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Inside Macintosh: Sound /
Chapter 3 - Sound Input Manager

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Important: Inside Macintosh: Sound is deprecated as of Mac OS X v10.5. For new audio development in Mac OS X, use Core Audio. See the Audio page in the ADC Reference Library.

Summary of the Sound Input Manager

Pascal Summary


   gestaltSoundAttr           = 'snd ';{sound attributes selector}
   {Gestalt response bit flags related to sound input}
   gestaltSoundIOMgrPresent   = 3;     {sound input routines available}
   gestaltBuiltInSoundInput   = 4;     {built-in input hw available}
   gestaltHasSoundInputDevice = 5;     {sound input device available}
   gestaltPlayAndRecord       = 6;     {built-in hw can play while recording}
   gestalt16BitSoundIO        = 7;     {built-in hw can handle 16-bit data}
   gestaltStereoInput         = 8;     {built-in hw can record stereo sounds}
   gestaltLineLevelInput      = 9;     {built-in input hw needs line level}
   {available information selectors for sound input device drivers}
   siActiveChannels        = 'chac';   {channels active}
   siActiveLevels          = 'lmac';   {levels active}
   siAGCOnOff              = 'agc ';   {automatic gain control state}
   siAsync                 = 'asyn';   {asynchronous capability}
   siChannelAvailable      = 'chav';   {number of channels available}
   siCompressionAvailable  = 'cmav';   {compression types available}
   siCompressionFactor     = 'cmfa';   {current compression factor}
   siCompressionHeader     = 'cmhd';   {return compression header}
   siCompressionNames      = 'cnam';   {return compression type names}
   siCompressionType       = 'comp';   {current compression type}
   siContinuous            = 'cont';   {continuous recording}
   siDeviceBufferInfo      = 'dbin';   {size of interrupt buffer}
   siDeviceConnected       = 'dcon';   {input device connection status}
   siDeviceIcon            = 'icon';   {input device icon}
   siDeviceName            = 'name';   {input device name}
   siInputGain             = 'gain';   {input gain level}
   siInputSource           = 'sour';   {input source selector}
   siInputSourceNames      = 'snam';   {input source names}
   siLevelMeterOnOff       = 'lmet';   {level meter state}
   siNumberChannels        = 'chan';   {current number of channels}
   siOptionsDialog         = 'optd';   {display options dialog box}
   siPlayThruOnOff         = 'plth';   {play-through state}
   siRecordingQuality      = 'qual';   {recording quality}
   siSampleRate            = 'srat';   {current sample rate}
   siSampleRateAvailable   = 'srav';   {sample rates available}
   siSampleSize            = 'ssiz';   {current sample size}
   siSampleSizeAvailable   = 'ssav';   {sample sizes available}
   siStereoInputGain       = 'sgai';   {stereo input gain level}
   siTwosComplementOnOff   = 'twos';   {two's complement state}
   siVoxRecordInfo         = 'voxr';   {VOX record parameters}
   siVoxStopInfo           = 'voxs';   {VOX stop parameters}
   {internal information selectors for sound input device drivers}
   siCloseDriver           = 'clos';   {release driver}
   siInitializeDriver      = 'init';   {initialize driver}
   siPauseRecording        = 'paus';   {pause recording}
   siUserInterruptProc     = 'user';   {set sound input interrupt routine}
   {sound-recording qualities}
   siBestQuality           = 'best';   {the best quality available}
   siBetterQuality         = 'betr';   {a quality better than good}
   siGoodQuality           = 'good';   {a good quality}
   {sound input device permissions}
   siReadPermission        = 0;        {open device for reading}
   siWritePermission       = 1;        {open device for reading/writing}
   {device-connection states}
   siDeviceIsConnected     = 1;        {device is connected and ready}
   siDeviceNotConnected    = 0;        {device is not connected}
   siDontKnowIfConnected   = -1;       {can't tell if device is connected}

