Collaboration Changes for Swift
Removed CBGroupIdentity.members() -> [AnyObject]!
Removed CBGroupIdentity.posixGID() -> gid_t
Removed CBIdentity.aliases() -> [AnyObject]!
Removed CBIdentity.authority() -> CBIdentityAuthority!
Removed CBIdentity.CSIdentity() -> Unmanaged<CSIdentity>!
Removed CBIdentity.emailAddress() -> String!
Removed CBIdentity.fullName() -> String!
Removed CBIdentity.image() -> NSImage!
Removed CBIdentity.init(CSIdentity: CSIdentity!) -> CBIdentity
Removed CBIdentity.isHidden() -> Bool
Removed CBIdentity.persistentReference() -> NSData!
Removed CBIdentity.posixName() -> String!
Removed CBIdentity.UUIDString() -> String!
Removed CBIdentityAuthority.CSIdentityAuthority() -> Unmanaged<CSIdentityAuthority>!
Removed CBIdentityAuthority.init(CSIdentityAuthority: CSIdentityAuthority!) -> CBIdentityAuthority
Removed CBIdentityAuthority.localizedName() -> String!
Removed CBIdentityPicker.allowsMultipleSelection() -> Bool
Removed CBIdentityPicker.identities() -> [AnyObject]!
Removed CBIdentityPicker.setAllowsMultipleSelection(_: Bool)
Removed CBIdentityPicker.setTitle(_: String!)
Removed CBIdentityPicker.title() -> String!
Removed CBUserIdentity.certificate() -> Unmanaged<SecCertificate>!
Removed CBUserIdentity.posixUID() -> uid_t
Added CBGroupIdentity.posixGID
Added CBIdentity.aliases
Added CBIdentity.authority
Added CBIdentity.emailAddress
Added CBIdentity.fullName
Added CBIdentity.hidden
Added CBIdentity.image
Added CBIdentity.posixName
Added CBIdentity.UUIDString
Added CBIdentityPicker.runModalForWindow(_: NSWindow, completionHandler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?)
Added CBIdentityPicker.title
Added CBUserIdentity.enabled
Added CBUserIdentity.posixUID
Modified CBGroupIdentity
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class CBGroupIdentity : CBIdentity { init!(posixGID gid: gid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBGroupIdentity class func groupIdentityWithPosixGID(_ gid: gid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBGroupIdentity! func posixGID() -> gid_t func members() -> [AnyObject]! } | OS X 10.10 |
To | class CBGroupIdentity : CBIdentity { init?(posixGID gid: gid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) class func groupIdentityWithPosixGID(_ gid: gid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) -> CBGroupIdentity? var posixGID: gid_t { get } var members: [AnyObject]? { get } var memberIdentities: [CBIdentity] { get } } | OS X 10.5 |
Declaration | |
From | init!(posixGID gid: gid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBGroupIdentity |
To | init?(posixGID gid: gid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) |
Modified CBIdentity
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class CBIdentity : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { init!(name name: String!, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBIdentity class func identityWithName(_ name: String!, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBIdentity! init!(UUIDString uuid: String!, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBIdentity class func identityWithUUIDString(_ uuid: String!, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBIdentity! init!(persistentReference data: NSData!) -> CBIdentity class func identityWithPersistentReference(_ data: NSData!) -> CBIdentity! init!(CSIdentity csIdentity: CSIdentity!) -> CBIdentity class func identityWithCSIdentity(_ csIdentity: CSIdentity!) -> CBIdentity! func authority() -> CBIdentityAuthority! func UUIDString() -> String! func fullName() -> String! func posixName() -> String! func aliases() -> [AnyObject]! func emailAddress() -> String! func image() -> NSImage! func persistentReference() -> NSData! func isHidden() -> Bool func isMemberOfGroup(_ group: CBGroupIdentity!) -> Bool func CSIdentity() -> Unmanaged<CSIdentity>! } | OS X 10.10 |
To | class CBIdentity : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { init?(name name: String, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) class func identityWithName(_ name: String, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) -> CBIdentity? init?(uniqueIdentifier uuid: NSUUID, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) class func identityWithUniqueIdentifier(_ uuid: NSUUID, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) -> CBIdentity? init?(UUIDString uuid: String, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) class func identityWithUUIDString(_ uuid: String, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) -> CBIdentity? init?(persistentReference data: NSData) class func identityWithPersistentReference(_ data: NSData) -> CBIdentity? init(CSIdentity csIdentity: CSIdentity) class func identityWithCSIdentity(_ csIdentity: CSIdentity) -> CBIdentity var authority: CBIdentityAuthority { get } var uniqueIdentifier: NSUUID { get } var UUIDString: String { get } var fullName: String { get } var posixName: String { get } var aliases: [String] { get } var emailAddress: String? { get } var image: NSImage? { get } var persistentReference: NSData? { get } var hidden: Bool { get } func isMemberOfGroup(_ group: CBGroupIdentity) -> Bool var CSIdentity: CSIdentity { get } } | OS X 10.5 |
