WebKit Changes for Swift
Removed DOMAttr.setValue(_: String!)
Removed DOMAttr.value() -> String!
Removed DOMEventExceptionCode.value
Removed DOMExceptionCode.value
Removed DOMHTMLButtonElement.setValue(_: String!)
Removed DOMHTMLButtonElement.value() -> String!
Removed DOMHTMLElement.innerHTML
Removed DOMHTMLElement.outerHTML
Removed DOMHTMLInputElement.setValue(_: String!)
Removed DOMHTMLInputElement.value() -> String!
Removed DOMHTMLLIElement.setValue(_: Int32)
Removed DOMHTMLLIElement.value() -> Int32
Removed DOMHTMLOptionElement.setValue(_: String!)
Removed DOMHTMLOptionElement.value() -> String!
Removed DOMHTMLParamElement.setValue(_: String!)
Removed DOMHTMLParamElement.value() -> String!
Removed DOMHTMLSelectElement.setValue(_: String!)
Removed DOMHTMLSelectElement.value() -> String!
Removed DOMHTMLTextAreaElement.setValue(_: String!)
Removed DOMHTMLTextAreaElement.value() -> String!
Removed DOMNotation
Removed DOMNotation.publicId
Removed DOMNotation.systemId
Removed DOMRangeExceptionCode.value
Removed DOMXPathExceptionCode.value
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, contextMenuItemsForElement: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, defaultMenuItems: [AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]!
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, createWebViewModalDialogWithRequest: NSURLRequest!) -> WebView!
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, createWebViewWithRequest: NSURLRequest!) -> WebView!
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, decidePolicyForMIMEType: String!, request: NSURLRequest!, frame: WebFrame!, decisionListener: WebPolicyDecisionListener!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, decidePolicyForNavigationAction: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, request: NSURLRequest!, frame: WebFrame!, decisionListener: WebPolicyDecisionListener!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, decidePolicyForNewWindowAction: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, request: NSURLRequest!, newFrameName: String!, decisionListener: WebPolicyDecisionListener!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didCancelClientRedirectForFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didClearWindowObject: WebScriptObject!, forFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didCommitLoadForFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didCreateJavaScriptContext: JSContext!, forFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didFailLoadWithError: NSError!, forFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didFailProvisionalLoadWithError: NSError!, forFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didFinishLoadForFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didReceiveIcon: NSImage!, forFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didReceiveTitle: String!, forFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, dragDestinationActionMaskForDraggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo!) -> Int
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, dragSourceActionMaskForPoint: NSPoint) -> Int
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, drawFooterInRect: NSRect)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, drawHeaderInRect: NSRect)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, identifierForInitialRequest: NSURLRequest!, fromDataSource: WebDataSource!) -> AnyObject!
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, makeFirstResponder: NSResponder!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, mouseDidMoveOverElement: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, modifierFlags: Int)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, plugInFailedWithError: NSError!, dataSource: WebDataSource!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, printFrameView: WebFrameView!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, resource: AnyObject!, didCancelAuthenticationChallenge: NSURLAuthenticationChallenge!, fromDataSource: WebDataSource!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, resource: AnyObject!, didFailLoadingWithError: NSError!, fromDataSource: WebDataSource!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, resource: AnyObject!, didFinishLoadingFromDataSource: WebDataSource!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, resource: AnyObject!, didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge: NSURLAuthenticationChallenge!, fromDataSource: WebDataSource!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, resource: AnyObject!, didReceiveContentLength: Int, fromDataSource: WebDataSource!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, resource: AnyObject!, didReceiveResponse: NSURLResponse!, fromDataSource: WebDataSource!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, resource: AnyObject!, willSendRequest: NSURLRequest!, redirectResponse: NSURLResponse!, fromDataSource: WebDataSource!) -> NSURLRequest!
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage: String!, initiatedByFrame: WebFrame!) -> Bool
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage: String!, initiatedByFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage: String!, initiatedByFrame: WebFrame!) -> Bool
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt: String!, defaultText: String!, initiatedByFrame: WebFrame!) -> String!
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener: WebOpenPanelResultListener!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener: WebOpenPanelResultListener!, allowMultipleFiles: Bool)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, setFrame: NSRect)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, setResizable: Bool)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, setStatusBarVisible: Bool)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, setStatusText: String!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, setToolbarsVisible: Bool)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, shouldPerformAction: Selector, fromSender: AnyObject!) -> Bool
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, unableToImplementPolicyWithError: NSError!, frame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, validateUserInterfaceItem: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem!, defaultValidation: Bool) -> Bool
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, willCloseFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, willPerformClientRedirectToURL: NSURL!, delay: NSTimeInterval, fireDate: NSDate!, forFrame: WebFrame!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, willPerformDragDestinationAction: WebDragDestinationAction, forDraggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo!)
Removed NSObject.webView(_: WebView!, willPerformDragSourceAction: WebDragSourceAction, fromPoint: NSPoint, withPasteboard: NSPasteboard!)
Removed NSObject.webViewAreToolbarsVisible(_: WebView!) -> Bool
Removed NSObject.webViewClose(_: WebView!)
Removed NSObject.webViewFirstResponder(_: WebView!) -> NSResponder!
Removed NSObject.webViewFocus(_: WebView!)
Removed NSObject.webViewFooterHeight(_: WebView!) -> Float
Removed NSObject.webViewFrame(_: WebView!) -> NSRect
Removed NSObject.webViewHeaderHeight(_: WebView!) -> Float
Removed NSObject.webViewIsResizable(_: WebView!) -> Bool
Removed NSObject.webViewIsStatusBarVisible(_: WebView!) -> Bool
Removed NSObject.webViewRunModal(_: WebView!)
Removed NSObject.webViewShow(_: WebView!)
Removed NSObject.webViewStatusText(_: WebView!) -> String!
Removed NSObject.webViewUnfocus(_: WebView!)
