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EOObjectStoreCoordinator Additions

Inherits From:
EOObjectStoreCoordinator : NSObject

Declared in: EOAccess/EOModelGroup.h

Class Description

The EOAccess framework adds two methods to EOControl's EOObjectStoreCoordinator class for accessing the coordinator's EOModelGroup. An application can have multiple EOObjectStoreCoordinators, and each coordinator can have a different EOModelGroup. (For more discussion of this subject, see the chapter "Application Configurations" in the Enterprise Objects Framework Developer's Guide.) Application and framework code needing access to the EOModelGroup for a given EOEditingContext can get that information by asking the EOEditingContext's EOObjectStoreCoordinator for its EOModelGroup.

The methods are defined in a category of EOObjectStoreCoordinator in EOAccess (instead of in EOControl's EOObjectStoreCoordinator interface) to preserve the EOControl framework's independence of the EOAccess framework.

Instance Methods


- (EOModelGroup *)modelGroup

Returns the receiver's EOModelGroup. By default, this method returns the results of the statement [EOModelGroup defaultGroup]. If your application is using more than one EOObjectStoreCoordinator, each coordinator can have its own EOModelGroup.


- (void)setModelGroup: (EOModelGroup *)group

Sets to group the EOModelGroup used by the receiver. By default, an EOObjectStore's EOModelGroup is the model group returned from the statement [EOModelGroup defaultGroup]. However, you can override this by using setModelGroup: to explicitly set a different EOModelGroup for the receiver. Other parts of Enterprise Objects Framework (such as EODatabaseContext) use the EOModelGroup bound to their EOObjectStoreCoordinator.

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