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Inside Macintosh: Networking /

Chapter 1 - Introduction to AppleTalk

This chapter provides an overview of the AppleTalk networking system and the AppleTalk Manager. AppleTalk is a communications network system interconnecting personal computer workstations, computers acting as file servers and print servers, printers, and shared modems allowing them to exchange information through a variety of types of communications hardware and software. The AppleTalk Manager consists of a set of programming interfaces to the various components of AppleTalk for applications and processes running on Macintosh computers.

This chapter introduces some of the AppleTalk terminology that is used throughout the rest of this book. Read this chapter if you want to gain an overview of the AppleTalk networking system and its component protocols. You should also read this chapter for suggestions on which AppleTalk protocols to use for various application requirements.

The chapters that make up the rest of this book describe how to use the AppleTalk Manager and the hardware device drivers. Because the AppleTalk network system includes both hardware and software--and because the software includes not only
the AppleTalk Manager but also file servers, print servers, internet routers, drivers for circuit cards, and so forth--the information in this book constitutes only a small part of the body of literature documenting AppleTalk.

Chapter Contents
About Networking on the Macintosh
AppleTalk Networking
Basic AppleTalk Networking Concepts
Addressing and Data Delivery on AppleTalk Networks
AppleTalk Connectivity
AppleTalk Phase 2
The AppleTalk Protocol Stack
AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP)
Zone Information Protocol (ZIP)
AppleTalk Session Protocol (ASP)
AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol (ADSP)
AppleTalk Transaction Protocol (ATP)
AppleTalk Echo Protocol (AEP)
Name-Binding Protocol (NBP)
Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP)
Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP)
Link-Access Protocols
Multivendor Architecture
Multinode Architecture
How the AppleTalk Protocols Are Implemented
The AppleTalk Manager
AppleTalk and the OSI Model
Application Layer
Presentation Layer
Session Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Data-Link and Physical Layers
Deciding Which AppleTalk Protocol to Use
Making Your Application Available Throughout the Internet
Identifying Zones
Using a Session Protocol to Send and Receive Data
AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol
AppleTalk Session Protocol
Performing a Transaction
Sending and Receiving Data as Discrete Packets
Measuring Packet-Delivery Performance
Accessing AppleShare and Other File Servers
Receiving Packets Using a Virtual Node and Processing Them in a Custom Manner
The LAP Manager
Directly Accessing a Driver for a Network Type
The AppleTalk Pascal Interface
Executing Routines Synchronously or Asynchronously
Polling the Result Field
Using a Completion Routine

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996