Configuration Files
WebObjects HTTP adaptors use configuration files to locate WebObjects application processes. There are two types of configuration files: public and private.- The public configuration file is NeXT_ROOT/NextLibrary/WOAdaptors/Configuration/WebObjects.conf. (NeXT_ROOT is defined at system installation time.) This file tells the adaptor what applications are (or should be) running and allows the adaptor to balance transactions among different instances of the same application. You create the public configuration file using the Monitor application as described in the section "Initial Monitor Setup" in this guide.
In general, you want one public configuration file per site. That means if you have multiple machines running WebObjects, you should access all WebObjects applications through a single machine that is running the HTTP server and that contains the public configuration file.
- A private configuration file is also named WebObjects.conf and is located in the temporary directory of the system (/tmp for Mach, Solaris, and HP-UX platforms or the directory specified by the TEMP environment variable on the Windows NT platform). If the WebObjects adaptor cannot find the public configuration file or if it cannot find the requested WebObjects application in the public configuration file, it searches the private configuration file.
A new private configuration file is created automatically any time a WebObjects application is started and a private configuration file doesn't exist. The adaptor contacts only one instance of an application in the private configuration file; if you manually start HelloWorld and it's already been started, the entry for HelloWorld in the file is overwritten. (The old process will continue to run, but cannot be contacted.) The adaptor also cannot contact a remote instance of an application using the private configuration file.
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