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What's New in Java Client

This chapter describes changes made to Java Client between WebObjects release 4.0 and release 4.5. Java Client has been extended considerably, including the following:

Additionally, Java Client now has a new user interface generation layer, Direct to Java Client, which is comparable to WebObjects' Direct to Web.

The following sections describe how Java Client has been synchronized with the rest of EOF, the changes to the procedures for running Java Client applications, and the new Direct to Java Client technology.

Note: Java Client applications require some conversion to run on WebObjects 4.5; see the WebObjects 4.5 Post-Installation Instructions for more information on converting your existing applications.

Foundation Layer Changes

This section lists some of the new features in the Java Client Foundation framework (

Number Formatter

The Java Client number formatter has been rewritten; it is now based on the NSNumberFormatter in the Foundation framework. It preserves the previous AWT-based API, so it isn't necessary to convert your code.

The new number formatter supports a subset of the Objective-C number formatter. It doesn't support attributed strings, but it does support customized text strings for zero, null, and NaN (Not a Number).

New Foundation Layer Classes and Interfaces

The following table lists the classes and interfaces that have been added in this release.

Class or Interface Description
NSDisposable An interface that defines a method (dispose) for performing any necessary housecleaning in preparation for garbage collection.
NSInlineObservable An interface that observable objects implement. NSNotificationCenters and EOObserverCenters use the interface's two methods (observerData and setObserverData) to avoid creating uncollectable object references.
Note that this interface is only needed in the absence of weak references; it might be removed in the future when support for weak references is available.
NSUndoManager Analogous to the server side class.

Control Layer Changes

The Java Client control layer API is more complete in this release. Many features that were missing in 4.0 have been ported, and many of the server-side features added in EOF 4.5 are available on the client side as well. This section lists the new classes, interfaces, and methods added to Java Client's control layer ( as well as classes and methods that have been removed. The purpose of most of the API changes is to synchronize Java Client's feature set and API with EOF's. However, some of the new API is exclusive to Java Client.

New Control Layer Classes and Interfaces

The following table lists the classes and interfaces that have been added in this release.

Class or Interface Description
EOFoundationExtras Exclusive to Java Client. A utility class containing convenience methods for working with classes in the package.
EOKeyValueCoding.KeyBinding Analogous to the server side class. Corresponds to a new feature in EOF 4.5. See "Key Value Coding Changes" .
EOKeyValueCoding.KeyBindingCreation (interface) Analogous to the server side interface. Corresponds to a new feature in EOF 4.5. See "Key Value Coding Changes" .
EOKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException The kind of exception raised by key value coding methods when they encounter an unknown key.
EOQualifier.QualifierVariableSubstitutionException The kind of exception raised when an EOQualifierVariable object requires bindings for all its variables and one or more variable is missing from the bindings.
EOQualifierVariable Analogous to the server side class.


The following tables summarize the methods and constants that have been added to the client side control layer in this release. Most methods are analogous to methods in the server side control layer and have been added to synchronize the two layers.

API Description
invalidateClassDescriptionCache Analogous to the server side method.
defaultFormatterForKey Analogous to the server side method.
defaultFormatterForKeyPath Analogous to the server side method.
displayNameForKey Analogous to the server side method.
fetchSpecificationNamed Analogous to the server side method.
userPresentableDescriptionForObject Analogous to the server side method.

API Description
createKeyValueBindingForKey Analogous to the server side method. Conformance to EOKeyValueCoding.KeyBindingCreation, a new feature in EOF 4.5. See "Key Value Coding Changes" .
keyValueBindingForKey Analogous to the server side method. Conformance to EOKeyValueCoding.KeyBindingCreation, a new feature in EOF 4.5. See "Key Value Coding Changes" .
Exclusive to Java Client. Conformance to NSInlineObservable.

API Description
Exclusive to Java Client. Conformance to NSInlineObservable.

API Description
dispose Exclusive to Java Client. Conformance to NSDisposable.
Analogous to the server side method.
Analogous to the server side method.
Note that multithreaded clients aren't yet supported. All the client-side locks in Java Client application's are no-ops.
Exclusive to Java Client. Conformance to NSInlineObservable.
redo Analogous to the server side method.
refault Analogous to the server side method.
refetch Analogous to the server side method.
reset Analogous to the server side method.
revert Analogous to the server side method.
Analogous to the server side method.
undo Analogous to the server side method.

API Description
editingContextDidMergeChanges Analogous to the server side method.
editingContextShouldInvalidateObject Analogous to the server side method.
editingContextShouldMergeChangesForObject Analogous to the server side method.
editingContextShouldUndoUserActionsAfterFailure Analogous to the server side method.

