Provide tax information

Provide Australia tax information

If you’re based in Australia, you’re required to complete Australian tax information. Although you may not be required to register for goods and services tax (GST) with the Australian government, Apple requires that Australia-based developers have a GST registration to sell apps.

To meet Apple’s tax requirements, you’ll need an electronic copy of your GST registration and evidence of your Australian Business Number (ABN). The evidence can be screenshots or PDF files of the ABN registration. Collect the current details with enough information to associate this ABN with the legal entity name you’ve given Apple and the historical details to show that the developer is registered for the GST.

Required role: Account Holder, Admin, or Finance. View role permissions.

  1. From the home page, click Business.

  2. Click on your legal entity name.

  3. On the Agreements tab, find Tax Forms section, then click Add Tax Info.

  4. Upload the file or files with ABN and GST registration evidence.

  5. Enter your ABN.

  6. Verify that the information you entered is correct, then click Submit.

Once you submit this page, you won’t be able to make any changes in App Store Connect. For any corrections or additional tax forms, contact us.