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Inside Macintosh: Networking /
Chapter 9 - AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP)

Summary of AFP

Pascal Summary


   {.XPP Driver unit and reference numbers}
   xppUnitNum      =    40;         {XPP unit number}
   xppRefNum       =    -41;        {XPP reference number}
   afpCall         =    250;        {AFP call command. Command buffer }
                                    { contains code for the command to be }
                                    { executed}
   {AFP command codes}
   afpByteRangeLock  =  1;                   
   afpVolClose       =  2;
   afpDirClose       =  3;
   afpForkClose      =  4;
   afpCopyFile       =  5; 
   afpDirCreate      =  6;
   afpFileCreate     =  7;
   afpDelete         =  8;
   afpEnumerate      =  9;
   afpFlush          =  10;
   afpForkFlush      =  11;
   afpGetDirParms    =  12;
   afpGetFileParms   =  13;
   afpGetForkParms   =  14;
   afpGetSInfo       =  15;
   afpGetSParms      =  16;
   afpGetVolParms    =  17;
   afpLogin          =  18;
   afpContLogin      =  19;
   afpLogout         =  20;
   afpMapID          =  21;
   afpMapName        =  22;
   afpMove           =  23;
   afpOpenVol        =  24;
   afpOpenDir        =  25;
   afpOpenFork       =  26;
   afpRead           =  27;
   afpRename         =  28;
   afpSetDirParms    =  29;
   afpSetFileParms   =  30;
   afpSetForkParms   =  31;
   afpSetVolParms    =  32;
   afpWrite          =  33;
   afpGetFlDrParms   =  34;
   afpSetFlDrParms   =  35;
   afpDTOpen         =  48;
   afpDTClose        =  49;
   afpGetIcon        =  51;
   afpGtIcnInfo      =  52;
   afpAddAPPL        =  53;
   afpRmvAPPL        =  54;
   afpGetAPPL        =  55;
   afpAddCmt         =  56;
   afpRmvCmt         =  57;
   afpGetCmt         =  58;
   afpAddIcon        =  192;     {special code for ASP write commands}

   xppLoadedBit      =  5;       {XPP bit in PortBUse}
   scbMemSize        =  192;     {size of memory for SCB}
   {constants for AFP command block startEndFlag & newLineFlag fields}
   xppFlagClr        =  0;       
   xppFlagSet        =  128;        

Data Types

Command Block for AFP Read and AFP Write Commands

TYPE AFPCommandBlock = 
      cmdByte:          Byte;       {AFP command}
      startEndFlag:     Byte;       {flag identifying offset relative }
                                    { to fork}
      forkRefNum:       Integer;    {reserved}
      rwOffset:         LongInt;    {offset within fork to begin }
                                    { reading or writing}
      reqCount:         LongInt;    {on input, size of the data buffer; }
                                    { on return, size of the data actually }
                                    { written or read}
      newLineFlag:      Byte;       {for read, a flag indicating whether }
                                    { the read is to be terminated at }
                                    { a specific character; not used by }
                                    { write}
      newLineChar:      Char;       {character used to determine where }
                                    { the read is to be terminated; not }
                                    { used by write}