API Description
editingContextPresentErrorMessage Analogous to the server side method.

API Description
changesFromSnapshot Analogous to the server side method.
reapplyChangesFromDictionary Analogous to the server side method.
userPresentableDescription Analogous to the server side method.

API Description
eoShallowDescription Returns a string that describes the object that receiver's fault represents. Used to prevent faulting an object upon receipt of an eoShallowDescription message.
descriptionForObject Analogous to the server side method.

API Description
faultHandler If the receiver is a fault, returns its EOFaultHandler; otherwise returns null.

API Description
fetchSpecificationNamed Analogous to the server side method.
fetchSpecificationWithQualifierBindings Analogous to the server side method.

API Description
String constants defining the keys in the userInfo dictionary of an EOKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException. An UnknownKeyException is raised by key value coding methods when they are invoked with a key that does not correspond to a method or instance variable in the receiving object. The userInfo of the exception contains the target object (TargetObjectUserInfoKey) and the key (UnknownUserInfoKey).
SetKeyBindingMask Analogous to the server side constant.
StoredKeyBindingMask Analogous to the server side constant.

EOKeyValueCoding.Support (Exclusive to Java Client)
API Description
createKeyValueBindingForKey A static method that provides a default implementation of the corresponding EOKeyValueCoding method.
keyValueBindingForKey A static method that provides a default implementation of the corresponding EOKeyValueCoding method.

EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.Support (Exclusive to Java Client)
API Description
takeStoredValuesFromDictionary A static method that provides a default implementation of the corresponding EOKeyValueCodingAdditions method.
valueForKeyPath A static method that provides a default implementation of the corresponding EOKeyValueCodingAdditions method.

API Description
editingContextDidForgetObjectWithGlobalID Analogous to the server side method. Corresponds to a new feature in EOF 4.5. See "Snapshot Reference Counting" . However, note that Java Client doesn't implement snapshot reference counting yet.
faultForRawRow Analogous to the server side method.

API Description
qualifierToMatchAllValues Analogous to the server side method.
qualifierToMatchAnyValue Analogous to the server side method.
addQualifierKeysToSet Analogous to the server side method, which is new in EOF 4.5. See "Miscellaneous API Enhancements" .
allQualifierKeys Analogous to the server side method, which is new in EOF 4.5. See "Miscellaneous API Enhancements" .
bindingKeys Analogous to the server side method.
keyPathForBindingKey Analogous to the server side method.
qualifierWithBindings Analogous to the server side method.
validateKeysWithRootClassDescription Analogous to the server side method.

API Description
validateTakeValueForKeyPath Analogous to the server side method.

Deleted API

The two interfaces EOKeyValueCoding.KeyValueGetter and EOKeyValueCoding.KeyValueSetter have been removed. Additionally, the following methods, organized by class, have been deleted and replaced where appropriate, for compatibility with the Java wrappers ( packages).

Deleted API New API or Workaround
registerForName registerClassDescription
registerForClass registerClassDescription

Deleted API New API or Workaround
globalIDsForObjects globalIDForObject
objectsForGlobalIDs objectForGlobalID
registeredGlobalIDs registeredObjects and globalIDForObject

Deleted API New API or Workaround
editingContextPresentException editingContextPresentErrorMessage

Server-Side Features Not in Java Client

Features added to server-side in the 4.5 release that are not yet available in Java Client are:

Distribution Layer Changes

This section describes the changes made to the client and server sides of the distribution layer for Java Client applications. They are:

New Distribution Layer Classes and Interfaces

The following table lists the classes and interfaces that have been added in this release.

Class or Interface Description
EODistributionChannel.Delegate An interface defining methods that allow you to encrypt and decrypt data being sent between client and server

Related API Changes

The following tables summarize the updated and new API in the distribution layer.