Removed WebDragDestinationAction.init(_: UInt)
Removed WebDragSourceAction.init(_: UInt)
Added DOMAttr.value
Added DOMElement.innerHTML
Added DOMElement.outerHTML
Added DOMEventExceptionCode.init(rawValue: UInt32)
Added DOMEventExceptionCode.rawValue
Added DOMExceptionCode.init(rawValue: UInt32)
Added DOMExceptionCode.rawValue
Added DOMHTMLLIElement.value
Added DOMRangeExceptionCode.init(rawValue: UInt32)
Added DOMRangeExceptionCode.rawValue
Added DOMXPathExceptionCode.init(rawValue: UInt32)
Added DOMXPathExceptionCode.rawValue
Added WebDownloadDelegate
Added WebEditingDelegate
Added WebFrameLoadDelegate
Added WebFrameLoadDelegate.webView(_: WebView!, didFailLoadWithError: NSError!, forFrame: WebFrame!)
Added WebPolicyDelegate
Added WebPolicyDelegate.webView(_: WebView!, unableToImplementPolicyWithError: NSError!, frame: WebFrame!)
Added WebResourceLoadDelegate
Added WebUIDelegate
Added WebUIDelegate.webView(_: WebView!, createWebViewModalDialogWithRequest: NSURLRequest!) -> WebView!
Added WebUIDelegate.webView(_: WebView!, dragDestinationActionMaskForDraggingInfo: NSDraggingInfo!) -> Int
Added WebUIDelegate.webView(_: WebView!, shouldPerformAction: Selector, fromSender: AnyObject!) -> Bool
Added WKSecurityOrigin
Added WKSecurityOrigin.host
Added WKSecurityOrigin.port
Added WKWebsiteDataRecord
Added WKWebsiteDataStore
Added WKWebsiteDataTypeCookies
Modified DOMAttr
Declaration | |
From | class DOMAttr : DOMNode { var name: String! { get } var specified: Bool { get } var ownerElement: DOMElement! { get } var style: DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! { get } func value() -> String! func setValue(_ value: String!) } |
To | class DOMAttr : DOMNode { var name: String! { get } var specified: Bool { get } var value: String! var ownerElement: DOMElement! { get } var style: DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! { get } } |
Modified DOMDocument
Declaration | |
From | class DOMDocument : DOMNode { var doctype: DOMDocumentType! { get } var implementation: DOMImplementation! { get } var documentElement: DOMElement! { get } var inputEncoding: String! { get } var xmlEncoding: String! { get } var xmlVersion: String! var xmlStandalone: Bool var documentURI: String! var defaultView: DOMAbstractView! { get } var styleSheets: DOMStyleSheetList! { get } var title: String! var referrer: String! { get } var domain: String! { get } var URL: String! { get } var cookie: String! var body: DOMHTMLElement! var images: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var applets: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var links: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var forms: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var anchors: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var lastModified: String! { get } var charset: String! var defaultCharset: String! { get } var readyState: String! { get } var characterSet: String! { get } var preferredStylesheetSet: String! { get } var selectedStylesheetSet: String! var activeElement: DOMElement! { get } func createElement(_ tagName: String!) -> DOMElement! func createDocumentFragment() -> DOMDocumentFragment! func createTextNode(_ data: String!) -> DOMText! func createComment(_ data: String!) -> DOMComment! func createCDATASection(_ data: String!) -> DOMCDATASection! func createProcessingInstruction(_ target: String!, data data: String!) -> DOMProcessingInstruction! func createAttribute(_ name: String!) -> DOMAttr! func createEntityReference(_ name: String!) -> DOMEntityReference! func getElementsByTagName(_ tagname: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func importNode(_ importedNode: DOMNode!, deep deep: Bool) -> DOMNode! func createElementNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, qualifiedName qualifiedName: String!) -> DOMElement! func createAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, qualifiedName qualifiedName: String!) -> DOMAttr! func getElementsByTagNameNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func getElementById(_ elementId: String!) -> DOMElement! func adoptNode(_ source: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func createEvent(_ eventType: String!) -> DOMEvent! func createRange() -> DOMRange! func createNodeIterator(_ root: DOMNode!, whatToShow whatToShow: UInt32, filter filter: DOMNodeFilter!, expandEntityReferences expandEntityReferences: Bool) -> DOMNodeIterator! func createTreeWalker(_ root: DOMNode!, whatToShow whatToShow: UInt32, filter filter: DOMNodeFilter!, expandEntityReferences expandEntityReferences: Bool) -> DOMTreeWalker! func getOverrideStyle(_ element: DOMElement!, pseudoElement pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! func createExpression(_ expression: String!, resolver resolver: DOMXPathNSResolver!) -> DOMXPathExpression! func createNSResolver(_ nodeResolver: DOMNode!) -> DOMXPathNSResolver! func evaluate(_ expression: String!, contextNode contextNode: DOMNode!, resolver resolver: DOMXPathNSResolver!, type type: UInt16, inResult inResult: DOMXPathResult!) -> DOMXPathResult! func execCommand(_ command: String!, userInterface userInterface: Bool, value value: String!) -> Bool func execCommand(_ command: String!, userInterface userInterface: Bool) -> Bool func execCommand(_ command: String!) -> Bool func queryCommandEnabled(_ command: String!) -> Bool func queryCommandIndeterm(_ command: String!) -> Bool func queryCommandState(_ command: String!) -> Bool func queryCommandSupported(_ command: String!) -> Bool func queryCommandValue(_ command: String!) -> String! func getElementsByName(_ elementName: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func elementFromPoint(_ x: Int32, y y: Int32) -> DOMElement! func createCSSStyleDeclaration() -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! func getComputedStyle(_ element: DOMElement!, pseudoElement pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! func getMatchedCSSRules(_ element: DOMElement!, pseudoElement pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSRuleList! func getMatchedCSSRules(_ element: DOMElement!, pseudoElement pseudoElement: String!, authorOnly authorOnly: Bool) -> DOMCSSRuleList! func getElementsByClassName(_ tagname: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func hasFocus() -> Bool func querySelector(_ selectors: String!) -> DOMElement! func querySelectorAll(_ selectors: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func webkitCancelFullScreen() } extension DOMDocument { func createProcessingInstruction(_ target: String!, _ data: String!) -> DOMProcessingInstruction! func importNode(_ importedNode: DOMNode!, _ deep: Bool) -> DOMNode! func createElementNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ qualifiedName: String!) -> DOMElement! func createAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ qualifiedName: String!) -> DOMAttr! func getElementsByTagNameNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func createNodeIterator(_ root: DOMNode!, _ whatToShow: UInt32, _ filter: DOMNodeFilter!, _ expandEntityReferences: Bool) -> DOMNodeIterator! func createTreeWalker(_ root: DOMNode!, _ whatToShow: UInt32, _ filter: DOMNodeFilter!, _ expandEntityReferences: Bool) -> DOMTreeWalker! func getOverrideStyle(_ element: DOMElement!, _ pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! func createExpression(_ expression: String!, _ resolver: DOMXPathNSResolver!) -> DOMXPathExpression! func evaluate(_ expression: String!, _ contextNode: DOMNode!, _ resolver: DOMXPathNSResolver!, _ type: UInt16, _ inResult: DOMXPathResult!) -> DOMXPathResult! func getComputedStyle(_ element: DOMElement!, _ pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! } extension DOMDocument { var webFrame: WebFrame! { get } func URLWithAttributeString(_ string: String!) -> NSURL! } |
To | class DOMDocument : DOMNode { var doctype: DOMDocumentType! { get } var implementation: DOMImplementation! { get } var documentElement: DOMElement! { get } var inputEncoding: String! { get } var xmlEncoding: String! { get } var xmlVersion: String! var xmlStandalone: Bool var documentURI: String! var defaultView: DOMAbstractView! { get } var styleSheets: DOMStyleSheetList! { get } var title: String! var referrer: String! { get } var domain: String! { get } var URL: String! { get } var cookie: String! var body: DOMHTMLElement! var images: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var applets: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var links: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var forms: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var anchors: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var lastModified: String! { get } var charset: String! var defaultCharset: String! { get } var readyState: String! { get } var characterSet: String! { get } var preferredStylesheetSet: String! { get } var selectedStylesheetSet: String! var activeElement: DOMElement! { get } func createElement(_ tagName: String!) -> DOMElement! func createDocumentFragment() -> DOMDocumentFragment! func createTextNode(_ data: String!) -> DOMText! func createComment(_ data: String!) -> DOMComment! func createCDATASection(_ data: String!) -> DOMCDATASection! func createProcessingInstruction(_ target: String!, data data: String!) -> DOMProcessingInstruction! func createAttribute(_ name: String!) -> DOMAttr! func createEntityReference(_ name: String!) -> DOMEntityReference! func getElementsByTagName(_ tagname: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func importNode(_ importedNode: DOMNode!, deep deep: Bool) -> DOMNode! func createElementNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, qualifiedName qualifiedName: String!) -> DOMElement! func createAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, qualifiedName qualifiedName: String!) -> DOMAttr! func getElementsByTagNameNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func adoptNode(_ source: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func createEvent(_ eventType: String!) -> DOMEvent! func createRange() -> DOMRange! func createNodeIterator(_ root: DOMNode!, whatToShow whatToShow: UInt32, filter filter: DOMNodeFilter!, expandEntityReferences expandEntityReferences: Bool) -> DOMNodeIterator! func createTreeWalker(_ root: DOMNode!, whatToShow whatToShow: UInt32, filter filter: DOMNodeFilter!, expandEntityReferences expandEntityReferences: Bool) -> DOMTreeWalker! func getOverrideStyle(_ element: DOMElement!, pseudoElement pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! func createExpression(_ expression: String!, resolver resolver: DOMXPathNSResolver!) -> DOMXPathExpression! func createNSResolver(_ nodeResolver: DOMNode!) -> DOMXPathNSResolver! func evaluate(_ expression: String!, contextNode contextNode: DOMNode!, resolver resolver: DOMXPathNSResolver!, type type: UInt16, inResult inResult: DOMXPathResult!) -> DOMXPathResult! func execCommand(_ command: String!, userInterface userInterface: Bool, value value: String!) -> Bool func execCommand(_ command: String!, userInterface userInterface: Bool) -> Bool func execCommand(_ command: String!) -> Bool func queryCommandEnabled(_ command: String!) -> Bool func queryCommandIndeterm(_ command: String!) -> Bool func queryCommandState(_ command: String!) -> Bool func queryCommandSupported(_ command: String!) -> Bool func queryCommandValue(_ command: String!) -> String! func getElementsByName(_ elementName: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func elementFromPoint(_ x: Int32, y y: Int32) -> DOMElement! func createCSSStyleDeclaration() -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! func getComputedStyle(_ element: DOMElement!, pseudoElement pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! func getMatchedCSSRules(_ element: DOMElement!, pseudoElement pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSRuleList! func getMatchedCSSRules(_ element: DOMElement!, pseudoElement pseudoElement: String!, authorOnly authorOnly: Bool) -> DOMCSSRuleList! func getElementsByClassName(_ classNames: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func hasFocus() -> Bool func webkitCancelFullScreen() func getElementById(_ elementId: String!) -> DOMElement! func querySelector(_ selectors: String!) -> DOMElement! func querySelectorAll(_ selectors: String!) -> DOMNodeList! } extension DOMDocument { func createProcessingInstruction(_ target: String!, _ data: String!) -> DOMProcessingInstruction! func importNode(_ importedNode: DOMNode!, _ deep: Bool) -> DOMNode! func createElementNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ qualifiedName: String!) -> DOMElement! func createAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ qualifiedName: String!) -> DOMAttr! func getElementsByTagNameNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func createNodeIterator(_ root: DOMNode!, _ whatToShow: UInt32, _ filter: DOMNodeFilter!, _ expandEntityReferences: Bool) -> DOMNodeIterator! func createTreeWalker(_ root: DOMNode!, _ whatToShow: UInt32, _ filter: DOMNodeFilter!, _ expandEntityReferences: Bool) -> DOMTreeWalker! func getOverrideStyle(_ element: DOMElement!, _ pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! func createExpression(_ expression: String!, _ resolver: DOMXPathNSResolver!) -> DOMXPathExpression! func evaluate(_ expression: String!, _ contextNode: DOMNode!, _ resolver: DOMXPathNSResolver!, _ type: UInt16, _ inResult: DOMXPathResult!) -> DOMXPathResult! func getComputedStyle(_ element: DOMElement!, _ pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! } extension DOMDocument { var webFrame: WebFrame! { get } func URLWithAttributeString(_ string: String!) -> NSURL! } |
