Documentation Archive Developer

Swift Changes for Swift


Removed Sequence.first(where: (Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.Iterator.Element?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.count
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.count
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.distance(from: Int, to: Int) -> Int
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence) -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.flatMap<SegmentOfResult : Sequence>(_: (UInt8) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_: (UInt8) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.formIndex(_: Int, offsetBy: Int)
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.formIndex(_: Int, offsetBy: Int, limitedBy: Int) -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.formIndex(after: Int)
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.formIndex(before: Int)
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.index(_: Int, offsetBy: Int) -> Int
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.index(_: Int, offsetBy: Int, limitedBy: Int) -> Int?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.index(after: Int) -> Int
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.index(before: Int) -> Int
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.index(of: UInt8) -> Int?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.index(where: (UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.indices
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.lazy
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.lazy
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence) -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added<T>(_: (UInt8) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
Added<T>(_: (UInt8) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.partition(by: (UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.partition(by: (UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.popFirst() -> UInt8?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.popLast() -> UInt8?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.removeFirst() -> UInt8
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.removeFirst(_: Int)
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.removeLast() -> UInt8
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.removeLast(_: Int)
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(with: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(with: PossiblePrefix, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: ClosedRange<Int>) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: Range<Int>) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: CountableRange<Int>) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: Range<Int>) -> MutableSlice<UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer>
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: CountableRange<Int>) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: ClosedRange<Int>) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.underestimatedCount
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.underestimatedCount
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator [struct]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.contains(_: UInt8) -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.contains(where: (UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.dropFirst() -> AnySequence<UInt8>
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.dropFirst(_: Int) -> AnySequence<UInt8>
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.dropLast() -> AnySequence<UInt8>
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.dropLast(_: Int) -> AnySequence<UInt8>
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence) -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.enumerated() -> EnumeratedSequence<UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator>
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.filter(_: (UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [UInt8]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.first(where: (UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> UInt8?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_: (UInt8) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.flatMap<SegmentOfResult : Sequence>(_: (UInt8) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.forEach(_: (UInt8) throws -> Void) rethrows
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.lazy
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence) -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.makeIterator() -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator
Added<T>(_: (UInt8) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.max() -> UInt8?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.max(by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> UInt8?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.min() -> UInt8?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.min(by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> UInt8?
Added -> UInt8?
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.prefix(_: Int) -> AnySequence<UInt8>
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.reduce<Result>(_: Result, _: (Result, UInt8) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.reversed() -> [UInt8]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.sorted() -> [UInt8]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.sorted(by: (UInt8, UInt8) -> Bool) -> [UInt8]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.split(maxSplits: Int, omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool, whereSeparator: (UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [AnySequence<UInt8>]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.split(separator: UInt8, maxSplits: Int, omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool) -> [AnySequence<UInt8>]
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(with: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(with: PossiblePrefix, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.suffix(_: Int) -> AnySequence<UInt8>
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.Iterator.underestimatedCount
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.count
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.count
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.distance(from: Int, to: Int) -> Int
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence) -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_: (UInt8) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.flatMap<SegmentOfResult : Sequence>(_: (UInt8) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.formIndex(_: Int, offsetBy: Int)
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.formIndex(_: Int, offsetBy: Int, limitedBy: Int) -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.formIndex(after: Int)
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.formIndex(before: Int)
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.index(_: Int, offsetBy: Int) -> Int
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.index(_: Int, offsetBy: Int, limitedBy: Int) -> Int?
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.index(after: Int) -> Int
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.index(before: Int) -> Int
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.index(of: UInt8) -> Int?
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.index(where: (UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.indices
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.lazy
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.lazy
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence) -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added<T>(_: (UInt8) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
Added<T>(_: (UInt8) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.popFirst() -> UInt8?
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.popLast() -> UInt8?
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.removeFirst() -> UInt8
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.removeFirst(_: Int)
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.removeLast() -> UInt8
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.removeLast(_: Int)
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(with: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(with: PossiblePrefix, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: Range<Int>) -> UnsafeRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: CountableRange<Int>) -> UnsafeRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> UnsafeRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.subscript(_: ClosedRange<Int>) -> UnsafeRawBufferPointer
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.underestimatedCount
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.underestimatedCount
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator.elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence) -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator.elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator.flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_: (UInt8) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator.flatMap<SegmentOfResult : Sequence>(_: (UInt8) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator.lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence) -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator.lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(_: OtherSequence, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator.starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(with: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.Iterator.starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(with: PossiblePrefix, by: (UInt8, UInt8) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
Added UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.IndexDistance
Added UnsafeRawBufferPointer.IndexDistance
struct Array<Element> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
    typealias Index = Int
    typealias Iterator = IndexingIterator<[Element]>
    var startIndex: Int { get }
    var endIndex: Int { get }
    func index(after i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(after i: inout Int)
    func index(before i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(before i: inout Int)
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int) -> Int
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Int?
    func distance(from start: Int, to end: Int) -> Int
    typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>
    subscript(_ index: Int) -> Element
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func withUnsafeBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func replaceSubrange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subrange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func popLast() -> Element?
    mutating func removeAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func replaceRange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subRange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func appendContentsOf<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ newElements: S)
    func dropLast(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func dropFirst(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(upTo end: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(from start: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(through position: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    typealias Generator = IndexingIterator<Array<Element>>
    func generate() -> IndexingIterator<Array<Element>>
    func underestimateCount() -> Int
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    var last: Element? { get }
    func index(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    func sorted(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sort(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    mutating func partition(isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    func sort(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    func indexOf(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    var lazy: LazySequence<Array<Element>> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> MutableSlice<Array<Element>>
    var indices: CountableRange<Int> { get }
    func reversed() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<Array<Element>>
    func reverse() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<Array<Element>>
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func filter(_ isIncluded: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    func forEach(_ body: (Element) throws -> Void) rethrows
    func first(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func dropFirst() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func dropLast() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool, isSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func enumerated() -> EnumeratedSequence<Array<Element>>
    func min(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func max(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
    func flatMap<SegmentOfResult : Sequence>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]
    func flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
    func enumerate() -> EnumeratedSequence<Array<Element>>
    func minElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func maxElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initial: Result, combine combine: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
extension Array : CVarArg {
extension Array {
extension Array {
    func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<Array<Element>>
extension Array {
    var isEmpty: Bool { get }
    var first: Element? { get }
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    var count: Int { get }
extension Array {
    var lazy: LazyBidirectionalCollection<Array<Element>> { get }
extension Array {
    var lazy: LazyCollection<Array<Element>> { get }
extension Array {
    var lazy: LazyRandomAccessCollection<Array<Element>> { get }
extension Array {
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int)
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Bool
extension Array : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension Array : RangeReplaceableCollection {
    init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ s: S)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: Element, count count: Int)
    var count: Int { get }
    var capacity: Int { get }
    mutating func reserveCapacity(_ minimumCapacity: Int)
    mutating func append(_ newElement: Element)
    mutating func append<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: S)
    mutating func append<C : Collection where C.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: C)
    mutating func insert(_ newElement: Element, at i: Int)
    mutating func remove(at index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = default)
extension Array : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...)
extension Array : CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
    var debugDescription: String { get }
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func index(of element: Element) -> Int?
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
extension Array where Element == String {
    func joined(separator separator: String = default) -> String
    func joinWithSeparator(_ separator: String) -> String
extension Array where Element : Collection {
    func joined() -> FlattenCollection<Array<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenCollection<Array<Element>>
extension Array where Element : BidirectionalCollection {
    func joined() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<Array<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<Array<Element>>
extension Array where Element : Sequence {
    func joined() -> FlattenSequence<Array<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenSequence<Array<Element>>
    func joined<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(separator separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<Array<Element>>
    func joinWithSeparator<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(_ separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<Array<Element>>
extension Array where Element : Comparable {
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    mutating func sort()
    mutating func partition() -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>) -> Int
    func sort() -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace()
    func min() -> Element?
    func max() -> Element?
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
    func minElement() -> Element?
    func maxElement() -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
struct Array<Element> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
    typealias Index = Int
    typealias Iterator = IndexingIterator<[Element]>
    var startIndex: Int { get }
    var endIndex: Int { get }
    func index(after i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(after i: inout Int)
    func index(before i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(before i: inout Int)
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int) -> Int
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Int?
    func distance(from start: Int, to end: Int) -> Int
    typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>
    subscript(_ index: Int) -> Element
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func withUnsafeBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func replaceSubrange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subrange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func withUnsafeMutableBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    func withUnsafeBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func popLast() -> Element?
    mutating func removeAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func replaceRange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subRange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func appendContentsOf<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ newElements: S)
    func dropLast(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func dropFirst(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(upTo end: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(from start: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(through position: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    typealias Generator = IndexingIterator<Array<Element>>
    func generate() -> IndexingIterator<Array<Element>>
    func underestimateCount() -> Int
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    var last: Element? { get }
    func index(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    func sorted(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sort(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    mutating func partition(isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    func sort(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    func indexOf(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    var lazy: LazySequence<Array<Element>> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> MutableSlice<Array<Element>>
    var indices: CountableRange<Int> { get }
    func reversed() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<Array<Element>>
    func reverse() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<Array<Element>>
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func filter(_ isIncluded: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    func forEach(_ body: (Element) throws -> Void) rethrows
    func first(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func dropFirst() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func dropLast() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool, isSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func enumerated() -> EnumeratedSequence<Array<Element>>
    func min(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func max(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
    func flatMap<SegmentOfResult : Sequence>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]
    func flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
    func enumerate() -> EnumeratedSequence<Array<Element>>
    func minElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func maxElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initial: Result, combine combine: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
extension Array : CVarArg {
extension Array {
extension Array {
    func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<Array<Element>>
extension Array {
    var isEmpty: Bool { get }
    var first: Element? { get }
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    var count: Int { get }
extension Array {
    var lazy: LazyBidirectionalCollection<Array<Element>> { get }
extension Array {
    var lazy: LazyCollection<Array<Element>> { get }
extension Array {
    var lazy: LazyRandomAccessCollection<Array<Element>> { get }
extension Array {
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int)
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Bool
extension Array : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension Array : RangeReplaceableCollection {
    init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ s: S)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: Element, count count: Int)
    var count: Int { get }
    var capacity: Int { get }
    mutating func reserveCapacity(_ minimumCapacity: Int)
    mutating func append(_ newElement: Element)
    mutating func append<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: S)
    mutating func append<C : Collection where C.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: C)
    mutating func insert(_ newElement: Element, at i: Int)
    mutating func remove(at index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = default)
extension Array : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...)
extension Array : CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
    var debugDescription: String { get }
extension Array where Element : Equatable {
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func index(of element: Element) -> Int?
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
extension Array where Element == String {
    func joined(separator separator: String = default) -> String
    func joinWithSeparator(_ separator: String) -> String
extension Array where Element : Collection {
    func joined() -> FlattenCollection<Array<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenCollection<Array<Element>>
extension Array where Element : BidirectionalCollection {
    func joined() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<Array<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<Array<Element>>
extension Array where Element : Sequence {
    func joined() -> FlattenSequence<Array<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenSequence<Array<Element>>
    func joined<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(separator separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<Array<Element>>
    func joinWithSeparator<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(_ separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<Array<Element>>
extension Array where Element : Comparable {
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    mutating func sort()
    mutating func partition() -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>) -> Int
    func sort() -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace()
    func min() -> Element?
    func max() -> Element?
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
    func minElement() -> Element?
    func maxElement() -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool

struct ArraySlice<Element> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
    typealias Index = Int
    typealias Iterator = IndexingIterator<ArraySlice<Element>>
    var startIndex: Int { get }
    var endIndex: Int { get }
    func index(after i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(after i: inout Int)
    func index(before i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(before i: inout Int)
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int) -> Int
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Int?
    func distance(from start: Int, to end: Int) -> Int
    typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>
    subscript(_ index: Int) -> Element
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func withUnsafeBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func replaceSubrange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subrange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func removeAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func replaceRange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subRange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func appendContentsOf<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ newElements: S)
    mutating func popLast() -> Element?
    mutating func removeLast() -> Element
    mutating func removeLast(_ n: Int)
    func dropLast(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    mutating func popFirst() -> Element?
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func dropFirst(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(upTo end: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(from start: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(through position: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    mutating func removeFirst() -> Element
    mutating func removeFirst(_ n: Int)
    typealias Generator = IndexingIterator<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func generate() -> IndexingIterator<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func underestimateCount() -> Int
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    var last: Element? { get }
    func index(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    func sorted(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sort(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    mutating func partition(isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    func sort(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    func indexOf(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    var lazy: LazySequence<ArraySlice<Element>> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> MutableSlice<ArraySlice<Element>>
    var indices: CountableRange<Int> { get }
    func reversed() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func reverse() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func filter(_ isIncluded: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    func forEach(_ body: (Element) throws -> Void) rethrows
    func first(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func dropFirst() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func dropLast() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool, isSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func enumerated() -> EnumeratedSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func min(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func max(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
    func flatMap<SegmentOfResult : Sequence>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]
    func flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
    func enumerate() -> EnumeratedSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func minElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func maxElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initial: Result, combine combine: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
extension ArraySlice {
    func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<ArraySlice<Element>>
extension ArraySlice {
    var isEmpty: Bool { get }
    var first: Element? { get }
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    var count: Int { get }
extension ArraySlice {
    var lazy: LazyBidirectionalCollection<ArraySlice<Element>> { get }
extension ArraySlice {
    var lazy: LazyCollection<ArraySlice<Element>> { get }
extension ArraySlice {
    var lazy: LazyRandomAccessCollection<ArraySlice<Element>> { get }
extension ArraySlice {
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int)
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Bool
extension ArraySlice : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension ArraySlice : RangeReplaceableCollection {
    init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ s: S)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: Element, count count: Int)
    var count: Int { get }
    var capacity: Int { get }
    mutating func reserveCapacity(_ minimumCapacity: Int)
    mutating func append(_ newElement: Element)
    mutating func append<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: S)
    mutating func append<C : Collection where C.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: C)
    mutating func insert(_ newElement: Element, at i: Int)
    mutating func remove(at index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = default)
extension ArraySlice : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...)
extension ArraySlice : CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
    var debugDescription: String { get }
extension ArraySlice where Element : Equatable {
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func index(of element: Element) -> Int?
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
extension ArraySlice where Element == String {
    func joined(separator separator: String = default) -> String
    func joinWithSeparator(_ separator: String) -> String
extension ArraySlice where Element : Collection {
    func joined() -> FlattenCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
extension ArraySlice where Element : BidirectionalCollection {
    func joined() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
extension ArraySlice where Element : Sequence {
    func joined() -> FlattenSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func joined<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(separator separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func joinWithSeparator<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(_ separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
extension ArraySlice where Element : Comparable {
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    mutating func sort()
    mutating func partition() -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>) -> Int
    func sort() -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace()
    func min() -> Element?
    func max() -> Element?
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
    func minElement() -> Element?
    func maxElement() -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
struct ArraySlice<Element> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
    typealias Index = Int
    typealias Iterator = IndexingIterator<ArraySlice<Element>>
    var startIndex: Int { get }
    var endIndex: Int { get }
    func index(after i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(after i: inout Int)
    func index(before i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(before i: inout Int)
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int) -> Int
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Int?
    func distance(from start: Int, to end: Int) -> Int
    typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>
    subscript(_ index: Int) -> Element
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func withUnsafeBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func replaceSubrange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subrange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func withUnsafeMutableBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    func withUnsafeBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func removeAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func replaceRange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subRange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func appendContentsOf<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ newElements: S)
    mutating func popLast() -> Element?
    mutating func removeLast() -> Element
    mutating func removeLast(_ n: Int)
    func dropLast(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    mutating func popFirst() -> Element?
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func dropFirst(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(upTo end: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(from start: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(through position: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    mutating func removeFirst() -> Element
    mutating func removeFirst(_ n: Int)
    typealias Generator = IndexingIterator<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func generate() -> IndexingIterator<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func underestimateCount() -> Int
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    var last: Element? { get }
    func index(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    func sorted(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sort(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    mutating func partition(isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    func sort(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    func indexOf(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    var lazy: LazySequence<ArraySlice<Element>> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> MutableSlice<ArraySlice<Element>>
    var indices: CountableRange<Int> { get }
    func reversed() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func reverse() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func filter(_ isIncluded: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    func forEach(_ body: (Element) throws -> Void) rethrows
    func first(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func dropFirst() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func dropLast() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool, isSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func enumerated() -> EnumeratedSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func min(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func max(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
    func flatMap<SegmentOfResult : Sequence>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]
    func flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
    func enumerate() -> EnumeratedSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func minElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func maxElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initial: Result, combine combine: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
extension ArraySlice {
    func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<ArraySlice<Element>>
extension ArraySlice {
    var isEmpty: Bool { get }
    var first: Element? { get }
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    var count: Int { get }
extension ArraySlice {
    var lazy: LazyBidirectionalCollection<ArraySlice<Element>> { get }
extension ArraySlice {
    var lazy: LazyCollection<ArraySlice<Element>> { get }
extension ArraySlice {
    var lazy: LazyRandomAccessCollection<ArraySlice<Element>> { get }
extension ArraySlice {
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int)
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Bool
extension ArraySlice : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension ArraySlice : RangeReplaceableCollection {
    init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ s: S)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: Element, count count: Int)
    var count: Int { get }
    var capacity: Int { get }
    mutating func reserveCapacity(_ minimumCapacity: Int)
    mutating func append(_ newElement: Element)
    mutating func append<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: S)
    mutating func append<C : Collection where C.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: C)
    mutating func insert(_ newElement: Element, at i: Int)
    mutating func remove(at index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = default)
extension ArraySlice : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...)
extension ArraySlice : CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
    var debugDescription: String { get }
extension ArraySlice where Element : Equatable {
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func index(of element: Element) -> Int?
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
extension ArraySlice where Element == String {
    func joined(separator separator: String = default) -> String
    func joinWithSeparator(_ separator: String) -> String
extension ArraySlice where Element : Collection {
    func joined() -> FlattenCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
extension ArraySlice where Element : BidirectionalCollection {
    func joined() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<ArraySlice<Element>>
extension ArraySlice where Element : Sequence {
    func joined() -> FlattenSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func joined<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(separator separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
    func joinWithSeparator<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(_ separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
extension ArraySlice where Element : Comparable {
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    mutating func sort()
    mutating func partition() -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>) -> Int
    func sort() -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace()
    func min() -> Element?
    func max() -> Element?
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
    func minElement() -> Element?
    func maxElement() -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool

struct ContiguousArray<Element> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
    typealias Index = Int
    typealias Iterator = IndexingIterator<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    var startIndex: Int { get }
    var endIndex: Int { get }
    func index(after i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(after i: inout Int)
    func index(before i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(before i: inout Int)
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int) -> Int
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Int?
    func distance(from start: Int, to end: Int) -> Int
    typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>
    subscript(_ index: Int) -> Element
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func withUnsafeBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func replaceSubrange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subrange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func popLast() -> Element?
    mutating func removeAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func replaceRange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subRange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func appendContentsOf<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ newElements: S)
    func dropLast(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func dropFirst(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(upTo end: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(from start: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(through position: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    typealias Generator = IndexingIterator<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func generate() -> IndexingIterator<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func underestimateCount() -> Int
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    var last: Element? { get }
    func index(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    func sorted(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sort(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    mutating func partition(isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    func sort(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    func indexOf(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    var lazy: LazySequence<ContiguousArray<Element>> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> MutableSlice<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    var indices: CountableRange<Int> { get }
    func reversed() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func reverse() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func filter(_ isIncluded: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    func forEach(_ body: (Element) throws -> Void) rethrows
    func first(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func dropFirst() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func dropLast() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool, isSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func enumerated() -> EnumeratedSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func min(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func max(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
    func flatMap<SegmentOfResult : Sequence>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]
    func flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
    func enumerate() -> EnumeratedSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func minElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func maxElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initial: Result, combine combine: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
extension ContiguousArray {
    func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<ContiguousArray<Element>>
extension ContiguousArray {
    var isEmpty: Bool { get }
    var first: Element? { get }
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    var count: Int { get }
extension ContiguousArray {
    var lazy: LazyBidirectionalCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>> { get }
extension ContiguousArray {
    var lazy: LazyCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>> { get }
extension ContiguousArray {
    var lazy: LazyRandomAccessCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>> { get }
extension ContiguousArray {
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int)
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Bool
extension ContiguousArray : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension ContiguousArray : RangeReplaceableCollection {
    init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ s: S)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: Element, count count: Int)
    var count: Int { get }
    var capacity: Int { get }
    mutating func reserveCapacity(_ minimumCapacity: Int)
    mutating func append(_ newElement: Element)
    mutating func append<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: S)
    mutating func append<C : Collection where C.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: C)
    mutating func insert(_ newElement: Element, at i: Int)
    mutating func remove(at index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = default)
extension ContiguousArray : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...)
extension ContiguousArray : CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
    var debugDescription: String { get }
extension ContiguousArray where Element : Equatable {
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func index(of element: Element) -> Int?
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
extension ContiguousArray where Element == String {
    func joined(separator separator: String = default) -> String
    func joinWithSeparator(_ separator: String) -> String
extension ContiguousArray where Element : Collection {
    func joined() -> FlattenCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
extension ContiguousArray where Element : BidirectionalCollection {
    func joined() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
extension ContiguousArray where Element : Sequence {
    func joined() -> FlattenSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func joined<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(separator separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func joinWithSeparator<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(_ separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
extension ContiguousArray where Element : Comparable {
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    mutating func sort()
    mutating func partition() -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>) -> Int
    func sort() -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace()
    func min() -> Element?
    func max() -> Element?
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
    func minElement() -> Element?
    func maxElement() -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
struct ContiguousArray<Element> : RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
    typealias Index = Int
    typealias Iterator = IndexingIterator<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    var startIndex: Int { get }
    var endIndex: Int { get }
    func index(after i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(after i: inout Int)
    func index(before i: Int) -> Int
    func formIndex(before i: inout Int)
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int) -> Int
    func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Int?
    func distance(from start: Int, to end: Int) -> Int
    typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>
    subscript(_ index: Int) -> Element
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func withUnsafeBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer<R>(_ body: (inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func replaceSubrange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subrange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func withUnsafeMutableBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    func withUnsafeBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
    mutating func popLast() -> Element?
    mutating func removeAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func replaceRange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == _Buffer.Element>(_ subRange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func appendContentsOf<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ newElements: S)
    func dropLast(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func dropFirst(_ n: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(upTo end: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func suffix(from start: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func prefix(through position: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    typealias Generator = IndexingIterator<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func generate() -> IndexingIterator<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func underestimateCount() -> Int
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    var last: Element? { get }
    func index(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    mutating func partition(by belongsInSecondPartition: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int
    func sorted(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sort(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>
    mutating func partition(isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
    func sort(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
    func indexOf(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int?
    var lazy: LazySequence<ContiguousArray<Element>> { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> MutableSlice<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    var indices: CountableRange<Int> { get }
    func reversed() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func reverse() -> ReversedRandomAccessCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func filter(_ isIncluded: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    func forEach(_ body: (Element) throws -> Void) rethrows
    func first(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func dropFirst() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func dropLast() -> ArraySlice<Element>
    func split(_ maxSplit: Int, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool, isSeparator isSeparator: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func enumerated() -> EnumeratedSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func min(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func max(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initialResult: Result, _ nextPartialResult: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
    func flatMap<SegmentOfResult : Sequence>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]
    func flatMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
    func enumerate() -> EnumeratedSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func minElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func maxElement(_ isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isEquivalent isEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence, isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func contains(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool
    func reduce<Result>(_ initial: Result, combine combine: (Result, Element) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
extension ContiguousArray {
    func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<ContiguousArray<Element>>
extension ContiguousArray {
    var isEmpty: Bool { get }
    var first: Element? { get }
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    var count: Int { get }
extension ContiguousArray {
    var lazy: LazyBidirectionalCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>> { get }
extension ContiguousArray {
    var lazy: LazyCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>> { get }
extension ContiguousArray {
    var lazy: LazyRandomAccessCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>> { get }
extension ContiguousArray {
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int)
    func formIndex(_ i: inout Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int) -> Bool
extension ContiguousArray : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension ContiguousArray : RangeReplaceableCollection {
    init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ s: S)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: Element, count count: Int)
    var count: Int { get }
    var capacity: Int { get }
    mutating func reserveCapacity(_ minimumCapacity: Int)
    mutating func append(_ newElement: Element)
    mutating func append<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: S)
    mutating func append<C : Collection where C.Iterator.Element == Element>(contentsOf newElements: C)
    mutating func insert(_ newElement: Element, at i: Int)
    mutating func remove(at index: Int) -> Element
    mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = default)
extension ContiguousArray : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...)
extension ContiguousArray : CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
    var debugDescription: String { get }
extension ContiguousArray where Element : Equatable {
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [ArraySlice<Element>]
    func index(of element: Element) -> Int?
    func split(separator separator: Element, maxSplits maxSplits: Int = default, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func split(_ separator: Element, maxSplit maxSplit: Int = default, allowEmptySlices allowEmptySlices: Bool = default) -> [AnySequence<Element>]
    func starts<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func elementsEqual<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
extension ContiguousArray where Element == String {
    func joined(separator separator: String = default) -> String
    func joinWithSeparator(_ separator: String) -> String
extension ContiguousArray where Element : Collection {
    func joined() -> FlattenCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
extension ContiguousArray where Element : BidirectionalCollection {
    func joined() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenBidirectionalCollection<ContiguousArray<Element>>
extension ContiguousArray where Element : Sequence {
    func joined() -> FlattenSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func flatten() -> FlattenSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func joined<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(separator separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
    func joinWithSeparator<Separator : Sequence where Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element>(_ separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<ContiguousArray<Element>>
extension ContiguousArray where Element : Comparable {
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    func sorted() -> [Element]
    mutating func sort()
    mutating func partition() -> Int
    mutating func partition(_ range: Range<Int>) -> Int
    func sort() -> [Element]
    mutating func sortInPlace()
    func min() -> Element?
    func max() -> Element?
    func lexicographicallyPrecedes<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool
    func minElement() -> Element?
    func maxElement() -> Element?
    func startsWith<PossiblePrefix where PossiblePrefix : Sequence, PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix) -> Bool
    func lexicographicalCompare<OtherSequence where OtherSequence : Sequence, OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Element>(_ other: OtherSequence) -> Bool

struct Int16 : SignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: Int16)
    init(littleEndian value: Int16)
    init(integerLiteral value: Int16)
    var bigEndian: Int16 { get }
    var littleEndian: Int16 { get }
    var byteSwapped: Int16 { get }
    static var max: Int16 { get }
    static var min: Int16 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, overflow: Bool)
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt16)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    func distance(to other: Int16) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> Int16
extension Int16 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension Int16 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension Int16 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension Int16 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: Int16 { get }
extension Int16 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension Int16 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension Int16 : CVarArg {
struct Int16 : SignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: Int16)
    init(littleEndian value: Int16)
    init(integerLiteral value: Int16)
    var bigEndian: Int16 { get }
    var littleEndian: Int16 { get }
    var byteSwapped: Int16 { get }
    static var max: Int16 { get }
    static var min: Int16 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int16, _ rhs: Int16) -> (Int16, overflow: Bool)
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt16)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    func distance(to other: Int16) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> Int16
extension Int16 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension Int16 {
    init(_ number: NSNumber)
extension Int16 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension Int16 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension Int16 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: Int16 { get }
extension Int16 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension Int16 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension Int16 : CVarArg {

struct Int32 : SignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: Int32)
    init(littleEndian value: Int32)
    init(integerLiteral value: Int32)
    var bigEndian: Int32 { get }
    var littleEndian: Int32 { get }
    var byteSwapped: Int32 { get }
    static var max: Int32 { get }
    static var min: Int32 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, overflow: Bool)
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt32)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    func distance(to other: Int32) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> Int32
extension Int32 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension Int32 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension Int32 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension Int32 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: Int32 { get }
extension Int32 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension Int32 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension Int32 : CVarArg {
struct Int32 : SignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: Int32)
    init(littleEndian value: Int32)
    init(integerLiteral value: Int32)
    var bigEndian: Int32 { get }
    var littleEndian: Int32 { get }
    var byteSwapped: Int32 { get }
    static var max: Int32 { get }
    static var min: Int32 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int32, _ rhs: Int32) -> (Int32, overflow: Bool)
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt32)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    func distance(to other: Int32) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> Int32
extension Int32 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension Int32 {
    init(_ number: NSNumber)
extension Int32 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension Int32 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension Int32 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: Int32 { get }
extension Int32 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension Int32 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension Int32 : CVarArg {

struct Int64 : SignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: Int64)
    init(littleEndian value: Int64)
    init(integerLiteral value: Int64)
    var bigEndian: Int64 { get }
    var littleEndian: Int64 { get }
    var byteSwapped: Int64 { get }
    static var max: Int64 { get }
    static var min: Int64 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: Bool)
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    func distance(to other: Int64) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> Int64
extension Int64 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension Int64 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension Int64 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension Int64 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: Int64 { get }
extension Int64 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension Int64 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension Int64 : CVarArg {
struct Int64 : SignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: Int64)
    init(littleEndian value: Int64)
    init(integerLiteral value: Int64)
    var bigEndian: Int64 { get }
    var littleEndian: Int64 { get }
    var byteSwapped: Int64 { get }
    static var max: Int64 { get }
    static var min: Int64 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int64, _ rhs: Int64) -> (Int64, overflow: Bool)
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    func distance(to other: Int64) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> Int64
extension Int64 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension Int64 {
    init(_ number: NSNumber)
extension Int64 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension Int64 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension Int64 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: Int64 { get }
extension Int64 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension Int64 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension Int64 : CVarArg {

Modified Int8 [struct]
struct Int8 : SignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(integerLiteral value: Int8)
    static var max: Int8 { get }
    static var min: Int8 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, overflow: Bool)
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt8)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    func distance(to other: Int8) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> Int8
extension Int8 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension Int8 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension Int8 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension Int8 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: Int8 { get }
extension Int8 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension Int8 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension Int8 : CVarArg {
struct Int8 : SignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(integerLiteral value: Int8)
    static var max: Int8 { get }
    static var min: Int8 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: Int8, _ rhs: Int8) -> (Int8, overflow: Bool)
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt8)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    func distance(to other: Int8) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> Int8
extension Int8 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension Int8 {
    init(_ number: NSNumber)
extension Int8 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension Int8 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension Int8 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: Int8 { get }
extension Int8 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension Int8 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension Int8 : CVarArg {

