Remote Debugging in Xcode

Xcode’s integrated debugger supports remote graphical debugging when debugging with GDB. Remote debugging lets you debug a program running on another computer. This is good for programs that you cannot easily debug on the host on which they are running. For example, you may be trying to debug a full-screen application, such as a game, or a problem with event handling in your application’s GUI. Interacting with the debugger on the same computer interferes with the execution of the program you are trying to debug. In these cases, you have to debug the program remotely.

With Xcode’s remote graphical debugging, you can debug a program running on a remote machine within the Xcode debugger, as you would any local executable, without resorting to the command-line.

This chapter introduces remote debugging in Xcode and walks you through enabling remote debugging in Xcode. To set up your project for remote debugging, you must perform the steps described in the following three sections:

  1. Configuring Remote Login describes how to configure your local computer and the remote host to allow remote login using SSH public key authentication.

  2. Creating a Shared Build Location describes how to set up a shared build directory that both computers can access via the same path.

  3. Configuring Your Executable for Remote Debugging describes how to configure the executable of the program you wish to debug for remote debugging in Xcode.

Configuring Remote Login

Remote debugging in Xcode relies on SSH public key authentication to create a secure connection with the remote computer. To facilitate authentication, Xcode integrates with ssh-agent. This lets you use encrypted private keys for added security without having to re-enter your passphrase each time Xcode establishes a connection to the remote host. If you already use a third party utility to set up the environment variables used by ssh-agent, Xcode attempts to use those settings. Otherwise, Xcode uses its own agent for authentication.

Before starting a remote debugging session, you need to be able to login to the remote computer. To do this, you must:

  1. Enable remote login on the computer that will host the program being debugged. In the Sharing pane of System Preferences, under “Services,” select Remote Login. This allows access to the remote computer via SSH.

  2. Ensure that you can connect to the remote host using SSH public key authentication. If you are unsure whether you are using SSH public key authentication, you can test this by logging in to the remote computer with ssh. If you are prompted for the user’s password, you are not using public key authentication. If you are prompted for a passphrase—or for nothing at all—you are already using public key authentication.

If you are not set up to log in to the remote host using SSH public key authentication, you need to create a public/private key pair, and configure the local and host computers to use it. You can do so with the following steps:

  1. Generate a public / private key pair using ssh-keygen. On the command line, type the following line:

    ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t dsa

    This generates 2048-bit DSA keys. You should see output similar to the following:

    Generating public/private dsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/admin/.ssh/id_dsa):
    /Users/admin/.ssh/id_dsa already exists.
    Overwrite (y/n)? y
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /Users/admin/.ssh/id_dsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /Users/admin/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:
  2. Copy the public key to the authorized_keys file on the remote computer. This file is usually stored at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. If the authorized_keys file already exists on the remote computer, be careful not to overwrite the file. You can add the public key, which is stored in the file you specified to ssh-keygen ( by default), by entering the following on the command line:

    cat >>! ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  3. Make sure that the authorized_keys file is not readable by anybody else. Change the permissions on the file by entering the following on the command line:

    chmod go-rwx ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  4. Test the connection by logging in to the remote computer using ssh. From the command-line, type “ssh username@hostname”. Ensure that you are not asked for the user’s password. If you did not leave it empty in Step 1, you should be prompted for your passphrase, as in the following example:

    Enter passphrase for key '/Users/admin/.ssh/id_dsa':

If you are debugging a GUI application, you must be logged into the remote computer as the same user that you connect to using ssh. This user must have permission to read the build products.

Creating a Shared Build Location

For remote debugging to work, both computers—both the local computer running Xcode and the remote host running the program you are debugging—must have access to your project’s build products and intermediate files via the same access path. You can do this in either of two ways:

Configuring Your Executable for Remote Debugging

Once you have configured both computers to allow for remote login and set up a common build products location, the last step is configuring the executable you want to debug remotely. You may consider creating a separate custom executable environment for remote debugging. Using separate executable environments, you can specify different options for debugging remotely and debugging locally and easily switch between the two modes.

To configure an executable for remote debugging:

  1. Select the executable and open an inspector or Info window. Click Debugging to open the debugging pane.

  2. Make sure that “GDB” is selected in the “When using” pop-up menu at the top of the Debugging pane. Select the option for “Debug executable remotely via SSH.” In the Host field, type in the user you will log in as and the address of the remote host; for example, “”

  3. From the “Use <device> for standard input /output” menu, choose “Pipe.”

To start a remote debugging session, make sure the active executable is correctly set, then build and debug your product as normal. Before it launches the executable, Xcode displays an authentication dialog that asks you to type in your passphrase. After you have authenticated once, Xcode does not prompt you for your pass phrase again until the next time you initiate a remote debugging session after restarting Xcode.

If you are experiencing problems debugging on the remote host, look in the debugger console for error messages. To view the debugger console, choose Debugger > Console Log.