Installing Your Application
Some files in a web application (such as images and sounds) must be stored under the web server's document root in order for the server to access them. The remaining files (such as your components and source code) must be accessible to your application but not necessarily by the web server itself.In previous versions of WebObjects, it was typical to store the entire project under the web server's document root. This practice has advantages for turnaround time during development. However, in deployment, it presents the possibility of allowing users access to your source code. WebObjects 3.5 has a "split installation" feature that allows you to install only those files (such as images) that the web server must have access to under the document root. The remaining files can be stored elsewhere.
The same procedure applies to installing WebObjects applications and WebObjects frameworks. To install:
to open the Project Inspector.
- Under "Install In:", set the path where the application wrapper will be installed. This should be NEXT_ROOT/NextLibrary/WOApps for applications and NEXT_ROOT/NextLibrary/Frameworks for frameworks.
- In Makefile.preamble (in the Supporting Files suitcase), set the make variable INSTALLDIR_WEBSERVER to the path where your WebObjects applications will reside under the document root, usually DocumentRoot/WebObjects. The file contains a line you can uncomment for this purpose.
In Project Builder's Build panel, click
- From the Target pop-up menu, choose install. (By default, the target is set to woapp.)
in the Build panel to install your application.

The full application wrapper is copied into the "Install In:" directory, and a wrapper containing only the Web Server Resources is copied into the document root.