Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.
Chapter 10 - Link-Access Protocol (LAP) Manager
The Link-Access Protocol (LAP) Manager is a set of operating-system utilities that provide a standard interface between the higher-level AppleTalk protocols and the various link-access protocols, such as LocalTalk (LLAP), EtherTalk (ELAP), TokenTalk (TLAP), and FDDITalk (FLAP). This chapter describes the LAP Manager programming interfaces to the AppleTalk Transition Queue and the 802.2 packet protocol handlers only. This chapter does not discuss the LAP Manager interface to AppleTalk connection files of type'adev'
that comprise the data links. Apple Computer, Inc. recommends that you not write your own'adev'
files. However, for a description of the LAP Manager that includes the interface to AppleTalk connection files for EtherTalk and other AppleTalk connections, see the Macintosh AppleTalk Connections Programmer's Guide.You should read this chapter if you want the LAP Manager to notify you when a transition occurs or is about to occur. An AppleTalk transition is an event, such as an AppleTalk driver being opened or closed, that can affect your AppleTalk application. This chapter also describes how you can define a transition to notify other applications of a transition event that your application effects.
You should also read this chapter if your application processes 802.2 Type 1 packets. In this case, you must write a protocol handler that reads 802.2 Type 1 data packets and install your protocol handler as a client of the LAP Manager.
For an overview of the LAP Manager and how it fits within the AppleTalk protocol stack, read the chapter "Introduction to AppleTalk" in this book, which also introduces and defines some of the terminology used in this chapter. For additional information on the IEEE 802.2 standard, see Inside AppleTalk, second edition.
Chapter Contents
- About the LAP Manager
- Using the LAP Manager
- Determining if the LAP Manager Is Installed
- Adding an Entry to the AppleTalk Transition Queue
- How the LAP Manager Calls Your Transition Event Handler Routine
- Writing a Transition Event Handler Routine Using Pascal
- Open Transition
- Prepare-to-Close Transition
- Permission-to-Close Transition
- Cancel-Close Transition
- Network-Connection-Change Transition
- Flagship-Name-Change Transition
- Permission-to-Change-Flagship-Name Transition
- Cancel-Flagship-Name-Change Transition
- Cable-Range-Change Transition
- CPU-Speed-Change Transition
- Developer-Defined Transitions
- Defining Your Own AppleTalk Transition
- The LAP Manager and 802.2 Protocol Packets
- Attaching and Detaching 802.2 Protocol Handlers
- LAP Manager Reference
- Data Structures
- The AppleTalk Transition Queue Entry
- Routines
- Adding and Removing AppleTalk Transition Queue Entries
- Notifying Routines When Your Application-Defined Transition Occurs
- Attaching and Detaching 802.2 Protocol Handlers
- Summary of the LAP Manager
- Pascal Summary
- Constants
- Data Types
- AppleTalk Transition Queue Entry
- Routines
- Adding and Removing AppleTalk Transition Queue Entries
- Notifying Routines When Your Application-Defined Transition Occurs
- C Summary
- Constants
- Data Types
- AppleTalk Transition Queue Entry
- Routines
- Adding and Removing AppleTalk Transition Queue Entries
- Notifying Routines When Your Application-Defined Transition Occurs
- Assembly-Language Summary
- Constants
- Data Structures
- AppleTalk Transition Queue Entry Data Structure
- Result Codes