Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.
About the Text Utilities
The Text Utilities routines are used for numerous text-handling tasks, including
- defining strings--including functions for allocating strings in the heap and for loading strings from resources
- comparing and sorting strings--including functions for testing whether two strings are equal and functions for finding the sorting relationship between two strings
- modifying the contents of strings--including routines for converting the case of characters, stripping diacritical marks, replacing substrings, and truncating strings
- finding breaks and boundaries in text--including routines for finding word and line breaks, and for finding different script runs in a line of text
- converting and formatting date and time strings--including routines that convert numeric and string representations of dates and times into record format, and routines that convert numeric and record representations of dates and times
into strings- converting and formatting numeric strings--including routines that convert string representations of numbers into numeric representations, and routines that convert from numeric representations into formatted strings
- The Text Utilities and the International Resources
- Obtaining Resource Information
- Pascal Strings and Text Strings