Summary of the Sound Manager
Pascal Summary
{Gestalt sound attributes selector and response bits}
gestaltSoundAttr = 'snd ';{sound attributes selector}
gestaltStereoCapability = 0; {built-in hw can play stereo sounds}
gestaltStereoMixing = 1; {built-in hw mixes stereo to mono}
gestaltSoundIOMgrPresent = 3; {sound input routines available}
gestaltBuiltInSoundInput = 4; {built-in input hw available}
gestaltHasSoundInputDevice = 5; {sound input device available}
gestaltPlayAndRecord = 6; {built-in hw can play while recording}
gestalt16BitSoundIO = 7; {built-in hw can handle 16-bit data}
gestaltStereoInput = 8; {built-in hw can record stereo sounds}
gestaltLineLevelInput = 9; {built-in input hw needs line level}
gestaltSndPlayDoubleBuffer = 10; {play from disk routines available}
gestaltMultiChannels = 11; {multiple channels of sound supported}
gestalt16BitAudioSupport = 12; {16-bit audio data supported}
{channel initialization parameters}
initChanLeft = $0002; {left stereo channel}
initChanRight = $0003; {right stereo channel}
waveInitChannel0 = $0004; {wave-table channel 0}
waveInitChannel1 = $0005; {wave-table channel 1}
waveInitChanne12 = $0006; {wave-table channel 2}
waveInitChannel3 = $0007; {wave-table channel 3}
initMono = $0080; {monophonic channel}
initStereo = $00C0; {stereo channel}
initMACE3 = $0300; {3:1 compression}
initMACE6 = $0400; {6:1 compression}
initNoInterp = $0004; {no linear interpolation}
initNoDrop = $0008; {no drop-sample conversion}
{masks for channel attributes}
initPanMask = $0003; {mask for right/left pan values}
initSRateMask = $0030; {mask for sample rate values}
initStereoMask = $00C0; {mask for mono/stereo values}
initCompMask = $FF00; {mask for compression IDs}
{sound data types}
squareWaveSynth = 1; {square-wave data}
waveTableSynth = 3; {wave-table data}
sampledSynth = 5; {sampled-sound data}
{sound command numbers}
nullCmd = 0; {do nothing}
quietCmd = 3; {stop a sound that is playing}
flushCmd = 4; {flush a sound channel}
reInitCmd = 5; {reinitialize a sound channel}
waitCmd = 10; {suspend processing in a channel}
pauseCmd = 11; {pause processing in a channel}
resumeCmd = 12; {resume processing in a channel}
callBackCmd = 13; {execute a callback procedure}
syncCmd = 14; {synchronize channels}
availableCmd = 24; {see if initialization options }
{ are supported}
versionCmd = 25; {determine version}
totalLoadCmd = 26; {report total CPU load}
loadCmd = 27; {report CPU load for a new channel}
freqDurationCmd = 40; {play a note for a duration}
restCmd = 41; {rest a channel for a duration}
freqCmd = 42; {change the pitch of a sound
ampCmd = 43; {change the amplitude of a sound}
timbreCmd = 44; {change the timbre of a sound}
getAmpCmd = 45; {get the amplitude of a sound}
volumeCmd = 46; {set volume}
getVolumeCmd = 47; {get volume}
waveTableCmd = 60; {install a wave table as a voice}
soundCmd = 80; {install a sampled sound as a voice}
bufferCmd = 81; {play a sampled sound}
rateCmd = 82; {set the pitch of a sampled sound}
getRateCmd = 85; {get the pitch of a sampled sound}
{sampled sound header encoding options}
stdSH = $00; {standard sound header}
extSH = $FF; {extended sound header}
cmpSH = $FE; {compressed sound header}
{size of data structures}
stdQLength = 128; {default size of standard sound }
{ channel}
{sound resource formats}
firstSoundFormat = $0001; {format 1 'snd ' resource}
secondSoundFormat = $0002; {format 2 'snd ' resource}
{sound command mask}
dataOffsetFlag = $8000; {sound command data offset bit}
{system beep states}
sysBeepDisable = $0000; {system alert sound disabled}
sysBeepEnable = $0001; {system alert sound enabled}
{values for the unitType field in AudioSelection}
unitTypeSeconds = $0000; {seconds}
unitTypeNoSelection = $FFFF; {no selection}
{double buffer status flags}
dbBufferReady = $00000001;{double buffer is filled}
dbLastBuffer = $00000004;{last double buffer to play}
{values for the compressionID field of CmpSoundHeader}
variableCompression = -2; {variable-ratio compression}
fixedCompression = -1; {fixed-ratio compression}
notCompressed = 0; {noncompressed samples}
threeToOne = 3; {3:1 compressed samples}
sixToOne = 4; {6:1 compressed samples}
{values for the packetSize field of CmpSoundHeader}
sixToOnePacketSize = 8; {packet size in bits for 6:1}
threeToOnePacketSize = 16; {packet size in bits for 3:1}
{compression names and types}
NoneName = 'not compressed';
ACE2to1Name = 'ACE 2-to-1';
ACE8to3Name = 'ACE 8-to-3';
MACE3to1Name = 'MACE 3-to-1';
MACE6to1Name = 'MACE 6-to-1';
NoneType = 'NONE';
ACE2Type = 'ACE2';
ACE8Type = 'ACE8';
MACE3Type = 'MAC3';
MACE6Type = 'MAC6'
{IDs for AIFF and AIFF-C files}
AIFFID = 'AIFF'; {AIFF file}
AIFCID = 'AIFC'; {AIFF-C file}
{IDs for AIFF and AIFF-C file chunks}
FormID = 'FORM'; {ID for Form Chunk}
FormatVersionID = 'FVER'; {ID for Format Version Chunk}
CommonID = 'COMM'; {ID for Common Chunk}
SoundDataID = 'SSND'; {ID for Sound Data Chunk}
MarkerID = 'MARK'; {ID for Marker Chunk}
InstrumentID = 'INST'; {ID for Instrument Chunk}
MIDIDataID = 'MIDI'; {ID for MIDI Data Chunk}
AudioRecordingID = 'AESD'; {ID for Recording Chunk}
ApplicationSpecificID = 'APPL'; {ID for Application Chunk}
CommentID = 'COMT'; {ID for Comment Chunk}
NameID = 'NAME'; {ID for Name Chunk}
AuthorID = 'AUTH'; {ID for Author Chunk}
CopyrightID = '(c) '; {ID for Copyright Chunk}
