
The following provides an overview of the setup of the portal.

Figure 2-1  Creative Management Portal




Users can bookmark ad bundles and projects as favorites so that they might appear under the appropriate Favorites section. Doing so would allow users to return to projects or ad bundles they are working on.

Recently Viewed

Items which users have recently seen will appear here. This includes projects and ad bundles.

New Ad Bundle or Project

When a user wants to create a new project or ad bundle, they can click on the “+” sign, which is a familiar Apple heuristic.

Resizing Handle

The resizing handle allows the user to drag the handle to another location so that the sidebar can be expanded or contracted.

Link to OMT Portal

For internal iAd Admin users who have access to the OMT (Org Management Tool), a link will be provided so that users can launch the portal.

Account Managers already have access to the portal and will see a link to the portal.

Global Search

Global Search allows users to search for ad bundles and projects belonging to non-iAd Creative Agencies. The most common use case is to support third parties in creating projects or ad bundles. Users can search by the following fields:

  • Search by project

  • Search by advertiser

  • Search by Creative Agency

  • Search by Ad Bundle

Once the user performs the search, a tab will appear called “Global Search” which displays all the ad bundles which match the criteria across all organizations.

Help link

Link which launches the frequently asked questions.

User ID

Name of the logged in user.

Sign out

Allows the current user to log out and another user/Apple ID to log in.


Major functionality grouped as tabs.

Logging into the Portal for the First Time

When you log into the portal for the first time, you’ll be prompted to accept the Terms & Conditions.

Figure 2-2  iAd Terms and Conditions

Once you’re accepted the terms and conditions, you will be taken to the Ad Bundle Summary.

Ad Bundle Summary

The Ad Bundle Summary is a listing of ad bundles which belong to a specific organization.

Figure 2-3  Ad Bundle Summary




Allows a user to filter the listing of ad bundles by any of the following dimensions:

  • Filter by ad bundle

  • Filter by project

  • Filter by advertiser

  • Filter by creative agency

  • Filter by status

  • Filter by updated by

Create Ad Bundle button

Clicking on this button will create a new ad bundle.

Ad Bundle Summary table

Table of ad bundles. The following fields are displayed:

  • Ad Bundle Name — the names of the ad bundles in the table are hyperlinked to the ad bundle details

  • Project Name — the names of the projects in the table are hyperlinked to the project details

  • advertiser

  • status

  • updated by

  • last updated

  • last live version —latest version of the ad bundle which was published

Note that clicking on any of the columns in the table will sort in ascending/descending order by that column. The default sort is by last updated in descending order.


Pagination markers provide users the ability to navigate to other pages and change the number of visible rows per page.

Project Summary

The Project Summary is a listing of the projects which a specific organization has access to.

Figure 2-4  Project Summary




Allows a user to filter the listing of ad bundles by any of the following dimensions:

  • Filter by project

  • Filter by advertiser

  • Filter by updated by

Create Project button

Clicking on this button will create a new project.

Ad Bundle Summary table

Table of ad bundles. The following fields are displayed:

  • Project Name — the names of the projects in the table are hyperlinked to the project details

  • advertiser name

  • updated by

  • last updated

Note that clicking on any of the columns in the table will sort in ascending/descending order by that column. The default sort is by last updated in descending order.


Pagination markers provide users the ability to navigate to other pages and change the number of visible rows per page.

Project Creation

To create a project, simply click on the “+” icon at the lower left corner or the “Create Project” button.

Figure 2-5  Create a Project




Name of the project.

Creative Agency

The Creative Agency who created the project.

  • The creative agency will default to the current user’s organization.

  • Internal iAd users can modify the Creative Agency. This functionality might be useful if a Creative Agency asks an Account Manager or PS resource to assist in creating a project.


(Optional) Description of the project


Indicates the Advertiser associated with the project.

Action Buttons

Allows the user to Cancel or Save the project.

Here’s an example of a saved Project:

Figure 2-6  Saved Project

Ad Bundle Upload

To upload an ad bundle, simply click on the “+” icon at the lower left corner or the “Create Ad Bundle” button.

Figure 2-7  Create new ad bundle



Ad Bundle Name

Name of the ad bundle.

Note that the name of the ad bundle determines the uniqueness of the ad.

Creative Agency

The Creative Agency who created the project.

  • The creative agency will default to the current user’s organization.

  • If creating an ad bundle on behalf of another organization, the iAd team can change the Creative Agency. However, if the iAd PS team is serving as Creative Agency--that is, it is developing the ad--the Creative Agency should remain iAd (i.e. Quattro Wireless).


Project that the ad bundle resides in.

  • Assignment to a project is only required when submitting the ad bundle for certification.

  • As noted above, the project the ad bundle is assigned to must be associated with an Advertiser which has an Advertiser SAP ID. Otherwise, the ad bundle cannot be submitted for certification.

  • This is a preventative measure to stop Creative Agencies from submitting multiple ad bundles for certification.

Type of Ad Bundle

The types of ad bundles include:

  • iAd for brand

  • iAd for developers (not available until Q4 2012)

Version Notes

(Optional) Description of the Ad Bundle.

