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Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox /
Chapter 3 - Help Manager

Summary of the Help Manager

Pascal Summary


   gestaltHelpMgrAttr      = 'help';   {Gestalt selector}
   gestaltHelpMgrPresent   =  0;       {if this bit is set, then }
                                       { Help Manager is present}
   hmBalloonHelpVersion    = $0002;    {Help Manager version}
   kBalloonWDEFID          = 126;      {resource ID of standard balloon }
                                       { 'WDEF' function}
   kHMHelpID               = -5696;    {ID of various Help Manager }
                                       { resources (in Pack14 range); }
                                       { also used for 'hfdr' resource ID} 

   {Help menu constants}
   kHMAboutHelpItem        = 1;        {About Balloon Help menu item}
   kHMHelpMenuID           = -16490;   {Help menu resource ID}
   kHMShowBalloonsItem     = 3;        {Show/Hide Balloons menu item}
   {HelpItem type for 'DITL' resources}
   helpItem                = 1;        {help item}
   {option bits for help resources}
   hmDefaultOptions        = 0;        {use defaults}
   hmUseSubID              = 1;        {use subrange resource IDs }
                                       { for owned resources}
   hmAbsoluteCoords        = 2;        {ignore coords of window }
                                       { origin and treat upper-left }
                                       { corner of window as 0,0}
   hmSaveBitsNoWindow      = 4;        {don't create window; save }
                                       { bits; no update event}
   hmSaveBitsWindow        = 8;        {save bits behind window and }
                                       { generate update event}
   hmMatchInTitle          = 16;       {match window by string }
                                       { anywhere in title string}
   {constants for hmmHelpType field of HMMessageRecord}
   khmmString              = 1;        {Pascal string}
   khmmPict                = 2;        {'PICT' resource ID}
   khmmStringRes           = 3;        {'STR#' res ID and index}
   khmmTEHandle            = 4;        {TextEdit handle}
   khmmPictHandle          = 5;        {picture handle}
   khmmTERes               = 6;        {'TEXT' and 'styl' resource ID}
   khmmSTRRes              = 7;        {'STR ' resource ID}
   {resource types for styled text in resources}
   kHMTETextResType        = 'TEXT';   {'TEXT' resource type}
   kHMTEStyleResType       = 'styl';   {'styl' resource type}
   {constants for whichState parameter when extracting help }
   { message records from 'hmnu' and 'hdlg' resources}
   kHMEnabledItem          = 0;        {enabled state for menu items; }
                                       { contrlHilite value of 0 for }
                                       { controls}
   kHMDisabledItem         = 1;        {disabled state for menu items; }
                                       { contrlHilite value of 255 for }
                                       { controls}
   kHMCheckedItem          = 2;        {enabled-and-checked state for }
                                       { menu items; contrlHilite }
                                       { value of 1 for controls that }
                                       { are "on"}
   kHMOtherItem            = 3;        {enabled-and-marked state for }
                                       { menu items; contrlHilite }
                                       { value between 2 and 253 for }
                                       { controls}
   {resource types for whichType parameter used when extracting }
   { help message}
   kHMMenuResType          = 'hmnu';   {menu help resource type}
   kHMDialogResType        = 'hdlg';   {dialog help resource type}
   kHMWindListResType      = 'hwin';   {window help resource type}
   kHMRectListResType      = 'hrct';   {rectangle help resource type}
   kHMOverrideResType      = 'hovr';   {help override resource type}
   kHMFinderApplResType    = 'hfdr';   {app icon help resource type}
   {constants for method parameter in HMShowBalloon}
   kHMRegularWindow        = 0;        {don't save bits; just update}
   kHMSaveBitsNoWindow     = 1;        {save bits; don't do update}
   kHMSaveBitsWindow       = 2;        {save bits; do update event}
   {constants for help types in 'hmnu', 'hdlg', 'hrct', 'hovr', and }
   { 'hfdr' resources--useful only for walking these resources}
   kHMStringItem           = 1;        {Pascal string}
   kHMPictItem             = 2;        {'PICT' resource ID}
   kHMStringResItem        = 3;        {'STR#' resource ID & index}
   kHMTEResItem            = 6;        {'TEXT' & 'styl' resource ID}
   kHMSTRResItem           = 7;        {'STR ' resource ID}
   kHMSkipItem             = 256;      {don't display a balloon}
   kHMCompareItem          = 512;      {for 'hmnu', use help message }
                                       { if menu item matches string}
   kHMNamedResourceItem    = 1024;     {for 'hmnu', use menu item to }
                                       { get a named resource}
   kHMTrackCntlItem        = 2048;     {reserved}

