
 Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 Command line tool for editing metadata
@import Foundation;
@import AVFoundation;
#import <dispatch/dispatch.h>
#import <getopt.h>
static NSString * stringForDataDescription(NSData *data);
static void printMetadata(AVURLAsset *asset, BOOL doDescriptionOut);
static void printMetadataItems(NSArray *items, NSString *metadataFormat, BOOL doDescriptionOut);
static void printMetadataItemsToURL(NSArray *items, NSString *metadataFormat, NSURL *printURL);
static NSArray * metadataFromAssetDictionary(NSArray *sourceMetadata, NSDictionary *metadataDict, BOOL editingMode, NSString *metadataFormat);
static BOOL processMetadata(NSURL *sourceURL, NSURL *destURL, NSString *outputFileType, NSURL *printURL, NSDictionary *writeMetadata, NSDictionary *appendMetadata, BOOL doPrintOut, BOOL doDescriptionOut, NSString *metadataFormat);
static void PrintUsage()
    printf("\navmetadataeditor [-w] [-a] [ <options> ] src dst");
    printf("\navmetadataeditor [-p] [-o] [ <options> ] src");
    printf("\nsrc is a path to a local file.");
    printf("\ndst is a path to a destination file.");
    printf("\n  -w, --write-metadata=PLISTFILE");
    printf("\n\t\t  Use a PLISTFILE as metadata for the destination file");
    printf("\n  -a, --append-metadata=PLISTFILE");
    printf("\n\t\t  Use a PLISTFILE as metadata to merge with the source metadata for the destination file");
    printf("\n  -p, --print-metadata=PLISTFILE");
    printf("\n\t\t  Write in a PLISTFILE the metadata from the source file");
    printf("\n  -f, --file-type=UTI");
    printf("\n\t\t  Use UTI as output file type");
    printf("\n  -o, --output-metadata");
    printf("\n\t\t  Output the metadata from the source file");
    printf("\n  -d, --description-metadata");
    printf("\n\t\t  Output the metadata description from the source file");
    printf("\n  -q, --quicktime-metadata");
    printf("\n\t\t  Quicktime metadata format");
    printf("\n  -u, --quicktime-user-metadata");
    printf("\n\t\t  Quicktime user metadata format");
    printf("\n  -i, --iTunes-metadata");
    printf("\n\t\t  iTunes metadata format");
    printf("\n  -h, --help");
    printf("\n\t\t  Print this message and exit\n");
static BOOL processMetadata(NSURL *sourceURL, NSURL *destURL, NSString *outputFileType, NSURL *printURL, NSDictionary *writeMetadata, NSDictionary *appendMetadata, BOOL doPrintOut, BOOL doDescriptionOut, NSString *metadataFormat)
    AVURLAsset *asset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:sourceURL options:nil];
    if (!asset) {
        printf("\nInvalid source, asset creation failure");
        return NO;
     Print to the standard output the metadata from the source URL
    if (doPrintOut || doDescriptionOut) {
        printMetadata(asset, doDescriptionOut);
    NSArray *sourceMetadata = nil;
    if (nil != metadataFormat) {
        sourceMetadata = [asset metadataForFormat:metadataFormat];
    else {
        sourceMetadata = [asset commonMetadata];
     Save to a plist the metadata from the source URL
    if (printURL) {
        printMetadataItemsToURL(sourceMetadata, metadataFormat, printURL);
    if (!destURL)
        return YES;
    if (![asset isExportable])
        return NO;
    if (nil == writeMetadata && nil == appendMetadata)
        return NO;
     Create an export session to export the new metadata
    AVAssetExportSession *session = [AVAssetExportSession exportSessionWithAsset:asset presetName:AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough];
    if (![[session supportedFileTypes] containsObject:outputFileType])
        return NO;
    [session setOutputFileType:outputFileType];
    [session setOutputURL:destURL];
    if (writeMetadata) {
        [session setMetadata:metadataFromAssetDictionary(sourceMetadata, writeMetadata, NO, metadataFormat)];
    else {
        [session setMetadata:metadataFromAssetDictionary(sourceMetadata, appendMetadata, YES, metadataFormat)];
    dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
    __block NSError *error = nil;
    __block BOOL succeeded = NO;
    [session exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler:^{
        if (AVAssetExportSessionStatusCompleted == session.status) {
            succeeded = YES;
        else {
            succeeded = NO;
            if (session.error)
                error = session.error;
    float progress = 0.;
    long resSemaphore = 0;
     Monitor the progress
    do {
        resSemaphore = dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, NSEC_PER_SEC));
        float curProgress = session.progress;
        while (curProgress > progress) {
            fprintf(stderr, "*"); // Force to be flush without end of line
            progress += 0.05;
    } while( resSemaphore );
    if (succeeded) {
    else {
        printf("\nError: %s", [[error localizedDescription] UTF8String]);
    return succeeded;
 Get a string from a NSData value formatted as follow: [ data length = ??, bytes = 0x?? ... ?? ]