Declaration | |
From | init!(name name: String!, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBIdentity |
To | init?(name name: String, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) |
Declaration | |
From | init!(persistentReference data: NSData!) -> CBIdentity |
To | init?(persistentReference data: NSData) |
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | init!(UUIDString uuid: String!, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBIdentity | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | init?(UUIDString uuid: String, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) | OS X 10.5 | OS X 10.11 |
Declaration | |
From | func isMemberOfGroup(_ group: CBGroupIdentity!) -> Bool |
To | func isMemberOfGroup(_ group: CBGroupIdentity) -> Bool |
Modified CBIdentityAuthority
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class CBIdentityAuthority : NSObject { class func localIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority! class func managedIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority! class func defaultIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority! init!(CSIdentityAuthority CSIdentityAuthority: CSIdentityAuthority!) -> CBIdentityAuthority class func identityAuthorityWithCSIdentityAuthority(_ CSIdentityAuthority: CSIdentityAuthority!) -> CBIdentityAuthority! func CSIdentityAuthority() -> Unmanaged<CSIdentityAuthority>! func localizedName() -> String! } | OS X 10.10 |
To | class CBIdentityAuthority : NSObject { class func localIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority class func managedIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority class func defaultIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority init(CSIdentityAuthority CSIdentityAuthority: CSIdentityAuthority) class func identityAuthorityWithCSIdentityAuthority(_ CSIdentityAuthority: CSIdentityAuthority) -> CBIdentityAuthority var CSIdentityAuthority: CSIdentityAuthority { get } var localizedName: String { get } } | OS X 10.5 |
Declaration | |
From | class func defaultIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority! |
To | class func defaultIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority |
Declaration | |
From | class func localIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority! |
To | class func localIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority |
Declaration | |
From | class func managedIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority! |
To | class func managedIdentityAuthority() -> CBIdentityAuthority |
Modified CBIdentityPicker
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class CBIdentityPicker : NSObject { func setTitle(_ title: String!) func title() -> String! func setAllowsMultipleSelection(_ flag: Bool) func allowsMultipleSelection() -> Bool func runModal() -> Int func runModalForWindow(_ window: NSWindow!, modalDelegate delegate: AnyObject!, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) func identities() -> [AnyObject]! } | OS X 10.10 |
To | class CBIdentityPicker : NSObject { var title: String? var allowsMultipleSelection: Bool func runModal() -> Int func runModalForWindow(_ window: NSWindow, modalDelegate delegate: AnyObject?, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) func runModalForWindow(_ window: NSWindow, completionHandler completionHandler: ((NSModalResponse) -> Void)?) var identities: [CBIdentity] { get } } | OS X 10.5 |
Declaration | Introduction | Deprecation | |
From | func runModalForWindow(_ window: NSWindow!, modalDelegate delegate: AnyObject!, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) | OS X 10.10 | -- |
To | func runModalForWindow(_ window: NSWindow, modalDelegate delegate: AnyObject?, didEndSelector didEndSelector: Selector, contextInfo contextInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) | OS X 10.5 | OS X 10.11 |
Modified CBUserIdentity
Declaration | Introduction | |
From | class CBUserIdentity : CBIdentity, NSCoding, NSCopying { init!(posixUID uid: uid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBUserIdentity class func userIdentityWithPosixUID(_ uid: uid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBUserIdentity! func posixUID() -> uid_t func certificate() -> Unmanaged<SecCertificate>! func isEnabled() -> Bool func authenticateWithPassword(_ password: String!) -> Bool } | OS X 10.10 |
To | class CBUserIdentity : CBIdentity { init?(posixUID uid: uid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) class func userIdentityWithPosixUID(_ uid: uid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) -> CBUserIdentity? var posixUID: uid_t { get } var certificate: SecCertificate? { get } var enabled: Bool { get } func authenticateWithPassword(_ password: String) -> Bool } | OS X 10.5 |
Declaration | |
From | func authenticateWithPassword(_ password: String!) -> Bool |
To | func authenticateWithPassword(_ password: String) -> Bool |
Declaration | |
From | init!(posixUID uid: uid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority!) -> CBUserIdentity |
To | init?(posixUID uid: uid_t, authority authority: CBIdentityAuthority) |