Modified DOMElement
Declaration | |
From | class DOMElement : DOMNode { var tagName: String! { get } var style: DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! { get } var offsetLeft: Int32 { get } var offsetTop: Int32 { get } var offsetWidth: Int32 { get } var offsetHeight: Int32 { get } var clientLeft: Int32 { get } var clientTop: Int32 { get } var clientWidth: Int32 { get } var clientHeight: Int32 { get } var scrollLeft: Int32 var scrollTop: Int32 var scrollWidth: Int32 { get } var scrollHeight: Int32 { get } var offsetParent: DOMElement! { get } var className: String! var firstElementChild: DOMElement! { get } var lastElementChild: DOMElement! { get } var previousElementSibling: DOMElement! { get } var nextElementSibling: DOMElement! { get } var childElementCount: UInt32 { get } var innerText: String! { get } func getAttribute(_ name: String!) -> String! func setAttribute(_ name: String!, value value: String!) func removeAttribute(_ name: String!) func getAttributeNode(_ name: String!) -> DOMAttr! func setAttributeNode(_ newAttr: DOMAttr!) -> DOMAttr! func removeAttributeNode(_ oldAttr: DOMAttr!) -> DOMAttr! func getElementsByTagName(_ name: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func getAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) -> String! func setAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, qualifiedName qualifiedName: String!, value value: String!) func removeAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) func getElementsByTagNameNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func getAttributeNodeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) -> DOMAttr! func setAttributeNodeNS(_ newAttr: DOMAttr!) -> DOMAttr! func hasAttribute(_ name: String!) -> Bool func hasAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) -> Bool func focus() func blur() func scrollIntoView(_ alignWithTop: Bool) func scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(_ centerIfNeeded: Bool) func scrollByLines(_ lines: Int32) func scrollByPages(_ pages: Int32) func getElementsByClassName(_ name: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func querySelector(_ selectors: String!) -> DOMElement! func querySelectorAll(_ selectors: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func webkitRequestFullScreen(_ flags: UInt16) } extension DOMElement { func setAttribute(_ name: String!, _ value: String!) func getAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) -> String! func setAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ qualifiedName: String!, _ value: String!) func removeAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) func getElementsByTagNameNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func getAttributeNodeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) -> DOMAttr! func hasAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) -> Bool } extension DOMElement { func image() -> NSImage! } |
To | class DOMElement : DOMNode { var tagName: String! { get } var style: DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! { get } var offsetLeft: Int32 { get } var offsetTop: Int32 { get } var offsetWidth: Int32 { get } var offsetHeight: Int32 { get } var clientLeft: Int32 { get } var clientTop: Int32 { get } var clientWidth: Int32 { get } var clientHeight: Int32 { get } var scrollLeft: Int32 var scrollTop: Int32 var scrollWidth: Int32 { get } var scrollHeight: Int32 { get } var offsetParent: DOMElement! { get } var innerHTML: String! var outerHTML: String! var className: String! var innerText: String! { get } var previousElementSibling: DOMElement! { get } var nextElementSibling: DOMElement! { get } var firstElementChild: DOMElement! { get } var lastElementChild: DOMElement! { get } var childElementCount: UInt32 { get } func getAttribute(_ name: String!) -> String! func setAttribute(_ name: String!, value value: String!) func removeAttribute(_ name: String!) func getAttributeNode(_ name: String!) -> DOMAttr! func setAttributeNode(_ newAttr: DOMAttr!) -> DOMAttr! func removeAttributeNode(_ oldAttr: DOMAttr!) -> DOMAttr! func getElementsByTagName(_ name: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func getAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) -> String! func setAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, qualifiedName qualifiedName: String!, value value: String!) func removeAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) func getElementsByTagNameNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func getAttributeNodeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) -> DOMAttr! func setAttributeNodeNS(_ newAttr: DOMAttr!) -> DOMAttr! func hasAttribute(_ name: String!) -> Bool func hasAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, localName localName: String!) -> Bool func focus() func blur() func scrollIntoView(_ alignWithTop: Bool) func scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(_ centerIfNeeded: Bool) func scrollByLines(_ lines: Int32) func scrollByPages(_ pages: Int32) func getElementsByClassName(_ name: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func webkitRequestFullScreen(_ flags: UInt16) func querySelector(_ selectors: String!) -> DOMElement! func querySelectorAll(_ selectors: String!) -> DOMNodeList! } extension DOMElement { func setAttribute(_ name: String!, _ value: String!) func getAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) -> String! func setAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ qualifiedName: String!, _ value: String!) func removeAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) func getElementsByTagNameNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) -> DOMNodeList! func getAttributeNodeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) -> DOMAttr! func hasAttributeNS(_ namespaceURI: String!, _ localName: String!) -> Bool } extension DOMElement { func image() -> NSImage! } |
Modified DOMEventExceptionCode [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct DOMEventExceptionCode { init(_ value: UInt32) var value: UInt32 } | -- |
To | struct DOMEventExceptionCode : RawRepresentable { init(_ rawValue: UInt32) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) var rawValue: UInt32 } | RawRepresentable |
Modified DOMExceptionCode [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct DOMExceptionCode { init(_ value: UInt32) var value: UInt32 } | -- |
To | struct DOMExceptionCode : RawRepresentable { init(_ rawValue: UInt32) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) var rawValue: UInt32 } | RawRepresentable |
