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Inside Macintosh: Text /
Chapter 3 - QuickDraw Text / Using QuickDraw Text

Measuring and Drawing Lines of Text

This section describes how to lay out and draw a line of text consisting of a single style run or multiple style runs. A line of text all in the same font, script, and character attributes constitutes a single style run. A new style run begins when any of these textual characteristics change. QuickDraw relies on the construct of style runs to track these text attribute changes throughout a line of text. Before you measure or draw a text segment that constitutes a new style run, you need to set the text-related graphics port fields for that style run.

This section also describes how to draw text lines that are right or left aligned, or justified. Finally, it explains how to draw explicitly scaled text, whether the lines of text are justified or not.

To draw a line of text, you first need to lay it out. If the text does not contain mixed directions, the text layout process consists of a single step: determining where to break the line. If the text contains mixed directions, the order in which you display the style runs may be different from their storage order, so you also need to determine the drawing order.

Moreover, if you want to draw a line of justified text, the process entails additional steps: you need to determine the total amount of extra pixels that remains to be distributed throughout the line of text and how to distribute these extra pixels throughout the style runs.

If you want to draw a line of text that is not justified, you can position the pen according to its alignment. You align text by positioning the pen appropriately so that the first glyph of the text line is flush against the display line's margin: at the left margin for left-aligned text, or at the right margin for right-aligned text.

Your application loops through these steps for each style run and each line of text that it measures and draws, and it needs to track the text in memory as it proceeds through each loop. Each time you measure or draw a text segment, you need to pass the beginning byte offset and its length to the QuickDraw routine. Before you call a QuickDraw measuring or drawing routine, you need to set the graphics port text-related fields to reflect the new style run's values.

These steps summarize the line layout and drawing process:

  1. Determine where to break the line.
  2. Determine the display order of the style runs (mixed-directional text).
  3. Eliminate trailing spaces (justified text).
  4. Calculate the slop value (justified text).
  5. Distribute the slop (justified text).
  6. Position the pen.
  7. Draw the text.

Each step covers the basics, plus any additional information you need to know to perform the step for justified or scaled text. The following sections elaborate these steps.

Determining Where to Break the Line

For text that spans multiple lines, you are responsible for controlling where a text line starts and ends. To determine where to break a line of text, first you need to know the screen pixel width of the display line. Then, taking into account all the text characteristics, you need to assess how much of the text you can display on the line, and the appropriate point to break the text.

You should always break a line on a word boundary. To allow for text in different languages, use the QuickDraw and the Text Utilities routines that identify the appropriate place to break a line in any script system.

The two routines you use for unscaled text are the StyledLineBreak and TextWidth functions; StyledLineBreak is described in the chapter Text Utilities in this book. Each time you call StyledLineBreak for a style run, first you need to set the graphics port text characteristics for that style run.

Saving the screen pixel width of each style run
To draw justified text, you need to determine the amount of extra pixels to allocate to each style run in the text line. To determine this value, you need to know the screen pixel width of each style run. You can avoid having to measure the width of each style run twice in the text-layout process by using the textWidth parameter of the StyledLineBreak function to get and save the screen pixel width of each style run. The StyledLineBreak function maintains the value of the textWidth parameter, which you initially set to the length of the display line. When you call StyledLineBreak for each style run in the script run, it decrements this value by the width of the style run. You can calculate the screen pixel width of a style run by subtracting the current value of textWidth from the display line length each time through your StyledLineBreak loop, and save the value to be used later.
If you do not want to use StyledLineBreak, you can use the TextWidth function to measure each style run, adding the returned values until the sum exceeds the display line length. You can next use the Text Utilities FindWordBreaks procedure on the last style run to identify the ending location of the appropriate word in the style run, then break the text accordingly.

If a space character occurs at a line's end, and more space characters follow it in memory, StyledLineBreak breaks the line after the final space character in memory. This obviates the need for you to check for space characters in memory, when you lay out the next line of text. However, if you do not use StyledLineBreak, you need to check for space characters at the beginning of a line of text, and increment the memory pointer beyond these space characters. You can use the CharacterType function to identify space characters. For more information about CharacterType, see the chapter "Script Manager" in this book.