Modified Sequence
protocol Sequence {
    associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol
    associatedtype SubSequence
    func makeIterator() -> Self.Iterator
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func filter(_ isIncluded: (Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Self.Iterator.Element]
    func forEach(_ body: (Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> Swift.Void) rethrows
    func dropFirst(_ n: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
    func dropLast(_ n: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
    func prefix(_ maxLength: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
    func suffix(_ maxLength: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
    func split(maxSplits maxSplits: Int, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Self.SubSequence]
    func first(where predicate: (Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.Iterator.Element?
protocol Sequence {
    associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol
    associatedtype SubSequence
    func makeIterator() -> Self.Iterator
    var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
    func map<T>(_ transform: (Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
    func filter(_ isIncluded: (Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Self.Iterator.Element]
    func forEach(_ body: (Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> Swift.Void) rethrows
    func dropFirst(_ n: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
    func dropLast(_ n: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
    func prefix(_ maxLength: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
    func suffix(_ maxLength: Int) -> Self.SubSequence
    func split(maxSplits maxSplits: Int, omittingEmptySubsequences omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool, whereSeparator isSeparator: (Self.Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Self.SubSequence]

struct String {
    init(cString cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
    init(cString cString: UnsafePointer<UInt8>)
    init?(validatingUTF8 cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
    static func decodeCString<Encoding : UnicodeCodec>(_ cString: UnsafePointer<Encoding.CodeUnit>?, as encoding: Encoding.Type, repairingInvalidCodeUnits isRepairing: Bool = default) -> (result: String, repairsMade: Bool)?
    static func fromCString(_ cs: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> String?
    static func fromCStringRepairingIllFormedUTF8(_ cs: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> (String?, hadError: Bool)
    init(_ c: Character)
    func withCString<Result>(_ body: (UnsafePointer<Int8>) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
    init<Subject>(describing instance: Subject)
    init<Subject>(reflecting subject: Subject)
    mutating func append(_ other: String)
    mutating func append(_ x: UnicodeScalar)
    static func +(_ lhs: String, _ rhs: String) -> String
    static func +=(_ lhs: inout String, _ rhs: String)
    func lowercased() -> String
    func uppercased() -> String
    init<T : LosslessStringConvertible>(_ value: T)
    mutating func appendContentsOf(_ other: String)
    mutating func appendContentsOf<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ newElements: S)
    mutating func insertContentsOf<S : Collection where S.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ newElements: S, at i: String.Index)
    mutating func replaceRange<C : Collection where C.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ subRange: Range<String.Index>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func replaceRange(_ subRange: Range<String.Index>, with newElements: String)
    mutating func removeAtIndex(_ i: String.Index) -> Character
    mutating func removeRange(_ subRange: Range<String.Index>)
    var lowercaseString: String { get }
    var uppercaseString: String { get }
    init<T>(_ _: T)
    struct CharacterView {
        init(_ text: String)
    var characters: String.CharacterView
    mutating func withMutableCharacters<R>(_ body: (inout String.CharacterView) -> R) -> R
    init(_ characters: String.CharacterView)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: Character, count count: Int)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: UnicodeScalar, count count: Int)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: String, count count: Int)
    var isEmpty: Bool { get }
    func hasPrefix(_ prefix: String) -> Bool
    func hasSuffix(_ suffix: String) -> Bool
    init<T : _SignedInteger>(_ v: T)
    init<T : UnsignedInteger>(_ v: T)
    init<T : _SignedInteger>(_ value: T, radix radix: Int, uppercase uppercase: Bool = default)
    init<T : UnsignedInteger>(_ value: T, radix radix: Int, uppercase uppercase: Bool = default)
    init(count count: Int, repeatedValue c: Character)
    init(count count: Int, repeatedValue c: UnicodeScalar)
    typealias Index = String.CharacterView.Index
    typealias IndexDistance = String.CharacterView.IndexDistance
    var startIndex: String.Index { get }
    var endIndex: String.Index { get }
    func index(after i: String.Index) -> String.Index
    func index(before i: String.Index) -> String.Index
    func index(_ i: String.Index, offsetBy n: String.IndexDistance) -> String.Index
    func index(_ i: String.Index, offsetBy n: String.IndexDistance, limitedBy limit: String.Index) -> String.Index?
    func distance(from start: String.Index, to end: String.Index) -> String.IndexDistance
    subscript(_ i: String.Index) -> Character { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<String.Index>) -> String { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<String.Index>) -> String { get }
    init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ characters: S)
    mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int)
    mutating func append(_ c: Character)
    mutating func append<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Character>(contentsOf newElements: S)
    mutating func replaceSubrange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ bounds: Range<String.Index>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func replaceSubrange(_ bounds: Range<String.Index>, with newElements: String)
    mutating func replaceSubrange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ bounds: ClosedRange<String.Index>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func replaceSubrange(_ bounds: ClosedRange<String.Index>, with newElements: String)
    mutating func insert(_ newElement: Character, at i: String.Index)
    mutating func insert<S : Collection where S.Iterator.Element == Character>(contentsOf newElements: S, at i: String.Index)
    mutating func remove(at i: String.Index) -> Character
    mutating func removeSubrange(_ bounds: Range<String.Index>)
    mutating func removeSubrange(_ bounds: ClosedRange<String.Index>)
    mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = default)
    struct UTF16View : BidirectionalCollection, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
        struct Index {
        typealias IndexDistance = Int
        var startIndex: String.UTF16View.Index { get }
        var endIndex: String.UTF16View.Index { get }
        struct Indices {
        var indices: String.UTF16View.Indices { get }
        func index(after i: String.UTF16View.Index) -> String.UTF16View.Index
        func index(before i: String.UTF16View.Index) -> String.UTF16View.Index
        func index(_ i: String.UTF16View.Index, offsetBy n: String.UTF16View.IndexDistance) -> String.UTF16View.Index
        func index(_ i: String.UTF16View.Index, offsetBy n: String.UTF16View.IndexDistance, limitedBy limit: String.UTF16View.Index) -> String.UTF16View.Index?
        func distance(from start: String.UTF16View.Index, to end: String.UTF16View.Index) -> String.UTF16View.IndexDistance
        subscript(_ i: String.UTF16View.Index) -> UTF16.CodeUnit { get }
        subscript(_ i: Int) -> UTF16.CodeUnit { get }
        subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> String.UTF16View { get }
        subscript(_ bounds: Range<String.UTF16View.Index>) -> String.UTF16View { get }
        var description: String { get }
        var debugDescription: String { get }
    var utf16: String.UTF16View
    init?(_ utf16: String.UTF16View)
    typealias UTF16Index = String.UTF16View.Index
    struct UTF8View : Collection, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
        struct Index {
        typealias IndexDistance = Int
        var startIndex: String.UTF8View.Index { get }
        var endIndex: String.UTF8View.Index { get }
        func index(after i: String.UTF8View.Index) -> String.UTF8View.Index
        subscript(_ position: String.UTF8View.Index) -> UTF8.CodeUnit { get }
        subscript(_ bounds: Range<String.UTF8View.Index>) -> String.UTF8View { get }
        var description: String { get }
        var debugDescription: String { get }
    var utf8: String.UTF8View
    var utf8CString: ContiguousArray<CChar> { get }
    init?(_ utf8: String.UTF8View)
    typealias UTF8Index = String.UTF8View.Index
    var nulTerminatedUTF8: ContiguousArray<UTF8.CodeUnit> { get }
    struct UnicodeScalarView : BidirectionalCollection, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
        struct Index {
        var startIndex: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index { get }
        var endIndex: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index { get }
        func index(after i: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
        func index(before i: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
        subscript(_ position: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index) -> UnicodeScalar { get }
        subscript(_ r: Range<String.UnicodeScalarView.Index>) -> String.UnicodeScalarView { get }
        struct Iterator : IteratorProtocol {
            mutating func next() -> UnicodeScalar?
        func makeIterator() -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Iterator
        var description: String { get }
        var debugDescription: String { get }
    init(_ unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView)
    typealias UnicodeScalarIndex = String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
    var unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView
    subscript(_ i: Int) -> Character { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> String { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> String { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> String { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> String { get }
    var count: Int { get }
extension String {
    init(_ cocoaString: NSString)
extension String {
extension String : CVarArg {
extension String {
    static var availableStringEncodings: [String.Encoding] { get }
    static var defaultCStringEncoding: String.Encoding { get }
    static func localizedName(of encoding: String.Encoding) -> String
    static func localizedStringWithFormat(_ format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...) -> String
    static func path(withComponents components: [String]) -> String
    init?(utf8String bytes: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
    func canBeConverted(to encoding: String.Encoding) -> Bool
    var capitalized: String { get }
    var localizedCapitalized: String { get }
    func capitalized(with locale: Locale?) -> String
    func caseInsensitiveCompare(_ aString: String) -> ComparisonResult
    func commonPrefix(with aString: String, options options: String.CompareOptions = default) -> String
    func compare(_ aString: String, options mask: String.CompareOptions = default, range range: Range<String.Index>? = default, locale locale: Locale? = default) -> ComparisonResult
    func completePath(into outputName: UnsafeMutablePointer<String>? = default, caseSensitive caseSensitive: Bool, matchesInto outputArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<[String]>? = default, filterTypes filterTypes: [String]? = default) -> Int
    func components(separatedBy separator: CharacterSet) -> [String]
    func components(separatedBy separator: String) -> [String]
    func cString(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> [CChar]?
    func data(using encoding: String.Encoding, allowLossyConversion allowLossyConversion: Bool = default) -> Data?
    var decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: String { get }
    var decomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: String { get }
    func enumerateLines(invoking body: @escaping (String, inout Bool) -> ())
    func enumerateLinguisticTags(in range: Range<String.Index>, scheme tagScheme: String, options opts: NSLinguisticTagger.Options = default, orthography orthography: NSOrthography? = default, invoking body: (String, Range<String.Index>, Range<String.Index>, inout Bool) -> ())
    func enumerateSubstrings(in range: Range<String.Index>, options opts: String.EnumerationOptions = default, _ body: @escaping (String?, Range<String.Index>, Range<String.Index>, inout Bool) -> ())
    var fastestEncoding: String.Encoding { get }
    var fileSystemRepresentation: [CChar] { get }
    func getBytes(_ buffer: inout [UInt8], maxLength maxBufferCount: Int, usedLength usedBufferCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, encoding encoding: String.Encoding, options options: String.EncodingConversionOptions = default, range range: Range<String.Index>, remaining leftover: UnsafeMutablePointer<Range<String.Index>>) -> Bool
    func getCString(_ buffer: inout [CChar], maxLength maxLength: Int, encoding encoding: String.Encoding) -> Bool
    func getFileSystemRepresentation(_ buffer: inout [CChar], maxLength maxLength: Int) -> Bool
    func getLineStart(_ start: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, end end: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, contentsEnd contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, for range: Range<String.Index>)
    func getParagraphStart(_ start: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, end end: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, contentsEnd contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, for range: Range<String.Index>)
    var hash: Int { get }
    init?<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(bytes bytes: S, encoding encoding: String.Encoding)
    init?(bytesNoCopy bytes: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, length length: Int, encoding encoding: String.Encoding, freeWhenDone flag: Bool)
    init(utf16CodeUnits utf16CodeUnits: UnsafePointer<unichar>, count count: Int)
    init(utf16CodeUnitsNoCopy utf16CodeUnitsNoCopy: UnsafePointer<unichar>, count count: Int, freeWhenDone flag: Bool)
    init(contentsOfFile path: String, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
    init(contentsOfFile path: String, usedEncoding usedEncoding: inout String.Encoding) throws
    init(contentsOfFile path: String) throws
    init(contentsOf url: URL, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
    init(contentsOf url: URL, usedEncoding usedEncoding: inout String.Encoding) throws
    init(contentsOf url: URL) throws
    init?(cString cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>, encoding enc: String.Encoding)
    init?(data data: Data, encoding encoding: String.Encoding)
    init(format format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...)
    init(format format: String, arguments arguments: [CVarArg])
    init(format format: String, locale locale: Locale?, _ args: CVarArg...)
    init(format format: String, locale locale: Locale?, arguments arguments: [CVarArg])
    var lastPathComponent: String { get }
    var utf16Count: Int { get }
    func lengthOfBytes(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> Int
    func lineRange(for aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    func linguisticTags(in range: Range<String.Index>, scheme tagScheme: String, options opts: NSLinguisticTagger.Options = default, orthography orthography: NSOrthography? = default, tokenRanges tokenRanges: UnsafeMutablePointer<[Range<String.Index>]>? = default) -> [String]
    func localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare(_ aString: String) -> ComparisonResult
    func localizedCompare(_ aString: String) -> ComparisonResult
    func localizedStandardCompare(_ string: String) -> ComparisonResult
    var localizedLowercase: String { get }
    func lowercased(with locale: Locale?) -> String
    func maximumLengthOfBytes(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> Int
    func paragraphRange(for aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    var pathComponents: [String] { get }
    var pathExtension: String { get }
    var precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: String { get }
    var precomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: String { get }
    func propertyList() -> Any
    func propertyListFromStringsFileFormat() -> [String : String]
    func rangeOfCharacter(from aSet: CharacterSet, options mask: String.CompareOptions = default, range aRange: Range<String.Index>? = default) -> Range<String.Index>?
    func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequence(at anIndex: String.Index) -> Range<String.Index>
    func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequences(for range: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    func range(of aString: String, options mask: String.CompareOptions = default, range searchRange: Range<String.Index>? = default, locale locale: Locale? = default) -> Range<String.Index>?
    func localizedStandardContains(_ string: String) -> Bool
    func localizedStandardRange(of string: String) -> Range<String.Index>?
    var smallestEncoding: String.Encoding { get }
    var abbreviatingWithTildeInPath: String { get }
    func addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters allowedCharacters: CharacterSet) -> String?
    func addingPercentEscapes(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> String?
    func appendingFormat(_ format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...) -> String
    func appendingPathComponent(_ aString: String) -> String
    func appendingPathExtension(_ ext: String) -> String?
    func appending(_ aString: String) -> String
    var deletingLastPathComponent: String { get }
    var deletingPathExtension: String { get }
    var expandingTildeInPath: String { get }
    func folding(_ options: String.CompareOptions = default, locale locale: Locale?) -> String
    func folding(options options: String.CompareOptions = default, locale locale: Locale?) -> String
    func padding(toLength newLength: Int, withPad padString: String, startingAt padIndex: Int) -> String
    var removingPercentEncoding: String? { get }
    func replacingCharacters(in range: Range<String.Index>, with replacement: String) -> String
    func replacingOccurrences(of target: String, with replacement: String, options options: String.CompareOptions = default, range searchRange: Range<String.Index>? = default) -> String
    func replacingPercentEscapes(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> String?
    var resolvingSymlinksInPath: String { get }
    var standardizingPath: String { get }
    func trimmingCharacters(in set: CharacterSet) -> String
    func strings(byAppendingPaths paths: [String]) -> [String]
    func substring(from index: String.Index) -> String
    func substring(to index: String.Index) -> String
    func substring(with aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> String
    var localizedUppercase: String { get }
    func uppercased(with locale: Locale?) -> String
    func write(toFile path: String, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
    func write(to url: URL, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
    func applyingTransform(_ transform: StringTransform, reverse reverse: Bool) -> String?
    func contains(_ other: String) -> Bool
    func localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(_ other: String) -> Bool
extension String {
    static func localizedNameOfStringEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> String
    static func pathWithComponents(_ components: [String]) -> String
    func canBeConvertedToEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> Bool
    func capitalizedStringWith(_ locale: Locale?) -> String
    func commonPrefixWith(_ aString: String, options options: String.CompareOptions) -> String
    func completePathInto(_ outputName: UnsafeMutablePointer<String>? = default, caseSensitive caseSensitive: Bool, matchesInto matchesIntoArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<[String]>? = default, filterTypes filterTypes: [String]? = default) -> Int
    func componentsSeparatedByCharactersIn(_ separator: CharacterSet) -> [String]
    func componentsSeparatedBy(_ separator: String) -> [String]
    func cStringUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> [CChar]?
    func dataUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding, allowLossyConversion allowLossyConversion: Bool = default) -> Data?
    func enumerateLinguisticTagsIn(_ range: Range<String.Index>, scheme tagScheme: String, options opts: NSLinguisticTagger.Options, orthography orthography: NSOrthography?, _ body: (String, Range<String.Index>, Range<String.Index>, inout Bool) -> ())
    func enumerateSubstringsIn(_ range: Range<String.Index>, options opts: String.EnumerationOptions = default, _ body: (String?, Range<String.Index>, Range<String.Index>, inout Bool) -> ())
    func getBytes(_ buffer: inout [UInt8], maxLength maxBufferCount: Int, usedLength usedBufferCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, encoding encoding: String.Encoding, options options: String.EncodingConversionOptions = default, range range: Range<String.Index>, remainingRange leftover: UnsafeMutablePointer<Range<String.Index>>) -> Bool
    func getLineStart(_ start: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, end end: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, contentsEnd contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, forRange forRange: Range<String.Index>)
    func getParagraphStart(_ start: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, end end: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, contentsEnd contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, forRange forRange: Range<String.Index>)
    func lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> Int
    func lineRangeFor(_ aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    func linguisticTagsIn(_ range: Range<String.Index>, scheme tagScheme: String, options opts: NSLinguisticTagger.Options = default, orthography orthography: NSOrthography? = default, tokenRanges tokenRanges: UnsafeMutablePointer<[Range<String.Index>]>? = default) -> [String]
    func lowercaseStringWith(_ locale: Locale?) -> String
    func maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> Int
    func paragraphRangeFor(_ aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    func rangeOfCharacterFrom(_ aSet: CharacterSet, options mask: String.CompareOptions = default, range aRange: Range<String.Index>? = default) -> Range<String.Index>?
    func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAt(_ anIndex: String.Index) -> Range<String.Index>
    func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequencesFor(_ range: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    func rangeOf(_ aString: String, options mask: String.CompareOptions = default, range searchRange: Range<String.Index>? = default, locale locale: Locale? = default) -> Range<String.Index>?
    func localizedStandardRangeOf(_ string: String) -> Range<String.Index>?
    func addingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(_ allowedCharacters: CharacterSet) -> String?
    func addingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> String?
    func stringByAppendingFormat(_ format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...) -> String
    func byPaddingToLength(_ newLength: Int, withString padString: String, startingAt padIndex: Int) -> String
    func replacingCharactersIn(_ range: Range<String.Index>, withString replacement: String) -> String
    func replacingOccurrencesOf(_ target: String, withString replacement: String, options options: String.CompareOptions = default, range searchRange: Range<String.Index>? = default) -> String
    func replacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> String?
    func byTrimmingCharactersIn(_ set: CharacterSet) -> String
    func stringsByAppendingPaths(_ paths: [String]) -> [String]
    func substringFrom(_ index: String.Index) -> String
    func substringTo(_ index: String.Index) -> String
    func substringWith(_ aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> String
    func uppercaseStringWith(_ locale: Locale?) -> String
    func writeToFile(_ path: String, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
    func writeToURL(_ url: URL, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
extension String {
    struct Encoding : RawRepresentable {
        var rawValue: UInt
        init(rawValue rawValue: UInt)
        static let ascii: String.Encoding
        static let nextstep: String.Encoding
        static let japaneseEUC: String.Encoding
        static let utf8: String.Encoding
        static let isoLatin1: String.Encoding
        static let symbol: String.Encoding
        static let nonLossyASCII: String.Encoding
        static let shiftJIS: String.Encoding
        static let isoLatin2: String.Encoding
        static let unicode: String.Encoding
        static let windowsCP1251: String.Encoding
        static let windowsCP1252: String.Encoding
        static let windowsCP1253: String.Encoding
        static let windowsCP1254: String.Encoding
        static let windowsCP1250: String.Encoding
        static let iso2022JP: String.Encoding
        static let macOSRoman: String.Encoding
        static let utf16: String.Encoding
        static let utf16BigEndian: String.Encoding
        static let utf16LittleEndian: String.Encoding
        static let utf32: String.Encoding
        static let utf32BigEndian: String.Encoding
        static let utf32LittleEndian: String.Encoding
    typealias EncodingConversionOptions = NSString.EncodingConversionOptions
    typealias EnumerationOptions = NSString.EnumerationOptions
    typealias CompareOptions = NSString.CompareOptions
extension String : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension String : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension String : TextOutputStream {
    mutating func write(_ other: String)
extension String : TextOutputStreamable {
    func write<Target : TextOutputStream>(to target: inout Target)
extension String : ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral {
    init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String)
extension String : ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral {
    init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String)
extension String : ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
    init(stringLiteral value: String)
extension String : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var debugDescription: String { get }
extension String : Equatable {
    static func ==(_ lhs: String, _ rhs: String) -> Bool
extension String : Comparable {
    static func <(_ lhs: String, _ rhs: String) -> Bool
extension String : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension String : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension String : LosslessStringConvertible {
    init?(_ description: String)
extension String : ExpressibleByStringInterpolation {
    init(stringInterpolation strings: String...)