AnnotationID = 'ANNO'; {ID for Annotation Chunk}
{version of AIFC format specification}
AIFCVersion1 = $A2805140;{date of version creation}
{MIDI note value for middle C}
kMiddleC = 60;
{ratio between frequencies of MIDI note values}
twelfthRootTwo = 1.05946309434;
{standard sampling rates}
rate44khz = $AC440000; {44100.00000 in fixed-point}
rate22khz = $56EE8BA3; {22254.54545 in fixed-point}
rate22050hz = $56220000; {22050.00000 in fixed-point}
rate11khz = $2B7745D1; {11127.27273 in fixed-point}
rate11025hz = $2B110000; {11025.00000 in fixed-point}
{constant for synth parameter of SndNewChannel}
kUseOptionalOutputDevice = -1;
kFullVolume = $0100;
kNoVolume = 0;
{development stages}
developStage = $20; {prealpha release}
alphaStage = $40; {alpha release}
betaStage = $60; {beta release}
finalStage = $80; {final release}
{sizes of data buffers}
stateBlockSize = 64; {size of state block buffer}
leftOverBlockSize = 32; {size of leftover block buffer}
Data Types
Unsigned Fixed-Point Numbers
UnsignedFixed = LongInt; {unsigned fixed-point number}
Time = LongInt; {in half-milliseconds}
Sound Command Record
SndCommand =
cmd: Integer; {command number}
param1: Integer; {first parameter}
param2: LongInt; {second parameter}
Audio Selection Record
AudioSelection =
unitType: LongInt; {type of time unit}
selStart: Fixed; {starting point of selection}
selEnd: Fixed; {ending point of selection}
AudioSelectionPtr = ^AudioSelection;
Sound Channel Status Record
SCStatus =
scStartTime: Fixed; {starting time for play from disk}
scEndTime: Fixed; {ending time for play from disk}
scCurrentTime: Fixed; {current time for play from disk}
scChannelBusy: Boolean; {TRUE if channel is processing cmds}
scChannelDisposed: Boolean; {reserved}
scChannelPaused: Boolean; {TRUE if play from disk is paused}
scUnused: Boolean; {unused}
scChannelAttributes: LongInt; {attributes of this channel}
scCPULoad: LongInt; {CPU load for this channel}
SCStatusPtr = ^SCStatus;
Sound Manager Status Record
SMStatus =
smMaxCPULoad: Integer; {maximum load on all channels}
smNumChannels: Integer; {number of allocated channels}
smCurCPULoad: Integer; {current load on all channels}
SMStatusPtr = ^SMStatus;
Sound Channel Record
SndChannel =
nextChan: SndChannelPtr; {pointer to next channel}
firstMod: Ptr; {used internally}
callBack: ProcPtr; {pointer to callback procedure}
userInfo: LongInt; {free for application's use}
wait: LongInt; {used internally}
cmdInProgress: SndCommand; {used internally}
flags: Integer; {used internally}
qLength: Integer; {used internally}
qHead: Integer; {used internally}
qTail: Integer; {used internally}
queue: ARRAY[0..stdQLength-1] OF SndCommand;
SndChannelPtr = ^SndChannel;
Sound Header Record
SoundHeader =
samplePtr: Ptr; {if NIL, samples in sampleArea}
length: LongInt; {number of samples in array}
sampleRate: Fixed; {sample rate}
loopStart: LongInt; {loop point beginning}
loopEnd: LongInt; {loop point ending}
encode: Byte; {sample's encoding option}
baseFrequency: Byte; {base frequency of sample}
sampleArea: PACKED ARRAY[0..0] OF Byte;
SoundHeaderPtr = ^SoundHeader;
Extended Sound Header Record
ExtSoundHeader =
samplePtr: Ptr; {if NIL, samples in sampleArea}
numChannels: LongInt; {number of channels in sample}
sampleRate: Fixed; {rate of original sample}
loopStart: LongInt; {loop point beginning}
loopEnd: LongInt; {loop point ending}
encode: Byte; {sample's encoding option}
baseFrequency: Byte; {base frequency of sample}
numFrames: LongInt; {total number of frames}
AIFFSampleRate: Extended80; {rate of original sample}
markerChunk: Ptr; {reserved}
instrumentChunks: Ptr; {pointer to instrument info}
AESRecording: Ptr; {pointer to audio info}
sampleSize: Integer; {number of bits per sample}
futureUse1: Integer; {reserved}
futureUse2: LongInt; {reserved}
futureUse3: LongInt; {reserved}
futureUse4: LongInt; {reserved}
sampleArea: PACKED ARRAY[0..0] OF Byte;
ExtSoundHeaderPtr = ^ExtSoundHeader;
Compressed Sound Header Record
CmpSoundHeader =
samplePtr: Ptr; {if NIL, samples in sampleArea}
numChannels: LongInt; {number of channels in sample}
sampleRate: Fixed; {rate of original sample}
loopStart: LongInt; {loop point beginning}
loopEnd: LongInt; {loop point ending}
encode: Byte; {sample's encoding option}
baseFrequency: Byte; {base freq. of original sample}
numFrames: LongInt; {length of sample in frames}
AIFFSampleRate: Extended80; {rate of original sample}
markerChunk: Ptr; {reserved}
format: OSType; {data format type}
futureUse2: LongInt; {reserved}
stateVars: StateBlockPtr; {pointer to StateBlock}
leftOverSamples: LeftOverBlockPtr;
{pointer to LeftOverBlock}
compressionID: Integer; {ID of compression algorithm}
packetSize: Integer; {number of bits per packet}
snthID: Integer; {unused}
sampleSize: Integer; {bits in each sample point}
sampleArea: PACKED ARRAY[0..0] OF Byte;
CmpSoundHeaderPtr = ^CmpSoundHeader;
Sound Double Buffer Header Record
SndDoubleBufferHeader =
dbhNumChannels: Integer; {number of sound channels}
dbhSampleSize: Integer; {sample size, if noncompressed}
dbhCompressionID: Integer; {ID of compression algorithm}
dbhPacketSize: Integer; {number of bits per packet}
dbhSampleRate: Fixed; {sample rate}
dbhBufferPtr: ARRAY[0..1] OF SndDoubleBufferPtr;
{pointers to SndDoubleBuffer}
dbhDoubleBack: ProcPtr; {pointer to doubleback procedure}
SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr = ^SndDoubleBufferHeader;
SndDoubleBufferHeader2 =
dbhNumChannels: Integer; {number of sound channels}
dbhSampleSize: Integer; {sample size, if noncompressed}
dbhCompressionID: Integer; {ID of compression algorithm}
dbhPacketSize: Integer; {number of bits per packet}
dbhSampleRate: Fixed; {sample rate}
dbhBufferPtr: ARRAY[0..1] OF SndDoubleBufferPtr;
{pointers to SndDoubleBuffer}
dbhDoubleBack: ProcPtr; {pointer to doubleback procedure}
dbhFormat: OSType; {signature of codec}
SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr2 = ^SndDoubleBufferHeader2;
Sound Double Buffer Record
SndDoubleBuffer =
dbNumFrames: LongInt; {number of frames in buffer}
dbFlags: LongInt; {buffer status flags}
dbUserInfo: ARRAY[0..1] OF LongInt;
{for application's use}
dbSoundData: PACKED ARRAY[0..0] OF Byte;
{array of data}
SndDoubleBufferPtr = ^SndDoubleBuffer;
Chunk Header
ID = LongInt; {chunk ID type}
ChunkHeader =
ckID: ID; {chunk type ID}
ckSize: LongInt; {number of bytes of data}
Form Chunk
ContainerChunk =
ckID: ID; {'FORM'}
ckSize: LongInt; {number of bytes of data}
formType: ID; {type of file}
Format Version Chunk
FormatVersionChunk =
ckID: ID; {'FVER'}
ckSize: LongInt; {4 bytes}
timestamp: LongInt; {date of format version}
Common Chunk
CommonChunk =
ckID: ID; {'COMM'}
ckSize: LongInt; {18 bytes}
numChannels: Integer; {number of channels}
numSampleFrames: LongInt; {number of sample frames}
sampleSize: Integer; {number of bits per sample}
sampleRate: Extended; {number of frames per second}
Extended Common Chunk
ExtCommonChunk =
ckID: ID; {'COMM'}
ckSize: LongInt; {22 bytes + compression name}
numChannels: Integer; {number of channels}
numSampleFrames: LongInt; {number of sample frames}
sampleSize: Integer; {number of bits per sample}
sampleRate: Extended; {number of frames per second}
compressionType: ID; {compression type ID}
compressionName: PACKED ARRAY[0..0] OF Byte;
{compression type name}
Sound Data Chunk
SoundDataChunk =
ckID: ID; {'SSND'}
ckSize: LongInt; {size of chunk data}
offset: LongInt; {offset to sound data}
blockSize: LongInt; {size of alignment blocks}
Version Record
NumVersion =
(majorRev: SignedByte; {major revision level in BCD}
minorAndBugRev: SignedByte; {minor revision level}
stage: SignedByte; {development stage}
nonRelRev: SignedByte); {nonreleased revision level}
(version: LongInt); {all 4 fields together}
Leftover Block
LeftOverBlock =
count: LongInt;
sampleArea: PACKED ARRAY[0..leftOverBlockSize - 1] OF Byte;
LeftOverBlockPtr = ^LeftOverBlock;
State Block
StateBlock =
stateVar: ARRAY[0..stateBlockSize - 1] OF Integer;
StateBlockPtr = ^StateBlock;
Sound Manager Routines
Playing Sound Resources
PROCEDURE SysBeep (duration: Integer);
FUNCTION SndPlay (chan: SndChannelPtr; sndHdl: Handle;
async: Boolean): OSErr;
Playing From Disk
FUNCTION SndStartFilePlay (chan: SndChannelPtr; fRefNum: Integer;
resNum: Integer; bufferSize: LongInt;
theBuffer: Ptr;
theSelection: AudioSelectionPtr;
theCompletion: ProcPtr; async: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION SndPauseFilePlay (chan: SndChannelPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION SndStopFilePlay (chan: SndChannelPtr; quietNow: Boolean): OSErr;
Allocating and Releasing Sound Channels
FUNCTION SndNewChannel (VAR chan: SndChannelPtr; synth: Integer;
init: LongInt; userRoutine: ProcPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION SndDisposeChannel (chan: SndChannelPtr; quietNow: Boolean): OSErr;
Sending Commands to a Sound Channel
FUNCTION SndDoCommand (chan: SndChannelPtr; cmd: SndCommand;
noWait: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION SndDoImmediate (chan: SndChannelPtr; cmd: SndCommand): OSErr;
Obtaining Information
FUNCTION SndSoundManagerVersion
: NumVersion;
FUNCTION MACEVersion : NumVersion;
FUNCTION SndControl (id: Integer; VAR cmd: SndCommand): OSErr;
FUNCTION SndChannelStatus (chan: SndChannelPtr; theLength: Integer;
theStatus: SCStatusPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION SndManagerStatus (theLength: Integer; theStatus: SMStatusPtr):
PROCEDURE SndGetSysBeepState
(VAR sysBeepState: Integer);
FUNCTION SndSetSysBeepState
(sysBeepState: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION GetSoundHeaderOffset
(sndHdl: Handle; VAR offset: LongInt): OSErr;
Controlling Volume Levels
FUNCTION GetSysBeepVolume (VAR level: LongInt): OSErr;
FUNCTION SetSysBeepVolume (level: LongInt): OSErr;
FUNCTION GetDefaultOutputVolume
(VAR level: LongInt): OSErr;
FUNCTION SetDefaultOutputVolume
(level: LongInt): OSErr;
Compressing and Expanding Audio Data
PROCEDURE Comp3to1 (inBuffer: Ptr; outBuffer: Ptr; cnt: LongInt;
inState: Ptr; outState: Ptr;
numChannels: LongInt; whichChannel: LongInt);
PROCEDURE Comp6to1 (inBuffer: Ptr; outBuffer: Ptr; cnt: LongInt;
inState: Ptr; outState: Ptr;
numChannels: LongInt; whichChannel: LongInt);
PROCEDURE Exp1to3 (inBuffer: Ptr; outBuffer: Ptr; cnt: LongInt;
inState: Ptr; outState: Ptr;
numChannels: LongInt; whichChannel: LongInt);
PROCEDURE Exp1to6 (inBuffer: Ptr; outBuffer: Ptr; cnt: LongInt;
inState: Ptr; outState: Ptr;
numChannels: LongInt; whichChannel: LongInt);
Managing Double Buffers
FUNCTION SndPlayDoubleBuffer
(chan: SndChannelPtr;
theParams: SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr): OSErr;