Ad Bundle Zip File

Compressed (ZIP) version of the ad bundle.

Ad Bundle Password

(Optional) Allows user to set a password which will be required when any user attempts to:

  • Download the ad bundle

  • Run the ad using iAd Tester

If a password is set, and the user tries to access the ad via one of the two options listed above, the user will have to enter a “Name” and “Password”, as follows:

  • Name: The Name to use is on the Ad Bundle Details page. Please copy and paste the name from the Name for Download field.

  • The Password to use is the password created when the ad bundle was uploaded into the iAd Creative Management portal or assigned in iAd Producer.

Action Buttons

Allows the user to Cancel or Save the ad bundle.

Selecting a Project

Users can select a project by clicking on the “Assign” button next to the Project field. Doing so will bring up the following pop-up window.

Figure 2-8  Select a project



Project Filter

Allows the user to filter the listing of projects by entering some text into the filter.

Project Name

Name of the project to assign the ad bundle to.

Note that a user can assign bundles to the “SANDBOX” project which will only be visible to that user (based on his/her Apple ID).

Advertiser Name

Name of the advertiser associated with the project. Possible values include:

  • Advertiser name — this is the name of the actual advertiser

  • Un-Assigned — when an advertiser has not yet been assigned to a project.

  • Not Applicable — used with sandbox.

Project Description

The description of the project.

Pagination Markers

Pagination markers provide users the ability to navigate to other pages and change the number of visible rows per page.

Action Buttons

Allows the user to Cancel selection or Select the project to assign the ad bundles to.

Uploading an Ad Bundle

Select the Ad Bundle Zip file you would like to upload.

Figure 2-9  Selecting a zip file

Upload Progress

Once an ad bundle has been selected and the “Choose” button pressed, a popup will appear displaying a progress bar, followed by a processing spinner.

Figure 2-10  Upload progress



Upload Progress Bar

Displays the progress of the upload process.

Processing Spinner

Upon completion of the upload process, the iAd Creative Management portal will review the ad bundle to determine if there are any errors. Note that the review process may take some time and there is no progress indicator to indicate time remaining.

There are 2 classes of errors that are possible:

  • Errors which prevent the Zip file from being uploaded – this class of errors indicates any errors it has found in the structure of the ad bundle that prevents it from being accepted. These errors must be corrected and the correct ad bundle uploaded again before proceeding.

  • Errors which do not prevent the Zip file from being uploaded. The portal will provide warnings to indicate any potential issues it has found which does not prevent it from being uploaded. These warnings should be corrected before the ad bundle is submitted for certification.

Cancel Button

The user can cancel the upload process by clicking on the Cancel button. If the upload has not reached 100% completion, the upload will be canceled. If upload has reach 100% completion and review process has started, canceling will cancel the processing but the ad bundle will still appear in the portal.

Note that canceling while the portal is processing the ad bundle may result in missed warnings which could prevent the ad bundle from being certified.

An example of a potential warning is as follows:

Figure 2-11  Potential warning

Successful Upload

Upon successfully uploading the compressed ad bundle file, the status of the ad bundle will change to Draft status. A tooltip will also appear next to the status to provide information on the significance of the status.

Figure 2-12  Successful upload

Additional new information is provided at the bottom of the page:

Figure 2-13  Additional information



Ad Bundle Password

Indicates whether there was a password associated with the ad bundle.

Plist Info

Displays the information in the plist, or property list, which provides detail on the properties of the banner and the ad unit.

Note that the information in the plist cannot be modified in the iAd Creative Management portal. That information must be changed outside the portal in the ad bundle which must then be re-uploaded into the portal.

Date/time Stamp of Last Update

The data and time stamp of the updated status, and the individual who updated the ad bundle.

There are 2 classes of errors that are possible:

Banner OTA Test URLs (Copper URLs)

(Also known as “Copper URLs”) The remote URLs used by the iAd Tester test tool to view the banner and ad unit over-the-air (OTA).

Menu Items

The following are menu items associated with the newly created ad bundle.

Figure 2-14  Menu items




Permits editing of ad bundles. The only items which can be edited are:

  • Ad Bundle Name

  • Project the ad bundle is assigned to

Note that once the ad bundle has been submitted, the ad bundle can no longer be edited.

Upload New Ad Bundle

Allows a new ad bundle to be uploaded. Every upload represents a new version of the ad bundle. During this process, only version notes, the new ad bundle, and an optional password can be changed.

Download Ad Bundle

Allows the user to download the ad bundle.

Delete Ad Bundle

Allows the user to delete the ad bundle. Only ad bundles in Draft and Needs Revision statuses can be deleted. Deletion of ad bundles are irreversible.

Move Ad Bundle

Permits moving of ad bundles from the Sandbox to a project. Note that an ad bundle cannot be moved from a project to another project. Also note that moving of an ad bundle is irreversible.

Send Creative URL

Sends the banner OTA test URLs to the email associated with the logged in user’s Apple ID.

Change Status

Allows the user to change the status.

The user can only change the status of an ad bundle in Draft and Needs Revision modes.

Add to Favorites

Indicating the ad bundle as a Favorite will make it appear in the list of Favorite Ad Bundles in the left-hand nav.