Modified DOMHTMLButtonElement
Declaration | |
From | class DOMHTMLButtonElement : DOMHTMLElement { var autofocus: Bool var disabled: Bool var form: DOMHTMLFormElement! { get } var name: String! var type: String! var willValidate: Bool { get } var accessKey: String! func click() func value() -> String! func setValue(_ value: String!) } |
To | class DOMHTMLButtonElement : DOMHTMLElement { var autofocus: Bool var disabled: Bool var form: DOMHTMLFormElement! { get } var name: String! var type: String! var value: String! var willValidate: Bool { get } var accessKey: String! func click() } |
Modified DOMHTMLElement
Declaration | |
From | class DOMHTMLElement : DOMElement { var idName: String! var title: String! var lang: String! var dir: String! var tabIndex: Int32 var accessKey: String! var innerHTML: String! var innerText: String! var outerHTML: String! var outerText: String! var children: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var contentEditable: String! var isContentEditable: Bool { get } var titleDisplayString: String! { get } func click() } |
To | class DOMHTMLElement : DOMElement { var idName: String! var title: String! var lang: String! var dir: String! var tabIndex: Int32 var accessKey: String! var innerText: String! var outerText: String! var children: DOMHTMLCollection! { get } var contentEditable: String! var isContentEditable: Bool { get } var titleDisplayString: String! { get } func click() } |
Modified DOMHTMLInputElement
Declaration | |
From | class DOMHTMLInputElement : DOMHTMLElement { var accept: String! var alt: String! var autofocus: Bool var defaultChecked: Bool var checked: Bool var disabled: Bool var form: DOMHTMLFormElement! { get } var files: DOMFileList! var indeterminate: Bool var maxLength: Int32 var multiple: Bool var name: String! var readOnly: Bool var size: String! var src: String! var type: String! var defaultValue: String! var willValidate: Bool { get } var selectionStart: Int32 var selectionEnd: Int32 var align: String! var useMap: String! var accessKey: String! var altDisplayString: String! { get } @NSCopying var absoluteImageURL: NSURL! { get } func select() func setSelectionRange(_ start: Int32, end end: Int32) func click() func value() -> String! func setValue(_ value: String!) } |
To | class DOMHTMLInputElement : DOMHTMLElement { var accept: String! var alt: String! var autofocus: Bool var defaultChecked: Bool var checked: Bool var disabled: Bool var form: DOMHTMLFormElement! { get } var files: DOMFileList! var indeterminate: Bool var maxLength: Int32 var multiple: Bool var name: String! var readOnly: Bool var size: String! var src: String! var type: String! var defaultValue: String! var value: String! var willValidate: Bool { get } var selectionStart: Int32 var selectionEnd: Int32 var align: String! var useMap: String! var accessKey: String! var altDisplayString: String! { get } @NSCopying var absoluteImageURL: NSURL! { get } func select() func setSelectionRange(_ start: Int32, end end: Int32) func click() } |
Modified DOMHTMLLIElement
Declaration | |
From | class DOMHTMLLIElement : DOMHTMLElement { var type: String! func value() -> Int32 func setValue(_ value: Int32) } |
To | class DOMHTMLLIElement : DOMHTMLElement { var type: String! var value: Int32 } |
Modified DOMHTMLOptionElement
Declaration | |
From | class DOMHTMLOptionElement : DOMHTMLElement { var disabled: Bool var form: DOMHTMLFormElement! { get } var label: String! var defaultSelected: Bool var selected: Bool var text: String! { get } var index: Int32 { get } func value() -> String! func setValue(_ value: String!) } |
To | class DOMHTMLOptionElement : DOMHTMLElement { var disabled: Bool var form: DOMHTMLFormElement! { get } var label: String! var defaultSelected: Bool var selected: Bool var value: String! var text: String! { get } var index: Int32 { get } } |
Modified DOMHTMLParamElement
Declaration | |
From | class DOMHTMLParamElement : DOMHTMLElement { var name: String! var type: String! var valueType: String! func value() -> String! func setValue(_ value: String!) } |
To | class DOMHTMLParamElement : DOMHTMLElement { var name: String! var type: String! var value: String! var valueType: String! } |
Modified DOMHTMLScriptElement
Declaration | |
From | class DOMHTMLScriptElement : DOMHTMLElement { var text: String! var htmlFor: String! var event: String! var charset: String! var defer: Bool var src: String! var type: String! } |
To | class DOMHTMLScriptElement : DOMHTMLElement { var text: String! var htmlFor: String! var event: String! var charset: String! var `defer`: Bool var src: String! var type: String! } |
Modified DOMHTMLScriptElement.defer
Declaration | |
From | var defer: Bool |
To | var `defer`: Bool |
Modified DOMHTMLSelectElement
Declaration | |
From | class DOMHTMLSelectElement : DOMHTMLElement { var autofocus: Bool var disabled: Bool var form: DOMHTMLFormElement! { get } var multiple: Bool var name: String! var size: Int32 var type: String! { get } var options: DOMHTMLOptionsCollection! { get } var length: Int32 { get } var selectedIndex: Int32 var willValidate: Bool { get } func item(_ index: UInt32) -> DOMNode! func namedItem(_ name: String!) -> DOMNode! func add(_ element: DOMHTMLElement!, before before: DOMHTMLElement!) func remove(_ index: Int32) func value() -> String! func setValue(_ value: String!) } extension DOMHTMLSelectElement { func add(_ element: DOMHTMLElement!, _ before: DOMHTMLElement!) } |
To | class DOMHTMLSelectElement : DOMHTMLElement { var autofocus: Bool var disabled: Bool var form: DOMHTMLFormElement! { get } var multiple: Bool var name: String! var size: Int32 var type: String! { get } var options: DOMHTMLOptionsCollection! { get } var length: Int32 { get } var selectedIndex: Int32 var value: String! var willValidate: Bool { get } func item(_ index: UInt32) -> DOMNode! func namedItem(_ name: String!) -> DOMNode! func add(_ element: DOMHTMLElement!, before before: DOMHTMLElement!) func remove(_ index: Int32) } extension DOMHTMLSelectElement { func add(_ element: DOMHTMLElement!, _ before: DOMHTMLElement!) } |
Modified DOMHTMLTextAreaElement
Declaration | |
From | class DOMHTMLTextAreaElement : DOMHTMLElement { var autofocus: Bool var cols: Int32 var disabled: Bool var form: DOMHTMLFormElement! { get } var name: String! var readOnly: Bool var rows: Int32 var type: String! { get } var defaultValue: String! var willValidate: Bool { get } var selectionStart: Int32 var selectionEnd: Int32 var accessKey: String! func select() func setSelectionRange(_ start: Int32, end end: Int32) func value() -> String! func setValue(_ value: String!) } |