Data Types

Sound Input Parameter Block

   inRefNum:            LongInt;    {reference number of input device}
   count:               LongInt;    {number of bytes to record}
   milliseconds:        LongInt;    {number of milliseconds to record}
   bufferLength:        LongInt;    {length of buffer to record into}
   bufferPtr:           Ptr;        {pointer to buffer to record into}
   completionRoutine:   ProcPtr;    {pointer to a completion routine}
   interruptRoutine:    ProcPtr;    {pointer to an interrupt routine}
   userLong:            LongInt;    {for application's use}
   error:               OSErr;      {error returned after recording}
   unused1:             LongInt;    {reserved}
SPBPtr = ^SPB;

Sound Input Manager Routines

Recording Sounds

FUNCTION	SndRecord		(filterProc: ProcPtr; corner: Point; 
					quality: OSType; VAR sndHandle: Handle): OSErr;
FUNCTION	SndRecordToFile		(filterProc: ProcPtr; corner: Point; 
					quality: OSType; fRefNum: Integer): OSErr;

Opening and Closing Sound Input Devices

FUNCTION	SPBOpenDevice	(deviceName: Str255; permission: Integer; 
				VAR inRefNum: LongInt): OSErr;
FUNCTION	SPBCloseDevice	(inRefNum: LongInt): OSErr;

Recording Sounds Directly From Sound Input Devices

FUNCTION	SPBRecord		(inParamPtr: SPBPtr; asynchFlag: Boolean): 
FUNCTION	SPBRecordToFile		(fRefNum: Integer; inParamPtr: SPBPtr; 
					asynchFlag: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION	SPBPauseRecording
					(inRefNum: LongInt): OSErr;
FUNCTION	SPBResumeRecording
					(inRefNum: LongInt): OSErr;
					(inRefNum: LongInt): OSErr;
FUNCTION	SPBGetRecordingStatus
					(inRefNum: LongInt; 
					VAR recordingStatus: Integer; 
					VAR meterLevel: Integer; 
					VAR totalSamplesToRecord: LongInt; 
					VAR numberOfSamplesRecorded: LongInt; 
					VAR totalMsecsToRecord: LongInt; 
					VAR numberOfMsecsRecorded: LongInt): OSErr;

Manipulating Device Settings

					(inRefNum: LongInt; infoType: OSType; 
					infoData: Ptr): OSErr;
					(inRefNum: LongInt; infoType: OSType; 
					infoData: Ptr): OSErr;

Constructing Sound Resource and File Headers

FUNCTION	SetupSndHeader		(sndHandle: Handle; numChannels: Integer; 
					sampleRate: Fixed; sampleSize: Integer; 
					compressionType: OSType; baseFrequency: Integer; numBytes: LongInt; 
					VAR headerLen: Integer): OSErr;
FUNCTION	SetupAIFFHeader		(fRefNum: Integer; numChannels: Integer; 
					sampleRate: Fixed; sampleSize: Integer; 
					compressionType: OSType; numBytes: LongInt; 
					numFrames: LongInt): OSErr;

Registering Sound Input Devices

FUNCTION	SPBSignInDevice		(deviceRefNum: Integer; deviceName: Str255): 
FUNCTION	SPBGetIndexedDevice
					(count: Integer; VAR deviceName: Str255; 
					VAR deviceIconHandle: Handle): OSErr;
					FUNCTION SPBSignOutDevice(deviceRefNum: Integer): OSErr;

Converting Between Milliseconds and Bytes

FUNCTION	SPBMilliSecondsToBytes
					(inRefNum: LongInt; VAR milliseconds: LongInt): OSErr;
FUNCTION	SPBBytesToMilliSeconds
					(inRefNum: LongInt; VAR byteCount: LongInt): OSErr;

Obtaining Information

FUNCTION	SPBVersion			: NumVersion;

Application-Defined Routines

PROCEDURE	MySICompletionRoutine
					(inParamPtr: SPBPtr);
PROCEDURE	MySIInterruptRoutine;

