Making HIObjects Archivable

If you want your custom HIObjects (such as custom HIViews) to support HIArchiving, you need to implement some additional code to do so. This chapter describes the modifications you need to make.

How to Support HIArchive Encoding

To support HIArchive encoding, your HIObject must be able to respond to the kEventHIObjectEncode event. Your custom HIObject receives this event during encoding, and it is the responsibility of the HIObject to encode its instance data into the provided HIArchive.

You encode your HIObject instance data just as you would any other data, using the HIArchiveEncodeBoolean, HIArchiveEncodeNumber, or HIArchiveEncodeCFType functions, giving each value a unique key.

In addition to supporting the kEventHIObjectEncode event, your HIObject must also indicate that it supports archiving by passing false to the HIObject function HIObjectSetArchivingIgnored. Typically you do so in your HIObject’s kEventHIObjectInitialize event handler. If you don’t call this function, your HIObject will never receive the encoding event.

Listing 1-1 shows how you can implement the handler for the kEventHIObjectEncode event.

Listing 2-1  An kEventHIObjectEncode event handler

OSStatus MyHIObjectEncode(
  EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef,
  EventRef inEvent,
  void* inRefCon )
 OSStatus err;
 HIArchiveRef encoder;
 MyHIViewData* myData = (MyHIViewData*)inRefCon;
 err = CallNextEventHandler( inCallRef, inEvent ); // 1
 require_noerr( err, cantEncodeSuperclass );
 err = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamHIArchive, typeCFTypeRef, // 2
                         NULL, sizeof( HIArchiveRef ), NULL, &encoder );
 require_noerr (err, cantGetArchive);
 if (!CFEqual (myData->myFirstDataItem, kDefaultFirstItemValue))  // 3
    err = HIArchiveEncodeCFType( encoder, kMyFirstDataItemArchiveKey,  // 4
                                    myData-> myFirstDataItem );
    require_noerr( err, cantEncodeItem );
 if (!CFEqual( myData->mySecondDataItem, kDefaultSecondItemValue)) // 5
    err = HIArchiveEncodeNumber ( encoder, kMySecondDataItemArchiveKey,
                     kCFNumberCFIndexType, &(myData->mySecondDataItem ));
    require_noerr( err, cantEncodeItem );
  return err;

Here is how the code works:

  1. As usual, your event handler must call the Carbon Event Manager function CallNextEventHandler to allow the superclass a chance to encode its data into the archive. If you are subclassing from HIView, the HIView base class will archive basic HIView data such as the view’s size, bounds, and so on.

  2. Obtains the HIArchive reference to encode into. This reference is packaged in the kEventHIObjectEncode event.

  3. Checks to see if the value of the first instance data item is the same as some default value. If so, you don’t need to encode this item (as long as your decoder knows to assign the default value for any nonexistent keys) Doing so saves space in the archive (and minimizes processing time).

  4. Encodes the first instance data item. HIView. You must call HIArchiveEncodeCFType or one of its wrapper variants (for CFBooleans or CFNumbers) for each field in your instance data structure. In this example, the instance data structure would look something like this:

    typedef struct
        HIViewRef view;
        CFStringRef myFirstDataItem;
        CFIndex mySecondDataItem;
    } MyHIViewData;

    Notice that you don’t have to encode the HIView reference (HIViewRef), because HIArchive does this for you automatically.

    The archive keys (for example, kMyFirstDataItemArchiveKey), are application-defined CFString constants that uniquely identify each data item you want to archive (and later retrieve).

  5. Repeat for the second instance data item.

How to Support HIArchive Decoding

To support HIArchive decoding, your HIObject must be able to instantiate itself from archive data. Doing so requires that your kEventHIObjectInitialize event handler be able to extract instance data for your object from an HIArchive.

When your custom HIObject receives the kEventHIObjectInitialize event, you could check to see if an HIArchive parameter was passed to you. If so, you should unarchive the instance data before proceeding with any standard initalization.

Listing 1-2 shows how to decode archive information within your kEventHIObjectInitialize event handler.

