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Inside Macintosh: Text /
Chapter 4 - Font Manager / Font Manager Reference
The Font Family ('FOND') Resource

The Style-Mapping Table

The printer driver uses font classes to differentiate among the different methods of implementing font styles. The style-mapping table provides a flexible way to assign font classes and to specify character-set encodings. The table contains the font class, information about the character-encoding scheme that the font designer used, and a mechanism for obtaining the name of the appropriate printer font. The style-mapping table is primarily used by drivers for high-resolution printers such as the LaserWriter.

The font name suffix subtable and the glyph-encoding subtable that are part of the style-mapping table immediately follow it in the resource data. The font name suffix subtable contains the base font name and the suffixes that can be added to the font family's name to produce a real PostScript name (one that is recognized by the PostScript LaserWriter printer driver). The style-mapping table uses the suffix table to build a font name for a PostScript printer. The glyph-encoding table allows character codes to be mapped to PostScript glyph names. Figure 4-28 shows the structure of the style-mapping table.

Figure 4-28 The style-mapping table

The header component of the style-mapping table contains a list of indexes into the font name suffix subtable, which is described below. The style-mapping table is represented by the StyleTable data type, which is shown on page 4-44. The elements of this table are as follows.

The Font Name Suffix Subtable

The font name suffix subtable is part of the style-mapping table. This subtable contains the base font name and the suffixes that can be added to the font family's name to produce a real PostScript name (that is, one that is recognized by the PostScript printer driver). This subtable is represented by the NameTable data type, which is described on page 4-44. It consists of the following elements:

Each of the strings in the string list contains a sequence of one-byte values, the first of which specifies how many other bytes follow, and each of the following contains an index value. To form the complete name of a font, the base name is concatenated with each of the strings whose index is in the string.

For an example of how this table works, consider the PostScript name of the bold-italic version of the font ExampleFont. Here are the strings of the font name suffix subtable for this font:
2$02 $09 $0A
3$02 $09 $0B
4$03 $09 $0A $0B
5$02 $09 $0C
6$04 $09 $0C $09 $0A
7$04 $09 $0C $09 $0B
8$05 $09 $0C $09 $0A $0B

QuickDraw has assigned the bold-italic style the number $03; since the base font name is the first entry in this array, you need to access the entry at i+1, where i is the style value. So, for the bold-italic style, you look at the fourth string. The first byte in this string is $03, which indicates that three string indexes follow.

By concatenating them together with the base font name, you produce the font name string "ExampleFont-BoldOblique". If the LaserWriter printer driver cannot find the font on the printer, it looks for the font: in version 7.1 and later of system software, the driver looks in the "Fonts" folder; in earlier versions of system software, it first looks in the folder where the driver code is located, then in the System Folder. If the font is there, the driver sends it to the printer. If it is not, the driver sends a QuickDraw bitmap that has already been scaled to the correct size.

Listing 4-4 provides a function for using the style table to build a full PostScript font name.

Listing 4-4 Using the style-mapping table to build a PostScript font name

   IntegerPtr = ^Integer;
   FamRecPtr = ^FamRec;
   FamRecHdl = ^FamRecPtr;
   StyleTablePtr = ^StyleTable;

FUNCTION MyCompressStyle (aStyle: Style): Integer;
   {A "Set of StyleItem" is mapped into [0..47],}
   {assuming that condense and extend are mutually exclusive}

   styleCode: Integer;

   styleCode := 0;
   IF bold IN aStyle THEN
      styleCode := styleCode + 1;
   IF italic IN aStyle THEN
      styleCode := styleCode + 2;
   IF outline IN aStyle THEN
      styleCode := styleCode + 4;
   IF shadow IN aStyle THEN
      styleCode := styleCode + 8;
   IF condense IN aStyle THEN
      styleCode := styleCode + 16
   ELSE IF extend IN aStyle THEN
      styleCode := styleCode + 32;
   MyCompressStyle := styleCode;

FUNCTION MyNthStyleName (index: Integer; q: Ptr): Str255;

   s: Str255;

   WHILE index > 1 DO
      q := Ptr(ord(q) + q^ + 1);
                     { assumes q^ = stringlength < 128 ...}
      index := index - 1;
   BlockMove(q, @s[0], q^ + 1);
                     { assumes q^ = stringlength < 127 ...}
   MyNthStyleName := s;

FUNCTION MyPSFontName(fh: FamRecHdl; aStyle: Style): Str255;
   stp: StyleTablePtr;
   q: Ptr;     { pointer to Style-name table. }
               { This is not a Pascal structure. }
   PSName, suffixIndices: Str255;
   i, nbOfStrings, offset, whichIndex: Integer;
   PSName := '';
   offset := fh^^.ffStylOff;
   IF offset > 0 THEN
      stp := StyleTablePtr(ord(fh^) + offset);
      q := Ptr(ord(stp) + SizeOf(StyleTable));
               { style-name table follows style-mappingTable}
      nbOfStrings := IntegerPtr(q)^; 
            { for range checking below }
      q := Ptr(ord(q) + 2);
               { now pointing to basename of font }
      BlockMove(q, @PSName, q^ + 1);
               { basename of font; assumes length < 128 }
      whichIndex := stp^.indexes[MyCompressStyle(aStyle)];
      IF (whichIndex > 1) AND (whichIndex <= nbOfStrings) THEN
         suffixIndices := MyNthStyleName(whichIndex, q);
         FOR i := 1 TO ord(suffixIndices[0]) DO
            PSName := concat(PSName,
                  MyNthStyleName(ord(suffixIndices[i]), q));
      ELSE { corrupted FOND };
   ELSE { no style mapping table in FOND };
   MyBuildPSFontName := PSName;

The Glyph-Name Encoding Subtable

The glyph-name encoding subtable of the style-mapping table allows the font family designer to map 8-bit character codes to PostScript glyph names. This subtable is required when the font family character set is not the Standard Roman character set or the standard Adobe character set. Each entry in this table is a Pascal string, the first byte of which is the character code that is being mapped, and the remaining bytes of which specify the PostScript glyph name.

There is no data type defined to represent the glyph-encoding subtable. The elements of this subtable are as follows:

The following example demonstrates the use of an encoding table in a font resource:
Byte sequenceUse
$0002The number of entries in this encoding table.
$A8The character code of the first character that is being remapped.
'diamond'The name of the PostScript character to be used for character code $A8.
$A9The character code of the second (and last) character that is being remapped.
'heart'The name of the PostScript character to be used for character code $A9.

The effect of this table is to assign the PostScript character named diamond to the character code $A8 and to assign the PostScript character named heart to the character code $A9. If either of these character codes has a character assigned to it in the font, that character is replaced by the PostScript character named in the table.

For more information about the font name suffix subtable and the glyph-name encoding table, please see the LaserWriter Reference.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996