Performing Unsigned Fixed-Point Arithmetic
FUNCTION UnsignedFixMulDiv (value: UnsignedFixed;
multiplier: UnsignedFixed;
divisor: UnsignedFixed): UnsignedFixed;
Linking Modifiers to Sound Channels
FUNCTION SndAddModifier (chan: SndChannelPtr; modifier: ProcPtr;
id: Integer; init: LongInt): OSErr;
Application-Defined Routines
PROCEDURE MyFilePlayCompletionRoutine
(chan: SndChannelPtr);
PROCEDURE MyCallback (chan: SndChannelPtr; cmd: SndCommand);
PROCEDURE MyDoubleBackProc (chan: SndChannelPtr;
doubleBufferPtr: SndDoubleBufferPtr);
C Summary
/*Gestalt sound attributes selector and response bits*/
#define gestaltSoundAttr 'snd ' /*sound attributes selector*/
enum {
gestaltStereoCapability = 0, /*built-in hw can play stereo sounds*/
gestaltStereoMixing = 1, /*built-in hw mixes stereo to mono*/
gestaltSoundIOMgrPresent = 3, /*sound input routines available*/
gestaltBuiltInSoundInput = 4, /*built-in input hw available*/
gestaltHasSoundInputDevice = 5, /*sound input device available*/
gestaltPlayAndRecord = 6, /*built-in hw can play while recording*/
gestalt16BitSoundIO = 7, /*built-in hw can handle 16-bit data*/
gestaltStereoInput = 8, /*built-in hw can record stereo sounds*/
gestaltLineLevelInput = 9, /*built-in input hw needs line level*/
gestaltSndPlayDoubleBuffer = 10, /*play from disk routines available*/
gestaltMultiChannels = 11, /*multiple channels of sound supported*/
gestalt16BitAudioSupport = 12 /*16-bit audio data supported*/
/*channel initialization parameters*/
enum {
initChanLeft = 0x0002, /*left stereo channel*/
initChanRight = 0x0003, /*right stereo channel*/
initMono = 0x0080, /*monophonic channel*/
initStereo = 0x00C0, /*stereo channel*/
initMACE3 = 0x0300, /*3:1 compression*/
initMACE6 = 0x0400, /*6:1 compression*/
initNoInterp = 0x0004, /*no linear interpolation*/
initNoDrop = 0x0008 /*no drop-sample conversion*/
/*wave channel initialization parameters*/
enum {
waveInitChannel0 = 0x04, /*wave-table channel 0*/
waveInitChannel1 = 0x05, /*wave-table channel 1*/
waveInitChannel2 = 0x06, /*wave-table channel 2*/
waveInitChannel3 = 0x07, /*wave-table channel 3*/
waveInitChannelMask = 0x07 /*mask for wave-table parameters*/
/*masks for channel attributes*/
enum {
initPanMask = 0x0003, /*mask for left/right pan values*/
initSRateMask = 0x0030, /*mask for sample rate values*/
initStereoMask = 0x00C0, /*mask for mono/stereo values*/
initCompMask = 0xFF00 /*mask for compression IDs*/
/*sound data types*/
enum {
squareWaveSynth = 1, /*square-wave data*/
waveTableSynth = 3, /*wave-table data*/
sampledSynth = 5 /*sampled-sound data*/
/*sound command numbers*/
enum {
nullCmd = 0, /*do nothing*/
quietCmd = 3, /*stop a sound that is playing*/
flushCmd = 4, /*flush a sound channel*/
reInitCmd = 5, /*reinitialize a sound channel*/
waitCmd = 10, /*suspend processing in a channel*/
pauseCmd = 11, /*pause processing in a channel*/
resumeCmd = 12, /*resume processing in a channel*/
callBackCmd = 13, /*execute a callback procedure*/
syncCmd = 14, /*synchronize channels*/
availableCmd = 24, /*see if initialization options */
/* are supported*/
versionCmd = 25, /*determine version*/
totalLoadCmd = 26, /*report total CPU load*/
loadCmd = 27, /*report CPU load for a new channel*/
freqDurationCmd = 40, /*play a note for a duration*/
restCmd = 41, /*rest a channel for a duration*/
freqCmd = 42, /*change the pitch of a sound*/
ampCmd = 43, /*change the amplitude of a sound*/
timbreCmd = 44, /*change the timbre of a sound*/
getAmpCmd = 45, /*get the amplitude of a sound*/
volumeCmd = 46, /*set volume*/
getVolumeCmd = 47, /*get volume*/
waveTableCmd = 60, /*install a wave table as a voice*/
soundCmd = 80, /*install a sampled sound as a voice*/
bufferCmd = 81, /*play a sampled sound*/
rateCmd = 82, /*set the pitch of a sampled sound*/
getRateCmd = 85 /*get the pitch of a sampled sound*/
/*sampled sound header encoding options*/
enum {
stdSH = 0x00, /*standard sound header*/
extSH = 0xFF, /*extended sound header*/
cmpSH = 0xFE /*compressed sound header*/
/*size of data structures*/
enum {
stdQLength = 128 /*default size of sound channel*/
/*sound resource formats*/
enum {
firstSoundFormat = 0x0001, /*format 1 'snd ' resource*/
secondSoundFormat = 0x0002 /*format 2 'snd ' resource*/
/*sound command mask*/
enum {
dataOffsetFlag = 0x8000 /*sound command data offset bit*/
/*system beep states*/
enum {
sysBeepDisable = 0x0000, /*system alert sound disabled*/
sysBeepEnable = 0x0001 /*system alert sound enabled*/
/*values for the unitType field in AudioSelection*/
enum {
unitTypeSeconds = 0x0000, /*seconds*/
unitTypeNoSelection = 0xFFFF /*no selection*/
/*double buffer status flags*/
enum {
dbBufferReady = 0x00000001, /*double buffer is filled*/
dbLastBuffer = 0x00000004 /*last double buffer to play*/
/*values for the compressionID field of CmpSoundHeader*/
enum {
variableCompression = -2, /*variable-ratio compression*/
fixedCompression = -1, /*fixed-ratio compression*/
notCompressed = 0, /*noncompressed samples*/
threeToOne = 3, /*3:1 compressed samples*/
sixToOne = 4 /*6:1 compressed samples*/
/*values for the packetSize field of CmpSoundHeader*/
enum {
sixToOnePacketSize = 8, /*packet size in bits for 6:1*/
threeToOnePacketSize = 16 /*packet size in bits for 3:1*/
/*compression names and types*/
#define NoneName "\pnot compressed"