Listing 3-2 calculates line breaks using StyledLineBreak. The procedure sets the local variables, the display line length, and a value to control the line-breaking loop. Then it iterates through the text for each style run, setting the graphics port text fields for the style run and calling StyledLineBreak to identify where to break the line.

Listing 3-2 Calling StyledLineBreak to identify where to break the text line

   PROCEDURE MyBreakTextIntoLines (window: WindowPtr);
      thetextPtr: Ptr;
      thetextLength: LongInt;
      pixelWidth: Fixed;
      textOffset: LONGINT;
      StartOfLine: Point;
      index: Integer;
      tempRect: Rect;
      lineData: myLineArray;
      lineIndex: Integer;
      theBreakCode: StyledLineBreakCode;
      theStartOffset: Integer;
      thetextPtr := gText.textPtr;
      index := 0;
      tempRect := window^.portRect;
      InsetRect(tempRect, 4, 4);
      SetPt(StartOfLine, 10, 4);
      MoveTo(StartOfLine.h, StartOfLine.v);
         {Set up our local flags and variables.}
      lineIndex := 0;   {This is the index into the line data.}
      index := 0;       {This is the index into the style data.}
      WITH gText.runData[index] DO 
         thetextPtr := Ptr(ORD(gText.textPtr) + runStart);
         thetextLength := gText.textLength;
         theStartOffset := 0;
         {Start walking through the textblock.}
            {For the first style run in a line, textOffset must be non-zero.}
         textOffset := -1;
            {smBreakOverFlow means that the whole style run fits on the }
            { line with space remaining. The routine uses that condition to }
            { control the loop.}
         theBreakCode := smBreakOverflow;
            {StyledLineBreak expects the width of the display area }
            { to be expressed as a fixed value.}
         pixelWidth := BSL((tempRect.right - tempRect.left), 16);
         WITH gText DO 
               WHILE (theBreakCode = smBreakOverflow) DO 
                  BEGIN WITH gText.runData[index] DO 
                           {set the port}
                           {call StyledLineBreak to break the line}
                        theBreakCode := StyledLineBreak(thetextPtr,
                                       thetextLength, theStartOffset,
                                       runEnd, 0, pixelWidth, textOffset);
                           {now remember the information returned}
            lineData[lineIndex].textStartOffset := theStartOffset;
                  {remember the beginning of this run}
            lineData[lineIndex].textLength := textOffset - theStartOffset;
                  {and the length of this run length}
            lineData[lineIndex].styleIndex := index;
                  {since the style information is global, just remember }
                  { the index to that information}
            lineIndex := lineIndex + 1;

            {If textoffset == the end of the run, increment the }
            { rundata index and set theStartOffset to be the beginning }
            {of the next run.}
         IF (textOffset = gText.runData[index].runend) THEN 
               index := index + 1;
               theStartOffset := gText.runData[index].runStart;
               {If textOffset <> the end of the run, the routine splits }
               { a run, so set theStartOffset appropriately}
            theStartOffset := theStartOffset + (textOffset - theStartOffset);
               {If there is more text, reset the offset value }
               { returned by StyledLineBreak}
            IF textOffset = thetextLength THEN LEAVE
                  {if textOffset == the textLength there is no more}
                  { text, so jump out of the loop}
                  textOffset := 0;
                     {we haven't found the line break yet, }
                     { textOffset must be zero for all runs after }
                     { the first in a line}
      END; {of while loop}
If the text is explicitly scaled, you cannot use StyledLineBreak to determine where to break the line. This is because the StyledLineBreak function does not accept scaling factors. To determine where to break a line of scaled text, you can directly call the routines that StyledLineBreak uses. The section "Using Scaled Text" on page 3-43 describes these steps.

Determining the Display Order for Style Runs

Now that you know where to break the line, you need to determine the display order of the style runs that constitute the line when the text contains mixed directions; if your text does not contain mixed directions, you can skip this step.

You draw style runs in their display order, which may be different from how the text is stored if it contains mixed directions. (For more information about storage order and display order, see the chapter "Introduction to Text on the Macintosh" in this book.) To determine the correct order, use GetFormatOrder; this procedure returns the order, from left to right, in which to draw the style runs on a line.

