
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Core of the s_server implementation.
#import "TLSToolServer.h"
@interface TLSToolServer () <NSNetServiceDelegate>
@property (atomic, strong, readwrite) NSNetService *    server;                         ///< The net service that manages our listening socket.
@property (atomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL              hasPrintedServerDidStartMessage;///< See the discussion in -netServiceDidPublish:.
@property (atomic, copy,   readwrite) NSArray *         autorespondContent;             ///< An array of data with which to autorespond.
@property (atomic, copy,   readwrite) NSArray *         autorespondURLs;                ///< An array of URLs indicating where the autoresponse data was read from.
@property (atomic, assign, readwrite) NSUInteger        nextAutorespondContentIndex;    ///< The next item in the autorespondContent array to use.
@implementation TLSToolServer
- (instancetype)initWithServerIdentify:(SecIdentityRef)serverIdentity port:(NSInteger)port {
    NSParameterAssert(serverIdentity != NULL);
    NSParameterAssert( (port > 0) && (port <= 65536) );
    self = [super init];
    if (self != nil) {
        self->_serverIdentity = serverIdentity;
        self->_port = port;
        self->_clientCertificateRoots = @[];
    return self;
- (void)dealloc {
    // This object is not set up to be deallocated.
/*! Reads a single autorespond file, adding the content to the content array and the URL to the URLs array.
 *  \param url The location of the autorespond file.
 *  \param content The array to which to add the file's content.
 *  \param URLs The arary to which to add the file's URL.
- (void)addAutorespondFileAtURL:(NSURL *)url toContent:(NSMutableArray *)content URLs:(NSMutableArray *)URLs {
    NSData *    d;
    NSError *   error;
    d = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url options:0 error:&error];
    if (d == nil) {
        [self logWithFormat:@"server failed to read autorespond content: %@", url.path];
    } else {
        [content addObject:d];
        [URLs addObject:url];
/*! Reads autorespond content from the location on disk into an in-memory array.
- (void)readAutorespondContent {
    BOOL                success;
    NSNumber *          isDir;
    NSMutableArray *    content;
    NSMutableArray *    URLs;
    content = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    URLs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    success = [self.autorespondContentURL getResourceValue:&isDir forKey:NSURLIsDirectoryKey error:NULL];
    if (success && isDir.boolValue) {
        for (NSURL * childURL in [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtURL:self.autorespondContentURL includingPropertiesForKeys:@[ NSURLIsDirectoryKey ] options:NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsSubdirectoryDescendants | NSDirectoryEnumerationSkipsHiddenFiles errorHandler:nil]) {
            success = [childURL getResourceValue:&isDir forKey:NSURLIsDirectoryKey error:NULL];
            if (success && ! isDir.boolValue ) {
                [self addAutorespondFileAtURL:childURL toContent:content URLs:URLs];
    } else {
        [self addAutorespondFileAtURL:self.autorespondContentURL toContent:content URLs:URLs];
    self.autorespondContent = content;
    self.autorespondURLs = URLs;
    assert([self.autorespondContent count] == [self.autorespondURLs count]);
- (void)run {
    [self logWithFormat:@"server identity: %@", [TLSUtilities subjectSummaryForIdentity:self.serverIdentity]];
    // Read in our autoresponse content.
    if (self.autorespondContentURL != nil) {
        [self readAutorespondContent];
        if (self.autorespondContent.count == 0) {
            [self logWithFormat:@"server could not read any autorespond content"];
    // Create the NSNetService object that handles incoming connections.  We don't care 
    // about the domain or name (they both have reasonable defaults) but we have to supply 
    // a type.
    self.server = [[NSNetService alloc] initWithDomain:@"" type:@"_x-TLSTool._tcp." name:@"" port:(int) self.port];
    self.server.delegate = self;
    [self.server publishWithOptions:NSNetServiceListenForConnections];
    // Run the server.  We can't use dispatch_main because NSNetService really wants a 
    // run loop <rdar://problem/17960834>.  We have to have an exit() after the 
    // -[NSRunLoop run] because it can return under oddball circumstances.
    [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];
- (void)startConnectionWithInputStream:(NSInputStream *)inputStream outputStream:(NSOutputStream *)outputStream responseData:(NSData *)responseData {
    BOOL                    success;
    SSLContextRef           context;
    assert(inputStream  != nil);
    assert(outputStream != nil);
    // Apply TLS settings.  Not that we always disable client trust evaluation because 
    // the built-in support exhibits some very odd behaviour.  Rather, we do it all 
    // manually in -evaluateClientTrustManually.
    success = [inputStream  setProperty:@{
        (__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamSSLIsServer:                  @YES, 
        (__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamSSLCertificates:              @[ (__bridge id) self.serverIdentity ], 
        (__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain: @NO
    } forKey:(__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings];
    // Requesting a client certificate can't be done directly using socket stream properties; 
    // instead we get the Secure Transport context and set it up there.
    context = (__bridge SSLContextRef) [inputStream propertyForKey:(__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamPropertySSLContext];
    assert(context != NULL);
    success = SSLSetClientSideAuthenticate(context, self.clientCertificateMode) == errSecSuccess;
    // Previous versions of the code used to call SSLSetCertificateAuthorities here.  Now we 
    // completely disable client trust evaluation and do it all ourselves in -evaluateClientTrustManually.