static NSString * stringForDataDescription(NSData *data)
    NSMutableString *str = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:64];
    NSUInteger length = [data length];
    const unsigned char *bytes = (const unsigned char *)[data bytes];
    int i;
    [str appendFormat:@"[ data length = %u, bytes = 0x", (unsigned int)length];
    // Dump 24 bytes of data in hex
    if (length <= 24) {
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            [str appendFormat:@"%02x", bytes[i]];
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            [str appendFormat:@"%02x", bytes[i]];
        [str appendFormat:@" ... "];
        for (i = length - 8; i < length; i++) {
            [str appendFormat:@"%02x", bytes[i]];
    [str appendFormat:@" ]"];
    return str;
static void printMetadata(AVURLAsset *asset, BOOL doDescriptionOut)
     Print the common metadata
    NSArray *commonMetadata = [asset commonMetadata];
    if ([commonMetadata count] > 0) {
        printf("\n\n\nCommon metadata:\n");
        printMetadataItems(commonMetadata, nil, doDescriptionOut);
     Print all the metadata formats
    for (NSString *format in [asset availableMetadataFormats]) {
        NSArray *items = [asset metadataForFormat:format];
        if ([items count] > 0) {
            printf("\n\n\nMetadata format: %s\n", [format UTF8String]);
            printMetadataItems(items, format, doDescriptionOut);
static void printMetadataItems(NSArray *items, NSString *metadataFormat, BOOL doDescriptionOut)
    for (AVMetadataItem *item in items) {
        if (doDescriptionOut) {
            printf("\n%s", [[item description] UTF8String]);
        if (nil != metadataFormat) {
            NSString *identifier = [item identifier];
            id value = [item value];
            if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) {
                printf("\n%s: %s", [identifier UTF8String], [stringForDataDescription(value) UTF8String]);
            else {
                printf("\n%s: %s", [identifier UTF8String], [[item stringValue] UTF8String]);
        else {
            NSString *commonIdentifier = [AVMetadataItem identifierForKey:[item commonKey] keySpace:AVMetadataKeySpaceCommon];
            printf("\n%s: %s", [commonIdentifier UTF8String], [[item stringValue] UTF8String]);
static void printMetadataItemsToURL(NSArray *items, NSString *metadataFormat, NSURL *printURL)
    NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
    if ([items count]) {
        for (AVMetadataItem *item in items) {
            if (nil != metadataFormat) {
                dictionary[item.identifier] = item.value;
            else {
                NSString *commonIdentifier = [AVMetadataItem identifierForKey:[item commonKey] keySpace:AVMetadataKeySpaceCommon];
                dictionary[commonIdentifier] = item.value;
    [dictionary writeToURL:printURL atomically:YES];
static NSArray * metadataFromAssetDictionary(NSArray *sourceMetadata, NSDictionary *metadataDict, BOOL editingMode, NSString *metadataFormat)
    NSMutableDictionary *mutableMetadataDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:metadataDict];
    NSMutableArray *newMetadata = [NSMutableArray array];
    if (editingMode) {
        if ([sourceMetadata count]) {
             Find the identifiers that exist in the dictionary and the metadata
            for (AVMetadataItem *item in sourceMetadata) {
                AVMutableMetadataItem *newItem = [item mutableCopy];
                if (nil != metadataFormat) {
                    NSString *identifier = [newItem identifier];
                     If the identifier is present in the dictionary, change the value to the one from the dictionary
                    if (mutableMetadataDict[identifier]) {
                        newItem.value = mutableMetadataDict[identifier];
                        [mutableMetadataDict removeObjectForKey:identifier];
                else {
                     If the identifier is present in the dictionary, change the value to the one from the dictionary
                    NSString *commonIdentifier = [AVMetadataItem identifierForKey:[newItem commonKey] keySpace:AVMetadataKeySpaceCommon];
                    if (mutableMetadataDict[commonIdentifier]) {
                        newItem.value = mutableMetadataDict[commonIdentifier];
                        [mutableMetadataDict removeObjectForKey:commonIdentifier];
                if (newItem.value) {
                    [newMetadata addObject:newItem];
    for (NSString *identifier in [mutableMetadataDict keyEnumerator]) {
        id value = [mutableMetadataDict objectForKey:identifier];
        if (value) {
            AVMutableMetadataItem *newItem = [AVMutableMetadataItem metadataItem];
            [newItem setIdentifier:identifier];
            [newItem setLocale:[NSLocale currentLocale]];
            [newItem setValue:value];
            [newItem setExtraAttributes:nil];
            [newMetadata addObject:newItem];
    return newMetadata;
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    BOOL result = YES;
        NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
        static struct option longopts[] = {
            {"write-metadata", required_argument, NULL, 'w'},
            {"append-metadata", required_argument, NULL, 'a'},
            {"print-metadata", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
            {"file-type", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
            {"output-metadata", no_argument, NULL, 'o'},
            {"description-metadata", no_argument, NULL, 'd'},
            {"quicktime-metadata", no_argument, NULL, 'q'},
            {"quicktime-user-metadata", no_argument, NULL, 'u'},
            {"itunes-metadata", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
            {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
            {0, 0, 0, 0}
        const char *shortopts = "w:a:p:f:odquih";
        int c = -1;
        NSURL *sourceURL = nil;
        NSURL *destURL = nil;
        NSURL *printURL = nil;
        NSString *outputFileType = AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie;
        NSDictionary *writeMetadata = nil;
        NSDictionary *appendMetadata = nil;
        NSString *metadataFormat = nil;
        BOOL doPrintOut = NO;
        BOOL doDescriptionOut = NO;
        BOOL needDest = NO;
        c = getopt_long(argc, (char * const *)argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL);
        while (c != -1) {
            switch (c)
                case 'w':
                    needDest = YES;
                    NSString *filePath = [fm stringWithFileSystemRepresentation:optarg length:strlen(optarg)];
                    writeMetadata = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
                    if (!writeMetadata) {
                        printf("\nError: '%s' does not point to a valid property list file", optarg);
                case 'a':
                    needDest = YES;
                    NSString *filePath = [fm stringWithFileSystemRepresentation:optarg length:strlen(optarg)];
                    appendMetadata = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
                    if (!appendMetadata) {
                        printf("\nError: '%s' does not point to a valid property list file", optarg);
                case 'p':
                    NSString *filePath = [fm stringWithFileSystemRepresentation:optarg length:strlen(optarg)];
                    printURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath isDirectory:NO];
                case 'o':
                    doPrintOut = YES;
                case 'd':
                    doDescriptionOut = YES;
                case 'q':
                    // QuickTime metadata format
                    metadataFormat = AVMetadataFormatQuickTimeMetadata;
                case 'u':
                    // QuickTime user metadata (udta) format
                    metadataFormat = AVMetadataFormatQuickTimeUserData;
                case 'i':
                    // iTunes format
                    metadataFormat = AVMetadataFormatiTunesMetadata;
                case 'f':
                     Output file format use during export, could be the following:
                    outputFileType = [NSString stringWithCString:optarg encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding];
                    if (!outputFileType)
                        printf("Error: '%s' is not a valid UTI\n", optarg);
                case 'h':
            c = getopt_long(argc, (char * const *)argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL);
        if (argc <= 2) {
            printf("\nMissing arguments");
        int nextArgIndex = optind;
        if (nextArgIndex >= argc) {
            printf("\nMissing source");
        const char *sourceInput = argv[nextArgIndex];
        NSString *filePath = [fm stringWithFileSystemRepresentation:sourceInput length:strlen(sourceInput)];
        sourceURL = [NSURL URLWithString:filePath];
        if (![sourceURL scheme]) {
            // No URL scheme, assuming file path
            sourceURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath isDirectory:NO];
        if (!sourceURL) {
            printf("\nInvalid source");
        if (needDest) {
            if (nextArgIndex >= argc) {
                printf("\nMissing destination");
            const char *destInput = argv[nextArgIndex];
            NSString *destPath = [fm stringWithFileSystemRepresentation:destInput length:strlen(destInput)];
            destURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:destPath isDirectory:NO];
            if (nil == destURL) {
                printf("\nInvalid destination");
        result = processMetadata(sourceURL, destURL, outputFileType, printURL, writeMetadata, appendMetadata, doPrintOut, doDescriptionOut, metadataFormat);
    return (!result);