Data Types

TYPE  HMStringResType   =                 {Help Manager string list record}
         hmmResID:      Integer;          {'STR#' resource ID}
         hmmIndex:      Integer;          {index of string}
      HMMessageRecPtr   = ^HMMessageRecord;
      HMMessageRecord   =                             {help message record}
         hmmHelpType:         Integer;                {type of next field}
         CASE Integer OF
            khmmString:       (hmmString: Str255);    {Pascal string}
            khmmPict:         (hmmPict: Integer);     {'PICT' resource ID}
            khmmStringRes:    (hmmStringRes: HMStringResType); 
                                                      {'STR#' resource }
                                                      { ID and index}
            khmmTEHandle:     (hmmTEHandle: TEHandle);{TextEdit handle}
            khmmPictHandle:   (hmmPictHandle: PicHandle);
                                                      {picture handle}
            khmmTERes:        (hmmTERes: Integer);    {'TEXT'/'styl' }
                                                      { resource ID}
            khmmSTRRes:       (hmmSTRRes: Integer)    {'STR ' resource ID}

Help Manager Routines

Determining Help Balloon Status

FUNCTION HMGetBalloons: Boolean;
FUNCTION HMIsBalloon: Boolean;

Displaying and Removing Help Balloons

FUNCTION HMShowBalloon       (aHelpMsg: HMMessageRecord; tip: Point; 
                              alternateRect: RectPtr; tipProc: Ptr; 
                              theProc: Integer; variant: Integer; 
                              method: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMShowMenuBalloon   (itemNum: Integer; itemMenuID: Integer; 
                              itemFlags: LongInt; itemReserved: LongInt; 
                              tip: Point; alternateRect: RectPtr; 
                              tipProc: Ptr; theProc: Integer; 
                              variant: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMRemoveBalloon     : OSErr; 

Enabling and Disabling Balloon Help Assistance

FUNCTION HMSetBalloons       (flag: Boolean): OSErr;

Adding Items to the Help Menu

FUNCTION HMGetHelpMenuHandle
                             (VAR mh: MenuHandle): OSErr;

Getting and Setting the Font Name and Size

FUNCTION HMGetFont        (VAR font: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMGetFontSize    (VAR fontSize: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMSetFont        (font: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMSetFontSize    (fontSize: Integer): OSErr;

Setting and Getting Information for Help Resources

FUNCTION HMSetMenuResID   (menuID: Integer; resID: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMGetMenuResID   (menuID: Integer; VAR resID: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMScanTemplateItems
                          (whichID: Integer; whichResFile: Integer; 
                           whichType: ResType): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMSetDialogResID (resID: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMGetDialogResID (VAR resID: Integer): OSErr;

Determining the Size of a Help Balloon

FUNCTION HMBalloonRect    (aHelpMsg: HMMessageRecord; 
                           VAR coolRect: Rect): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMBalloonPict    (aHelpMsg: HMMessageRecord; 
                           VAR coolPict: PicHandle): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMGetBalloonWindow
                          (VAR window: WindowPtr): OSErr;

Getting the Message of a Help Balloon

FUNCTION HMExtractHelpMsg (whichType: ResType; 
                           whichResID: Integer; whichMsg: Integer; 
                           whichState: Integer; 
                           VAR aHelpMsg: HMMessageRecord): OSErr;
FUNCTION HMGetIndHelpMsg  (whichType: ResType; 
                           whichResID: Integer; whichMsg: Integer; 
                           whichState: Integer; 
                           VAR options: LongInt; VAR tip: Point; 
                           VAR altRect: Rect; VAR theProc: Integer; 
                           VAR variant: Integer; 
                           VAR aHelpMsg: HMMessageRecord; 
                           VAR count: Integer): OSErr;

Application-Defined Routines

FUNCTION MyBalloonDef     (variant: Integer; theBalloon: WindowPtr; 
                           message: Integer; param: LongInt): LongInt;
FUNCTION MyTip            (tip: Point; structure: RgnHandle; 
                           VAR r: Rect; VAR variant: Integer): OSErr;