#define ACE2to1Name "\pACE 2-to-1"
#define ACE8to3Name "\pACE 8-to-3"
#define MACE3to1Name "\pMACE 3-to-1"
#define MACE6to1Name "\pMACE 6-to-1"
#define NoneType 'NONE'
#define ACE2Type 'ACE2'
#define ACE8Type 'ACE8'
#define MACE3Type 'MAC3'
#define MACE6Type 'MAC6'
/*IDs for AIFF and AIFF-C files*/
#define AIFFID 'AIFF' /*AIFF file*/
#define AIFCID 'AIFC' /*AIFF-C file*/
/*IDs for AIFF and AIFF-C file chunks*/
#define FORMID 'FORM' /*ID for Form Chunk*/
#define FormatVersionID 'FVER' /*ID for Format Version Chunk*/
#define CommonID 'COMM' /*ID for Common Chunk*/
#define SoundDataID 'SSND' /*ID for Sound Data Chunk*/
#define MarkerID 'MARK' /*ID for Marker Chunk*/
#define InstrumentID 'INST' /*ID for Instrument Chunk*/
#define MIDIDataID 'MIDI' /*ID for MIDI Data Chunk*/
#define AudioRecordingID 'AESD' /*ID for Recording Chunk*/
#define ApplicationSpecificID 'APPL' /*ID for Application Chunk*/
#define CommentID 'COMT' /*ID for Comment Chunk*/
#define NameID 'NAME' /*ID for Name Chunk*/
#define AuthorID 'AUTH' /*ID for Author Chunk*/
#define CopyrightID '(c) ' /*ID for Copyright Chunk*/
#define AnnotationID 'ANNO' /*ID for Annotation Chunk*/
/*version of AIFC format specification*/
#define AIFCVersion1 0xA2805140
/*date of version creation*/
/*MIDI note value for middle C*/
enum {
kMiddleC = 60
/*ratio between frequencies of MIDI note values*/
#define twelfthRootTwo 1.05946309434
/*standard sampling rates*/
#define rate44khz 0xAC440000 /*44100.00000 in fixed-point*/
#define rate22khz 0x56EE8BA3 /*22254.54545 in fixed-point*/
#define rate22050hz 0x56220000 /*22050.00000 in fixed-point*/
#define rate11khz 0x2B7745D1 /*11127.27273 in fixed-point*/
#define rate11025hz 0x2B110000 /*11025.00000 in fixed-point*/
/*constant for synth parameter of SndNewChannel*/
enum {
kUseOptionalOutputDevice = -1
enum {
kFullVolume = 0x0100,
kNoVolume = 0
/*development stages*/
enum {
developStage = 0x20, /*prealpha release*/
alphaStage = 0x40, /*alpha release*/
betaStage = 0x60, /*beta release*/
finalStage = 0x80 /*final release*/
/*sizes of data buffers*/
enum {
stateBlockSize = 64, /*size of state block buffer*/
leftOverBlockSize = 32 /*size of leftover block buffer*/
Data Types
Unsigned Fixed-Point Numbers
typedef unsigned long UnsignedFixed; /*unsigned fixed-point number*/
typedef long Time; /*in half-milliseconds*/
Sound Command Record
struct SndCommand {
unsigned short cmd; /*command number*/
short param1; /*first parameter*/
long param2; /*second parameter*/
typedef struct SndCommand SndCommand;
Audio Selection Record
struct AudioSelection {
long unitType; /*type of time unit*/
Fixed selStart; /*starting point of selection*/
Fixed selEnd; /*ending point of selection/*
typedef struct AudioSelection AudioSelection;
typedef AudioSelection *AudioSelectionPtr;
Sound Channel Status Record
struct SCStatus {
Fixed scStartTime; /*starting time for play from disk*/
Fixed scEndTime; /*ending time for play from disk*/
Fixed scCurrentTime; /*current time for play from disk*/
Boolean scChannelBusy; /*TRUE if channel is processing cmds*/
Boolean scChannelDisposed;
Boolean scChannelPaused;
/*TRUE if play from disk is paused*/
Boolean scUnused; /*unused*/
unsigned long scChannelAttributes;
/*attributes of this channel*/
long scCPULoad; /*CPU load for this channel*/
typedef struct SCStatus SCStatus;
typedef SCStatus *SCStatusPtr;
Sound Manager Status Record
struct SMStatus {
short smMaxCPULoad; /*maximum load on all channels*/
short smNumChannels; /*number of allocated channels*/
short smCurCPULoad; /*current load on all channels*/
typedef struct SMStatus SMStatus;
typedef SMStatus *SMStatusPtr;
Sound Channel Record
struct SndChannel {
struct SndChannel *nextChan; /*pointer to next channel*/
Ptr firstMod; /*used internally*/
SndCallBackProcPtr callBack; /*pointer to callback procedure*/
long userInfo; /*free for application's use*/
long wait; /*used internally*/
SndCommand cmdInProgress; /*used internally*/
short flags; /*used internally*/
short qLength; /*used internally*/
short qHead; /*used internally*/
short qTail; /*used internally*/
SndCommand queue[stdQLength];
typedef struct SndChannel SndChannel;
typedef SndChannel *SndChannelPtr;
Sound Header Record
struct SoundHeader {
Ptr samplePtr; /*if NIL, samples in sampleArea*/
unsigned long length; /*number of samples in array*/
Fixed sampleRate; /*sample rate for this sound*/
unsigned long loopStart; /*loop point beginning*/
unsigned long loopEnd; /*loop point ending*/
unsigned char encode; /*sample's encoding option*/
unsigned char baseFrequency; /*base frequency of sample*/
unsigned char sampleArea[1];
typedef struct SoundHeader SoundHeader;
typedef SoundHeader *SoundHeaderPtr;
Extended Sound Header Record
struct ExtSoundHeader {
Ptr samplePtr; /*if NIL, samples in sampleArea*/
unsigned long numChannels; /*number of channels in sample*/
Fixed sampleRate; /*rate of original sample*/
unsigned long loopStart; /*loop point beginning*/
unsigned long loopEnd; /*loop point ending*/
unsigned char encode; /*sample's encoding option*/
unsigned char baseFrequency; /*base frequency of sample*/
unsigned long numFrames; /*total number of frames*/
extended80 AIFFSampleRate;/*rate of original sample*/
Ptr markerChunk; /*reserved*/
Ptr instrumentChunks;
/*pointer to instrument info*/
Ptr AESRecording; /*pointer to audio info*/