EODistributionContext (Server side; EOJavaClient/EODistributionContext.h)
New or Changed API Description
public EODistributionContext(
    WOSession session,
    EOEditingContext context)

public EODistributionContext(
    WOSession session)

Creates a new EODistributionContext for use within the specified session and with the specified editing context, if provided. If an editing context isn't provided, the new distribution context is associated with the session's default editing context.
initWithSession:editingContext: (Objective-C) Initializes a new EODistributionContext for use in the specified session and with the specified editing context.
initWithSession: (Objective-C) Initializes a new EODistributionContext for use in the specified session and with that session's default editing context.
editingContext Returns the EOEditingContext with which the distribution context is associated.
session Returns the WOSession with which the distribution context is associated.
LoadUserDefaultsNotification (Java)
EOLoadUserDefaultsNotification (Objective-C)
A string constant defining the name of a notification that's posted whenever a distribution context receives a request for user default values from a client application. Receivers can load default values (from a database, for example) and add them to the mutable dictionary provided in the notification's userInfo.
SaveUserDefaultsNotification (Java)
EOSaveUserDefaultsNotification (Objective-C)
A string constant defining the name of a notification that's posted whenever the distribution context receives user default values from a client application. Receivers can use this notification to store the default values (in a database, for example). The default values are in the notification's userInfo dictionary.

EODistributionContext.Delegate (Server side; EOJavaClient/EODistributionContext.h)
New or Changed API Description
distributionContextDidReceiveData (Java)
distributionContext:didReceiveData: (Objective-C)
Invoked after a distribution context has received data. You can use this method and its counterpart, distributionContextWillSendData, to implement encryption in client server communication, encrypting in distributionContextWillSendData and decrypting in distributionContextDidReceiveData.
distributionContextWillSendData (Java)
distributionContext:willSendData: (Objective-C)
Invoked before a distribution context sends data to the client.

WOJavaClientApplet (Server side; EOJavaClient/WOJavaClientApplet.h)
New or Changed API Description
EOAllParameterNamesKey (Objective-C) A string constant defining a dictionary key used internally to collect the names of all HTML parameters passed to the client (the names of all bindings of the WOJavaClientApplet), including any additional bindings that you add to the applet.
EOSessionIDKey (Objective-C) A string constant defining a dictionary key used internally to identify the session with which the server side EODistributionContext is associated.
EOComponentURLKey (Objective-C) A string constant defining a dictionary key used internally to identify the WOJavaClientApplet component on the server side which corresponds to the EOApplet on the client side.

EODistributionChannel (Client side)
New or Changed API Description
observerData, setObserverData Conformance to NSInlineObservable.
delegate, setDelegate Accessing the distribution channel's delegate.

EODistributedObjectStore (Client side)
New or Changed API Description
observerData, setObserverData Conformance to NSInlineObservable.
invokeRemoteMethodWithKeyPath (Changed behavior) If the specified key path is null, this method now invokes the method on the server side EODistributionContext rather than on the EODistributionContext's invocation target as it did in earlier releases.

Deleted API

The following methods have been deleted and replaced where appropriate, for backwards compatibility with the Java wrappers ( packages).

EODistributionContext (Server side; EODistributionContext.h)
Deleted API New API or Workaround
public EODistributionContext(
    EOEditingContext context)
public EODistributionContext(
    WOSession session,
    EOEditingContext context)
initWithEditingContext: (Objective-C) initWithSession:editingContext:

Interface Layer Changes

This section describes changes in the interface layer of Java Client applications, including the following new features:

The changes to EODisplayGroup have also been made to WODisplayGroup. For more information on the changes, see the section "Other WODisplayGroup Changes" in the chapter WebObjects Framework API Changes.

Support for Table Cell Editing

Swing implements JTable editing using javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor, a single method interface returning a java.awt.Component to act as editor. The new Java Client class EOColumnEditor implements this interface to mediate between the Component it returns and the EOTableColumnAssociation bound to the edited column. Abstract hooks for component instantiation and protected methods for editing event communication allow concrete subclasses such as EOTextColumnEditor to focus purely upon their Component's specifics.

EOTableColumnAssociation acquires the editors for associated TableColumns from its TableCellCustomizer, a new static object serving as the source of both EOColumnEditors and TableCellRenderers. EOTableColumnAssociation's implementation of establishConnection now sets the editor and renderer of its TableColumn to the objects returned by this object. Consumers may customize columns by installing their own TableCellCustomizer.

QuickTime Association

If you use the QuickTime view and association classes, you should note the following:

URLAspect for Associations

EOTextAssociation, EOImageAssociation, and EOQuickTimeAssociation support a new aspect, URLAspect. As opposed to the ValueAspect, which is the raw data for the text, image, or movie, the URLAspect is a url that references data on disk or over the Web. You can bind the URLAspect in Interface Builder. The corresponding values are read only.

Package Reorganization and Changes

The following classes have been moved from the eointerface package to the eoapplication package, a new package to support Direct to Java Client:

Additionally, the classes EOApplication and EOInterfaceController have new superclasses, and their APIs have been modified considerably. EOArchive has also changed, resulting in the requirement that you open and explicitly save every interface file in your projects.

