Commonly Used String Methods
The following sections list the most commonly used NSString and NSMutableString methods. The methods covered are grouped in the following categories:- Creating Strings
- Combining and Dividing Strings
- Comparing Strings
- Converting String Contents
- Modifying Strings
- Storing Strings
Creating Strings
The methods in this section are class methods, as denoted by the plus sign (+). You use class methods to send messages to a class-in this case, NSString and NSMutableString. For more information on class methods, see "Messaging in WebScript" in the "Using WebScript" chapter.
- + string
- Returns an empty string. Usually used to create NSMutableStrings. NSStrings created with this method are permanently empty.
/* Most common use */ id mutableString = [NSMutableString string]; /* May not be what you want */ id string = [NSString string];
- + stringWithFormat:
- Returns a string created by substituting arguments into a specified format string in the manner that printf() does in the C programming language. In WebScript, only the "at sign" (@) conversion character is supported, and it expects a corresponding id argument.
// These are fine id party = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Party date: %@", partyDate]; id mailto = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"mailto: %@", [person email]]; id footer = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Interaction %@ in session %@.", numberOfInteractions, sessionNumber]; // C users, NO! This won't work. Only %@ is supported. id string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d of %d %s", x, y, cString];
- + stringWithString:
- Returns a string containing the same contents as a specified string. This method is usually used to create an NSMutableString from an NSString. For example, the following statement:
id mutableString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"Change me."];
- + stringWithContentsOfFile:
- Returns a string created by reading characters from a specified file. For example, the following statement creates an NSString containing the contents of the file specified in path.
id fileContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path];
Combining and Dividing Strings
- - stringByAppendingFormat:
- Returns a string made by appending to the receiver a string constructed from a specified format string and following arguments in the manner of stringWithFormat:. For example, assume the variable guestName contains the string "Rena". Then the following code excerpt:
id string = @"Hi"; id message = [string stringByAppendingFormat:@", %@!", guestName];
- - stringByAppendingString:
- Returns a string object made by appending a specified string to the receiver. This code excerpt, for example:
id errorTag = @"Error: "; id errorString = @"premature end of file."; id errorMessage = [errorTag stringByAppendingString:errorString];
- - componentsSeparatedByString:
- Returns an NSArray containing substrings from the receiver that have been divided by a specified separator string. For example, the following statements:
id toolString = @"wrenches, hammers, saws"; id toolArray = [toolString componentsSeparatedByString:@", "];
produce an NSArray containing the strings "wrenches", "hammers", and "saws."
See also componentsJoinedByString: (NSArray and NSMutableArray).
- - substringToIndex:
- Returns a string object containing the characters of the receiver up to, but not including, the one at the specified index.
- - substringFromIndex:
- Returns a string object containing the characters of the receiver from the one at the specified index to the end.
Comparing Strings
- - compare:
- Returns -1 if the receiver precedes a specified string in lexical ordering, 0 if it is equal, and 1 if it follows. For example, the following statements:
if ([@"hello" compare:@"Hello"] == -1) { result = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"'%@' precedes '%@' lexicographically.", @"hello", @"Hello"]; }
result in an NSString result with the contents "`hello' precedes `Hello' lexicographically."
- - caseInsensitiveCompare:
- Same as compare:, but case distinctions among characters are ignored.
- - isEqual:
- Returns YES if a specified object is equivalent to the receiver, NO otherwise. An object is equivalent to a string if the object is an NSString or an NSMutableString and compare: returns 0. For example, the following statements:
if ([string isEqual:newString) { result = @"Found a match"; }
assign the contents "Found a match" to result if string and newString are lexicographically equal.
Converting String Contents
- - doubleValue
- Returns the the floating-point value of the receiver's text as a double, skipping white space at the beginning of the string
- - floatValue
- Returns the floating-point value of the receiver's text as a float, skipping white space at the beginning of the string.
- - intValue
- Returns the integer value of the string's text, assuming a decimal representation and skipping white space at the beginning of the string.
Modifying Strings
Warning: The following methods are not supported by NSString. They are only available to NSMutableString objects.- - appendFormat:
- Appends a constructed string to the receiver. Creates the new string by using stringWithFormat: method with the arguments listed. For example, in the following code excerpt, assume the variable guestName contains the string "Rena":
id message = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"Hi"]; [message appendFormat:@", %@!", guestName];
- - appendString:
- Adds the characters of a specified string to the end of the receiver. For example, the following statements create an NSMutableString and append another string to its initial value:
id mutableString = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"Hello "]; [mutableString appendString:@"world!"];
- - setString:
- Replaces the characters of the receiver with those in a specified string. For example, the following statement replaces the contents of an NSMutableString with the empty string:
[mutableString setString:@""];
Storing Strings
- - writeToFile:atomically:
- Writes the string to a specified file, returning YES on success and NO on failure. If YES is specified for atomically:, this method writes the string to an auxiliary file and then renames the auxiliary file to the specified path. In this way, it ensures that the contents of the specified path do not become corrupted if the system crashes during writing. The resulting file is suitable for use with stringWithContentsOfFile:. For example, the following code excerpt:
id errorLog = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:errorPath]; id newErrorLog = [errorLog stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@: %@.\n", timeStamp, @"premature end of file."]; [newErrorLog writeToFile:errorPath atomically:YES];
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