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Inside Macintosh: Text /
Chapter 6 - Script Manager / Script Manager Reference

Data Structures

This section presents the following types and data structures used by the Script Manager: the token block record and the token record. Other data type definitions are in the section "Summary of the Script Manager" beginning on page 6-107.

The Script Manager also makes use of many of the types and data structures defined in the appendix "International Resources" in this book.

Token Block Record

The token block record, of data type TokenBlock, is a parameter block used to pass information to the IntlTokenize function and to retrieve results from it.

   TokenBlock = 
      source:        Ptr;           {pointer to source text to be tokenized}
      sourceLength:  LongInt;       {length of source text in bytes}
      tokenList:     Ptr;           {pointer to array of token records}
      tokenLength:   LongInt;       {maximum size of TokenList}
      tokenCount:    LongInt;       {number of tokens currently in TokenList}
      stringList:    Ptr;           {pointer to list of token strings}
      stringLength:  LongInt;       {length available for string list}
      stringCount:   LongInt;       {current length of string list}
      doString:      Boolean;       {make strings & put into StringList?}
      doAppend:      Boolean;       {append to--not replace--TokenList?}
      doAlphanumeric:Boolean;       {identifiers may include numerics?}
      doNest:        Boolean;       {do comments nest?}
      leftDelims:    ARRAY [0..1] OF TokenType;
                                    {opening delimiters for literals}
      rightDelims:   ARRAY [0..1] OF TokenType;
                                    {closing delimiters for literals}
      leftComment:   ARRAY [0..3] OF TokenType;
                                    {opening delimiters for comments}
      rightComment:  ARRAY [0..3] OF TokenType;
                                    {closing delimiters for comments}
      escapeCode:    TokenType;     {escape symbol code}
      decimalCode:   TokenType;     {decimal symbol code}
      itlResource:   Handle;        {'itl4' resource of script for this text}
      reserved:      ARRAY [0..7] OF LongInt; 
                                    {must be zero!}

   TokenBlockPtr = ^TokenBlock;
The fields in the token block record are described under the routine description for IntlTokenize, beginning on page 6-92.

Token Block Record
Token Record

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996