    [super startConnectionWithInputStream:inputStream outputStream:outputStream responseData:responseData];
/*! Called when a connection is established to do client trust evaluation.
- (void)evaluateClientTrustManually{
    OSStatus            err;
    NSString *          errorMessage;
    SecTrustRef         trust;
    SecTrustResultType  trustResult;
    errorMessage = nil;
    trust = (__bridge SecTrustRef) [self.inputStream propertyForKey:(__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerTrust];
    if (trust == NULL) {
        // On some OS X versions prior to 10.11, if you set the client-side authentication mode 
        // to kAlwaysAuthenticate the systems acts like you set it to mode kTryAuthenticate 
        // <rdar://problem/18816667>.  So, if we're in the mode kAlwaysAuthenticate and we didn't 
        // get a trust object, we fail.
        if (self.clientCertificateMode == kAlwaysAuthenticate) {
            errorMessage = @"client certificate required but not presented";
    } else if ( ! self.disableClientTrustEvaluation ) {
        // In -startConnectionWithInputStream:outputStream:responseData: we always disable the 
        // default client trust evaluation so here we have to do the trust evaluation manually.  
        // If anything fails, the connection fails.
        errorMessage = @"manual client trust evaluation failed";
        if (self.clientCertificateRoots.count == 0) {
            err = errSecSuccess;
        } else {
            err = SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(trust, (__bridge CFArrayRef) self.clientCertificateRoots);
        if (err == errSecSuccess) {
            err = SecTrustEvaluate(trust, &trustResult);
            if (err == errSecSuccess) {
                if ( (trustResult == kSecTrustResultProceed) || (trustResult == kSecTrustResultUnspecified) ) {
                    errorMessage = nil;
    if (errorMessage != nil) {
        [self logWithFormat:@"%@", errorMessage];
        [self stopConnectionWithError:[NSError errorWithDomain:NSOSStatusErrorDomain code:errSSLXCertChainInvalid userInfo:nil]];
- (void)connectionDidOpen {
    [self evaluateClientTrustManually];
- (void)netServiceDidPublish:(NSNetService *)sender {
    assert(sender == self.server);
    // If you have multiple Bonjour registration domains (you most commonly see this 
    // when Back to My Mac is enabled), -netServiceDidPublish: is called multiple 
    // times, once for each domain.  We don't want to confused our users by printing 
    // multiple "server did start" messages, so we only print that message on the 
    // first call.
    // Note that hasPrintedServerDidStartMessage is never cleared because the server 
    // runs until someone terminates the entire process.
    if ( ! self.hasPrintedServerDidStartMessage ) {
        [self logWithFormat:@"server did start"];
        self.hasPrintedServerDidStartMessage = YES;
- (void)netService:(NSNetService *)sender didNotPublish:(NSDictionary *)errorDict {
    assert(sender == self.server);
    [self logWithFormat:@"server startup failed %@ / %@", errorDict[NSNetServicesErrorDomain], errorDict[NSNetServicesErrorCode]];
- (void)netService:(NSNetService *)sender didAcceptConnectionWithInputStream:(NSInputStream *)inputStream outputStream:(NSOutputStream *)outputStream {
    dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
        assert(sender == self.server);
        if (self.isStarted) {
            // We already have a connection in place; reject this connection.
            [inputStream  open];
            [outputStream open];
            [inputStream  close];
            [outputStream close];
        } else {
            NSData *        responseData;
            // If we have autoresponse content, work out which content to send next.
            responseData = nil;
            if (self.autorespondContent != nil) {
                NSString *      responseFileNamePath;
                responseData = self.autorespondContent[self.nextAutorespondContentIndex];
                responseFileNamePath = [self.autorespondURLs[self.nextAutorespondContentIndex] path].lastPathComponent;
                self.nextAutorespondContentIndex += 1;
                if (self.nextAutorespondContentIndex == self.autorespondContent.count) {
                    self.nextAutorespondContentIndex = 0;
                [self logWithFormat:@"server will respond with contents of '%@'", responseFileNamePath];
            // Start a connection based on these streams.
            [self startConnectionWithInputStream:inputStream outputStream:outputStream responseData:responseData];