To use GetFormatOrder, you must have organized your style runs sequentially in storage order. You pass GetFormatOrder the numbers of the first and last style runs on the line, and the primary line direction of the text to be drawn. If you do not explicitly define the primary line direction, you can base it on the value of the SysDirection global variable. (The SysDirection global variable is set to -1 if the system direction is right to left, and 0 if the system direction is left to right.)

You pass GetFormatOrder a pointer to an application-defined Boolean function that calculates the correct direction for each style run and a pointer to an application-defined information block, containing font and script information, that the Boolean function uses to determine the style run direction. The GetFormatOrder procedure calls your Boolean function for each style run on the line.

Listing 3-3 shows an example Boolean function that calculates the line direction of a style run. Here is the type declaration for the MyLineDrawingInfo records, which are created as the application calculates line breaks:

TYPE MyLineDrawingInfo = 
   textPtr: Ptr;
   textLength: Integer;
   styleIndex: Integer:

MyLineArray = ARRAY[0 ..MaxNumberofStyleRuns] OF
myLineDrawingInfoPtr = ^MyLineDrawingInfo;
The styleIndex field of each record of type MyLineDrawingInfo points to an entry in an array of style run records of type MyStyleRun. A style run record contains style information including font, size, style, and scaling factors. The declaration for MyStyleRun follows:

MyStyleRun = 
   runStart: Integer;
   runEnd: Integer;
   size: Integer;
   font: Integer;
   face: Style;
   numer: Point;
   denom: Point;

{This sample program uses a static array to store style run }
{ information. Typically, a program would use a dynamic }
{ data structure.}
The MyDirectionProc function checks the font of the style run to determine if the font belongs to a right-to-left script system. If it does, the function returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. When GetFormatOrder calls MyDirectionProc, it passes an integer identifying the style run and a pointer to an application-defined parameter block. In Listing 3-3, the pointer indicates the MyLineArray array. The MyDirectionProc function uses the style run identifier and the size of a MyLineDrawingInfo record to find the right MyLineDrawingInfo record in the array. It uses the styleIndex field of the MyLineDrawingInfo record to locate the right style run record in the array of MyStyleRun records. The font field of the style run record contains a font family ID that the function uses to determine the script code. The function calls the Script Manager with the script code to determine the script direction

Listing 3-3 An application-defined run direction function called by GetFormatOrder

FUNCTION MyDirectionProc(theFormat: Integer;
                           myDirectionParam: Ptr):Boolean;
      scriptCode:    Integer;
      p:             myLineDrawingInfoPtr;
      offset:        LongInt;
   offset := SIZEOF(MyLineDrawingInfo) * theFormat;
   p := myLineDrawingInfoPtr(ORD(myDirectionParam) + offset);
   scriptCode := FontToScript(gText.runData[p^.styleIndex].font); 
   IF Boolean(GetScriptVariable(scriptCode, smScriptRight)) = TRUE
      THEN MyDirectionProc := TRUE
      MyDirectionProc := FALSE;
You reference the format order array to determine the display order when you draw the text. To draw a line of text that is not justified, after you determine the display order of the style runs, you can position the pen and draw the text. (To draw a line of text that is not justified, see "Drawing the Line of Text" on page 3-41.) To draw text that is scaled, you can skip ahead to "Using Scaled Text" on page 3-43. If you are drawing a line of justified text, you must complete some additional steps before positioning the pen and actually drawing the text. These steps are described in the next three sections.

Listing 3-4 shows an application-defined procedure that declares a format order array; it passes a pointer to that array when it calls GetFormatOrder for a line of text containing style runs with mixed directions. Using the information that GetFormatOrder returns in the format order array, the procedure iterates through the style runs in display order, setting the graphics for each style run, then drawing the text.

Listing 3-4 Determining the style run display order and drawing the line

PROCEDURE MyGetDisplayOrderAndDrawLine (theLineData: myLineArray; VAR
                                        index: Integer);
   FormatOrderArray: ARRAY[0..kMaximumNumberOfStyleRuns] OF Integer;
   I: Integer;
   GetFormatOrder(FormatOrderPtr(@FormatOrderArray), 0, index,
                   Boolean(GetSysDirection), @DirectionProc, @theLineData);
      {we know the display order, now we are ready to draw}
   FOR I := FormatOrderArray[0] TO FormatOrderArray[index] DO 
      {Set the port.}
            WITH gText.runData[theLineData[i].styleIndex] DO 
            DrawText(theTextPtr, lineData[i].textStartOffset,
         index := 0;
            {we found a line, so bump the index into the line data}

Eliminating Trailing Spaces (for Justified Text)

If you are justifying text, after you know the line break and display order for your text, you must determine the total amount of extra pixels that remain to be distributed throughout the line, and how to spread the extra pixels throughout the style runs. To get the correct total number of extra pixels, first you need to eliminate any trailing spaces from the last style run in memory order.

