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Inside Macintosh: Advanced Color Imaging on the Mac OS /
Chapter 5 - Developing Color Management Modules

Summary of the Color Management Modules


enum {
   CMMInterfaceVersion= 1
/* request codes (required) */
enum {
   kCMMInit       = 0,
   kCMMMatchColors= 1,
   kCMMCheckColors= 2
   kNCMMInit      = 6,
/* request codes (optional) */
enum {
   kCMMValidateProfile     = 8,
   kCMMFlattenProfile      = 14,
   kCMMUnflattenProfile    = 15,
   kCMMMatchBitmap         = 9,
   kCMMCheckBitmap         = 10,
   kCMMMatchPixMap         = 3,
   kCMMCheckPixMap         = 4,
   kCMMConcatenateProfiles = 5,
   kCMMConcatInit          = 7,
   kCMMNewLinkProfile      = 16,
   kCMMGetPS2ColorSpace    = 11,
   kCMMGetPS2ColorRenderingIntent = 12,
   kCMMGetPS2ColorRendering= 13,
   kCMMGetPS2ColorRenderingVMSize = 17


Required Functions

pascal CMError MyNCMInit (ComponentInstance CMSession, 
   CMProfileRef srcProfile,
                              CMProfileRef dstProfile); 
pascal CMError MyCMMatchColors(ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMColor *myColors,
                                          unsigned long count); 
pascal CMError MyCMCheckColors(ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMColor *myColors,
   unsigned long count,
long *result);
pascal CMError CMInit(ComponentInstance CMSession, 
CMProfileHandle srcProfile, 
CMProfileHandle dstProfile)

Optional Functions

pascal CMError MyCMMValidateProfile (
ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMProfileRef prof, 
                                 Boolean *valid);
pascal CMError MyCMMatchBitmap(ComponentInstance CMSession,
const CMBitmap *bitmap,
                              CMBitmapCallBackUPP progressProc,
                              void *refCon,
CMBitmap *matchedBitmap); 
pascal CMError MyCMCheckBitmap(ComponentInstance CMSession,
                              const CMBitmap *bitmap,
                              CMBitmapCallBackUPP progressProc,
                              void *refCon,
                        CMBitmap *resultBitmap);
pascal CMError MyCMConcatInit (ComponentInstance CMSession, 
CMConcatProfileSet *profileSet);
pascal CMError MyCMMatchPixMap(ComponentInstance CMSession,
PixMap *myPixMap,
CMBitmapCallBackUPP progressProc,
void *refCon);
pascal CMError MyCMCheckPixMap(ComponentInstance CMSession,
const PixMap *myPixMap,
                           CMBitmapCallBackUPP progressProc,
BitMap *myBitMap,
void *refCon);
pascal CMError MyCMNewLinkProfile (ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMProfileRef *prof,
const                         CMProfileLocation *targetLocation,
                              CMConcatProfileSet *profileSet);
pascal CMError MyCMConcatenateProfiles (
ComponentInstance CMSession,           
CMProfileHandle thru,
                                       CMProfileHandle dst,
                                       CMProfileHandle *newDst); 
pascal CMError MyCMMGetPS2ColorSpace (
ComponentInstance CMSession,        
CMProfileRef srcProf,
                                    unsigned long flags,
                                    CMFlattenUPP proc, 
                                    void *refCon); 
pascal CMError MyCMMGetPS2ColorRenderingIntent (
ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMProfileRef srcProf,
                                    unsigned long flags,                
CMFlattenUPP proc,
                                    void *refCon); 
pascal CMError MyCMMGetPS2ColorRendering (
ComponentInstance CMSession,              
CMProfileRef srcProf,
                                          CMProfileRef dstProf,                     
unsigned long flags,
                                          CMFlattenUPP proc,
                                          void *refCon);
pascal CMError MyCMMGetPS2ColorRenderingVMSize (
ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMProfileRef srcProf,
                                          CMProfileRef dstProf,
unsigned long vmSize);
pascal CMError MyCMMFlattenProfile (
ComponentInstance CMSession,     
CMProfileRef prof,
unsigned                            long flags,
CMFlattenUPP                        proc,
void *refCon); 
pascal CMError MyCMMUnflattenProfile (
ComponentInstance CMSession,         
FSSpec *resultFileSpec,
                                    CMFlattenUPP proc,
void *refCon);
pascal CMError MyCMMGetNamedColorInfo(
ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMProfileRef srcProf,
unsigned long *deviceChannels,
OSType *deviceColorSpace,
OSType *PCSColorSpace,
unsigned long *count,
StringPtr prefix,
StringPtr suffix);
pascal CMError MyCMMGetNamedColorValue(
ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMProfileRef prof,
StringPtr name,
CMColor *deviceColor,
CMColor *PCSColor);
pascal CMError MyCMMGetIndNamedColorValue(
ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMProfileRef prof,
unsigned long index,
CMColor *deviceColor,
CMColor *PCSColor);
pascal CMError MyCMMGetNamedColorIndex(
ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMProfileRef prof,
StringPtr name,
unsigned long *index);
pascal CMError MyCMMGetNamedColorName(
ComponentInstance CMSession,
CMProfileRef prof,
unsigned long index,
StringPtr name);