Documentation Archive Developer


Serving WebObjects

To a large extent, WebObjects needs little attention once it is installed. However, there are certain basic administrative tasks that you'll need to know, such as how to install applications and start them up. In addition, you'll probably be concerned about your site's performance somewhere along the line, and you'll need to know how to determine an application's response times and what you can do to improve the response times.

This document contains information that a WebObjects system administrator needs to know. It begins by providing essential background information on WebObjects HTTP adaptors and how they are used to start WebObjects applications. Then it describes how to perform one-time setup of an application called Monitor, which you use to perform many of the necessary administrative tasks. After you read these first two sections, you can learn what the basic administrative tasks are and how to perform them.

Table of Contents

WebObjects HTTP Adaptors
Adaptor Modes
Installed HTTP Adaptors
Setting Up the Monitor Application
Starting Up
Initial Monitor
Administrative Tasks
Installing Applications
Starting WebObjects Applications
Monitoring Application Activity
Performance Testing
Improving Performance
Periodically Shutting Down the Application
Load Balancing
Increasing the Listen Queue Depth
Installing and Configuring NSAPI Adaptors
Installing and Configuring the ISAPI Adaptor
Starting Up Multiple Monitor Instances

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First Section