To | class DOMHTMLTextAreaElement : DOMHTMLElement { var autofocus: Bool var cols: Int32 var disabled: Bool var form: DOMHTMLFormElement! { get } var name: String! var readOnly: Bool var rows: Int32 var type: String! { get } var defaultValue: String! var value: String! var willValidate: Bool { get } var selectionStart: Int32 var selectionEnd: Int32 var accessKey: String! func select() func setSelectionRange(_ start: Int32, end end: Int32) } |
Modified DOMNode
Declaration | |
From | class DOMNode : DOMObject, DOMEventTarget, NSObjectProtocol, NSCopying { var nodeName: String! { get } var nodeValue: String! var nodeType: UInt16 { get } var parentNode: DOMNode! { get } var childNodes: DOMNodeList! { get } var firstChild: DOMNode! { get } var lastChild: DOMNode! { get } var previousSibling: DOMNode! { get } var nextSibling: DOMNode! { get } var ownerDocument: DOMDocument! { get } var namespaceURI: String! { get } var prefix: String! var localName: String! { get } var attributes: DOMNamedNodeMap! { get } var baseURI: String! { get } var textContent: String! var parentElement: DOMElement! { get } var isContentEditable: Bool { get } func insertBefore(_ newChild: DOMNode!, refChild refChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func replaceChild(_ newChild: DOMNode!, oldChild oldChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func removeChild(_ oldChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func appendChild(_ newChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func hasChildNodes() -> Bool func cloneNode(_ deep: Bool) -> DOMNode! func normalize() func isSupported(_ feature: String!, version version: String!) -> Bool func hasAttributes() -> Bool func isSameNode(_ other: DOMNode!) -> Bool func isEqualNode(_ other: DOMNode!) -> Bool func lookupPrefix(_ namespaceURI: String!) -> String! func isDefaultNamespace(_ namespaceURI: String!) -> Bool func lookupNamespaceURI(_ prefix: String!) -> String! func compareDocumentPosition(_ other: DOMNode!) -> UInt16 func contains(_ other: DOMNode!) -> Bool } extension DOMNode { func boundingBox() -> NSRect func lineBoxRects() -> [AnyObject]! } extension DOMNode { func insertBefore(_ newChild: DOMNode!, _ refChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func replaceChild(_ newChild: DOMNode!, _ oldChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func isSupported(_ feature: String!, _ version: String!) -> Bool } extension DOMNode { var webArchive: WebArchive! { get } } |
To | class DOMNode : DOMObject, DOMEventTarget { var nodeName: String! { get } var nodeValue: String! var nodeType: UInt16 { get } var parentNode: DOMNode! { get } var childNodes: DOMNodeList! { get } var firstChild: DOMNode! { get } var lastChild: DOMNode! { get } var previousSibling: DOMNode! { get } var nextSibling: DOMNode! { get } var ownerDocument: DOMDocument! { get } var namespaceURI: String! { get } var prefix: String! var localName: String! { get } var attributes: DOMNamedNodeMap! { get } var baseURI: String! { get } var textContent: String! var parentElement: DOMElement! { get } var isContentEditable: Bool { get } func insertBefore(_ newChild: DOMNode!, refChild refChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func replaceChild(_ newChild: DOMNode!, oldChild oldChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func removeChild(_ oldChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func appendChild(_ newChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func hasChildNodes() -> Bool func cloneNode(_ deep: Bool) -> DOMNode! func normalize() func isSupported(_ feature: String!, version version: String!) -> Bool func hasAttributes() -> Bool func isSameNode(_ other: DOMNode!) -> Bool func isEqualNode(_ other: DOMNode!) -> Bool func lookupPrefix(_ namespaceURI: String!) -> String! func isDefaultNamespace(_ namespaceURI: String!) -> Bool func lookupNamespaceURI(_ prefix: String!) -> String! func compareDocumentPosition(_ other: DOMNode!) -> UInt16 func contains(_ other: DOMNode!) -> Bool } extension DOMNode { func boundingBox() -> NSRect func lineBoxRects() -> [AnyObject]! } extension DOMNode { func insertBefore(_ newChild: DOMNode!, _ refChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func replaceChild(_ newChild: DOMNode!, _ oldChild: DOMNode!) -> DOMNode! func isSupported(_ feature: String!, _ version: String!) -> Bool } extension DOMNode { var webArchive: WebArchive! { get } } |
Modified DOMObject
Declaration | |
From | class DOMObject : WebScriptObject, NSCopying { } extension DOMObject { var sheet: DOMStyleSheet! { get } } |
To | class DOMObject : WebScriptObject, NSCopying { init!() } extension DOMObject { var sheet: DOMStyleSheet! { get } } |
Modified DOMRangeExceptionCode [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct DOMRangeExceptionCode { init(_ value: UInt32) var value: UInt32 } | -- |
To | struct DOMRangeExceptionCode : RawRepresentable { init(_ rawValue: UInt32) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) var rawValue: UInt32 } | RawRepresentable |
Modified DOMXPathExceptionCode [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct DOMXPathExceptionCode { init(_ value: UInt32) var value: UInt32 } | -- |
To | struct DOMXPathExceptionCode : RawRepresentable { init(_ rawValue: UInt32) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt32) var rawValue: UInt32 } | RawRepresentable |
Modified WebCacheModel [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | UInt |
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.0 |
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.0 |
Modified WebDragDestinationAction [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct WebDragDestinationAction : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: WebDragDestinationAction { get } static var DHTML: WebDragDestinationAction { get } static var Edit: WebDragDestinationAction { get } static var Load: WebDragDestinationAction { get } static var Any: WebDragDestinationAction { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
To | struct WebDragDestinationAction : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: WebDragDestinationAction { get } static var DHTML: WebDragDestinationAction { get } static var Edit: WebDragDestinationAction { get } static var Load: WebDragDestinationAction { get } static var Any: WebDragDestinationAction { get } } | OptionSetType |
Modified WebDragSourceAction [struct]
Declaration | Protocols | |
From | struct WebDragSourceAction : RawOptionSetType { init(_ rawValue: UInt) init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: WebDragSourceAction { get } static var DHTML: WebDragSourceAction { get } static var Image: WebDragSourceAction { get } static var Link: WebDragSourceAction { get } static var Selection: WebDragSourceAction { get } static var Any: WebDragSourceAction { get } } | RawOptionSetType |