    init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: String)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Character)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UnicodeScalar)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Bool)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Float32)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Float64)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UInt8)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int8)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UInt16)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int16)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UInt32)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int32)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UInt64)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int64)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UInt)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int)
struct String {
    init(cString cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
    init(cString cString: UnsafePointer<UInt8>)
    init?(validatingUTF8 cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
    static func decodeCString<Encoding : UnicodeCodec>(_ cString: UnsafePointer<Encoding.CodeUnit>?, as encoding: Encoding.Type, repairingInvalidCodeUnits isRepairing: Bool = default) -> (result: String, repairsMade: Bool)?
    static func fromCString(_ cs: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> String?
    static func fromCStringRepairingIllFormedUTF8(_ cs: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> (String?, hadError: Bool)
    init(_ c: Character)
    func withCString<Result>(_ body: (UnsafePointer<Int8>) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
    init<Subject>(describing instance: Subject)
    init<Subject>(reflecting subject: Subject)
    mutating func append(_ other: String)
    mutating func append(_ x: UnicodeScalar)
    static func +(_ lhs: String, _ rhs: String) -> String
    static func +=(_ lhs: inout String, _ rhs: String)
    func lowercased() -> String
    func uppercased() -> String
    init<T : LosslessStringConvertible>(_ value: T)
    mutating func appendContentsOf(_ other: String)
    mutating func appendContentsOf<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ newElements: S)
    mutating func insertContentsOf<S : Collection where S.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ newElements: S, at i: String.Index)
    mutating func replaceRange<C : Collection where C.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ subRange: Range<String.Index>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func replaceRange(_ subRange: Range<String.Index>, with newElements: String)
    mutating func removeAtIndex(_ i: String.Index) -> Character
    mutating func removeRange(_ subRange: Range<String.Index>)
    var lowercaseString: String { get }
    var uppercaseString: String { get }
    init<T>(_ _: T)
    struct CharacterView {
        init(_ text: String)
    var characters: String.CharacterView
    mutating func withMutableCharacters<R>(_ body: (inout String.CharacterView) -> R) -> R
    init(_ characters: String.CharacterView)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: Character, count count: Int)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: UnicodeScalar, count count: Int)
    init(repeating repeatedValue: String, count count: Int)
    var isEmpty: Bool { get }
    func hasPrefix(_ prefix: String) -> Bool
    func hasSuffix(_ suffix: String) -> Bool
    init<T : _SignedInteger>(_ v: T)
    init<T : UnsignedInteger>(_ v: T)
    init<T : _SignedInteger>(_ value: T, radix radix: Int, uppercase uppercase: Bool = default)
    init<T : UnsignedInteger>(_ value: T, radix radix: Int, uppercase uppercase: Bool = default)
    init(count count: Int, repeatedValue c: Character)
    init(count count: Int, repeatedValue c: UnicodeScalar)
    typealias Index = String.CharacterView.Index
    typealias IndexDistance = String.CharacterView.IndexDistance
    var startIndex: String.Index { get }
    var endIndex: String.Index { get }
    func index(after i: String.Index) -> String.Index
    func index(before i: String.Index) -> String.Index
    func index(_ i: String.Index, offsetBy n: String.IndexDistance) -> String.Index
    func index(_ i: String.Index, offsetBy n: String.IndexDistance, limitedBy limit: String.Index) -> String.Index?
    func distance(from start: String.Index, to end: String.Index) -> String.IndexDistance
    subscript(_ i: String.Index) -> Character { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<String.Index>) -> String { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<String.Index>) -> String { get }
    init<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ characters: S)
    mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int)
    mutating func append(_ c: Character)
    mutating func append<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == Character>(contentsOf newElements: S)
    mutating func replaceSubrange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ bounds: Range<String.Index>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func replaceSubrange(_ bounds: Range<String.Index>, with newElements: String)
    mutating func replaceSubrange<C where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == Character>(_ bounds: ClosedRange<String.Index>, with newElements: C)
    mutating func replaceSubrange(_ bounds: ClosedRange<String.Index>, with newElements: String)
    mutating func insert(_ newElement: Character, at i: String.Index)
    mutating func insert<S : Collection where S.Iterator.Element == Character>(contentsOf newElements: S, at i: String.Index)
    mutating func remove(at i: String.Index) -> Character
    mutating func removeSubrange(_ bounds: Range<String.Index>)
    mutating func removeSubrange(_ bounds: ClosedRange<String.Index>)
    mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = default)
    struct UTF16View : BidirectionalCollection, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
        struct Index {
        typealias IndexDistance = Int
        var startIndex: String.UTF16View.Index { get }
        var endIndex: String.UTF16View.Index { get }
        struct Indices {
        var indices: String.UTF16View.Indices { get }
        func index(after i: String.UTF16View.Index) -> String.UTF16View.Index
        func index(before i: String.UTF16View.Index) -> String.UTF16View.Index
        func index(_ i: String.UTF16View.Index, offsetBy n: String.UTF16View.IndexDistance) -> String.UTF16View.Index
        func index(_ i: String.UTF16View.Index, offsetBy n: String.UTF16View.IndexDistance, limitedBy limit: String.UTF16View.Index) -> String.UTF16View.Index?
        func distance(from start: String.UTF16View.Index, to end: String.UTF16View.Index) -> String.UTF16View.IndexDistance
        subscript(_ i: String.UTF16View.Index) -> UTF16.CodeUnit { get }
        subscript(_ i: Int) -> UTF16.CodeUnit { get }
        subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> String.UTF16View { get }
        subscript(_ bounds: Range<String.UTF16View.Index>) -> String.UTF16View { get }
        var description: String { get }
        var debugDescription: String { get }
    var utf16: String.UTF16View
    init?(_ utf16: String.UTF16View)
    typealias UTF16Index = String.UTF16View.Index
    struct UTF8View : Collection, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
        struct Index {
        typealias IndexDistance = Int
        var startIndex: String.UTF8View.Index { get }
        var endIndex: String.UTF8View.Index { get }
        func index(after i: String.UTF8View.Index) -> String.UTF8View.Index
        subscript(_ position: String.UTF8View.Index) -> UTF8.CodeUnit { get }
        subscript(_ bounds: Range<String.UTF8View.Index>) -> String.UTF8View { get }
        var description: String { get }
        var debugDescription: String { get }
    var utf8: String.UTF8View
    var utf8CString: ContiguousArray<CChar> { get }
    init?(_ utf8: String.UTF8View)
    typealias UTF8Index = String.UTF8View.Index
    var nulTerminatedUTF8: ContiguousArray<UTF8.CodeUnit> { get }
    struct UnicodeScalarView : BidirectionalCollection, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
        struct Index {
        var startIndex: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index { get }
        var endIndex: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index { get }
        func index(after i: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
        func index(before i: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
        subscript(_ position: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index) -> UnicodeScalar { get }
        subscript(_ r: Range<String.UnicodeScalarView.Index>) -> String.UnicodeScalarView { get }
        struct Iterator : IteratorProtocol {
            mutating func next() -> UnicodeScalar?
        func makeIterator() -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Iterator
        var description: String { get }
        var debugDescription: String { get }
    init(_ unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView)
    typealias UnicodeScalarIndex = String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
    var unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView
    subscript(_ i: Int) -> Character { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: Range<Int>) -> String { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: ClosedRange<Int>) -> String { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableRange<Int>) -> String { get }
    subscript(_ bounds: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> String { get }
    var count: Int { get }
extension String {
    init(_ cocoaString: NSString)
extension String {
extension String : CVarArg {
extension String {
    static var availableStringEncodings: [String.Encoding] { get }
    static var defaultCStringEncoding: String.Encoding { get }
    static func localizedName(of encoding: String.Encoding) -> String
    static func localizedStringWithFormat(_ format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...) -> String
    static func path(withComponents components: [String]) -> String
    init?(utf8String bytes: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
    func canBeConverted(to encoding: String.Encoding) -> Bool
    var capitalized: String { get }
    var localizedCapitalized: String { get }
    func capitalized(with locale: Locale?) -> String
    func caseInsensitiveCompare(_ aString: String) -> ComparisonResult
    func commonPrefix(with aString: String, options options: String.CompareOptions = default) -> String
    func compare(_ aString: String, options mask: String.CompareOptions = default, range range: Range<String.Index>? = default, locale locale: Locale? = default) -> ComparisonResult
    func completePath(into outputName: UnsafeMutablePointer<String>? = default, caseSensitive caseSensitive: Bool, matchesInto outputArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<[String]>? = default, filterTypes filterTypes: [String]? = default) -> Int
    func components(separatedBy separator: CharacterSet) -> [String]
    func components(separatedBy separator: String) -> [String]
    func cString(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> [CChar]?
    func data(using encoding: String.Encoding, allowLossyConversion allowLossyConversion: Bool = default) -> Data?
    var decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: String { get }
    var decomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: String { get }
    func enumerateLines(invoking body: @escaping (String, inout Bool) -> ())
    func enumerateLinguisticTags(in range: Range<String.Index>, scheme tagScheme: String, options opts: NSLinguisticTagger.Options = default, orthography orthography: NSOrthography? = default, invoking body: (String, Range<String.Index>, Range<String.Index>, inout Bool) -> ())
    func enumerateSubstrings(in range: Range<String.Index>, options opts: String.EnumerationOptions = default, _ body: @escaping (String?, Range<String.Index>, Range<String.Index>, inout Bool) -> ())
    var fastestEncoding: String.Encoding { get }
    var fileSystemRepresentation: [CChar] { get }
    func getBytes(_ buffer: inout [UInt8], maxLength maxBufferCount: Int, usedLength usedBufferCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, encoding encoding: String.Encoding, options options: String.EncodingConversionOptions = default, range range: Range<String.Index>, remaining leftover: UnsafeMutablePointer<Range<String.Index>>) -> Bool
    func getCString(_ buffer: inout [CChar], maxLength maxLength: Int, encoding encoding: String.Encoding) -> Bool
    func getFileSystemRepresentation(_ buffer: inout [CChar], maxLength maxLength: Int) -> Bool
    func getLineStart(_ start: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, end end: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, contentsEnd contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, for range: Range<String.Index>)
    func getParagraphStart(_ start: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, end end: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, contentsEnd contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, for range: Range<String.Index>)
    var hash: Int { get }
    init?<S : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == UInt8>(bytes bytes: S, encoding encoding: String.Encoding)
    init?(bytesNoCopy bytes: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, length length: Int, encoding encoding: String.Encoding, freeWhenDone flag: Bool)
    init(utf16CodeUnits utf16CodeUnits: UnsafePointer<unichar>, count count: Int)
    init(utf16CodeUnitsNoCopy utf16CodeUnitsNoCopy: UnsafePointer<unichar>, count count: Int, freeWhenDone flag: Bool)
    init(contentsOfFile path: String, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
    init(contentsOfFile path: String, usedEncoding usedEncoding: inout String.Encoding) throws
    init(contentsOfFile path: String) throws
    init(contentsOf url: URL, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
    init(contentsOf url: URL, usedEncoding usedEncoding: inout String.Encoding) throws
    init(contentsOf url: URL) throws
    init?(cString cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>, encoding enc: String.Encoding)
    init?(data data: Data, encoding encoding: String.Encoding)
    init(format format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...)
    init(format format: String, arguments arguments: [CVarArg])
    init(format format: String, locale locale: Locale?, _ args: CVarArg...)
    init(format format: String, locale locale: Locale?, arguments arguments: [CVarArg])
    var lastPathComponent: String { get }
    var utf16Count: Int { get }
    func lengthOfBytes(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> Int
    func lineRange(for aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    func linguisticTags(in range: Range<String.Index>, scheme tagScheme: String, options opts: NSLinguisticTagger.Options = default, orthography orthography: NSOrthography? = default, tokenRanges tokenRanges: UnsafeMutablePointer<[Range<String.Index>]>? = default) -> [String]
    func localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare(_ aString: String) -> ComparisonResult
    func localizedCompare(_ aString: String) -> ComparisonResult
    func localizedStandardCompare(_ string: String) -> ComparisonResult
    var localizedLowercase: String { get }
    func lowercased(with locale: Locale?) -> String
    func maximumLengthOfBytes(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> Int
    func paragraphRange(for aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    var pathComponents: [String] { get }
    var pathExtension: String { get }
    var precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: String { get }
    var precomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: String { get }
    func propertyList() -> Any
    func propertyListFromStringsFileFormat() -> [String : String]
    func rangeOfCharacter(from aSet: CharacterSet, options mask: String.CompareOptions = default, range aRange: Range<String.Index>? = default) -> Range<String.Index>?
    func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequence(at anIndex: String.Index) -> Range<String.Index>
    func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequences(for range: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    func range(of aString: String, options mask: String.CompareOptions = default, range searchRange: Range<String.Index>? = default, locale locale: Locale? = default) -> Range<String.Index>?
    func localizedStandardContains(_ string: String) -> Bool
    func localizedStandardRange(of string: String) -> Range<String.Index>?
    var smallestEncoding: String.Encoding { get }
    var abbreviatingWithTildeInPath: String { get }
    func addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters allowedCharacters: CharacterSet) -> String?
    func addingPercentEscapes(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> String?
    func appendingFormat(_ format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...) -> String
    func appendingPathComponent(_ aString: String) -> String
    func appendingPathExtension(_ ext: String) -> String?
    func appending(_ aString: String) -> String
    var deletingLastPathComponent: String { get }
    var deletingPathExtension: String { get }
    var expandingTildeInPath: String { get }
    func folding(_ options: String.CompareOptions = default, locale locale: Locale?) -> String
    func folding(options options: String.CompareOptions = default, locale locale: Locale?) -> String
    func padding(toLength newLength: Int, withPad padString: String, startingAt padIndex: Int) -> String
    var removingPercentEncoding: String? { get }
    func replacingCharacters(in range: Range<String.Index>, with replacement: String) -> String
    func replacingOccurrences(of target: String, with replacement: String, options options: String.CompareOptions = default, range searchRange: Range<String.Index>? = default) -> String
    func replacingPercentEscapes(using encoding: String.Encoding) -> String?
    var resolvingSymlinksInPath: String { get }
    var standardizingPath: String { get }
    func trimmingCharacters(in set: CharacterSet) -> String
    func strings(byAppendingPaths paths: [String]) -> [String]
    func substring(from index: String.Index) -> String
    func substring(to index: String.Index) -> String
    func substring(with aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> String
    var localizedUppercase: String { get }
    func uppercased(with locale: Locale?) -> String
    func write(toFile path: String, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
    func write(to url: URL, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
    func applyingTransform(_ transform: StringTransform, reverse reverse: Bool) -> String?
    func contains(_ other: String) -> Bool
    func localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(_ other: String) -> Bool
extension String {
    static func localizedNameOfStringEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> String
    static func pathWithComponents(_ components: [String]) -> String
    func canBeConvertedToEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> Bool
    func capitalizedStringWith(_ locale: Locale?) -> String
    func commonPrefixWith(_ aString: String, options options: String.CompareOptions) -> String
    func completePathInto(_ outputName: UnsafeMutablePointer<String>? = default, caseSensitive caseSensitive: Bool, matchesInto matchesIntoArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<[String]>? = default, filterTypes filterTypes: [String]? = default) -> Int
    func componentsSeparatedByCharactersIn(_ separator: CharacterSet) -> [String]
    func componentsSeparatedBy(_ separator: String) -> [String]
    func cStringUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> [CChar]?
    func dataUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding, allowLossyConversion allowLossyConversion: Bool = default) -> Data?
    func enumerateLinguisticTagsIn(_ range: Range<String.Index>, scheme tagScheme: String, options opts: NSLinguisticTagger.Options, orthography orthography: NSOrthography?, _ body: (String, Range<String.Index>, Range<String.Index>, inout Bool) -> ())
    func enumerateSubstringsIn(_ range: Range<String.Index>, options opts: String.EnumerationOptions = default, _ body: (String?, Range<String.Index>, Range<String.Index>, inout Bool) -> ())
    func getBytes(_ buffer: inout [UInt8], maxLength maxBufferCount: Int, usedLength usedBufferCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, encoding encoding: String.Encoding, options options: String.EncodingConversionOptions = default, range range: Range<String.Index>, remainingRange leftover: UnsafeMutablePointer<Range<String.Index>>) -> Bool
    func getLineStart(_ start: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, end end: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, contentsEnd contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, forRange forRange: Range<String.Index>)
    func getParagraphStart(_ start: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, end end: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, contentsEnd contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<String.Index>, forRange forRange: Range<String.Index>)
    func lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> Int
    func lineRangeFor(_ aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    func linguisticTagsIn(_ range: Range<String.Index>, scheme tagScheme: String, options opts: NSLinguisticTagger.Options = default, orthography orthography: NSOrthography? = default, tokenRanges tokenRanges: UnsafeMutablePointer<[Range<String.Index>]>? = default) -> [String]
    func lowercaseStringWith(_ locale: Locale?) -> String
    func maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> Int
    func paragraphRangeFor(_ aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    func rangeOfCharacterFrom(_ aSet: CharacterSet, options mask: String.CompareOptions = default, range aRange: Range<String.Index>? = default) -> Range<String.Index>?
    func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAt(_ anIndex: String.Index) -> Range<String.Index>
    func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequencesFor(_ range: Range<String.Index>) -> Range<String.Index>
    func rangeOf(_ aString: String, options mask: String.CompareOptions = default, range searchRange: Range<String.Index>? = default, locale locale: Locale? = default) -> Range<String.Index>?
    func localizedStandardRangeOf(_ string: String) -> Range<String.Index>?
    func addingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(_ allowedCharacters: CharacterSet) -> String?
    func addingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> String?
    func stringByAppendingFormat(_ format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...) -> String
    func byPaddingToLength(_ newLength: Int, withString padString: String, startingAt padIndex: Int) -> String
    func replacingCharactersIn(_ range: Range<String.Index>, withString replacement: String) -> String
    func replacingOccurrencesOf(_ target: String, withString replacement: String, options options: String.CompareOptions = default, range searchRange: Range<String.Index>? = default) -> String
    func replacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(_ encoding: String.Encoding) -> String?
    func byTrimmingCharactersIn(_ set: CharacterSet) -> String
    func stringsByAppendingPaths(_ paths: [String]) -> [String]
    func substringFrom(_ index: String.Index) -> String
    func substringTo(_ index: String.Index) -> String
    func substringWith(_ aRange: Range<String.Index>) -> String
    func uppercaseStringWith(_ locale: Locale?) -> String
    func writeToFile(_ path: String, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
    func writeToURL(_ url: URL, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool, encoding enc: String.Encoding) throws
extension String {
    struct Encoding : RawRepresentable {
        var rawValue: UInt
        init(rawValue rawValue: UInt)
        static let ascii: String.Encoding
        static let nextstep: String.Encoding
        static let japaneseEUC: String.Encoding
        static let utf8: String.Encoding
        static let isoLatin1: String.Encoding
        static let symbol: String.Encoding
        static let nonLossyASCII: String.Encoding
        static let shiftJIS: String.Encoding
        static let isoLatin2: String.Encoding
        static let unicode: String.Encoding
        static let windowsCP1251: String.Encoding
        static let windowsCP1252: String.Encoding
        static let windowsCP1253: String.Encoding
        static let windowsCP1254: String.Encoding
        static let windowsCP1250: String.Encoding
        static let iso2022JP: String.Encoding
        static let macOSRoman: String.Encoding
        static let utf16: String.Encoding
        static let utf16BigEndian: String.Encoding
        static let utf16LittleEndian: String.Encoding
        static let utf32: String.Encoding
        static let utf32BigEndian: String.Encoding
        static let utf32LittleEndian: String.Encoding
    typealias EncodingConversionOptions = NSString.EncodingConversionOptions
    typealias EnumerationOptions = NSString.EnumerationOptions
    typealias CompareOptions = NSString.CompareOptions
extension String : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension String : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension String : TextOutputStream {
    mutating func write(_ other: String)
extension String : TextOutputStreamable {
    func write<Target : TextOutputStream>(to target: inout Target)
extension String : ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral {
    init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String)
extension String : ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral {
    init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String)
extension String : ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
    init(stringLiteral value: String)
extension String : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var debugDescription: String { get }
extension String : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension String : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension String : LosslessStringConvertible {
    init?(_ description: String)
extension String : Equatable {
    static func ==(_ lhs: String, _ rhs: String) -> Bool
extension String : Comparable {
    static func <(_ lhs: String, _ rhs: String) -> Bool
extension String : ExpressibleByStringInterpolation {
    init(stringInterpolation strings: String...)
    init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: String)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Character)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UnicodeScalar)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Bool)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Float32)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Float64)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UInt8)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int8)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UInt16)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int16)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UInt32)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int32)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UInt64)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int64)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: UInt)
    init(stringInterpolationSegment expr: Int)