Listing 2-2  Decoding items in a kEventHIObjectInitialize event handler

OSStatus MyHIObjectInitialize(
    EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef,
    EventRef inEvent,
    void* inRefCon )
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    HIArchiveRef decoder = NULL;
    MyHIViewData* myData = (MyHIViewData*)inRefCon;
    err = CallNextEventHandler( inCallRef, inEvent );
    require_noerr( err, cantInitializeSuperclass );
    GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamHIArchive, typeCFTypeRef, NULL,  // 1
                        sizeof( HIArchiveRef ), NULL, &decoder );
    if ( decoder != NULL ) // 2
        err = HIArchiveCopyDecodedCFType( decoder,
        kMyFirstDataItemArchiveKey, (CFTypeRef*)&myData->myFirstDataItem );
    if (decoder == NULL || err == hiArchiveKeyNotAvailableErr)  // 3
        myData->myFirstDataItem = CFRetain ( kDefaultFirstItem );
    err = HIArchiveDecodeNumber( decoder, kMySecondDataItemArchiveKey, // 4
                     kCFNumberCFIndexType, &(myData->mySecondDataItem ));
    if (decoder == NULL || err == hiArchiveKeyNotAvailableErr)
        myData->mySecondDataItem = CFRetain( kDefaultSecondItem );
    //perform any common initialization here
    HIObjectSetArchivingIgnored ( myData->view, false );  // 5
    return err;

Here is how the code works:

  1. Attempts to obtain the HIArchive parameter. If the initialization is occurring in response to an unarchiving attempt, HIArchive automatically supplies the appropriate HIArchive reference in the initialization event.

  2. Attempts to decode the first archive object by key name.

  3. If the decoder did not exist (that is, this is a standard initialization) or if the key did not exist, sets the first item to its default value.

  4. Repeat for the second item.

  5. Sets the archiving ignored attribute to false to indicate that this HIObject supports the HIArchive protocol. Doing so ensures that the HIObject receives kEventHIObjectEncode events.

Adding Additional Archivable Information

Sometimes you want to associate additional information with an HIObject before you archive it. For example, you may want to store initialization parameters with the HIObject, or metadata that is useful to your application. In most cases, this archive data is useful only if you are writing an HIArchive editor.

Use the HIObject function HIObjectSetCustomArchiveData to associate a CFDictionary with an HIObject:

OSStatus HIObjectSetCustomArchiveData (
   HIObjectRef inObject,
   CFDictionaryRef inCustomData

When you set this archive information, the dictionary is automatically archived by the HIObject base class when it receives the kEventHIObjectEncode event. (Remember to call CallNextEventHandler if you handle the encoding event.)

To retrieve archived data, you use the HIObjectCopyCustomArchiveData function:

OSStatus HIObjectCopyCustomArchiveData (
   HIObjectRef inObject,
   CFDictionaryRef* outCustomData

HIObject defines several keys to use when adding standard data (such as initialization parameters or class IDs) to an archive dictionary. You can also define your own keys if necessary. For example, you use the following keys to store initialization parameters:

const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataParameterNamesKey;
const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataParameterTypesKey;
const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataParameterValuesKey;

Each key represents a CFArray of initialization parameter names, types, or values. These keys correspond to the initialization parameters you can set for a custom HIView in Interface Builder (in the Attributes pane of the Inspector window).

Internally, when unarchiving your custom HIObject, HIArchive automatically extracts any initialization parameter information from the archive data, packages that in a kEventHIObjectInitialize event, and sends the event to your object. If for some reason HIArchive chooses to instantiate your HIObject superclass instead (your HIObject class was not registered), you can still access the initialization parameters through this archive dictionary. An HIArchive editor can obtain the data in this manner so that the user can view or change it.

You can also store the HIObject class and superclass IDs:

const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataClassIDKey;
const CFStringRef kHIObjectCustomDataSuperClassIDKey;

Note that HIArchive automatically stores the class ID of a custom HIObject during the archiving process. As a result, you need to use the class and superclass keys only if you are editing an existing archive.

For more information about custom archiving keys, see HIObject Reference.