The VisibleLength function returns the length in bytes of the style run minus any trailing spaces; this is the byte length that you must use for the style run in any calculations necessary to determine the line layout, and for drawing the text.

The VisibleLength function behaves differently for various script systems. For simple script systems, such as Roman and Cyrillic, and 2-byte script systems, such as Japanese, VisibleLength does not include in the byte count it returns trailing spaces that occur at the display end of the text segment. For 2-byte script systems, VisibleLength does not count them, whether they are 1-byte or 2-byte space characters.

Figure 3-5 shows that VisibleLength eliminates trailing spaces at the right end of Roman text when the primary line direction is left to right. However, if you change the primary line direction, VisibleLength assumes the left end as the display end of the text, and does not eliminate the spaces on the right.

Figure 3-5 Calling VisibleLength for a Roman style run

For 1-byte complex script systems, VisibleLength does not include in the byte count that it returns spaces whose character direction is the same as the primary line direction. The primary line direction is determined by the SysDirection global variable. By default, the value of SysDirection is the direction of the system script. You can change this value. Some word processors that allow users to change the primary line direction, for example, to create a document entirely in English when the system script is Hebrew, change the value of SysDirection. If you modify the SysDirection global value, be sure to first save the original value and restore it before your program terminates.

Figure 3-6 shows a Hebrew style run with trailing spaces at the left end, which VisibleLength eliminates. In this case, the primary line direction is right to left; if it were left to right, VisibleLength would return 5.

Figure 3-6 Calling VisibleLength for a Hebrew style run

For those 1-byte complex script systems that support bidirectional text, Roman spaces take on a character direction based on the primary line direction. If the Roman spaces then fall at the end of the text, VisibleLength does not include them in the returned byte count. Figure 3-7 shows Roman spaces following Hebrew text in storage order. In the first part of the example, the Roman spaces take on the primary line direction of right to left, and follow the Hebrew text in display order also. Because they fall at the end of the display line, VisibleLength does not count them. The second part of the example shows what happens when the primary line direction is changed to left to right: the Roman spaces fall at the end of the line again and are not counted.

Figure 3-7 Calling VisibleLength for Hebrew text with Roman space characters

Calculating the Slop Value (for Justified Text)

To draw justified text, after you eliminate trailing spaces from the line's last style run in memory order, you need to determine the amount of remaining extra space to be distributed throughout the line. This is called the slop value; it is measured in pixels, and is the difference between the width of the text and the width of the display line. After you add the widths of all the style runs on the line to get the total width of the text, you can use the following statement to determine the slop value. Be sure to use the value returned by VisibleLength for the last style run in memory order when you add the style run widths.

TotalSlop := DisplayLineLength -- SumofStyleRunWidths
If you saved the screen pixel width of each style run when you called StyledLineBreak, then all you need to do is sum the total of the style run widths and subtract that total from the display line length to get the total slop value.

If you did not use StyledLineBreak or you did not save the screen pixel width of each style run when you called StyledLineBreak, first measure the width of each style run, using TextWidth, then add the widths to get the total. (Remember that each time you measure a style run, first you need to set the text-related graphics port fields for that style run.)

The TextWidth function returns the width in pixels of a style run. You pass TextWidth the number of bytes of the text to be measured. For script systems containing 2-byte characters, be certain that you pass the correct number of bytes; 2-byte script systems can contain a mix of one-byte and two-byte characters.

For scaled text, you cannot use the TextWidth function to get the screen pixel width of a style run. Instead, you can call the StdTxMeas function, which accepts and returns scaling parameters. Whenever you call StdTxMeas directly, first you must check the graphics port grafProc field to determine if the bottleneck routines have been customized, and if so, use the customized version. See "Low-Level QuickDraw Text Routines" on page 3-94 for more information.

