Technical Note TN2157

Audio Units - How to correctly save and restore Audio Unit presets.

Applications that host Audio Units can take advantage of the Audio Unit preset mechanism. Presets give users a quick method of choosing a combination of settings for an audio unit, without going through the hassle of making adjustments everytime an Audio Unit gets loaded.

An Audio Unit can have a specific state at any given time. The state of an audio unit refers to the internal values that can affect its behavior; in most cases, these are the parameters. Audio Units tend to have large amounts of these internal values, making it is useful to allow these values to be saved and restored as presets for later use.

These states can be either shipped with an Audio Unit, or saved in a file format, that can be loaded by a hosting application.

Factory Presets are a set of pre-defined audio unit settings that are shipped with an Audio Unit. They usually define common settings that an Audio Unit will ordinarily use. For example, a reverb Audio Unit might want to include several factory presets such as a small room or a large hall.

User states are custom settings that can be created by a user. Essentially, a user state is a snapshot of the current settings on an audio unit at any given time, which could be stored in a file format.

Finding presets
Restoring a preset from file
Saving Custom User Presets
Document Revision History

Finding presets


Factory presets can be retrieved from an audio unit by using the method AudioUnitGetProperty with the kAudioUnitProperty_FactoryPresets property.

Listing 1  Factory Presets

 CFArrayRef presets = NULL;
    propertySize = sizeof(presets);
    err = AudioUnitGetProperty(SomeAudioUnit,


Presets can also be read off disk and used to set the state of an audio unit. These presets are stored on disk in one of these three locations with the extension .aupreset:

  • User Domain - ~/Library/Audio/Presets/

  • Local Domain - /Library/Audio/Presets/

  • Network Domain - /Network/Library/Audio/Presets/

Presets stored within these directories must be organized in deeper directories by manufacturer name and Audio Unit name. This is the only way to associate a preset with it's accompanying Audio Unit. For example, the presets of the SampleEffect Audio Unit included the Core Audio SDK are stored in:

  • ~/Library/Audio/Presets/Acme Inc/SampleEffectUnit/MyPreset.aupreset

Restoring a preset from file

The class info property represents the current state of an audio unit. This property is stored in a CFPropertyListRef, which is an XML format, which can be cast to a CFDictionaryRef or an NSDictionary. After locating and obtaining audio unit state information from an .aupreset file, you can restore the audio unit with the state information by using the method AudioUnitSetProperty with kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo.

Listing 2  Restoring Presets

    // now that we've potentially changed the values of the parameter we
    // should notify any listeners of this change:
    AudioUnitParameter changedUnit;
    changedUnit.mAudioUnit = theAudioUnit;
    changedUnit.mParameterID = kAUParameterListener_AnyParameter;
    RequireNoErr (AUParameterListenerNotify (NULL, NULL, &changedUnit));

Saving Custom User Presets

To save an audio unit state to an .aupreset file, you must set the audio unit to reflect the new preset and obtain the class info to be saved to disk.

Before retrieving the current state, you must create a new AUPreset and set it as the present preset using the property ID kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset. The AUPreset should have a name and have a preset number less than zero. Setting this property will name the new preset you are creating and will be included when you fetch the audio unit state information later to save as a file.

Listing 3  Saving Presets

 AUPreset myPreset;
    myPreset.presetNumber = -1; //should be less than zero ,(user preset)
    myPreset.presetName = CFSTR("Name of New Preset");

To obtain the current state from an audio unit, use AudioUnitGetProperty with the kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo property. An example is below:

Listing 4  Getting the class info (current settings)

 CFPropertyListRef  myClassData;
    UInt32 size = sizeof(CFPropertyListRef);

After retrieving the current state information, save this data as an .aupreset file in the local, user, or network domain as described above.


Audio Unit Presets eases the burden put on users to manually reset the state of an audio unit every time it is loaded. Presets make using audio units and their hosting application much easier for users.

Document Revision History


Corrected minor bug in Listing 3 that would cause it to return a kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue.


New document that illustrates how applications hosting Audio Units correctly save and restore audio unit presets.