
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Demonstrates how to use AVAssetExportSession to export and transcode media files
import AVFoundation
    Perform all of the argument parsing / set up. The interesting AV exporting
    code is done in the `Exporter` type.
/// The type that performs all of the asset exporting.
struct Exporter {
    // MARK: Properties
    let sourceURL: NSURL
    let destinationURL: NSURL
    var destinationFileType = AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie
    var presetName = AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough
    var timeRange: CMTimeRange?
    var filterMetadata = false
    var injectMetadata = false
    var deleteExistingFile = false
    var isVerbose = false
    // MARK: Initialization
    init(sourceURL: NSURL, destinationURL: NSURL) {
        self.sourceURL = sourceURL
        self.destinationURL = destinationURL
    func export() throws {
        let asset = AVURLAsset(URL: sourceURL)
        printVerbose("Exporting \"\(sourceURL)\" to \"\(destinationURL)\" (file type \(destinationFileType)), using preset \(presetName).")
        // Set up export session.
        let exportSession = try setUpExportSession(asset, destinationURL: destinationURL)
        // AVAssetExportSession will not overwrite existing files.
        try deleteExistingFile(destinationURL)
        // Kick off asynchronous export operation.
        let group = dispatch_group_create()
        exportSession.exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler {
        waitForExportToFinish(exportSession, group: group)
        if exportSession.status == .Failed {
            // `error` is non-nil when in the "failed" status.
            throw exportSession.error!
        else {
        printVerbose("Export completed successfully.")
    func setUpExportSession(asset: AVAsset, destinationURL: NSURL) throws -> AVAssetExportSession {
        guard let exportSession = AVAssetExportSession(asset: asset, presetName: presetName) else {
            throw CommandLineError.InvalidArgument(reason: "Invalid preset \(presetName).")
        // Set required properties.
        exportSession.outputURL = destinationURL
        exportSession.outputFileType = destinationFileType
        if let timeRange = timeRange {
            exportSession.timeRange = timeRange
            printVerbose("Trimming to time range \(CMTimeRangeCopyDescription(nil, timeRange)!).")
        if filterMetadata {
            printVerbose("Filtering metadata.")
            exportSession.metadataItemFilter = AVMetadataItemFilter.metadataItemFilterForSharing()
        if injectMetadata {
            printVerbose("Injecting metadata")
            let now = NSDate()
            let currentDate = NSDateFormatter.localizedStringFromDate(now, dateStyle: .MediumStyle, timeStyle: .ShortStyle)
            let userDataCommentItem = AVMutableMetadataItem()
            userDataCommentItem.identifier = AVMetadataIdentifierQuickTimeUserDataComment
            userDataCommentItem.value = "QuickTime userdata: Exported to preset \(presetName) using AVFoundationExporter at: \(currentDate)."
            let metadataCommentItem = AVMutableMetadataItem()
            metadataCommentItem.identifier = AVMetadataIdentifierQuickTimeMetadataComment
            metadataCommentItem.value = "QuickTime metadata: Exported to preset \(presetName) using AVFoundationExporter at: \(currentDate)."
            let iTunesCommentItem = AVMutableMetadataItem()
            iTunesCommentItem.identifier = AVMetadataIdentifieriTunesMetadataUserComment
            iTunesCommentItem.value = "iTunes metadata: Exported to preset \(presetName) using AVFoundationExporter at: \(currentDate)."
                To avoid replacing metadata from the asset:
                    1. Fetch existing metadata from the asset.
                    2. Combine it with the new metadata.
                    3. Set the result on the export session.
            exportSession.metadata = asset.metadata + [
        return exportSession
    func deleteExistingFile(destinationURL: NSURL) throws {
        let fileManager = NSFileManager()
        if let destinationPath = destinationURL.path {
            if deleteExistingFile && fileManager.fileExistsAtPath(destinationPath) {
                printVerbose("Removing pre-existing file at destination path \"\(destinationPath)\".")
                try fileManager.removeItemAtURL(destinationURL)
    func describeSourceFile(asset: AVAsset) {
        guard isVerbose else { return }
        printVerbose("Tracks in source file:")
        let trackDescriptions = trackDescriptionsForAsset(asset)
        let tracksDescription = trackDescriptions.joinWithSeparator("\n\t")
        printVerbose("Metadata in source file:")
        let metadataDescriptions = metadataDescriptionsForAsset(asset)
        let metadataDescription = metadataDescriptions.joinWithSeparator("\n\t")
    // Periodically polls & prints export session progress while waiting for the export to finish.
    func waitForExportToFinish(exportSession: AVAssetExportSession, group: dispatch_group_t) {
        while exportSession.status == .Waiting || exportSession.status == .Exporting {
            printVerbose("Progress: \(exportSession.progress * 100.0)%.")
            dispatch_group_wait(group, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(500 * NSEC_PER_MSEC)))
        printVerbose("Progress: \(exportSession.progress * 100.0)%.")
    func describeDestFile(destinationURL: NSURL) {
        guard isVerbose else { return }
        let destinationAsset = AVAsset(URL:destinationURL)
        printVerbose("Tracks in written file:")
        let trackDescriptions = trackDescriptionsForAsset(destinationAsset)
        let tracksDescription = trackDescriptions.joinWithSeparator("\n\t")
        printVerbose("Metadata in written file:")
        let metadataDescriptions = metadataDescriptionsForAsset(destinationAsset)
        let metadataDescription = metadataDescriptions.joinWithSeparator("\n\t")
    func trackDescriptionsForAsset(asset: AVAsset) -> [String] {
        return asset.tracks.map { track in
            let enabledString = track.enabled ? "YES" : "NO"
            let selfContainedString = track.selfContained ? "YES" : "NO"
            let formatDescriptions = track.formatDescriptions as! [CMFormatDescriptionRef]
            let formatStrings = formatDescriptions.map { formatDescription -> String in
                let mediaSubType = CMFormatDescriptionGetMediaSubType(formatDescription)
                let mediaSubTypeString = NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode(mediaSubType)
                return "'\(track.mediaType)'/\(mediaSubTypeString)"
            let formatString = !formatStrings.isEmpty ? formatStrings.joinWithSeparator(", ") : "'\(track.mediaType)'"
            return "Track ID \(track.trackID): \(formatString), data length: \(track.totalSampleDataLength), enabled: \(enabledString), self-contained: \(selfContainedString)"
    func metadataDescriptionsForAsset(asset: AVAsset) -> [String] {
        return asset.metadata.map { item in
            let identifier = item.identifier ?? "<no identifier>"
            let value = item.value?.description ?? "<no value>"
            return "metadata item \(identifier): \(value)"
    func printVerbose(string: String) {
        if isVerbose {