Using a negative slop value
You can pass the justification routines a positive or negative slop value. Word processing programs can use a negative slop value to justify a line of text more smoothly by condensing it, when it only slightly exceeds the display line length.

Allocating the Slop to Each Style Run (for Justified Text)

Once you have assessed the total amount of slop to be distributed throughout the line of text, you need to determine the portion to apply to each style run. When you draw a style run that is part of a line of justified text, you pass this number as the value of the slop parameter.

To determine the actual number of pixels for each style run, first you determine the percentage of slop to attribute to the style run, and then apply that percentage to the total slop to get the number of pixels. To get the percentage of slop for a style run, you compute what percentage each portion is of the sum of all portions.

The following steps summarize this process:

  1. Call PortionLine for each style run on the line. The PortionLine function returns a "magic number" which is the correct proportion of extra space to apply to a style run.
  2. Add the returned values together.
  3. For each style run, divide the value returned by PortionLine for that style run by the sum of the values returned for all of the style runs on the line.
  4. For each style run, multiply the result of step 3 by the total slop value for the line.

For example, suppose that there are three style runs on a line: style run A, style run B, and style run C. The total slop = 11; the line needs to be widened by 11 pixels to be justified. If you call PortionLine for each of the style runs, it produces the following results:
Style runValue returned by PortionLine

Summing the three values together produces a total of 20.9. Now you need to convert the values into percentages by dividing each by the total. This produces the following results:
of total

The final step is to multiply the total slop value--11 pixels--by each percentage and round off to compute the actual number of pixels (slop) allocated to each style run. (To correct for the roundoff error, add the remainder to the pixels for the final style run.) This produces these results:
Amount of slop
(in pixels)

Listing 3-5 provides a code fragment that illustrates how you can use the PortionLine function to do this. The application-defined MyCalcJustAmount routine expects an array of the following type of records.

Type RunRecord =
         tPtr:          Ptr;              {ptr to the text}
         tLength:       LongInt;          {length of run}
         tFace:         style;            {txFace of run}
         tFont:         Integer;          {font family ID}
         tSize:         Integer;          {pt size}
         tPlaceOnLine:  JustStyleCode;
         tnumer,tdenom: Point;            {scaling factors}
         tJustAmount:   Fixed;            {this value }
                                          { calculated here}
RunArray = ARRAY[1..MaxRuns] OF RunRecord;
The MyCalcJustAmount routine also takes as a parameter a count of the total number of records that the array contains. Finally, the extra screen pixel width to be distributed is passed in as the TotalPixelSlop parameter. The routine calculates the amount of slop to be allocated to each run, and assigns that value to the field tJustAmount.

Listing 3-5 Distributing slop value among style runs

PROCEDURE MyCalcJustAmount(rArray: RunArray; NRuns: Integer; 
                           TotalPixelSlop: Integer);
   I:                   Integer;
   TotalSlopProportion: Fixed;
   PixelSlopRemainder:  Fixed;
{Find the proportion for each run, temporarily storing}
{ it in the tJustAmount field, and sum the }
{ returned values in TotalSlopProportion.}
   TotalSlopProportion := 0;
   FOR I := 1 TO NRuns DO 
      WITH rArray[I] DO BEGIN
         {Set the graphics port's fields for each style run}
         { to this style run}
         tJustAmount := 
         TotalSlopProportion := TotalSlopProportion + tJustAmount;
{ Normalize the slop to be allocated to each run }
{ ( runportion / totalportion), and then convert that value to }
{ UnRounded Pixels: } 
{ (runportion / totalportion) * TotalPixelSlop ).}
   PixelSlopRemainder := Fixed(TotalPixelSlop);
      IF NRuns > 1 THEN
         FOR I := 1 TO NRuns-1 DO
            WITH rArray[I] DO BEGIN
               {Use the FixRound routine to round this value.} 
               tJustAmount := FixMul(FixDiv(tJustAmount,
               PixelSlopRemainder := PixelSlopRemainder -
      rArray[NRuns].tJustAmount := PixelSlopRemainder;

Drawing the Line of Text

Once you have laid out a line of text, drawing it is fairly simple. Your application's text-drawing routine needs to loop through the text, following these steps:

  1. To position the pen correctly at the beginning of a new line, set the pnLoc graphics port field to the local coordinates representing the point where you want to begin drawing the text. You use the QuickDraw MoveTo or Move procedure to reposition the pen. (For more information about Move or MoveTo, see the QuickDraw chapters in Inside Macintosh: Imaging.) Within a line of text, after you draw a text segment, QuickDraw increments the pen location for you and positions the pen appropriately for the next text segment.
  2. Before you draw each text run, set the text-related fields of the current graphics port to the text characteristics for that style run, if the text segment begins a new style run.
  3. Draw the text segment.