C Summary


#define gestaltSoundAttr    'snd '  /*sound attributes selector*/
enum {
   /*Gestalt response bit flags related to sound input*/
   gestaltSoundIOMgrPresent   = 3,  /*sound input routines available*/
   gestaltBuiltInSoundInput   = 4,  /*built-in input hw available*/
   gestaltHasSoundInputDevice = 5,  /*sound input device available*/
   gestaltPlayAndRecord       = 6,  /*built-in hw can play while recording*/
   gestalt16BitSoundIO        = 7,  /*built-in hw can handle 16-bit data*/
   gestaltStereoInput         = 8,  /*built-in hw can record stereo sounds*/
   gestaltLineLevelInput      = 9   /*built-in input hw needs line level*/
/*available information selectors for sound input device drivers*/
#define siActiveChannels      'chac'   /*channels active*/
#define siActiveLevels        'lmac'   /*levels active*/
#define siAGCOnOff            'agc '   /*automatic gain control state*/
#define siAsync               'asyn'   /*asynchronous capability*/
#define siChannelAvailable    'chav'   /*number of channels available*/
#define siCompressionAvailable'cmav'   /*compression types available*/
#define siCompressionFactor   'cmfa'   /*current compression factor*/
#define siCompressionHeader   'cmhd'   /*return compression header*/
#define siCompressionNames    'cnam'   /*return compression type names*/
#define siCompressionType     'comp'   /*current compression type*/
#define siContinuous          'cont'   /*continuous recording*/
#define siDeviceBufferInfo    'dbin'   /*size of interrupt buffer*/
#define siDeviceConnected     'dcon'   /*input device connection status*/
#define siDeviceIcon          'icon'   /*input device icon*/
#define siDeviceName          'name'   /*input device name*/
#define siInputGain           'gain'   /*input gain level*/
#define siInputSource         'sour'   /*input source selector*/
#define siInputSourceNames    'snam'   /*input source names*/
#define siLevelMeterOnOff     'lmet'   /*level meter state*/
#define siNumberChannels      'chan'   /*current number of channels*/
#define siOptionsDialog       'optd'   /*display options dialog box*/
#define siPlayThruOnOff       'plth'   /*play-through state*/
#define siRecordingQuality    'qual'   /*recording quality*/
#define siSampleRate          'srat'   /*current sample rate*/
#define siSampleRateAvailable 'srav'   /*sample rates available*/
#define siSampleSize          'ssiz'   /*current sample size*/
#define siSampleSizeAvailable 'ssav'   /*sample sizes available*/
#define siStereoInputGain     'sgai'   /*stereo input gain level*/
#define siTwosComplementOnOff 'twos'   /*two's complement state*/
#define siVoxRecordInfo       'voxr'   /*VOX record parameters*/
#define siVoxStopInfo         'voxs'   /*VOX stop parameters*/
/*internal information selectors for sound input device drivers*/
#define siCloseDriver         'clos'   /*release driver*/
#define siInitializeDriver    'init'   /*initialize driver*/
#define siPauseRecording      'paus'   /*pause recording*/
#define siUserInterruptProc   'user'   /*set sound input interrupt routine*/
/*sound-recording qualities*/
#define siBestQuality         'best'   /*the best quality available*/
#define siBetterQuality       'betr'   /*a quality better than good*/
#define siGoodQuality         'good'   /*a good quality*/
/*sound input device permissions*/
enum {
   siReadPermission           = 0,     /*open device for reading*/
   siWritePermission          = 1      /*open device for reading/writing*/
/*device-connection states*/
enum {
   siDeviceIsConnected        = 1,     /*device is connected and ready*/
   siDeviceNotConnected       = 0,     /*device is not connected*/
   siDontKnowIfConnected      = -1     /*can't tell if device is connected*/

Data Types

Sound Input Parameter Block

struct SPB {
   long                 inRefNum;      /*reference number of input device*/
   unsigned long        count;         /*number of bytes to record*/
   unsigned long        milliseconds;  /*number of milliseconds to record*/
   unsigned long        bufferLength;  /*length of buffer to record into*/
   Ptr                  bufferPtr;     /*pointer to buffer to record into*/
   ProcPtr              completionRoutine;
                                       /*pointer to a completion routine*/
   ProcPtr              interruptRoutine;
                                       /*pointer to an interrupt routine*/
   long                 userLong;      /*for application's use*/
   OSErr                error;         /*error returned after recording*/
   long                 unused1;       /*reserved*/
typedef struct SPB SPB;
typedef SPB *SPBPtr;

Sound Input Manager Routines

Recording Sounds

pascal  OSErr SndRecord   (ModalFilterProcPtr filterProc, Point corner,
                           OSType quality, Handle *sndHandle);
pascal  OSErr SndRecordToFile
                          (ModalFilterProcPtr filterProc, Point corner,
                           OSType quality, short fRefNum);

Opening and Closing Sound Input Devices

pascal  OSErr SPBOpenDevice (ConstStr255Param deviceName, short permission,
                             long *inRefNum);
pascal OSErr SPBCloseDevice
                            (long inRefNum);

Recording Sounds Directly From Sound Input Devices

pascal  OSErr SPBRecord   (SPBPtr inParamPtr, Boolean asynchFlag);
pascal  OSErr SPBRecordToFile
                          (short fRefNum, SPBPtr inParamPtr, 
                           Boolean asynchFlag);
pascal  OSErr SPBPauseRecording
                          (long inRefNum);
pascal  OSErr SPBResumeRecording
                          (long inRefNum);
pascal  OSErr SPBStopRecording
                          (long inRefNum);
pascal  OSErr SPBGetRecordingStatus
                          (long inRefNum, short *recordingStatus, 
                           short *meterLevel, 
                           unsigned long *totalSamplesToRecord, 
                           unsigned long *numberOfSamplesRecorded, 
                           unsigned long *totalMsecsToRecord, 
                           unsigned long *numberOfMsecsRecorded);

Manipulating Device Settings

pascal  OSErr SPBGetDeviceInfo
                         (long inRefNum, OSType infoType, 
                          char *infoData);
pascal  OSErr SPBSetDeviceInfo
                         (long inRefNum, OSType infoType, 
                          char *infoData);

Constructing Sound Resource and File Headers

pascal  OSErr SetupSndHeader
                         (Handle sndHandle, short numChannels, 
                          Fixed sampleRate, short sampleSize, 
                          OSType compressionType, short baseFrequency, 
                          unsigned long numBytes, short *headerLen);
pascal  OSErr SetupAIFFHeader
                         (short fRefNum, short numChannels, 
                          Fixed sampleRate, short sampleSize, 
                          OSType compressionType,
                          unsigned long numBytes, 
                          unsigned long numFrames);

Registering Sound Input Devices

pascal  OSErr SPBSignInDevice
                         (short deviceRefNum, 
                          ConstStr255Param deviceName);
pascal  OSErr SPBGetIndexedDevice
                         (short count, Str255 deviceName, 
                          Handle *deviceIconHandle);
pascal  OSErr SPBSignOutDevice
                         (short deviceRefNum);

Converting Between Milliseconds and Bytes

pascal  OSErr SPBMilliSecondsToBytes
                         (long inRefNum, long *milliseconds);
pascal  OSErr SPBBytesToMilliSeconds
                         (long inRefNum, long *byteCount);

Obtaining Information

pascal  NumVersion SPBVersion

Application-Defined Routines

pascal  void MySICompletionRoutine
                         (SPBPtr inParamPtr);
pascal  void MySIInterruptRoutine

Assembly-Language Summary

Data Structures

Sound Input Parameter Block Data Structure
0inRefNumlongThe input device reference number
4countlongThe number of bytes to record
8millisecondslongThe number of milliseconds to record
12bufferLengthlongThe length of the buffer
16bufferPtrlongThe address of the buffer
20completionRoutinelongA pointer to a completion routine
24interruptRoutinelongA pointer to an interrupt routine
28userLonglongFor application's use
32errorwordThe error value returned after recording

Trap Macros

Trap Macros Requiring Routine Selectors


Result Codes
noErr0No error
abortErr-27Asynchronous recording was cancelled
permErr-54Attempt to open locked file for writing
userCanceledErr-128User canceled the operation
siNoSoundInHardware-220No sound input hardware available
siBadSoundInDevice-221Invalid sound input device
siNoBufferSpecified-222No buffer specified
siInvalidCompression-223Invalid compression type
siHardDriveTooSlow-224Hard drive too slow to record
siInvalidSampleRate-225Invalid sample rate
siInvalidSampleSize-226Invalid sample size
siDeviceBusyErr-227Sound input device is busy
siBadDeviceName-228Invalid device name
siBadRefNum-229Invalid reference number
siInputDeviceErr-230Input device hardware failure
siUnknownInfoType-231Unknown type of information
siUnknownQuality -232Unknown quality

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996