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Inherits From:

Conforms To: NSObject (NSObject)

Declared in: EOAccess/EOModelGroup.h

Class Description

An EOModelGroup represents an aggregation of related models (see the EOModel class specification for more information on models). When a model in the group needs to resolve a relationship to an entity in another model, it looks for that model in its group. Model groups allow applications to load entities and their properties only as they're needed, by distributing them among separate EOModels.

The default model group contains all models for an application, as well as any frameworks the application references. It is automatically created on demand. The entity name space among all of these models is global; consequently, the same entity name shouldn't appear in any two of the models. All cross-model information is represented in the models by entity name only. Binding the entity name to an actual entity is done at run-time within the EOModelGroup.

In the majority of applications, the automatic creation of the default model group is sufficient. However, your code can override this automatic creation; see "Setting Up A Model Group Programmatically."

EOModelGroup Delegates

Your EOModelGroup object should have a delegate which can influence how it finds and loads models. In addition to the delegates you assign to EOModelGroup instances, the EOModelGroup class itself can have a delegate. The class delegate implements a single method-defaultModelGroup-while the instance delegate can implement the methods defined in the EOModelGroupDelegation protocol. For more information on EOModelGroup class delegate and instance delegate methods, see the EOModelGroupClassDelegation and EOModelGroupDelegation protocol specifications, respectively.Note that the following delegate methods are set on EOModelGroup, rather than EOEntity, to provide a single point in the code where you can alter the database-to-objects mapping:

Method Types

Accessing the group
- addModel:
- addModelWithFile:
- modelNamed:
- modelNames
- models
- modelWithPath:
- removeModel:
Accessing model groups
+ defaultGroup
+ setDefaultGroup:
+ globalModelGroup
Searching a group
- entityNamed:
- entityForObject:
- fetchSpecificationNamed:entityNamed:
- storedProcedureNamed:
Loading all of a group's objects
- loadAllModelObjects
Assigning a delegate
+ classDelegate
- delegate
+ setClassDelegate:
- setDelegate:

Class Methods


+ (id)classDelegate

Returns the EOModelGroup's class delegate. This delegate optionally implements the defaultModelGroup method (see the EOModelGroupClassDelegation protocol specification for more information).

See also: + setClassDelegate:


+ (EOModelGroup *)defaultGroup

Returns the default EOModelGroup. Unless you've either specified a default model group with setDefaultGroup: or implemented the defaultModelGroup class delegate method to return a non-nil value, this method is equivalent to globalModelGroup.

See also: + classDelegate


+ (EOModelGroup *)globalModelGroup

Returns an EOModelGroup composed of all models in the resource directory of the main bundle, as well as those in all the bundles and frameworks loaded into the application.

See also: + defaultGroup


+ (void)setClassDelegate:(id)anObject

Assigns anObject as the EOModelGroup's class delegate. The class delegate is optional; it allows you to determine the default model group (see the EOModelGroupClassDelegation protocol specification for more information).

See also: + classDelegate, - defaultModelGroup


+ (void)setDefaultGroup:(EOModelGroup *)group

Sets the default model group to group. If you've implemented the defaultModelGroup class delegate method to return a non-nil value, the delegate's return value overrides group as the default model group.

See also: + defaultGroup,+ setClassDelegate:

Instance Methods


- (void)addModel:(EOModel *)model

Adds a model to the receiver, sets the model's model group to the receiver, posts EOModelAddedNotification, then returns the newly-created EOModel. Raises if the receiver already contains an EOModel with the same name as the specified model.

See also: - models, - removeModel:


- (EOModel *)addModelWithFile:(NSString *)path

Creates an EOModel object with the contents of the file identified by path, adds the newly-created model to the receiver, and returns it. Uses the EOModel method - initWithContentsOfFile: to initialize the new model, and adds it to the receiver with addModel:.


- (id)delegate

Returns the receiver's delegate, which is different from the EOModelGroup's class delegate. Each EOModelGroup object can have it's own delegate in addition to the delegate that's assigned to the EOModelGroup class. See the EOModelGroupDelegation protocol specification for more information.

See also: - setDelegate:, + classDelegate


- (EOEntity *)entityForObject:(id)object

Returns the EOEntity associated with object from any of the models in the receiver that handle object, or nil if none of the entities in the receiver handles object.

See also: - entityForObject: (EOModel)


- (EOEntity *)entityNamed:(NSString *)entityName

Searches each of the EOModels in the receiver for the entity specified by entityName, and returns the entity if found. Returns nil if it is unable to find the specified entity.

See also: - entityNamed: (EOModel)


- (EOFetchSpecification *)fetchSpecificationNamed:(NSString *)fetchSpecName
entityNamed:(NSString *)entityName

Returns the named fetch specification from the entity specified by entityName in the receiving model group.


- (void)loadAllModelObjects

Sends loadAllModelObjects to each of the receiver's EOModels, thereby loading any EOEntities, EOAttributes, EORelationships, and EOStoredProcedures that haven't yet been loaded from each of the EOModels in the receiver.

See also: - loadAllModelObjects (EOModel)


- (EOModel *)modelNamed:(NSString *)modelName

Returns the EOModel named modelName if it's part of the receiver, or nil if the receiver doesn't contain an EOModel with the specified name.

See also: - modelNames, - models


- (NSArray *)modelNames

Returns an array containing the names of all of the EOModels in the receiver, or an empty array if the receiver contains no EOModels. The order of the model names in the array isn't defined.

See also: - modelNamed:, - models


- (NSArray *)models

Returns an array containing the receiver's EOModels, or an empty array if the receiver contains no EOModels. The order of the models in the array isn't defined.

See also: - modelNamed:, - modelNames, - models


- (EOModel *)modelWithPath:(NSString *)path

If the receiver contains an EOModel whose path (as determined by sending path to the EOModel object) is equal to path, that EOModel is returned. Otherwise, returns nil. NSString's isEqual: method is used to compare the paths, and each path is standardized (with stringByStandardizingPath) before comparison.

See also: - modelNamed::, - path (EOModel)


- (void)removeModel:(EOModel *)aModel

Removes aModel from the receiver, and unbinds any connections to aModel from other EOModels in the receiver. Posts EOModelInvalidatedNotification to the default notification center after removing aModel from the receiver.


- (void)setDelegate:(id)anObject

Sets the receiver's delegate to anObject. See the EOModelGroupDelegation protocol specification for more information.

See also: - delegate


- (EOStoredProcedure *)storedProcedureNamed:(NSString *)aName

Returns the stored procedure in the receiving model group having the given name.


EOModelGroup declares and posts the following notifications.


Posted by an EOModelGroup when an EOModel is added to the group. This notification is sent, for instance, inside Interface Builder when the user has saved changes to a model in EOModeler and the objects in Interface Builder must be brought back in sync. The old model is flushed and receivers of the notification (like data sources) can invoke modelNamed: to re-fetch their models.

Notification Object The newly added model.
Userinfo None


Posted by an EOModelGroup when an EOModel is removed from the group. This notification is sent, for instance, inside Interface Builder when the user has saved changes to a model in EOModeler and the objects in Interface Builder must be brought back in sync. The old model is flushed and receivers of the notification (like data sources) can invoke modelNamed: to re-fetch their models.

Notification Object The invalidated model.
Userinfo None

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