Archiving and Unarchiving Objects

HIArchive provides a convenient way to store data objects in a portable format. This chapter describes the basics of archiving and unarchiving objects using HIArchive APIs.

What Can Be Archived?

You can use HIArchive to archive any CFPropertyList data types. Some examples:

CFPropertyList collection types are archivable if they contain only archivable objects.

You can also archive any HIObject that supports the HIArchive protocol. All the standard HIViews (menus, controls) and windows support archiving. If you use custom views, you need to add some additional code to support archiving. See Making HIObjects Archivable for details.

In addition, you can archive other CFTypes by manually serializing them to CFData objects (which are archivable).

All data is stored in the HIArchive as key value pairs.

Using Default Values for Efficiency

Often when archiving data, you may find that certain item values are unchanged from their initial or default values. For example, a custom view may have bounds that, while modifiable, are more often left in their initial state. In cases where you would encode known default values into an archive, you can leave such items out. Then during decoding, if an expected key does not exist, you should assign that item its default value. Doing so minimizes archive space and encoding/decoding time.

However, keep the following thoughts in mind:

The examples in this document check for default values and do not write them to the archive.

Archiving Objects

To write data to an archive, your application must first create a write-only archive (specified by an HIArchiveRef object) by calling HIArchiveCreateForEncoding.

To add data to the archive, you call the appropriate encoding function:

All data is encoded with a (CFStringRef) key, which uniquely identifies the data within the archive. The keys must be unique only within the current object you are encoding. For example, keys used by object A do not conflict with keys used by object B, even if A and B are instances of the same class. Within a single object, however, keys used by a subclass can conflict with keys used by its superclass. If you overwrite a superclass key, HIArchive warns you by sending a message to the console output; it is up to you to decide whether this message indicates an error.

System-supplied HIObjects always have an HI prefix in the key name; your custom HIObject subclasses should avoid using this prefix unless you are explicitly overriding a value written to the archive by the superclass. With careful use of keys, your archives can support versioning; on older versions, newly keyed data written on a more recent version of software or OS is ignored.

If you call HIArchiveEncodeCFType on your own custom HIObject, the system sends a kEventHIObjectEncode Carbon event to the object. It is then your custom object’s responsibility to encode the appropriate instance data into the archive specified in the kEventParamHIArchive parameter using the HIArchiveEncodeXXX calls. To receive the kEventHIObjectEncode event, your HIObject must indicate that it supports archiving by passing false to the HIObject function HIObjectSetArchivingIgnored. For more details, see Making HIObjects Archivable.

After you have encoded all the data into the archive, call HIArchiveCopyEncodedData to compress the data. After compression, you handle the archive using the returned Core Foundation data reference (CFDataRef). You can use this reference to write the archive to disk, pass it to another application, copy it to a pasteboard, and so on. After compression, you can no longer write to the archive, and you must release the original archive reference (HIArchiveRef) by calling CFRelease.

Listing 1-1 shows how you might encode data items into an archive and then write the archive to a file specified by a URL.

Listing 1-1  Encoding items and writing to a file

#define kFirstItemKey CFSTR("myFirstItemKey");
#define kSecondItemKey CFSTR("mySecondItemKey");
OSStatus ArchiveObjectsInFile (CFTypeRef firstItem,
                                CFTypeRef secondItem, CFURLRef inFileURL )
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    HIArchiveRef encoder;
    CFDataRef encodedData;
    err = HIArchiveCreateForEncoding( &encoder ); // 1
    require_noerr (err, cantCreateEncoder);
    if (!CFEqual( firstItem, kDefaultFirstItem))  // 2
        err = HIArchiveEncodeCFType( encoder, kFirstItemKey, firstItem ); // 3
        require_noerr (err, cantEncodeObject);
    if (!CFEqual( secondItem, kDefaultSecondItem))  // 4
        err = HIArchiveEncodeCFType( encoder, kSecondItemKey, secondItem );
        require_noerr (err, cantEncodeObject);
    err = HIArchiveCopyEncodedData( encoder, &encodedData ); // 5
    require_noerr (err, cantCopyEncodedData);
        CFURLWriteDataAndPropertiesToResource( inFileURL, encodedData,  // 6
                                NULL, NULL ));
    CFRelease ( encodedData ); // 7
    CFRelease ( encoder ); // 8
    return err;

Here is how the code works:

  1. Creates an HIArchive to hold the encoded data.

  2. Checks to see if the value to be archived is the same as the default value. The default value could be any value you would commonly expect to see for this archivable item; an initial position or setting, standard size, default attribute, and so on. If the value to be archived is the same as the default, you can skip the archiving procedure, which saves space and processing time. Of course, you must make sure that your unarchiving function automatically inserts default values for items that do not appear in the archive.

  3. Calls the HIArchiveEncodeCFType function to add the item to the archive by key.

  4. Repeats the archiving process for the second item.

  5. After encoding all the items, calls HIArchiveCopyEncodedData to flatten the archived items into a CFData object.

  6. Writes the CFData object to a file URL.

  7. Releases the CFData object.

  8. Releases the archive.

Unarchiving Objects

To read data from an archive, your application must create a read-only archive from the specified CFDataRef by calling HIArchiveCreateForDecoding. You retrieve data from the archive using the appropriate decoding functions:

If you call HIArchiveCopyDecodedCFType to retrieve a custom HIObject from an archive, the system sends a kEventHIObjectInitialize event to the object. Your HIObject’s initialization handler must then retrieve data for its custom HIObject from the kEventParamHIArchive parameter using the HIArchiveDecodeXXX calls. See see Making HIObjects Archivable for details.

When you finish retrieving data from the archive, call CFRelease to release the archive reference.

Listing 1-2 shows how you might unarchive data using a CFData reference. This data may be the reference obtained from a HIArchiveCopyEncodedData call or a copy obtained from a file, URL, or other source. For example, you could call CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource, to load the XML data from an arbitrary URL.

Listing 1-2  Decoding items from a CFData reference

OSStatus LoadObjectsFromCFData( CFTypeRef* firstItem,
                            CFTypeRef* secondItem, CFDataRef inData )
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    HIArchiveRef decoder;
    err = HIArchiveCreateForDecoding( inData, 0, &decoder ); // 1
    require_noerr( err, cantCreateDecoder );
    err = HIArchiveCopyDecodedCFType( decoder, kFirstItemKey, firstItem); // 2
    if (err == hiArchiveKeyNotAvailableErr)  // 3
        *firstItem = CFRetain( kDefaultFirstItem);
        require_noerr( err, cantDecodeObjectFromData );
    err = HIArchiveCopyDecodedCFType( decoder, kSecondItemKey, secondItem ); // 4
    if (err == hiArchiveKeyNotAvailableErr)
        *secondItem = CFRetain( kDefaultSecondItem);
        require_noerr( err, cantDecodeObjectFromData );
    CFRelease( decoder ); // 5
    return err;

Here is how the code works:

  1. Creates an HIArchive for decoding items.

  2. Attempts to decode the first archive object by key name.

  3. Assigns a default value for this item if the error indicates that the specified key does not exist in the archive . If you are opening an older archive that does not contain the latest items, you can also use defaults to populate the missing values.

  4. Repeats the unarchiving for the second item.

  5. Releases the archive.

Editing Archives

If you want to create a generic HIArchive editor, you should keep the following in mind: