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Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox /
Chapter 3 - Help Manager / Help Manager Reference

The Default Help Override Resource

The Help Manager also provides default help balloons for the title bar and the close and zoom boxes of an active window, for the windows of inactive applications, for inactive windows of an active application, and for the area outside a modal dialog box.

Apple has researched and tested these help messages to ensure that they are as effective as possible for users. Normally, you don't need to override them. However, by creating a default help override resource you can override one or more of these defaults if absolutely necessary. A default help override resource is a resource of type 'hovr'. The 'hovr' resource must have a resource ID greater than 128.

The format of a Rez input file for an 'hovr' resource differs from its compiled output form. This section describes the structure of a Rez-compiled 'hovr' resource. If you are concerned only with creating 'hovr' resources, see "Overriding Other Default Help Balloons" on page 3-80 for a detailed description of how to use Rez input files to create 'hovr' resources.

An 'hovr' resource consists of a header component, a missing-items component, and seven additional components for various interface elements. Figure 3-46 shows the general structure of a compiled 'hovr' resource.

Figure 3-46 Structure of a compiled default help override ('hovr') resource

If you examine a compiled version of an 'hovr' resource, you find that the header component consists of the following elements:

The Help Manager uses the order of the components in this resource to determine their purposes.

The structures of the remaining components depend on identifiers specified inside the components. The identifiers used in a Rez input file are described in "Specifying the Format for Help Messages" on page 3-21.

Each component can specify one help message, as listed here.

Figure 3-47 shows the structure of an 'hovr' component that stores its help message as a Pascal string within the 'hovr' resource itself.

Figure 3-47 Structure of an 'hovr' component compiled with the HMStringItem identifier

If you examine a compiled version of an 'hovr' resource, you find that a component identified in a Rez input file by the HMStringItem identifier consists of the following elements:

Figure 3-48 shows the structure of an 'hovr' component that specifies its help message as a text string stored in a string list ('STR#') resource.

Figure 3-48 Structure of an 'hovr' component compiled with the HMStringResItem identifier

If you examine a compiled version of an 'hovr' resource, you find that a component identified in a Rez input file by the HMStringResItem identifier consists of the following elements:

Figure 3-49 shows the structure of an 'hovr' component that specifies its help message in a picture ('PICT') resource, in styled text ('TEXT' and 'styl') resources, or in a string ('STR ') resource.

Figure 3-49 Structure of an 'hovr' component compiled with the HMPictItem, HMTEResItem, or HMSTRResItem identifier

If you examine a compiled version of an 'hovr' resource, you find that a component identified in a Rez input file by either the HMPictItem, HMTEResItem, or HMSTRResItem identifier consists of the following elements:

Figure 3-50 shows the structure of an 'hovr' component that doesn't specify a help message.

Figure 3-50 Structure of an 'hovr' component compiled with the HMSkipItem identifier

If you examine a compiled version of an 'hovr' resource, you find that a component identified in the Rez input file by the HMSkipItem identifier consists of the following elements:

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996