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Inside Macintosh: QuickDraw GX Environment and Utilities /
Chapter 3 - Errors, Warnings, and Notices / Errors, Warnings, and Notices Reference
Application-Defined Functions /


You can use the MyUserGraphicsWarning function to provide an application-defined warning handler for your application.

void MyUserGraphicsWarning(gxGraphicsWarning warning, 
                           long reference);
The QuickDraw GX warning being passed to the handler.
A long value passed each time that a warning occurs. This value can be used by the warning handler for any purpose.
The MyUserGraphicsWarning function is called with the warning number posted by the defective function. The MyUserGraphicsWarning function can evaluate the warning and respond in any appropriate manner.

The warning handler is enabled and disabled by the use of the GXSetUserGraphicsWarning function. If its parameter is set to nil, the warning handler is disabled. If its parameter is not nil, the warning handler is enabled and all warnings detected by QuickDraw GX are passed to the warning handler for processing and possible response.

The GXGetUserGraphicsWarning function returns the currently installed application-defined warning handler.

The use of this function is described in the section "Installing an Error, Warning, or Notice Handler" on page 3-38.

Warnings that may be sent to the warning handler are listed in the section "Warnings" beginning on page 3-10.

The GXSetUserGraphicsWarning function is described on page 3-60.

The GXGetUserGraphicsWarning function is described on page 3-61.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996