Mach Post-Installation Steps
In the WebObjects documentation, links from the documentation to example WebObjects applications are of the form:http://localhost/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Examples/WebScript/ApplicationNameAs long as you are accessing the documentation from the HTTP server machine (that is, localhost) and the HTTP server stores scripts in a directory named cgi-bin, these links work. If you are accessing the documentation over the network, or the HTTP server doesn't call its scripts directory "cgi-bin", the links will be broken.
We've provided a script, curls.sh, that modifies these URLs to use the name of the host and scripts directory specific to your installation. The script is in /NextLibrary/Documentation/NextDev/WebObjects/Installer.
Assuming your computer's hostname is "Mars" and its scripts directory is "Scripts", you could modify the URLs in the documentation by running these commands in a terminal window:
cd /NextLibrary/Documentation/NextDev/WebObjects/Installer curls.sh -h Mars -c Scripts -F WOPagesSee the curls.sh script itself for more information about its operation.
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