Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.
Identifying Zones
The Zone Information Protocol (ZIP) maintains a zone information table in each internet router that lists the relationships between zone names and network numbers. You can use the part of ZIP that is implemented on a nonrouter node to get the name of the zone to which the node that is running the application belongs. Your application can also call ZIP to get a list of all the zones in the internet.An application running on a node that belongs to an extended network can call ZIP to get a list of all the zone names associated with that network. For example, an application that supports network administration might use these service to provide a network administrator with a list of the zones for a particular network so that the administrator can select the correct zone for a node when adding nodes to a network.
An application could collect other kinds of information, such as what services are running on nodes, and then sort the information by zone.