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Inside Macintosh: Sound /

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Important: Inside Macintosh: Sound is deprecated as of Mac OS X v10.5. For new audio development in Mac OS X, use Core Audio. See the Audio page in the ADC Reference Library.

Chapter 5 - Sound Components

This chapter describes sound components, which are code modules used by the Sound Manager to manipulate audio data or to communicate with sound output devices. Current versions of the Sound Manager allow you to write two kinds of sound components:

You need to read this chapter only if you are developing a sound output device or if you want to implement a custom compression and decompression scheme for audio data. For example, you might write a codec to handle 16-bit audio data compression and decompression. (The MACE algorithms currently compress and expand only 8-bit data at ratios of 3:1 and 6:1.)

Sound components are loaded and managed by the Sound Manager and operate transparently to applications. Applications that want to create sounds must use Sound Manager routines to do so. The routines described in this chapter are intended for use exclusively by sound components.
To use this chapter, you should already be familiar with the general operation of the Sound Manager, as described in the chapter "Introduction to Sound on the Macintosh" in this book. Because sound components are components, you also need to be familiar with the Component Manager, described in Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox. If you are developing a sound output device component, you need to be familiar with the process of installing a driver and handling interrupts created by your hardware device. See Inside Macintosh: Devices for complete information on devices and device drivers.

If you're developing a sound output device, you might also need to write a control panel extension that installs a custom subpanel into the Sound control panel. For example, your subpanel could allow the user to set various characteristics of the sound your output device is creating. For complete information on writing control panel subpanels, see the chapter "Control Panel Extensions" in Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities.

This chapter begins with a general description of sound components and how they are managed by the Sound Manager. Then it provides instructions on how to write a sound component. The section "Sound Components Reference" beginning on page 5-22 describes the sound component selectors your component might need to handle and the component-defined routines that your sound component should call in response to those the sound component selectors. It also describes a small number of Sound Manager utility routines that your sound component can use.

Pascal interfaces for sound components are not currently available. As a result, this chapter provides all source code examples and reference materials in C.

Chapter Contents
About Sound Components
Sound Component Chains
The Apple Mixer
The Data Stream
Writing a Sound Component
Creating a Sound Component
Specifying Sound Component Capabilities
Dispatching to Sound Component-Defined Routines
Registering and Opening a Sound Component
Finding and Changing Component Capabilities
Sound Components Reference
Sound Component Information Selectors
Audio Data Types
Sound Component Features Flags
Action Flags
Data Format Flags
Data Structures
Sound Component Data Records
Sound Parameter Blocks
Sound Information Lists
Compression Information Records
Sound Manager Utilities
Opening and Closing the Apple Mixer Component
Saving and Restoring Sound Component Preferences
Sound Component-Defined Routines
Managing Sound Components
Creating and Removing Audio Sources
Getting and Setting Sound Component Information
Managing Source Data
Summary of Sound Components
C Summary
Data Types
Sound Manager Utilities
Sound Component-Defined Routines
Assembly-Language Summary
Data Structures

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996