Xcode Release Notes — Archive

These release notes are a cumulative history of notes on compatibility, new features, resolved issues, deprecations, changes, and known issues provided for each release of Xcode. Known issues are listed in the section for the release in which they are first discovered and are not duplicated in the sections for later releases. When known issues are resolved, they are listed in the section for the release in which the resolution has been implemented.

Please be sure to file bug reports for any new problems you encounter that are not included in the release notes.

This document archives previous revisions of Xcode Release Notes for older versions of Xcode. To access release notes for the current version, see Xcode Release Notes.

Archive Chapters

The chapters in this archive are organized by major Xcode revision. Each chapter combines the editions of Xcode Release Notes through dot and dot-dot releases for that major release, ordered from most recent to oldest.

Technical Support and Learning Resources

Apple provides the following web resources to support your development with Xcode:

To provide feedback to the Xcode team, send email to xcode-feedback@group.apple.com.