Retired Document
Important: This version of Start Developing iOS Apps Today has been retired. The replacement version provides a new, more streamlined walkthrough of the basics. For information covering the same subject area as this page, please see "App Development Process".
Basic Tasks
Now that you’ve learned enough about Objective-C to read and write basic code, you can begin to think in terms of objects. Just as you would think about objects in the real world, you need to think about what an object contains, what you can do with it, and how it relates to other objects.

To create an iOS app, you need to know how to create objects, compare objects, query objects for information about them, and access objects in collections such as arrays. These tasks are common in iOS apps. After you acquire these skills, you are ready to take on more complicated Objective-C code.

© 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2013-04-23)