XPP Parameter Block for AFP

XPPPrmBlkType = (XPPPrmBlk...);
XPPSubPrmType = (ASPOpenPrm,ASPSubPrm);
XPPEndPrmType = (AFPLoginPrm,ASPEndPrm);
TYPE XPPParamBlock = 
      qLink:               QElemPtr;      {reserved}
      qType:               Integer;       {reserved}
      ioTrap:              Integer;       {reserved}
      ioCmdAddr:           Ptr;           {reserved}
      ioCompletion:        ProcPtr;       {completion routine}
      ioResult:            OSErr;         {result code}
      cmdResult:           LongInt;       {command result (ATP user bytes)}
      ioVRefNum:           Integer;       {reserved}
      ioRefNum:            Integer;       {driver reference number}
      csCode:              Integer;       {command code}
   CASE XPPPrmBlkType OF
         (sessRefnum:      Integer;       {offset to session refnum}
         aspTimeout:       Byte;          {timeout for ATP}
         aspRetry:         Byte;          {retry count for ATP}
   CASE XPPSubPrmType OF
         (serverAddr:      AddrBlock;     {server address block}
         scbPointer:       Ptr;           {SCB pointer}
         attnRoutine:      Ptr);          {attention routine pointer}
         (cbSize:          Integer;       {command block size}
         cbPtr:            Ptr;           {command block pointer}
         rbSize:           Integer;       {reply buffer size}
         rbPtr:            Ptr;           {reply buffer pointer}
   CASE XPPEndPrmType OF
         (afpAddrBlock:    AddrBlock;     {address block in AFP login}
         afPSCBPtr:        Ptr;           {SCB pointer in AFP login}
         afpAttnRoutine:   Ptr);          {attn routine pointer in AFP login}
         (wdSize:          Integer;       {write data size}
         wdPtr:            Ptr;           {write data pointer}
         ccbStart:         ARRAY[0..295] OF Byte)));              
                                          {command control block}
XPPParmBlkPtr = ^XPPParamBlock;

XPPPrmBlkType = (XPPPrmBlk...);
XPPSubPrmType = (ASPOpenPrm,ASPSubPrm);
XPPEndPrmType = (AFPLoginPrm,ASPEndPrm);


FUNCTION AFPCommand(thePBptr: XPPParmBlkPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;

C Summary


enum {
   afpCall     = 250             /*AFP command (buffer has command code)*/

enum {                           /*AFPCall command codes*/
   afpFlush          = 10,
   afpForkFlush      = 11,       
   afpGetDirParms    = 12,       
   afpGetFileParms   = 13,       
   afpGetForkParms   = 14,       
   afpGetSInfo       = 15,       
   afpGetSParms      = 16,       
   afpGetVolParms    = 17,       
   afpLogin          = 18,       
   afpContLogin      = 19,       
   afpLogout         = 20,       
   afpMapID          = 21,          
   afpMapName        = 22,       
   afpMove           = 23,       
   afpOpenVol        = 24,       
   afpOpenDir        = 25,       
   afpOpenFork       = 26,       
   afpRead           = 27,       
   afpRename         = 28,       
   afpSetDirParms    = 29        
enum {                           /*AFPCall command codes*/
   afpSetFileParms   = 30,       
   afpSetForkParms   = 31,       
   afpSetVolParms    = 32,       
   afpWrite          = 33,       
   afpGetFlDrParms   = 34,       
   afpSetFlDrParms   = 35,       
   afpDTOpen         = 48,       
   afpDTClose        = 49,       
   afpGetIcon        = 51,       
   afpGtIcnInfo      = 52,       
   afpAddAPPL        = 53,       
   afpRmvAPPL        = 54,       
   afpGetAPPL        = 55,       
   afpAddCmt         = 56,
   afpRmvCmt         = 57,       
   afpGetCmt         = 58,       
   afpAddIcon        = 192       /*special code for ASP write commands*/
enum {
   xppLoadedBit      = 5,        /*XPP bit in PortBUse*/
   scbMemSize        = 192,      /*size of memory for SCB*/
   xppFlagClr        = 0         /*cs for AFPCommandBlock*/

enum {
xppFlagSet           = 128}      /*startEndFlag & NewLineFlag fields*/

Data Types

Command Block for AFP Read and AFP Write Commands

typedef struct {
   char  cmdByte;             /*AFP command*/
   char  startEndFlag;        /*flag identifying offset relative to fork*/
   short forkRefNum;          /*reserved*/
   long  rwOffset;            /*offset within fork to begin reading */
                              /* or writing*/
   long  reqCount;            /*on input, size of the data buffer; */
                              /* on return, size of the data actually */
                              /* written or read*/
   char  newLineFlag;         /*for read, a flag indicating whether the */
                              /* read is to be terminated at a specific */
                              /* character; not used by write*/
   char  newLineChar;         /*character used to determine where the read */
                              /* is to be terminated; not used by write*/
} AFPCommandBlock;

