
Technology Overview

Open Source means many things to many people. To some, it is software whose source code is available to the people who use it. To others, it is a philosophy of writing source code that can be reused freely. To still others, it is a group of software licenses that meet certain criteria for openness. In general, though, it refers to software licensed under a broad range of licenses, all sharing one common characteristic: the source code is available for anyone to see, inspect, and modify.

Mac OS X contains many open source tools and technologies, including third-party tools that are built and packaged with the operating system, as well as fundamental parts of the operating system itself. If you haven’t already done so, you should read the ADC topic page for Open Source.

Start Here

Before porting or writing open source software for Mac OS X, read Mac Technology Overview to help you understand how open source software fits into Mac OS X and to familiarize yourself with the Mac OS X environment as a whole.

If you need to familiarize yourself with the UNIX-based underpinnings of Mac OS X, read a book on system administration, such as UNIX System Administration Handbook by Nemeth and others. In addition, you may find Mac OS X Man Pages helpful in understanding the details of Mac OS X command-line tool syntax and UNIX-based C API interfaces.

Choose a Learning Path

If you are an open source developer, you need to understand the Mac OS X programming environment. If you are a high-performance/scientific computing user or developer, you need to understand what high-performance computing technologies are available to you. If you are a system administrator, you need to understand how administering Mac OS X systems differs from administering other UNIX-based systems.

Porting and Developing Applications

Before you port or develop an open source application on Mac OS X, you need to learn about the differences between Mac OS X and other operating systems that you already support. Two good starting points are Porting UNIX/Linux Applications to OS X and Porting to Mac OS X from Windows Win32 API.

If you are planning to port a 64-bit tool to Mac OS X or transition a 32-bit command-line tool to a 64-bit environment, read 64-Bit Transition Guide.

Using and Developing High-Performance and Scientific Computing Technology

If you are a high-performance computing user or developer looking for information about high-performance computing, read Tools & Languages Starting Point, then read the ADC topic page for high-performance computing.

Administering Mac OS X Workstations and Servers

If you are a system administrator interested in open source technologies in Mac OS X, you should learn about the technology areas that interest you.

Next Steps

The Open Source Reference Library includes the following high-level resource pages, which can be bookmarked for easy access:

These additional websites may also be helpful: