Using Desktop Database Commands

An AFP client uses the following commands to read and write information stored in the server’s Desktop database:

Before any other Desktop database commands can be sent, the AFP client must send an FPOpenDT command. This command returns a reference number to be used in all subsequent commands on the Desktop database.

When access to the Desktop database is no longer needed, the AFP client makes an FPCloseDT command.

FPAddIcon adds a new icon to the Desktop database, and FPGetIcon retrieves the bitmap for a given icon as specified by its file creator and type. FPGetIconInfo retrieves a description of an icon. This command can be used to determine the set of icons associated with a given application. Successive FPGetIconInfo commands return information on all icons associated with a given file creator.

FPAddAPPL adds an APPL mapping for the specified application and its file creator. FPRemoveAPPL removes the specified application from the list of APPL mappings corresponding to its file creator. It is the AFP client’s responsibility to add and remove APPL mappings for applications that are added to or removed from the volume, respectively. For applications that are moved or renamed, the AFP client should remove the old APPL mapping before the operation and add a new APPL mapping with the updated information after the operation has been completed successfully.

FPGetAPPL returns the next APPL mapping in the Desktop database’s list of applications that correspond to a given file creator.

FPAddComment stores a comment string associated with a particular file or directory on the volume. When adding a comment for a file or directory that already has an associated comment, the existing comment is replaced.

FPRemoveComment removes the comment associated with a particular file or directory. FPGetComment retrieves the comment associated with a particular file or directory.