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Inherits From:
EOFaultHandler (EOControl) : NSObject

Declared in: EOAccess/EOAccessFault.h

Class Description

EOAccessGenericFaultHandler is an abstract class that helps an EOAccessFault to fire by fetching data using an EODatabaseContext. Don't use EOAcceessGenericFaultHandler directly; instead, use its subclasses EOAccessFaultHandler and EOAccessArrayFaultHandler.

EOAccessGenericFaultHandler lets you chain together all the fault handlers in the access layer, so the batch faulting mechanism can find other faults related to the one that triggered the batch. Use linkAfter:usingGeneration: to link one fault after another. Use next and previous to traverse the chain.

Instance Methods


- (unsigned int)generation

Returns the the receiver's generation, a number that represents when the fault handler was built.


- (void)linkAfter:(EOAccessGenericFaultHandler *)faultHandler
usingGeneration:(unsigned int)generation

Adds the receiver to a chain of fault handlers, after faultHandler. generation is a number that represents when the handler was built. All faults in an access layer can be chained together, so the batch faulting mechanism can find other faults related to the one that triggered the batch.

See also: - next, - previous


- (EOAccessGenericFaultHandler *)next

Returns the next fault in the chain.


public EOAccessGenericFaultHandler previous()

- (EOAccessGenericFaultHandler *)previous

Returns the previous fault in the chain.

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