
Simple Bindings Adoption
This simple example illustrates the adoption of Cocoa Bindings to manage synchronization of values between models and views.
The example is a simple document-based application.  Each document has a window with a text field, slider, and button.  The values of the text field and slider represent the volume in a Track object managed by the document.  The Mute button sets the volume to zero.
There are three versions of the application:
1. Using target-action to update the track's volume when the user presses Enter in the text field or moves the slider.  The user interface is updated programmatically.
2. Programmatically: creating an object controller; binding its content to the track object; and binding the values of the text field and slider to the track's volume.  The user interface is updated using bindings.
3. In Interface Builder: creating an object controller; binding its content to the track object; and binding the values of the text field and slider to the track's volume.  The user interface is updated using bindings.
Sample Requirements
The supplied Xcode project was created using Xcode v5.0 running under Mac OS X 10.9 or later.
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