selected path.
PhotoSearch is App Sandboxed which offers strong defense against damage from malicious code.  In doing so, it allows you to retain access to file-system resources by employing a security mechanism, "known as security-scoped bookmarks", that preserves user intent between app launches.  Hence, the search location or scope becomes a security-scoped bookmark.
* MainWindowController.h/.m: The main controller that glues the user interface to the data model.
* SearchItem.h/.m: The data model representation for a search result.
* SearchQuery.h/.m: The data model representation for a search query, which contains an array of SearchItem children.
* CaseInsensitivePredicateTemplate.h/.m: A custom predicate template used by the NSPredicateEditor to have a case insensitive Spotlight search.
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