unsigned short sampleSize; /*number of bits per sample*/
unsigned short futureUse1; /*reserved*/
unsigned long futureUse2; /*reserved*/
unsigned long futureUse3; /*reserved*/
unsigned long futureUse4; /*reserved*/
unsigned char sampleArea[1];
typedef struct ExtSoundHeader ExtSoundHeader;
typedef ExtSoundHeader *ExtSoundHeaderPtr;
Compressed Sound Header Record
struct CmpSoundHeader {
Ptr samplePtr; /*if NIL, samples in sampleArea*/
unsigned long numChannels; /*number of channels in sample*/
Fixed sampleRate; /*rate of original sample*/
unsigned long loopStart; /*loop point beginning*/
unsigned long loopEnd; /*loop point ending*/
unsigned char encode; /*sample's encoding option*/
unsigned char baseFrequency; /*base frequency of original sample*/
unsigned long numFrames; /*length of sample in frames*/
extended80 AIFFSampleRate;/*rate of original sample*/
Ptr markerChunk; /*reserved*/
OSType format; /*data format type*/
unsigned long futureUse2; /*reserved*/
StateBlockPtr stateVars; /*pointer to StateBlock*/
LeftOverBlockPtr leftOverSamples;
/*pointer to LeftOverBlock*/
unsigned short compressionID; /*ID of compression algorithm*/
unsigned short packetSize; /*number of bits per packet*/
unsigned short snthID; /*unused*/
unsigned short sampleSize; /*bits in each sample point*/
unsigned char sampleArea[1];
typedef struct CmpSoundHeader CmpSoundHeader;
typedef CmpSoundHeader *CmpSoundHeaderPtr;
Sound Double Buffer Header Record
struct SndDoubleBufferHeader {
short dbhNumChannels;/*number of sound channels*/
short dbhSampleSize; /*sample size, if noncompressed*/
short dbhCompressionID;
/*ID of compression algorithm*/
short dbhPacketSize; /*number of bits per packet*/
Fixed dbhSampleRate; /*sample rate*/
SndDoubleBufferPtr dbhBufferPtr[2];
/*pointers to SndDoubleBuffer*/
SndDoubleBackProcPtr dbhDoubleBack; /*pointer to doubleback procedure*/
typedef struct SndDoubleBufferHeader SndDoubleBufferHeader;
typedef SndDoubleBufferHeader *SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr;
struct SndDoubleBufferHeader2 {
short dbhNumChannels;/*number of sound channels*/
short dbhSampleSize; /*sample size, if noncompressed*/
short dbhCompressionID;
/*ID of compression algorithm*/
short dbhPacketSize; /*number of bits per packet*/
Fixed dbhSampleRate; /*sample rate*/
SndDoubleBufferPtr dbhBufferPtr[2];
/*pointers to SndDoubleBuffer*/
SndDoubleBackProcPtr dbhDoubleBack; /*pointer to doubleback procedure*/
OSType dbhFormat; /*signature of codec*/
typedef struct SndDoubleBufferHeader2 SndDoubleBufferHeader2;
typedef SndDoubleBufferHeader2 *SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr2;
Sound Double Buffer Record
struct SndDoubleBuffer {
long dbNumFrames; /*number of frames in buffer*/
long dbFlags; /*buffer status flags*/
long dbUserInfo[2]; /*for application's use*/
char dbSoundData[1];/*array of data*/
typedef struct SndDoubleBuffer SndDoubleBuffer;
typedef SndDoubleBuffer *SndDoubleBufferPtr;
Chunk Headers
typedef unsigned long ID; /*chunk ID type*/
struct ChunkHeader {
ID ckID; /*chunk type ID*/
long ckSize; /*number of bytes of data*/
typedef struct ChunkHeader ChunkHeader;
Form Chunk
struct ContainerChunk {
ID ckID; /*'FORM'*/
long ckSize; /*number of bytes of data*/
ID formType; /*type of file*/
typedef struct ContainerChunk ContainerChunk;
Format Version Chunk
struct FormatVersionChunk {
ID ckID; /*'FVER'*/
long ckSize; /*4 bytes*/
unsigned long timestamp; /*date of format version*/
typedef struct FormatVersionChunk FormatVersionChunk;
Common Chunk
struct CommonChunk {
ID ckID; /*'COMM'*/
long ckSize; /*18 bytes*/
short numChannels; /*number of channels*/
unsigned long numSampleFrames;
/*number of sample frames*/
short sampleSize; /*number of bits per sample*/
extended80 sampleRate; /*number of frames per second*/
typedef struct CommonChunk CommonChunk;
Extended Common Chunk
struct ExtCommonChunk {
ID ckID; /*'COMM'*/
long ckSize; /*22 bytes + compression name*/
short numChannels; /*number of channels*/
unsigned long numSampleFrames;
/*number of sample frames*/
short sampleSize; /*number of bits per sample*/
extended80 sampleRate; /*number of frames per second*/
ID compressionType;
/*compression type ID*/
char compressionName[1];
/*compression type name*/
typedef struct ExtCommonChunk ExtCommonChunk;
Sound Data Chunk
struct SoundDataChunk {
ID ckID; /*'SSND'*/
long ckSize; /*size of chunk data*/
unsigned long offset; /*offset to sound data*/
unsigned long blockSize; /*size of alignment blocks*/
typedef struct SoundDataChunk SoundDataChunk;
Version Record
struct NumVersion {
unsigned char majorRev; /*major revision level in BCD*/
unsigned char minorAndBugRev;/*minor revision level*/
unsigned char stage; /*development stage*/
unsigned char nonRelRev; /*nonreleased version revision level*/
typedef struct NumVersion NumVersion;
Leftover Block
struct LeftOverBlock {
unsigned long count;
char sampleArea[leftOverBlockSize];
typedef struct LeftOverBlock LeftOverBlock;
typedef LeftOverBlock *LeftOverBlockPtr;
State Block
struct StateBlock {
short stateVar[stateBlockSize];
typedef struct StateBlock StateBlock;
typedef StateBlock *StateBlockPtr;
Procedure Types
typedef pascal void (*FilePlayCompletionProcPtr)
(SndChannelPtr chan);
typedef pascal void (*SndCallBackProcPtr)
(SndChannelPtr chan, SndCommand *cmd);
typedef pascal void (*SndDoubleBackProcPtr)