New Interface Layer Classes and Interfaces

The following table lists the classes and interfaces that have been added to the client side interface layer in this release.

Class or Interface Description
EOColumnEditor An abstract class that implements generalized cell editing management for javax.swing.JTables. See "Support for Table Cell Editing" .
EOImageAssociation A class whose instances associate the contents of their display groups with EOImageViews.
EOImageView A class whose instances display images (java.awt.Image objects) in Java Client applications.
EOQuickTimeAssociation A class whose instances associate the contents of their display groups with EOQuickTimeViews.
EOQuickTimeView A class whose instances display QuickTime media in Java Client applications. See "QuickTime Association" .
EOTableColumnAssociation. TableColumnCustomizer (interface) An interface that defines the API an object uses to specify custom editors and renderers for an EOTableColumnAssociation. See "Support for Table Cell Editing" .
EOTextColumnEditor EOTextColumnEditor is a concrete subclass of EOColumnEditor whose instances mediate between EOTextColumnAssociations and EOTextFields. See "Support for Table Cell Editing" .

For more information on these classes and interface, see the corresponding class and interface specifications.

Added Methods

The following tables summarize the methods and constants that have been added to the Java Client interface layer in this release. The majority of the additions are in EODisplayGroup. Most of the additions are analogous to API in the server side WODisplayGroup and have been added to synchronize the classes.

New or Changed API Description
URLAspect (Constant) A string constant that defines the name of a new aspect. See "URLAspect for Associations" .
dispose Conformance to NSDisposable.
isEnabled Returns false if the receiver has explicitly disabled its display object or if the receiver's EnabledAspect (if bound) resolves to false; true otherwise.
isEnabledAtIndex Returns false if the receiver has explicitly disabled its display object or if the receiver's EnabledAspect (if bound) resolves to false for the specified index; true otherwise.
isExplicitlyDisabled Returns true if the receiver has explicitly disabled its display object, false otherwise.
setExplicitlyDisabled Sets whether or not the receiver is explicitly disabled. This method and its counterpart isExplicitlyDisabled are used by Direct to Java Client. An association is "explicitly disabled" when the display object shouldn't be editable, such as in the case where the display object simply displays the results of a search.

New or Changed API Description
dispose Conformance to NSDisposable.

New or Changed API Description
setGlobalDefaultFor ValidatesChangesImmediately
Static methods that return or set the default validation behavior for new display group instances: true if they immediately handle validation errors, or false if they leave errors for the EOEditingContext to handle when saving changes.
Static methods that return or set the default string match format string used by display group instances.
Static methods that return or set the default string match operator used by display group instances.
awakeFromNib Invoked when the receiver is unarchived from a nib file to prepare it for use in an application.
Returns or sets the default string match format string used by the receiver.
Returns or sets the default string match operator used by the receiver.
delete Analogous to WODisplayGroup's method.
dispose Conformance to NSDisposable.
editingContextPresentErrorMessage Invoked as part of the EOEditingContext.MessageHandlers, to present an attention panel a message to display.
enterQueryMode Puts the receiver in query mode.
Returns or sets the receiver's dictionary of equalTo query values. Similar to the WODisplayGroup queryMatch method.
fetch Analogous to the WODisplayGroup method.
finishInitialization Invoked from the EODisplayGroup constructor and from awakeFromNib to finish initializing a newly created display group.
Returns or sets the receiver's dictionary of greaterThan query values. Similar to the WODisplayGroup queryMin method.
Analogous to WODisplayGroup's methods.
insert Analogous to the WODisplayGroup method.
insertObjectAtIndex Analogous to the WODisplayGroup method insertNewObjectAtIndex.
Analogous to WODisplayGroup's methods.
Returns or sets the receiver's dictionary of lessThan query values. Similar to the WODisplayGroup queryMax method.
Conformance to NSInlineObservable.
qualifierFromQueryValues Analogous to the WODisplayGroup method.
qualifyDataSource Analogous to the WODisplayGroup method.
qualifyDisplayGroup Analogous to the WODisplayGroup method.
Returns or sets a dictionary containing the actual values that the user wants to query upon.
Returns or sets a dictionary of operators to use on items in the query dictionaries (equalToQueryValues, greaterThanQueryValues, and lessThanQueryValues).
selectNext Analogous to the WODisplayGroup method.
selectObjectsIdenticalToSelectFirstOnNoMatch Analogous to the WODisplayGroup method.
selectPrevious Analogous to the WODisplayGroup method.
setValueForObjectAtIndex (Changed arguments) The position of the integer index argument has been swapped with that of the String value argument.
setValueForObject (Changed arguments) The position of the last two arguments has been swapped and the EOKeyValueCodingAdditions argument has been retyped as an Object.
sortOrderings Analogous to the WODisplayGroup method.
undoManager Returns the receiver's NSUndoManager.
valueForObjectAtIndex (Changed arguments) The position of the arguments has been swapped.
valueForObjectKey Returns the value in the specified object for the property identified by the specified key.
willChange Notifies observers that the receiver will change.

