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Inherits From:

Conforms To: NSObject (NSObject)

Declared in: EOAccess/EOStoredProcedure.h

Class Description

An EOStoredProcedure represents a stored procedure defined in a database, and associates a name internal to the Framework with an external name by which the stored procedure is known to the database. If a stored procedure has arguments, its EOStoredProcedure object also maintains a group of EOAttributes which represent the stored procedure's arguments. See the EOAttribute class specification for more information

You usually define stored procedures in your EOModel with the EOModeler application, which is documented in the Enterprise Objects Framework Developer's Guide. EOStoredProcedures are primarily used by the Enterprise Objects Framework to map operations for an EOEntity to stored procedures (see the description for EOEntity's setStoredProcedure:forOperation: method). You can assign stored procedures to an entity for any of the following scenarios:

Your code probably won't use EOStoredProcedures unless you're working at the adaptor level.

Like the other major modeling classes, EOStoredProcedure provides a user dictionary for your application to store any application-specific information related to the stored procedure.

Method Types

Creating a new EOStoredProcedure
- initWithName:
Accessing the model
- model
Accessing the name
- setName:
- beautifyName
- name
Accessing the external name
- setExternalName:
- externalName
Accessing the arguments
- setArguments:
- arguments
Accessing the user dictionary
- setUserInfo:
- userInfo

Instance Methods


- (NSArray *)arguments

Returns the EOAttribute objects that describe the stored procedure's arguments or nil if the stored procedure has no arguments.


- (void)beautifyName

Renames the receiver's name and its arguments to conform to the Framework's naming conventions. For example, "NAME" is renamed "name" and "FIRST_NAME" is renamed "firstName".

See also: - setArguments:, - beautifyNames (EOModel)


- (NSString *)externalName

Returns the name of the stored procedure as it is defined in the database, or nil if the receiver doesn't have an external name.

See also: - setExternalName:


- (EOStoredProcedure *)initWithName: (NSString *)name

The designated initializer for EOStoredProcedure, this method initializes a new EOStoredProcedure object and sets its name to name. Returns self.

See also: - setName:, - name


- (EOModel *)model

Returns the model to which the receiver belongs.

See also: - addStoredProcedure: (EOModel)


- (NSString *)name

Returns the name of the receiver.

See also: - setName:, - initWithName:


- (void)setArguments: (NSArray *)arguments

Sets arguments as the array of EOAttributes that describe the receiver's arguments. The EOAttribute objects in arguments must be ordered to match the database stored procedure definition.

See also: - arguments


- (void)setExternalName: (NSString *)name

Sets the external name of the stored procedure to name. name should be the name of the stored procedure as it is defined in the database.

See also: - externalName


- (void)setName: (NSString *)name

Sets the name of the receiver.

See also: - name, - initWithName:


- (void)setUserInfo: (NSDictionary *)dictionary

Sets the dictionary of auxiliary data, which your application can use for whatever it needs. dictionary can only contain property list data types (that is, NSString, NSDictionary, NSArray, and NSData).

See also: - userInfo


- (NSDictionary *)userInfo

Returns a dictionary of user data. Your application can use this to store any auxiliary information it needs.

See also: - setUserInfo:

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