struct UInt16 : UnsignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: UInt16)
    init(littleEndian value: UInt16)
    init(integerLiteral value: UInt16)
    var bigEndian: UInt16 { get }
    var littleEndian: UInt16 { get }
    var byteSwapped: UInt16 { get }
    static var max: UInt16 { get }
    static var min: UInt16 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, overflow: Bool)
    func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: Int16)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    func distance(to other: UInt16) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> UInt16
extension UInt16 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension UInt16 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension UInt16 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension UInt16 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: UInt16 { get }
extension UInt16 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension UInt16 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension UInt16 : CVarArg {
struct UInt16 : UnsignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: UInt16)
    init(littleEndian value: UInt16)
    init(integerLiteral value: UInt16)
    var bigEndian: UInt16 { get }
    var littleEndian: UInt16 { get }
    var byteSwapped: UInt16 { get }
    static var max: UInt16 { get }
    static var min: UInt16 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt16, _ rhs: UInt16) -> (UInt16, overflow: Bool)
    func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: Int16)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    func distance(to other: UInt16) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> UInt16
extension UInt16 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension UInt16 {
    init(_ number: NSNumber)
extension UInt16 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension UInt16 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension UInt16 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: UInt16 { get }
extension UInt16 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension UInt16 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension UInt16 : CVarArg {

