Verifying the Installation
At this point, you should have installed WebObjects as described in the WebObjects Installation Guide (included with the WebObjects 3.5 CD), perform the post-installation steps for your operating system as described in the first part of this document, and rebooted your computer.After you have completed the installation and the post-installation, verify the installation by performing the following steps:
Note: These steps assume you've installed WebObjects Developer. The examples mentioned below are not installed with WebObjects Deployment. To verify a Deployment installation, you might complete these same steps running other applications.
- Try to run a simple scripted application.
Open a command-shell window and enter the following commands:
DocRoot is the name of your HTTP server's document root.
NeXT_ROOT is the directory in which you installed WebObjects software.
These commands should run the HelloWorld example application, launch a web browser, and enter HelloWorld's URL in the browser. If this doesn't work, go to the topic Troubleshooting.
After you have verified that HelloWorld runs, type Control-C to shut it down.
- If scripted applications work, try running compiled applications. If your operating system has Java support (Windows NT or Solaris), enter the following commands:
> cd ../../Java/HelloWorldJava/HelloWorldJava.woa
> ./HelloWorldJava[.exe]If your operating system does not have Java support (Mach or HP-UX), open the Objective-C version:
> cd ../../ObjectiveC/HelloWorldCompiled/HelloWorldCompiled.woa
> HelloWorldCompiledIf you have trouble running compiled applications, go to the topic Troubleshooting.
- Try autolaunching an application. Be sure that you've killed the executable launched in the previous step. Then open this URL in your web browser:
This URL should run the HelloWorld example application. If you see an error message, go to the topic Troubleshooting.
- Try running an application with database access. Enter the following commands:
> cd ../../Java/DodgeDemoJava/DodgeDemoJava.woa
> ./DodgeDemoJava[.exe]> cd ../../ObjectiveC/DodgeDemo/DodgeDemo.woa
> ./DodgeDemo[.exe]This command should run the DodgeDemo example application. If you see an error message, go to the topic Troubleshooting.
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