To | struct WebDragSourceAction : OptionSetType { init(rawValue rawValue: UInt) static var None: WebDragSourceAction { get } static var DHTML: WebDragSourceAction { get } static var Image: WebDragSourceAction { get } static var Link: WebDragSourceAction { get } static var Selection: WebDragSourceAction { get } static var Any: WebDragSourceAction { get } } | OptionSetType |
Modified WebHistory
Declaration | |
From | class WebHistory : NSObject { class func optionalSharedHistory() -> WebHistory! class func setOptionalSharedHistory(_ history: WebHistory!) func loadFromURL(_ URL: NSURL!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool func saveToURL(_ URL: NSURL!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool func addItems(_ newItems: [AnyObject]!) func removeItems(_ items: [AnyObject]!) func removeAllItems() var orderedLastVisitedDays: [AnyObject]! { get } func orderedItemsLastVisitedOnDay(_ calendarDate: NSCalendarDate!) -> [AnyObject]! func itemForURL(_ URL: NSURL!) -> WebHistoryItem! var historyItemLimit: Int32 var historyAgeInDaysLimit: Int32 } |
To | class WebHistory : NSObject { class func optionalSharedHistory() -> WebHistory! class func setOptionalSharedHistory(_ history: WebHistory!) func loadFromURL(_ URL: NSURL!) throws func saveToURL(_ URL: NSURL!) throws func addItems(_ newItems: [AnyObject]!) func removeItems(_ items: [AnyObject]!) func removeAllItems() var orderedLastVisitedDays: [AnyObject]! { get } func orderedItemsLastVisitedOnDay(_ calendarDate: NSCalendarDate!) -> [AnyObject]! func itemForURL(_ URL: NSURL!) -> WebHistoryItem! var historyItemLimit: Int32 var historyAgeInDaysLimit: Int32 } |
Declaration | |
From | func loadFromURL(_ URL: NSURL!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | func loadFromURL(_ URL: NSURL!) throws |
Declaration | |
From | func saveToURL(_ URL: NSURL!, error error: NSErrorPointer) -> Bool |
To | func saveToURL(_ URL: NSURL!) throws |
Modified WebNavigationType [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified WebPlugInViewFactory.plugInViewWithArguments(_: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> NSView! [class]
Introduction | |
From | OS X 10.10 |
To | OS X 10.0 |
Modified WebPreferences
Declaration | |
From | class WebPreferences : NSObject, NSCoding { class func standardPreferences() -> WebPreferences! init!(identifier anIdentifier: String!) var identifier: String! { get } var standardFontFamily: String! var fixedFontFamily: String! var serifFontFamily: String! var sansSerifFontFamily: String! var cursiveFontFamily: String! var fantasyFontFamily: String! var defaultFontSize: Int32 var defaultFixedFontSize: Int32 var minimumFontSize: Int32 var minimumLogicalFontSize: Int32 var defaultTextEncodingName: String! var userStyleSheetEnabled: Bool var userStyleSheetLocation: NSURL! var javaEnabled: Bool var javaScriptEnabled: Bool var javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically: Bool var plugInsEnabled: Bool var allowsAnimatedImages: Bool var allowsAnimatedImageLooping: Bool var loadsImagesAutomatically: Bool var autosaves: Bool var shouldPrintBackgrounds: Bool var privateBrowsingEnabled: Bool var tabsToLinks: Bool var usesPageCache: Bool var cacheModel: WebCacheModel var suppressesIncrementalRendering: Bool } |
To | class WebPreferences : NSObject, NSCoding { class func standardPreferences() -> WebPreferences! init!(identifier anIdentifier: String!) var identifier: String! { get } var standardFontFamily: String! var fixedFontFamily: String! var serifFontFamily: String! var sansSerifFontFamily: String! var cursiveFontFamily: String! var fantasyFontFamily: String! var defaultFontSize: Int32 var defaultFixedFontSize: Int32 var minimumFontSize: Int32 var minimumLogicalFontSize: Int32 var defaultTextEncodingName: String! var userStyleSheetEnabled: Bool var userStyleSheetLocation: NSURL! var javaEnabled: Bool var javaScriptEnabled: Bool var javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically: Bool var plugInsEnabled: Bool var allowsAnimatedImages: Bool var allowsAnimatedImageLooping: Bool var loadsImagesAutomatically: Bool var autosaves: Bool var shouldPrintBackgrounds: Bool var privateBrowsingEnabled: Bool var tabsToLinks: Bool var usesPageCache: Bool var cacheModel: WebCacheModel var suppressesIncrementalRendering: Bool var allowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback: Bool } |
Modified WebUndefined
Declaration | |
From | class WebUndefined : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { init!() -> WebUndefined class func undefined() -> WebUndefined! } |
To | class WebUndefined : NSObject, NSCoding, NSCopying { init!() class func undefined() -> WebUndefined! } |
Modified WebView
Declaration | |
From | class WebView : NSView { class func canShowMIMEType(_ MIMEType: String!) -> Bool class func canShowMIMETypeAsHTML(_ MIMEType: String!) -> Bool class func MIMETypesShownAsHTML() -> [AnyObject]! class func setMIMETypesShownAsHTML(_ MIMETypes: [AnyObject]!) class func URLFromPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> NSURL! class func URLTitleFromPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> String! class func registerURLSchemeAsLocal(_ scheme: String!) init!(frame frame: NSRect, frameName frameName: String!, groupName groupName: String!) func close() var shouldCloseWithWindow: Bool unowned(unsafe) var UIDelegate: AnyObject! unowned(unsafe) var resourceLoadDelegate: AnyObject! unowned(unsafe) var downloadDelegate: AnyObject! unowned(unsafe) var frameLoadDelegate: AnyObject! unowned(unsafe) var policyDelegate: AnyObject! var mainFrame: WebFrame! { get } var selectedFrame: WebFrame! { get } var backForwardList: WebBackForwardList! { get } func setMaintainsBackForwardList(_ flag: Bool) func goBack() -> Bool func goForward() -> Bool func goToBackForwardItem(_ item: WebHistoryItem!) -> Bool var textSizeMultiplier: Float var applicationNameForUserAgent: String! var customUserAgent: String! func userAgentForURL(_ URL: NSURL!) -> String! var supportsTextEncoding: Bool { get } var customTextEncodingName: String! var mediaStyle: String! func stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString(_ script: String!) -> String! var windowScriptObject: WebScriptObject! { get } var preferences: WebPreferences! var preferencesIdentifier: String! var hostWindow: NSWindow! func searchFor(_ string: String!, direction forward: Bool, caseSensitive caseFlag: Bool, wrap wrapFlag: Bool) -> Bool class func registerViewClass(_ viewClass: AnyClass!, representationClass representationClass: AnyClass!, forMIMEType MIMEType: String!) var groupName: String! var estimatedProgress: Double { get } var loading: Bool { get } func elementAtPoint(_ point: NSPoint) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! var