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(informal protocol)

Category Of: NSObject

Declared in: EOControl/EOQualifier.h

Protocol Description

The EOQualifierComparison informal protocol defines methods for comparing values. These methods are used for evaluating qualifiers in memory. Though declared for NSObject, most of these methods work properly only with value classes: NSString, NSDate, NSNumber, NSDecimalNumber, and EONull

Testing value objects
- doesContain:
- isEqualTo:
- isGreaterThan:
- isGreaterThanOrEqualTo:
- isLessThan:
- isLessThanOrEqualTo:
- isLike:
- isCaseInsensitiveLike:
- isNotEqualTo:


- (BOOL)doesContain: (id)anObject

Returns YES if the receiver contains anObject, NO if it doesn't. NSObject's implementation of this method returns YES only if the receiver is a kind of NSArray and contains anObject. In all other cases it returns NO.


- (BOOL)isCaseInsensitiveLike:(NSString *)anObject

Returns YES if the receiver is a case-insensitive match for aString, NO if it isn't. See "Using Wildcards" in the EOQualifier class specification for the wildcard characters allowed. NSObject's implementation returns NO; NSString's performs a proper case-insensitive comparison.

See also: - isLike: , - doesContain: , - isEqualTo: , - isGreaterThan: , - isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: , - isLessThan: , - isLessThanOrEqualTo: ,- isNotEqualTo:


- (BOOL)isEqualTo: (id)anObject

Returns YES if the receiver is equal to anObject, NO if it isn't. NSObject's implementation invokes isEqual: and returns the result.

See also: - doesContain: , - isGreaterThan: , - isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: , - isLessThan: , - isLessThanOrEqualTo: , - isLike: , - isCaseInsensitiveLike: , - isNotEqualTo:


- (BOOL)isGreaterThan: (id)anObject

Returns YES if the receiver is greater than anObject, NO if it isn't. NSObject's implementation invokes compare: and returns YES if the result is NSOrderedDescending.

See also: - doesContain: , - isEqualTo: , - isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: , - isLessThan: , - isLessThanOrEqualTo: , - isLike: , - isCaseInsensitiveLike: , - isNotEqualTo:


- (BOOL)isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: (id)anObject

Returns YES if the receiver is greater than or equal to anObject, NO if it isn't. NSObject's implementation invokes compare: and returns YES if the result is NSOrderedAscending.

See also: - doesContain: , - isEqualTo: , - isGreaterThan: , - isLessThan: , - isLessThanOrEqualTo: , - isLike: , - isCaseInsensitiveLike: , - isNotEqualTo:


- (BOOL)isLessThan: (id)anObject

Returns YES if the receiver is less than anObject, NO if it isn't. NSObject's implementation invokes compare: and returns YES if the result is NSOrderedAscending.

See also: - doesContain: , - isEqualTo: , - isGreaterThan: , - isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: , - isLessThanOrEqualTo: , - isLike: , - isCaseInsensitiveLike: , - isNotEqualTo:


- (BOOL)isLessThanOrEqualTo: (id)anObject

Returns YES if the receiver is less than or equal to anObject, NO if it isn't. NSObject's implementation invokes compare: and returns YES if the result is NSOrderedAscending or NSOrderedSame.

See also: - doesContain: , - isEqualTo: , - isGreaterThan: , - isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: , - isLessThan: , - isLike: , - isCaseInsensitiveLike: , - isNotEqualTo:


- (BOOL)isLike: (NSString *)aString

Returns YES if the receiver matches aString according to the semantics of the SQL like comparison operator, NO if it doesn't. See "Using Wildcards" in the EOQualifier class specification for the wildcard characters allowed. NSObject's implementation returns NO; NSString's performs a proper comparison.

See also: - isCaseInsensitiveLike: , - doesContain: , - isEqualTo: , - isGreaterThan: , - isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: , - isLessThan: , - isLessThanOrEqualTo: , - isNotEqualTo:


- (BOOL)isNotEqualTo: (id)anObject

Returns YES if the receiver is not equal to anObject, NO if it is. NSObject's implementation invokes isEqual: , inverts the result, and returns it.

See also: - doesContain: , - isEqualTo: , - isGreaterThan: , - isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: , - isLessThan: , - isLessThanOrEqualTo: , - isLike: , - isCaseInsensitiveLike:

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