struct UInt32 : UnsignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: UInt32)
    init(littleEndian value: UInt32)
    init(integerLiteral value: UInt32)
    var bigEndian: UInt32 { get }
    var littleEndian: UInt32 { get }
    var byteSwapped: UInt32 { get }
    static var max: UInt32 { get }
    static var min: UInt32 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, overflow: Bool)
    func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: Int32)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    init(_ v: UnicodeScalar)
    func distance(to other: UInt32) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> UInt32
extension UInt32 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension UInt32 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension UInt32 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension UInt32 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: UInt32 { get }
extension UInt32 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension UInt32 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension UInt32 : CVarArg {
struct UInt32 : UnsignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: UInt32)
    init(littleEndian value: UInt32)
    init(integerLiteral value: UInt32)
    var bigEndian: UInt32 { get }
    var littleEndian: UInt32 { get }
    var byteSwapped: UInt32 { get }
    static var max: UInt32 { get }
    static var min: UInt32 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt32, _ rhs: UInt32) -> (UInt32, overflow: Bool)
    func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: Int32)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    init(_ v: UnicodeScalar)
    func distance(to other: UInt32) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> UInt32
extension UInt32 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension UInt32 {
    init(_ number: NSNumber)
extension UInt32 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension UInt32 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension UInt32 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: UInt32 { get }
extension UInt32 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension UInt32 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension UInt32 : CVarArg {