C Summary


enum {
   #define gestaltHelpMgrAttr  'help'  /*Gestalt selector*/
   gestaltHelpMgrPresent      =  0     /*if this bit is set, then */
                                       /* Help Manager is present*/
enum {
   hmBalloonHelpVersion    = 0x0002,   /*Help Manager version*/
   kBalloonWDEFID          = 126,      /*resource ID of standard balloon */
                                       /* 'WDEF' function*/
   kHMHelpID               = -5696,    /*ID of various Help Manager */
                                       /* resources (in Pack14 range); */
                                       /* also used for 'hfdr' resource ID*/ 
   /*Help menu constants*/
   kHMAboutHelpItem        = 1,        /*About Balloon Help menu item*/
   kHMHelpMenuID           = -16490,   /*Help menu resource ID*/
   kHMShowBalloonsItem     = 3,        /*Show/Hide Balloons menu item*/
   /*help item type for 'DITL' resources*/
   HelpItem                = 1,        /*help item*/
   /*option bits for help resources*/
   hmDefaultOptions        = 0,        /*use defaults*/
   hmUseSubID              = 1,        /*use subrange resource IDs */
                                       /* for owned resources*/
   hmAbsoluteCoords        = 2         /*ignore coords of window */
                                       /* origin and treat upper-left */
                                       /* corner of window as 0,0*/
enum {
   hmSaveBitsNoWindow      = 4,        /*don't create window; save */
                                       /* bits; no update event*/
   hmSaveBitsWindow        = 8,        /*save bits behind window and */
                                       /* generate update event*/
   hmMatchInTitle          = 16,       /*match window by string */
                                       /* anywhere in title string*/
   /*constants for hmmHelpType field of HMMessageRecord*/
   khmmString              = 1,        /*Pascal string*/
   khmmPict                = 2,        /*'PICT' resource ID*/
   khmmStringRes           = 3,        /*'STR#' res ID and index*/
   khmmTEHandle            = 4,        /*TextEdit handle*/
   khmmPictHandle          = 5,        /*picture handle*/
   khmmTERes               = 6,        /*'TEXT' and 'styl' resource ID*/
   khmmSTRRes              = 7,        /*'STR ' resource ID*/
   /*resource types for styled text in resources*/
   #define kHMTETextResType    'TEXT'  /*'TEXT' resource type*/
   #define kHMTEStyleResType   'styl'  /*'styl' resource type*/
   /*constants for whichState parameter when extracting help */
   /* message records from 'hmnu' and 'hdlg' resources*/
   kHMEnabledItem          = 0,        /*enabled state for menu items; */
                                       /* contrlHilite value of 0 for */
                                       /* controls*/
enum {
   kHMDisabledItem         = 1,        /*disabled state for menu items; */
                                       /* contrlHilite value of 255 for */
                                       /* controls*/
   kHMCheckedItem          = 2,        /*enabled-and-checked state for */
                                       /* menu items; contrlHilite */
                                       /* value of 1 for controls that */
                                       /* are "on"*/
   kHMOtherItem            = 3,        /*enabled-and-marked state for */
                                       /* menu items; contrlHilite */
                                       /* value between 2 and 253 for */
                                       /* controls*/
   /*resource types for whichType parameter used when extracting */
   /* help message*/
   #define kHMMenuResType        'hmnu'   /*menu help resource type*/
   #define kHMDialogResType      'hdlg'   /*dialog help resource type*/
   #define kHMWindListResType    'hwin'   /*window help resource type*/
   #define kHMRectListResType    'hrct'   /*rectangle help resource type*/
   #define kHMOverrideResType    'hovr'   /*help override resource type*/
   #define kHMFinderApplResType  'hfdr'   /*app icon help resource type*/
   /*constants for method parameter in HMShowBalloon*/
   kHMRegularWindow        = 0,        /*don't save bits; just update*/
   kHMSaveBitsNoWindow     = 1,        /*save bits; don't do update*/
   kHMSaveBitsWindow       = 2         /*save bits; do update event*/
enum {
   /*constants for help types in 'hmnu', 'hdlg', 'hrct', 'hovr', and */
   /* 'hfdr' resources--useful only for walking these resources*/
   kHMStringItem           = 1,        /*Pascal string*/
   kHMPictItem             = 2,        /*'PICT' resource ID*/
   kHMStringResItem        = 3,        /*'STR#' resource ID & index*/
   kHMTEResItem            = 6,        /*'TEXT' & 'styl' resource ID*/
   kHMSTRResItem           = 7,        /*'STR ' resource ID*/
   kHMSkipItem             = 256,      /*don't display a balloon*/
   kHMCompareItem          = 512,      /*for 'hmnu', use help message */
                                       /* if menu item matches string*/
   kHMNamedResourceItem    = 1024,     /*for 'hmnu', use menu item to */
                                       /* get a named resource*/
   kHMTrackCntlItem        = 2048      /*reserved*/

