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PATH  WebObjects 4.0 Documentation > EOInterface Reference


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Class Description

An EOArchive is a client-side rendering of an Interface Builder archive document. By default, the EOInterfaceController for a WOJavaClientApplet manages its associated archive transparently and the developer never needs to interact directly with this class. The loadArchiveNamed method is exposed for developers who do not wish to use EOInterfaceControllers. Please note that EOArchive's implementation is intentionally opaque because it is guaranteed to change in the next release.


public EOArchive(Object owner)

Creates an EOArchive instance initialized with owner, the "File's Owner" for the Interface Builder archive document.


public static boolean loadArchiveNamed(String archiveName, Object owner, String packageName)

Loads a new instance of the EOArchive name, where name identifies an InterfaceBuilder document (localization is driven by WOJavaClientApplet's EOLanguageKey) and owner indicates the "File's Owner.""The packageName argument identifies a package and is used in constructing the complete path to the archive. If packageName is null, the package of owner is used.

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