New or Changed API Description
dispose Conformance to NSDisposable.

New or Changed API Description
dispose Conformance to NSDisposable.

New or Changed API Description
dispose Conformance to NSDisposable.

New or Changed API Description
removeColumnAssociation Removes the specified column association from the receiver's set of EOTableColumnAssociations.

New or Changed API Description
Returns and sets the association's table column customizer.
dispose Conformance to NSDisposable.
setTable (Changed)
Returns and sets the association's EOTable object.
Note that the pre-4.5 setTable method had a java.awt.Component as an argument instead of an EOTable (from which you can get Swing table).

New or Changed API Description
dispose Conformance to NSDisposable.

Deleted API

The following methods, organized by class, have been deleted and replaced, for backwards compatibility with the Java wrappers ( packages):

Deleted API New API or Workaround
enabled isEnabled (inherited from EOAssociation)

Deleted API New API or Workaround
EODisplayGroup(EODataSource dataSource) Invoke the default constructor followed by setDataSource with the data source as an argument.
editingContextPresentException editingContextPresentErrorMessage
insertNewObjectAtIndex(int index); insertObjectAtIndex(int index)
selectObjectsIdenticalTo selectObjectsIdenticalToSelectFirstOnNoMatch
sortOrdering sortOrderings
Note the addition of the "s" in "Orderings"
    String value,
    EOKeyValueCodingAdditions object)
    EOKeyValueCodingAdditions object,
    String value)

Note that in addition to the method name change, the position of the arguments was swapped.

Deleted API New API or Workaround
Fixed (Constant) For use in setAutosizingMask, simply use 0 to mean fixed size.

Running Java Client Applications

There are two changes to running Java Client Applications: the syntax for starting applications has changed and the classpath requirements have changed for all platforms except Mac OS X Server.

In WebObjects 4.5, there are three ways to run Java Client applications:

  1. As a java application with the command:
    java [-debug] -classpath <classpath>
        -applicationURL <url> [-page <page>]

    Note that you might have to vary the parameters if you use special distribution channels.

  2. As an applet in Applet Viewer with the commands:
    export CLASSPATH=<classpath>  appletviewer [-debug] <url>

  3. As an applet in a browser

For Non-Mac OS X Server Users

If you run Java Client applications on non-Mac OS X Server platforms, you might need to change the classpath you ordinarily use. If you previously put the awt.jar file ($(NEXT_ROOT)/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Classes/awt.jar) in your classpath, you should remove it. Except on Mac OS X Server, you can't use the awt.jar.

Direct To Java Client

Direct to Java Client is an addition to Enterprise Objects Framework and Java Client. It dynamically generates complete Java Client applications (or parts of them) from information in a model. User interface configuration information is stored as a set of rules. You can use the user interface specified by the default set of rules, or you can customize the user interface by changing the rules.

The version of Direct to Java Client shipping with WebObjects 4.5 is a technology preview. It is very stable and robust, but its programming interfaces and generated user interfaces are not guaranteed to be the same in future releases.

Two new packages have been added to the Java Client technology to support Direct to Java Client, eoapplication and eogeneration. The eoapplication package provides application level logic such as document management and classes for creating advanced user interfaces. The eogeneration package is for defining applications that are completely dynamic.

The eoapplication and eogeneration packages consists mainly of controllers. A new class, EOController, defines the basic controller behavior.

Note: The EOInterfaceController class, which was in the eointerface package in the previous release, has been redefined as a subclass of EOController. In greater detail, EOController is a subclass of EOEntityController, which is subclass of EOComponentController, which is subclass of EOController.

There are different types of controllers:

Controllers are organized in a hierarchy. The root controller is the shared application object, typically an EOApplication. Children of the EOApplication object, or the EOApplication's subcontrollers, are usually window or applet controllers which themselves have one or multiple subcontrollers.

Note: The eoapplication and eogeneration APIs are preliminary, and might change in future releases.

To learn more about Direct to Java Client, including how to create dynamic applications, see the tutorial "Getting Started with Direct to Java Client".