    • If your text is not justified, use DrawText or StdText to draw it. The StdText procedure also allows you to draw scaled text that is not justified. If you use StdText, first you must determine whether the standard routine has been customized. If so, you must use the customized version. For more information, see "Low-Level QuickDraw Text Routines" on page 3-94.

      Listing 3-4 on page 3-36 shows how to draw the text using DrawText after determining the display order.
    • If your text is justified, use the DrawJustified procedure to draw it. This procedure takes a parameter, styleRunPosition, that identifies the location of the style run in the line of text. You must specify the same value for this parameter that you used for it when you called the PortionLine function for this style run. The DrawJustified and PortionLine routines also take numer and denom parameters for scaling factors. For unscaled text, specify values of 1, 1 for both of these parameters.

  4. After you draw each text segment, increment the pointer in memory to the beginning of the next text segment to be drawn.

To position the pen horizontally, remember that QuickDraw always draws text from left to right:

To determine the vertical coordinate of the pen position when you draw lines of text rendered in varying fonts and styles, you need to assess the required line height for each new style. You base this on the style run that requires the greatest number of vertical pixels. You can use the GetFontInfo procedure, which fills a record with information describing the current font's ascent, descent, and the width measurements of the largest glyph in the font, and leading. You can determine the line height by adding the values of these fields. For outline fonts, you can use the OutlineMetrics function to get the font measurements. For more information about OutlineMetrics, see the chapter "Font Manager" in this book. Listing 3-6 shows how to call GetFontInfo, and use the information it returns in the font information record to determine the line height.

Listing 3-6 Calling GetFontInfo to determine the line height

FUNCTION MyGetMaximumLineHeight (VAR mylineData: myLineArray;
                                     lastStyleIndex: Integer): Integer;
      info: fontInfo;
      I: Integer;
      ignore: Integer;
      maxHeight: Integer;
      maxHeight := 0;
      FOR i := 0 TO lastStyleIndex DO
         WITH gText.rundata[mylineData[i].styleIndex] DO 
               {set the grafport up}
               {Get the vertical metrics}
               {If this style run is taller than any others measured, }
               { remember the height.}
                  WITH info DO
                     IF (ascent + leading > maxHeight) THEN
                        maxHeight := ascent + leading;
      MyGetMaximumLineHeight := maxHeight;

Using Scaled Text

This section describes how to determine where to break a line of scaled text. Then it describes how to draw scaled text, whether aligned or justified.

You cannot call StyledLineBreak for scaled text. To determine where to break a line of scaled text, you can directly call the routines that StyledLineBreak uses. The StyledLinedBreak function uses the PixelToChar function to locate the byte offset that corresponds to the pixel location marking the end of the display line.

The primary use of PixelToChar is to locate a caret position associated with a mouse-down event. For this purpose, the PixelToChar function reorders the text when the text belongs to a right-to-left script system; this ensures that PixelToChar returns the correct byte offset associated with the pixel location of a mouse-down event.

If right-to-left text is reordered when you use PixelToChar to determine where to break a line, it returns the wrong byte offset. For right-to-left text, the end of a line in memory order can occur either at the left end of a display line or in the middle of one. To get the correct result, StyledLineBreak turns off reordering before it calls PixelToChar. Your application must also do this.

You can define a routine that turns off reordering if the font's script system is right to left, and call your routine just before you call PixelToChar. Remember to restore reordering after you have determined where to break the line.

Listing 3-7 shows an application-defined routine that turns off reordering of text in a right-to-left script system. It tests to determine whether the reordering bit is on or off so that the application can restore it to its current state, then it clears the reordering bit (smsfReverse), and sets the script flag with the SetScriptVariable function. See the chapter "Script Manager" in this book for more information.