struct UInt64 : UnsignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: UInt64)
    init(littleEndian value: UInt64)
    init(integerLiteral value: UInt64)
    var bigEndian: UInt64 { get }
    var littleEndian: UInt64 { get }
    var byteSwapped: UInt64 { get }
    static var max: UInt64 { get }
    static var min: UInt64 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, overflow: Bool)
    func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    init(_ v: UnicodeScalar)
    func distance(to other: UInt64) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> UInt64
extension UInt64 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension UInt64 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension UInt64 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension UInt64 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: UInt64 { get }
extension UInt64 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension UInt64 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension UInt64 : CVarArg {
struct UInt64 : UnsignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(bigEndian value: UInt64)
    init(littleEndian value: UInt64)
    init(integerLiteral value: UInt64)
    var bigEndian: UInt64 { get }
    var littleEndian: UInt64 { get }
    var byteSwapped: UInt64 { get }
    static var max: UInt64 { get }
    static var min: UInt64 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt64, _ rhs: UInt64) -> (UInt64, overflow: Bool)
    func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    init(_ v: UnicodeScalar)
    func distance(to other: UInt64) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> UInt64
extension UInt64 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension UInt64 {
    init(_ number: NSNumber)
extension UInt64 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension UInt64 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension UInt64 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: UInt64 { get }
extension UInt64 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension UInt64 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension UInt64 : CVarArg {

struct UInt8 : UnsignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(integerLiteral value: UInt8)
    static var max: UInt8 { get }
    static var min: UInt8 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, overflow: Bool)
    func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: Int8)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    init(ascii v: UnicodeScalar)
    func distance(to other: UInt8) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> UInt8
extension UInt8 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension UInt8 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension UInt8 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension UInt8 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: UInt8 { get }
extension UInt8 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension UInt8 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension UInt8 : CVarArg {
struct UInt8 : UnsignedInteger, Comparable, Equatable {
    init(integerLiteral value: UInt8)
    static var max: UInt8 { get }
    static var min: UInt8 { get }
    static func addWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, overflow: Bool)
    static func subtractWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, overflow: Bool)
    static func multiplyWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, overflow: Bool)
    static func divideWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, overflow: Bool)
    static func remainderWithOverflow(_ lhs: UInt8, _ rhs: UInt8) -> (UInt8, overflow: Bool)
    func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
    func toIntMax() -> IntMax
    init(_ value: UInt8)
    init?(exactly value: UInt8)
    init(_ value: Int8)
    init?(exactly value: Int8)
    init(_ value: UInt16)
    init?(exactly value: UInt16)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt16)
    init(_ value: Int16)
    init?(exactly value: Int16)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int16)
    init(_ value: UInt32)
    init?(exactly value: UInt32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt32)
    init(_ value: Int32)
    init?(exactly value: Int32)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int32)
    init(_ value: UInt64)
    init?(exactly value: UInt64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt64)
    init(_ value: Int64)
    init?(exactly value: Int64)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int64)
    init(_ value: UInt)
    init?(exactly value: UInt)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ value: Int)
    init?(exactly value: Int)
    init(truncatingBitPattern truncatingBitPattern: Int)
    init(bitPattern bitPattern: Int8)
    init(_ other: Float)
    init(_ other: Double)
    init(_ other: Float80)
    init?(_ text: String, radix radix: Int = default)
    init(ascii v: UnicodeScalar)
    func distance(to other: UInt8) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> UInt8
extension UInt8 {
    init(_ value: CGFloat)
extension UInt8 {
    init(_ number: NSNumber)
extension UInt8 : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { get }
extension UInt8 : CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String { get }
extension UInt8 : BitwiseOperations {
    static var allZeros: UInt8 { get }
extension UInt8 : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension UInt8 : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension UInt8 : CVarArg {

struct UnsafePointer<Pointee> : Strideable, Hashable {
    typealias Distance = Int
    init(_ from: OpaquePointer)
    init?(_ from: OpaquePointer?)
    init?(bitPattern bitPattern: Int)
    init?(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ other: UnsafePointer<Pointee>)
    init?(_ other: UnsafePointer<Pointee>?)
    init(_ other: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>)
    init?(_ other: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>?)
    var pointee: Pointee { get }
    func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to to: T.Type, capacity count: Int, _ body: (UnsafeMutablePointer<T>) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
    subscript(_ i: Int) -> Pointee { get }
    var hashValue: Int { get }
    func successor() -> UnsafePointer<Pointee>
    func predecessor() -> UnsafePointer<Pointee>
    func distance(to x: UnsafePointer<Pointee>) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> UnsafePointer<Pointee>
    init<U>(_ from: UnsafeMutablePointer<U>)
    init?<U>(_ from: UnsafeMutablePointer<U>?)
    init<U>(_ from: UnsafePointer<U>)
    init?<U>(_ from: UnsafePointer<U>?)
    typealias Memory = Pointee
    var memory: Pointee { get }
    func stride(to end: UnsafePointer<Pointee>, by stride: Int) -> StrideTo<UnsafePointer<Pointee>>
    func stride(through end: UnsafePointer<Pointee>, by stride: Int) -> StrideThrough<UnsafePointer<Pointee>>
extension UnsafePointer : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var debugDescription: String { get }
extension UnsafePointer : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension UnsafePointer : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension UnsafePointer : CVarArg {
struct UnsafePointer<Pointee> : Strideable, Hashable {
    typealias Distance = Int
    init(_ from: OpaquePointer)
    init?(_ from: OpaquePointer?)
    init?(bitPattern bitPattern: Int)
    init?(bitPattern bitPattern: UInt)
    init(_ other: UnsafePointer<Pointee>)
    init?(_ other: UnsafePointer<Pointee>?)
    init(_ other: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>)
    init?(_ other: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>?)
    var pointee: Pointee { get }
    func withMemoryRebound<T, Result>(to to: T.Type, capacity count: Int, _ body: (UnsafePointer<T>) throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
    subscript(_ i: Int) -> Pointee { get }
    var hashValue: Int { get }
    func successor() -> UnsafePointer<Pointee>
    func predecessor() -> UnsafePointer<Pointee>
    func distance(to x: UnsafePointer<Pointee>) -> Int
    func advanced(by n: Int) -> UnsafePointer<Pointee>
    init<U>(_ from: UnsafeMutablePointer<U>)
    init?<U>(_ from: UnsafeMutablePointer<U>?)
    init<U>(_ from: UnsafePointer<U>)
    init?<U>(_ from: UnsafePointer<U>?)
    typealias Memory = Pointee
    var memory: Pointee { get }
    func stride(to end: UnsafePointer<Pointee>, by stride: Int) -> StrideTo<UnsafePointer<Pointee>>
    func stride(through end: UnsafePointer<Pointee>, by stride: Int) -> StrideThrough<UnsafePointer<Pointee>>
extension UnsafePointer : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
    var debugDescription: String { get }
extension UnsafePointer : CustomReflectable {
    var customMirror: Mirror { get }
extension UnsafePointer : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
    var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension UnsafePointer : CVarArg {