Installing and Configuring the ISAPI Adaptor
If you have one of Microsoft's Internet Information Servers (IIS), such as the Peer Web server that comes with the NT Workstation or the IIS server that comes with NT Server 4.0, you need to install and configure the ISAPI adaptor that comes with WebObjects Enterprise.Note: This procedure is applicable only to the WebObjects Enterprise product on Windows NT platforms.
- Copy the ISAPI adaptor from its installation location to the server's "Scripts" directory:
cp C:/NeXT/NextLibrary/WOAdaptors/ISAPI/WebObjects-ISAPI.dll C:/INETPUB/Scripts
- Set up your site so that the proper URL for the ISAPI adaptor is submitted when users click buttons, images, or hyperlinks that have as targets WebObjects applications. This URL has the form:
For HTTP requests that use the CGI adaptor, make sure that the URLs conform to this format:
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