XPP Parameter Block for AFP

#define  XPPPBHeader\
   QElem    *qLink;           /*reserved*/\
   short    qType;            /*reserved*/\
   short    ioTrap;           /*reserved*/\
   Ptr      ioCmdAddr;        /*reserved*/\
   ProcPtr  ioCompletion;     /*completion routine*/\
   OSErr    ioResult;         /*result code*/\
   long     cmdResult;        /*command result*/\
   short    ioVRefNum;        /*reserved*/\
   short    ioRefNum;         /*.XPP driver reference number*/\
   short    csCode;           /*function code*/

typedef struct {
   short    sessRefnum;       /*offset to session refnum*/
   char     aspTimeout;       /*timeout for ATP*/
   char     aspRetry;         /*retry count for ATP*/
   short    cbSize;           /*command block size*/
   Ptr      cbPtr;            /*command block pointer*/
   short    rbSize;           /*reply buffer size*/
   Ptr      rbPtr;            /*reply buffer pointer*/
   short    wdSize;           /*write data size*/
   Ptr      wdPtr;            /*write data pointer*/
   char     ccbStart[296];    /*beginning of command control block */
                              /* (CCB)*/
typedef struct {
   short       sessRefnum;       /*offset to session refnum*/
   char        aspTimeout;       /*timeout for ATP*/
   char        aspRetry;         /*retry count for ATP*/
   short       cbSize;           /*command block size*/
   Ptr         cbPtr;            /*command block pointer*/
   short       rbSize;           /*reply buffer size*/
   Ptr         rbPtr;            /*reply buffer pointer*/
   AddrBlock   afpAddrBlock;     /*block in AFP login*/
   Ptr         afpSCBPtr;        /*SCB pointer in AFP login*/
   Ptr         afpAttnRoutine;   /*attn routine pointer in AFP login*/
   char        ccbFill[144];     /*beginning of command control block*/
typedef struct {
   short       sessRefnum;       /*offset to session refnum*/
   char        aspTimeout;       /*timeout for ATP*/
   char        aspRetry;         /*retry count for ATP*/
   AddrBlock   serverAddr;       /*server address block*/
   Ptr         scbPointer;       /*SCB pointer*/
   Ptr         attnRoutine;      /*attention routine pointer*/
} ASPOpenPrm;

typedef ASPOpenPrm *ASPOpenPrmPtr;


pascal OSErr AFPCommand(XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr, Boolean async); 

Assembly-Language Summary


XPP Driver Unit Number

xppUnitNum           EQU         40                ;XPP unit number
xppLoadedBit         EQU         atpLoadedBit+1    ;XPP loaded bit number in
                                                   ; PortBUse

AFP Control Code

afpCall              EQU         250               ;AFP csCode

AFP Command Codes

afpByteRangeLock     EQU      1
afpVolClose          EQU      2
afpDirClose          EQU      3
afpForkClose         EQU      4
afpCopyFile          EQU      5
afpDirCreate         EQU      6
afpFileCreate        EQU      7
afpDelete            EQU      8
afpEnumerate         EQU      9
afpFlush             EQU      10
afpForkFlush         EQU      11
afpGetDirParms       EQU      12
afpGetFileParms      EQU      13
afpGetForkParms      EQU      14
afpGetSInfo          EQU      15
afpGetSParms         EQU      16
afpGetVolParms       EQU      17
afpLogin             EQU      18
afpContLogin         EQU      19
afpLogout            EQU      20
afpMapID             EQU      21
afpMapName           EQU      22
afpMove              EQU      23
afpOpenVol           EQU      24
afpOpenDir           EQU      25
afpOpenFork          EQU      26
afpRead              EQU      27
afpRename            EQU      28
afpSetDirParms       EQU      29
afpSetFileParms      EQU      30
afpSetForkParms      EQU      31
afpSetVolParms       EQU      32
afpWrite             EQU      33
afpGetFlDrParms      EQU      34
afpSetFlDrParms      EQU      35

