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Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Environment and Utilities /
Chapter 3 - Errors, Warnings, and Notices / Errors, Warnings, and Notices Reference
Functions / Notice Posting and Handling


You can use the GXIgnoreGraphicsNotice function to ignore QuickDraw GX notices that may occur when specific parts of your application execute.

void GXIgnoreGraphicsNotice(gxGraphicsNotice notice);
The graphics notice number or name to ignore.
The GXIgnoreGraphicsNotice function adds the notice to be ignored to the ignore notice stack. The posting of notices is suppressed for all notices on the ignore notice stack. Notices may be removed from the ignore notice stack by the use of the GXPopGraphicsNotice function.

You may use any QuickDraw GX notice numbers and notice names or, if you have installed an application-defined notice handler, you may use your own notice numbers and notice names, as long as they use a numbering system different than that provided by QuickDraw GX.

This function has no effect in non-debugging versions

The GXIgnoreGraphicsNotice function saves notice numbers in a warning stack of limited size. If the GXIgnoreGraphicsNotice function has been called too many times with no matching calls to the GXPopGraphicsNotice function, subsequent calls to the GXIgnoreGraphicsNotice function do not cause the notice to be ignored and a notice_stack_overflow warning is be posted.

The use of this function is described in the section "Ignoring Warnings and Notices" beginning on page 3-36.

QuickDraw GX notices that may be posted are listed in the section "Notices" beginning on page 3-27.

The GXPopGraphicsNotice function is described in the next section.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996