Animalify Extension/script.js

    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This is the content script injected into web pages. Once the DOM has loaded on the web page that this content script is injected into, it sends a message to the Safari App Extension, and gets a response with the words to replace and what to replace them with. Once it gets the response, it traverses the DOM and performs the replacements.
// Wait for the DOM to load before dispatching a message to the app extension's Swift code.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
// Listens for messages sent from the app extension's Swift code.
safari.self.addEventListener("message", messageHandler);
function messageHandler(event)
    if ( === "WordsAndReplacements") {
        // The userInfo of the call to -[SFSafariPage dispatchMessageToScriptWithName:userInfo:].
        var wordReplacementMap = event.message;
        for (var wordToReplace in wordReplacementMap) {
            replace(document.body, wordToReplace, wordReplacementMap[wordToReplace]);
function replace(node, word, replacement) {
    switch (node.nodeType)
        case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
            // We don't want to replace text in an input field or textarea.
            if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "input" || node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "textarea") {
            // For other types of element nodes, we explicitly fall through to iterate over their children.
        case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
            // If the node is a container node, iterate over all the children and recurse into them.
            var child = node.firstChild;
            var next = undefined;
            while (child) {
                next = child.nextSibling;
                replace(child, word, replacement);
                child = next;
        case Node.TEXT_NODE:
            // If the node is a text node, perform the text replacement.
            replaceTextInTextNode(node, word, replacement);
function replaceTextInTextNode(textNode, word, replacement) {
    // Skip over nodes that aren't text nodes.
    if (textNode.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE)
    // And text nodes that don't have any text.
    if (!textNode.nodeValue.length)
    // Generate a regular expression object to perform the replacement.
    var expressionForWordToReplace = new RegExp(word, "gi");
    var nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue;
    var newNodeValue = nodeValue.replace(expressionForWordToReplace, replacement);
    // Perform the replacement in the DOM if the regular expression had any effect.
    if (nodeValue !== newNodeValue) {
        textNode.nodeValue = newNodeValue;