afpDTOpen            EQU      48
afpDTClose           EQU      49
afpGetIcon           EQU      51
afpGtIcnInfo         EQU      52
afpAddAPPL           EQU      53
afpRmvAPPL           EQU      54
afpGetAPPL           EQU      55
afpAddCmt            EQU      56
afpRmvCmt            EQU      57
afpGetCmt            EQU      58

afpAddIcon           EQU   192      ;special code for ASP write commands


afpUseWrite    EQU   $C0            ;first call in range that maps to an
                                    ; ASPWrite

Data Structures

Parameter Block for General Command Format
18cmdResultlongAFP command result
26csCodeword command code; always afpCall
28sessRefnumword session reference number
30aspTimeoutbyteretry interval in seconds
32cbSizeword command buffer size
34cbPtrpointercommand buffer
38rbSizewordreply buffer size and actual reply size
40rbPtrpointerreply buffer pointer
44wdSizewordwrite data size
46wdPtrpointerwrite data pointer
50ccbStartrecordbeginning of memory for CCB

Parameter Block for Login Command Format
18cmdResultlongAFP command result
26csCodeword command code; alwaysafpCall
28sessRefnumword session reference number
30aspTimeoutbyteretry interval in seconds
31aspRetrybytenumber of retries
32cbSizeword command buffer size
34cbPtrpointercommand buffer
38rbSizewordreply buffer size and actual reply size
40rbPtrpointerreply buffer pointer
44afpAddrBlocklongserver address block
48afpSCBPtrpointerSCB pointer
52afpAttnRoutinepointerattention routine pointer
50ccbStartrecordbeginning of memory for CCB

Parameter Block for AFP Write Command Format
18cmdResultlongAFP command result
26csCodeword command code; always afpCall
28sessRefnumword session reference number
30aspTimeoutbyteretry interval in seconds
32cbSizeword command buffer size
34cbPtrpointercommand buffer
38rbSizewordreply buffer size and actual reply size
40rbPtrpointerreply buffer pointer
44wdSizewordused internally
46wdPtrpointerwrite data pointer, updated
50ccbStartrecordbeginning of memory for CCB

Command Block for the AFP Write Command
0cmdBytebyteAFP command code
1startEndFlagbytestart/end flag
4rwOffsetlongoffset within fork to begin writing
8reqCountlongon input, requested size of data; on return,
size of data actually written
12newLineFlagbytenew line flag
13newLineCharbytenew line character

Parameter Block for AFP Read Command Format
18cmdResultlongAFP command result
26csCodeword command code; always afpCall
28sessRefnumword session reference number
30aspTimeoutbyteretry interval in seconds
32cbSizeword command buffer size
34cbPtrpointercommand buffer
38rbSizewordused internally
40rbPtrpointerreply buffer pointer (updated)
50ccbStartrecordbeginning of memory for CCB

Command Block for the AFP Read Command
0cmdBytebyteAFP command code
1startEndFlagbyteflag identifying offset relative to fork
4rwOffsetlongoffset within fork to begin reading
8reqCountlongon input, requested size of data; on return, size of data actually read into the buffer

Result Codes
aspBadVersNum-1066The server cannot support the ASP version number
aspBufTooSmall-1067The command reply from the server is larger than the response buffer (ASP will fill the buffer and truncate the reply data)
aspNoMoreSess-1068The .XPP driver cannot support another ASP session
aspNoServers-1069There is not a server at the specified server address, or the server
did not respond to the request
aspParamErr-1070You specified an invalid session reference number, or the session
has been closed
aspServerBusy-1071The server cannot open another session
aspSessClosed-1072The .XPP driver is in the process of closing the session
aspSizeErr-1073The size of the command block exceeds the maximum size
of aspMaxCmdSize
afpParmError-5019The AFP command block size is equal to 0 (this error is also
returned when the command block is equal to 0 or $FF [255] or GetSrvrStatus [15])

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996