(SndChannelPtr chan,
SndDoubleBufferPtr doubleBufferPtr);
Sound Manager Routines
Playing Sound Resources
pascal void SysBeep (short duration);
pascal OSErr SndPlay (SndChannelPtr chan, Handle sndHdl,
Boolean async);
Playing From Disk
pascal OSErr SndStartFilePlay
(SndChannelPtr chan, short fRefNum,
short resNum, long bufferSize, void *theBuffer,
AudioSelectionPtr theSelection,
FilePlayCompletionProcPtr theCompletion, Boolean async);
pascal OSErr SndPauseFilePlay
(SndChannelPtr chan);
pascal OSErr SndStopFilePlay
(SndChannelPtr chan, Boolean quietNow);
Allocating and Releasing Sound Channels
pascal OSErr SndNewChannel (SndChannelPtr *chan, short synth, long init,
SndCallBackProcPtr userRoutine);
pascal OSErr SndDisposeChannel
(SndChannelPtr chan, Boolean quietNow);
Sending Commands to a Sound Channel
pascal OSErr SndDoCommand (SndChannelPtr chan, const SndCommand *cmd,
Boolean noWait);
pascal OSErr SndDoImmediate
(SndChannelPtr chan, const SndCommand *cmd);
Obtaining Information
pascal NumVersion SndSoundManagerVersion
pascal NumVersion MACEVersion
pascal OSErr SndControl (short id, SndCommand *cmd);
pascal OSErr SndChannelStatus
(SndChannelPtr chan, short theLength,
SCStatusPtr theStatus);
pascal OSErr SndManagerStatus
(short theLength, SMStatusPtr theStatus);
pascal void SndGetSysBeepState
(short *sysBeepState);
pascal OSErr SndSetSysBeepState
(short sysBeepState);
pascal OSErr GetSoundHeaderOffset
(Handle sndHandle, long *offset);
Controlling Volume Levels
pascal OSErr GetSysBeepVolume
(long *level);
pascal OSErr SetSysBeepVolume
(long level);
pascal OSErr GetDefaultOutputVolume
(long *level);
pascal OSErr SetDefaultOutputVolume
(long level);
Compressing and Expanding Audio Data
pascal void Comp3to1 (const void *inBuffer, void *outBuffer,
unsigned long cnt, const void *inState,
void *outState, unsigned long numChannels,
unsigned long whichChannel);
pascal void Comp6to1 (const void *inBuffer, void *outBuffer,
unsigned long cnt, const void *inState,
void *outState, unsigned long numChannels,
unsigned long whichChannel);
pascal void Exp1to3 (const void *inBuffer, void *outBuffer,
unsigned long cnt, const void *inState,
void *outState, unsigned long numChannels,
unsigned long whichChannel);
pascal void Exp1to6 (const void *inBuffer, void *outBuffer,
unsigned long cnt, const void *inState,
void *outState, unsigned long numChannels,
unsigned long whichChannel);
Managing Double Buffers
pascal OSErr SndPlayDoubleBuffer
(SndChannelPtr chan,
SndDoubleBufferHeaderPtr theParams);
Performing Unsigned Fixed-Point Arithmetic
pascal UnsignedFixed UnsignedFixMulDiv
(UnsignedFixed value, UnsignedFixed multiplier, UnsignedFixed divisor);
Linking Modifiers to Sound Channels
pascal OSErr SndAddModifier
(SndChannelPtr chan, Ptr modifier, short id, long init);
Application-Defined Routines
pascal void MyFilePlayCompletionRoutine
(SndChannelPtr chan);
pascal void MyCallback (SndChannelPtr chan, SndCommand *cmd);
pascal void MyDoubleBackProc
(SndChannelPtr chan,
SndDoubleBufferPtr doubleBufferPtr);
Assembly-Language Summary
Data Structures
SndCommand Data Structure
0 | cmd | word | command number |
2 | param1 | word | first parameter |
4 | param2 | long | second parameter |
AudioSelection Data Structure
0 | unitType | long | type of time unit |
4 | selStart | 4 bytes | starting point of selection (Fixed) |
8 | selEnd | 4 bytes | ending point of selection (Fixed) |
SCStatus Data Structure
0 | scStartTime | 4 bytes | starting time for play from disk (Fixed) |
4 | scEndTime | 4 bytes | ending time for play from disk (Fixed) |
8 | scCurrentTime | 4 bytes | current time for play from disk (Fixed) |
12 | scChannelBusy | byte | channel playing sampled sound flag |
13 | scChannelDisposed | byte | reserved |
14 | scChannelPaused | byte | play from disk is paused flag |
15 | scUnused | byte | unused |
16 | scChannelAttributes | long | attributes of channel |
20 | scCPULoad | long | CPU load for channel |
SMStatus Data Structure
0 | smMaxCPULoad | word | maximum load on all channels |
2 | smNumChannels | word | number of allocated channels |
4 | smCurCPULoad | word | current load on all channels |
SndChannel Data Structure
0 | nextChan | long | pointer to next channel |
4 | firstMod | long | used internally |
8 | callBack | long | pointer to callback procedure |
12 | userInfo | long | free for application's use |
16 | wait | long | used internally |
20 | cmdInProgress | 8 bytes | used internally |
28 | flags | word | used internally |
30 | qLength | word | used internally |
32 | qHead | word | used internally |
34 | qTail | word | used internally |
36 | queue | variable | queue of sound commands |
SoundHeader Data Structure
0 | samplePtr | long | pointer to samples (or NIL if samples follow data structure) |
4 | length | long | number of samples in array |
8 | sampleRate | 4 bytes | sample rate (Fixed) |
12 | loopStart | long | loop point beginning |
16 | loopEnd | long | loop point ending |
20 | encode | byte | sample's encoding option |
21 | baseFrequency | byte | base frequency of sample |
22 | sampleArea | variable | sampled-sound data |
ExtSoundHeader Data Structure
0 | samplePtr | long | pointer to samples (or NIL if samples follow data structure) |
4 | numChannels | long | number of channels in sample |
8 | sampleRate | 4 bytes | sample rate (Fixed) |