Data Types

struct HMStringResType {      /*Help Manager string list record*/
      short    hmmResID;      /*'STR#' resource ID*/
      short    hmmIndex;      /*index of string*/
typedef struct HMStringResType HMStringResType;
struct HMMessageRecord {      /*help message record*/
   short hmmHelpType;         /*type of next field*/
   union {
      char              hmmString[256];   /*Pascal string*/
      short             hmmPict;          /*'PICT' resource ID*/
      Handle            hmmTEHandle;      /*TextEdit handle*/
      HMStringResType   hmmStringRes;     /*'STR#' resource ID and index*/
      short             hmmPictRes;       /*unused*/
      Handle            hmmPictHandle;    /*picture handle*/
      short             hmmTERes;         /*'TEXT'/'styl' resource ID*/
      short             hmmSTRRes;        /*'STR ' resource ID*/
   } u;
typedef struct HMMessageRecord HMMessageRecord;
typedef HMMessageRecord *HMMessageRecPtr;

Help Manager Routines

Determining Help Balloon Status

pascal Boolean HMGetBalloons
pascal Boolean HMIsBalloon(void);

Displaying and Removing Help Balloons

pascal OSErr HMShowBalloon    (const HMMessageRecord *aHelpMsg, Point tip,
                               RectPtr alternateRect, Ptr tipProc, 
                               short theProc, short variant, short method);
pascal OSErr HMShowMenuBalloon
                              (short itemNum, short itemMenuID, 
                               long itemFlags, long itemReserved, 
                               Point tip, RectPtr alternateRect, 
                               Ptr tipProc, short theProc, short variant);
pascal OSErr HMRemoveBalloon

Enabling and Disabling Balloon Help Assistance

pascal OSErr HMSetBalloons    (Boolean flag);

Adding Items to the Help Menu

pascal OSErr HMGetHelpMenuHandle
                              (MenuHandle *mh);

Getting and Setting the Font Name and Size

pascal OSErr HMGetFont        (short *font);
pascal OSErr HMGetFontSize    (short *fontSize);
pascal OSErr HMSetFont        (short font);
pascal OSErr HMSetFontSize    (short fontSize);

Setting and Getting Information for Help Resources

pascal OSErr HMSetMenuResID
                  (short menuID, short resID);
pascal OSErr HMGetMenuResID
                  (short menuID, short *resID);
pascal OSErr HMScanTemplateItems
                  (short whichID, short whichResFile, 
                   ResType whichType);
pascal OSErr HMSetDialogResID
                  (short resID);
pascal OSErr HMGetDialogResID
                  (short *resID);

Determining the Size of a Help Balloon

pascal OSErr HMBalloonRect (const HMMessageRecord *aHelpMsg, 
                            Rect *coolRect);
pascal OSErr HMBalloonPict (const HMMessageRecord *aHelpMsg, 
                            PicHandle *coolPict);
pascal OSErr HMGetBalloonWindow
                           (WindowPtr *window);

Getting the Message of a Help Balloon

pascal OSErr HMExtractHelpMsg
                           (ResType whichType, short whichResID, 
                            short whichMsg, short whichState, 
                            HMMessageRecord *aHelpMsg);
pascal OSErr HMGetIndHelpMsg
                           (ResType whichType, short whichResID, 
                            short whichMsg, short whichState, 
                            long *options, Point *tip, Rect *altRect,
                            short *theProc, short *variant, 
                            HMMessageRecord *aHelpMsg, short *count);

Application-Defined Routines

pascal long MyBalloonDef   (short variant, WindowPtr theBalloon, 
                            short message, long param);
pascal OSErr MyTip         (Point tip, RgnHandle structure,
                            Rect *r, short *variant);

Assembly-Language Summary

Data Structures

Help Message Data Structure
0hmmHelpTypewordResource type
2hmmHelpMessagevariableHelp balloon message

Trap Macros

Trap Macros Requiring Routine Selectors


Result Codes
noErr0No error
fnOpnErr-38File not open
paramErr-50Error in parameter list
memFullErr-108Not enough room in heap zone
resNotFound-192Unable to read resource
hmHelpDisabled-850Help balloons are not enabled
hmBalloonAborted-853Because of constant cursor movement, the help balloon wasn't displayed
hmSameAsLastBalloon-854Menu and item are same as previous menu and item
hmHelpManagerNotInited-855Help menu not set up
hmSkippedBalloon-857No help message to fill in
hmWrongVersion-858Wrong version of Help Manager resource
hmUnknownHelpType-859Help message record contained a bad type
hmOperationUnsupported-861Invalid value passed in the method parameter
hmNoBalloonUp-862No balloon showing
hmCloseViewActive-863Balloon can't be removed because Close View is in use

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996