Listing 3-7 Turning off reordering of right-to-left text before calling PixelToChar for line-breaking

FUNCTION MySetReordering(font: integer): Boolean
      flags: LongInt;
      err:  OSErr;
   flags := GetScriptVariable(smCurrentScript, smScriptFlags);
   MySetReordering := BTST(flags, smsfReverse);
   BCLR(flags, smsfReverse);
   err := SetScriptVariable(smCurrentScript, smScriptFlags,
Here are the steps you take to determine where to break a line of scaled text:

  1. Call PixelToChar to determine the byte offset that corresponds to the pixel location where you want to break the line. You pass the pixel location of the end of the display line to PixelToChar as the value of the pixelWidth parameter. The PixelToChar function returns the byte offset corresponding to the pixel location of the end of the display line, if the corresponding byte offset falls with the style run that you call PixelToChar for.

    If the byte offset corresponding to this pixel location does not fall within the style run, on return the widthRemaining parameter contains the number of pixels from the right edge of the text string for which you called PixelToChar to the end of the display line. You can loop through your text, calling PixelToChar for each style run until you encounter the byte offset that corresponds to the pixel location of the end of the display line.

  2. Call the Text Utilities FindWordBreaks procedure with an nbreaks parameter of -1 to determine the boundaries of the word containing the byte offset that corresponds to the pixel location of the end of the display line. If the byte offset that PixelToChar returns is the beginning boundary or interior to the word, you should break the text before this word, or after the preceding word.
  3. If the byte offset that falls at the end of the display line is a space character, you should check to determine if there are succeeding space characters in memory; StyledLineBreak does this. You can use the Script Manager's CharType function for this purpose. If there are additional space characters, increment the text pointer beyond them in memory to determine the starting offset for the next line of text.

The steps that you follow to draw scaled text are the same as those for unscaled text, described under "Drawing the Line of Text" on page 3-41. However, you perform some steps differently for scaled text. The steps are summarized here, and the differences are elaborated.

  1. Set the pnLoc graphics port field to the local coordinates representing the point to begin drawing the text. You use StdTxMeas to get the font metrics for scaled text in order to determine the line height, instead of using GetFontInfo, which doesn't support scaling. Using the information that StdTxMeas returns, you can scale the vertical metrics. Listing 3-8 shows one way to do this.
  2. Before you draw each style run, set the text-related fields of the current graphics port to the text characteristics for that style run. This step is the same as for drawing unscaled text.
  3. Use DrawJustified or StdText to draw the scaled text a style run at a time. To draw scaled text that is not justified, you call StdText or you can call DrawJustified and pass in onlyStyleRun for the styleRunPosition parameter.

Listing 3-8 shows how to measure scaled text using StdTxMeas, and use the information returned in the font information (fontInfo) record to determine the line height. The gText global variable is initialized before the routine is called.

The application of which this routine is a part stores style runs in a text block, which is defined by the TextBlock data type.

TextBlock = RECORD
   textPtr: Ptr;
   textLength: Integer;
   runData: StyleRunArray;
Listing 3-8 Using StdTxMeas to get the font metrics for determining the line height of scaled text

FUNCTION MyGetMaximumLineHeight(VAR lineData: LineArray;
                     lastStyleIndex: Integer): Integer;
   info: fontInfo;
   i: Integer;
   localNumer, localDenom: Point;
   size, font: Integer;
   face: Style;
   MaxHeight := 0;
   FOR i := 0 TO lastStyleIndex DO
    WITH gText.runData[lineData[i].styleIndex] DO BEGIN
   {Set up the graphics port}
   {measure the text}
      localNumer := numer;
      localDenom := denom;
      ignore := StdTxMeas(lineData[i].textlength,
       lineData[i].textPtr, localNumer, localDenom, info);
   {scale the vertical metrics based on the StdTxMeas }
         { returned values of numer and denom}
      info.ascent := FixRound(FixMul(BSL(info.ascent, 16),
               FixRatio(localNumer.v, localDenom.v)));
      info.leading := FixRound(FixMul(BSL(info.leading, 16),
               FixRatio(localNumer.v, localDenom.v)));
      WITH info DO
         IF (ascent + leading > maxHeight) THEN
            maxHeight := ascent + leading;

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996