12 | loopStart | long | loop point beginning |
16 | loopEnd | long | loop point ending |
20 | encode | byte | sample's encoding option |
21 | baseFrequency | byte | base frequency of sample |
22 | numFrames | long | total number of frames |
26 | AIFFSampleRate | 10 bytes | rate of original sample (Extended80) |
36 | markerChunk | long | reserved |
40 | instrumentChunks | long | pointer to instrument info |
44 | AESRecording | long | pointer to audio info |
48 | sampleSize | word | number of bits per sample |
50 | futureUse1 | word | reserved |
52 | futureUse2 | long | reserved |
56 | futureUse3 | long | reserved |
60 | futureUse4 | long | reserved |
64 | sampleArea | variable | sampled-sound data |
CmpSoundHeader Data Structure
0 | samplePtr | long | pointer to samples (or NIL if samples follow data structure) |
4 | numChannels | long | number of channels in sample |
8 | sampleRate | 4 bytes | sample rate (Fixed) |
12 | loopStart | long | loop point beginning |
16 | loopEnd | long | loop point ending |
20 | encode | byte | sample's encoding option |
21 | baseFrequency | byte | base frequency of original sample |
22 | numFrames | long | length of sample in frames |
26 | AIFFSampleRate | 10 bytes | rate of original sample (Extended80) |
36 | markerChunk | long | reserved |
40 | format | OSType | data format type |
44 | futureUse2 | long | reserved |
48 | stateVars | long | pointer to StateBlock |
52 | leftOverSamples | long | pointer to LeftOverBlock |
56 | compressionID | word | ID of compression algorithm |
58 | packetSize | word | number of bits per packet |
60 | snthID | word | unused |
62 | sampleSize | word | bits in each sample point |
64 | sampleArea | variable | compressed sound data |
SndDoubleBufferHeader Data Structure
0 | dbhNumChannels | word | number of sound channels |
2 | dbhSampleSize | word | sample size, if noncompressed |
4 | dbhCompressionID | word | ID of compression algorithm |
6 | dbhPacketSize | word | number of bits per packet |
8 | dbhSampleRate | 4 bytes | sample rate (Fixed) |
12 | dbhBufferPtr | 2 longs | pointers to SndDoubleBuffer data structures |
20 | dbhDoubleBack | long | pointer to doubleback procedure |
SndDoubleBuffer Data Structure
0 | dbNumFrames | long | number of frames in buffer |
4 | dbFlags | long | buffer status flags |
8 | dbUserInfo | 2 longs | for application's use |
16 | dbSoundData | variable | array of data |
ChunkHeader Data Structure
0 | ckID | long | chunk type ID |
4 | ckSize | long | number of bytes of data |
ContainerChunk Data Structure
0 | ckID | long | chunk type ID ('FORM' ) |
4 | ckSize | long | number of bytes of data |
8 | formType | long | type of file |
FormatVersionChunk Data Structure
0 | ckID | long | chunk type ID ('FVER' ) |
4 | ckSize | long | number of bytes of data (4) |
8 | timestamp | long | date of format version |
CommonChunk Data Structure
0 | ckID | long | chunk type ID ('COMM' ) |
4 | ckSize | long | number of bytes of data (18) |
8 | numChannels | word | number of channels |
10 | numSampleFrames | long | number of sample frames |
14 | sampleSize | word | number of bits per sample |
16 | sampleRate | 10 bytes | number of frames per second (Extended80) |
ExtCommonChunk Data Structure
0 | ckID | long | chunk type ID ('COMM' ) |
4 | ckSize | long | number of bytes of data (22 + length of compression name) |
8 | numChannels | word | number of channels |
10 | numSampleFrames | long | number of sample frames |
14 | sampleSize | word | number of bits per sample |
16 | sampleRate | 10 bytes | number of frames per second (Extended80) |
26 | compressionType | long | compression type ID |
30 | compressionName | variable | compression type name |
0 | ckID | long | chunk type ID ('SSND' ) |
4 | ckSize | long | number of bytes of data |
8 | offset | long | offset to sound data |
12 | blockSize | long | size of alignment blocks |
Trap Macros
Trap Macro Requiring Routine Selectors
Selector | Routine |
$00000010 | MACEVersion |
$00040010 | Comp3to1 |
$00080010 | Exp1to3 |
$000C0008 | SndSoundManagerVersion |
$000C0010 | Comp6to1 |
$00100008 | SndChannelStatus |
$00100010 | Exp1to6 |
$00140008 | SndManagerStatus |
$00180008 | SndGetSysBeepState |
$001C0008 | SndSetSysBeepState |
$00200008 | SndPlayDoubleBuffer |
$02040008 | SndPauseFilePlay |
$02240024 | GetSysBeepVolume |
$02280024 | SetSysBeepVolume |
$022C0024 | GetDefaultOutputVolume |
$02300024 | SetDefaultOutputVolume |
$03080008 | SndStopFilePlay |
$0D000008 | SndStartFilePlay |
$04040024 | GetSoundHeaderOffset |
Result Codes
noErr | 0 | No error |
paramErr | -50 | A parameter is incorrect |
noHardwareErr | -200 | Required sound hardware not available |
notEnoughHardwareErr | -201 | Insufficient hardware available |
queueFull | -203 | No room in the queue |
resProblem | -204 | Problem loading the resource |
badChannel | -205 | Channel is corrupt or unusable |
badFormat | -206 | Resource is corrupt or unusable |
notEnoughBufferSpace | -207 | Insufficient memory available |
badFileFormat | -208 | File is corrupt or unusable, or not AIFF or AIFF-C |
channelBusy | -209 | Channel is busy |
buffersTooSmall | -210 | Buffer is too small |
channelNotBusy | -211 | Channel not currently used |
noMoreRealTime | -212 | Not enough CPU time available |
siInvalidCompression | -223 | Invalid compression type |