pasteboardTypesForSelection: [AnyObject]! { get } func writeSelectionWithPasteboardTypes(_ types: [AnyObject]!, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) func pasteboardTypesForElement(_ element: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! func writeElement(_ element: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, withPasteboardTypes types: [AnyObject]!, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) func moveDragCaretToPoint(_ point: NSPoint) func removeDragCaret() var drawsBackground: Bool var shouldUpdateWhileOffscreen: Bool var mainFrameURL: String! var mainFrameDocument: DOMDocument! { get } var mainFrameTitle: String! { get } var mainFrameIcon: NSImage! { get } } extension WebView : NSUserInterfaceValidations { @IBAction func takeStringURLFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func stopLoading(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func reload(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func reloadFromOrigin(_ sender: AnyObject?) var canGoBack: Bool { get } @IBAction func goBack(_ sender: AnyObject?) var canGoForward: Bool { get } @IBAction func goForward(_ sender: AnyObject?) var canMakeTextLarger: Bool { get } @IBAction func makeTextLarger(_ sender: AnyObject?) var canMakeTextSmaller: Bool { get } @IBAction func makeTextSmaller(_ sender: AnyObject?) var canMakeTextStandardSize: Bool { get } @IBAction func makeTextStandardSize(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func toggleContinuousSpellChecking(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func toggleSmartInsertDelete(_ sender: AnyObject?) } extension WebView { func computedStyleForElement(_ element: DOMElement!, pseudoElement pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! } extension WebView { func editableDOMRangeForPoint(_ point: NSPoint) -> DOMRange! func setSelectedDOMRange(_ range: DOMRange!, affinity selectionAffinity: NSSelectionAffinity) var selectedDOMRange: DOMRange! { get } var selectionAffinity: NSSelectionAffinity { get } var maintainsInactiveSelection: Bool { get } var editable: Bool var typingStyle: DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! var smartInsertDeleteEnabled: Bool var continuousSpellCheckingEnabled: Bool var spellCheckerDocumentTag: Int { get } var undoManager: NSUndoManager! { get } var editingDelegate: AnyObject! func styleDeclarationWithText(_ text: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! } extension WebView { func replaceSelectionWithNode(_ node: DOMNode!) func replaceSelectionWithText(_ text: String!) func replaceSelectionWithMarkupString(_ markupString: String!) func replaceSelectionWithArchive(_ archive: WebArchive!) func deleteSelection() func applyStyle(_ style: DOMCSSStyleDeclaration!) } extension WebView { func copy(_ sender: AnyObject?) func cut(_ sender: AnyObject?) func paste(_ sender: AnyObject?) func copyFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) func pasteFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) func delete(_ sender: AnyObject?) func pasteAsPlainText(_ sender: AnyObject?) func pasteAsRichText(_ sender: AnyObject?) func changeFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) func changeAttributes(_ sender: AnyObject?) func changeDocumentBackgroundColor(_ sender: AnyObject?) func changeColor(_ sender: AnyObject?) func alignCenter(_ sender: AnyObject?) func alignJustified(_ sender: AnyObject?) func alignLeft(_ sender: AnyObject?) func alignRight(_ sender: AnyObject?) func checkSpelling(_ sender: AnyObject?) func showGuessPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) func performFindPanelAction(_ sender: AnyObject?) func startSpeaking(_ sender: AnyObject?) func stopSpeaking(_ sender: AnyObject?) func moveToBeginningOfSentence(_ sender: AnyObject?) func moveToBeginningOfSentenceAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) func moveToEndOfSentence(_ sender: AnyObject?) func moveToEndOfSentenceAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) func selectSentence(_ sender: AnyObject?) func overWrite(_ sender: AnyObject?) } |
To | class WebView : NSView { class func canShowMIMEType(_ MIMEType: String!) -> Bool class func canShowMIMETypeAsHTML(_ MIMEType: String!) -> Bool class func MIMETypesShownAsHTML() -> [AnyObject]! class func setMIMETypesShownAsHTML(_ MIMETypes: [AnyObject]!) class func URLFromPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> NSURL! class func URLTitleFromPasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) -> String! class func registerURLSchemeAsLocal(_ scheme: String!) init!(frame frame: NSRect, frameName frameName: String!, groupName groupName: String!) func close() var shouldCloseWithWindow: Bool unowned(unsafe) var UIDelegate: WebUIDelegate! unowned(unsafe) var resourceLoadDelegate: WebResourceLoadDelegate! unowned(unsafe) var downloadDelegate: WebDownloadDelegate! unowned(unsafe) var frameLoadDelegate: WebFrameLoadDelegate! unowned(unsafe) var policyDelegate: WebPolicyDelegate! var mainFrame: WebFrame! { get } var selectedFrame: WebFrame! { get } var backForwardList: WebBackForwardList! { get } func setMaintainsBackForwardList(_ flag: Bool) func goBack() -> Bool func goForward() -> Bool func goToBackForwardItem(_ item: WebHistoryItem!) -> Bool var textSizeMultiplier: Float var applicationNameForUserAgent: String! var customUserAgent: String! func userAgentForURL(_ URL: NSURL!) -> String! var supportsTextEncoding: Bool { get } var customTextEncodingName: String! var mediaStyle: String! func stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString(_ script: String!) -> String! var windowScriptObject: WebScriptObject! { get } var preferences: WebPreferences! var preferencesIdentifier: String! var hostWindow: NSWindow! func searchFor(_ string: String!, direction forward: Bool, caseSensitive caseFlag: Bool, wrap wrapFlag: Bool) -> Bool class func registerViewClass(_ viewClass: AnyClass!, representationClass representationClass: AnyClass!, forMIMEType MIMEType: String!) var groupName: String! var estimatedProgress: Double { get } var loading: Bool { get } func elementAtPoint(_ point: NSPoint) -> [NSObject : AnyObject]! var pasteboardTypesForSelection: [AnyObject]! { get } func writeSelectionWithPasteboardTypes(_ types: [AnyObject]!, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) func pasteboardTypesForElement(_ element: [NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> [AnyObject]! func writeElement(_ element: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, withPasteboardTypes types: [AnyObject]!, toPasteboard pasteboard: NSPasteboard!) func moveDragCaretToPoint(_ point: NSPoint) func removeDragCaret() var drawsBackground: Bool var shouldUpdateWhileOffscreen: Bool var mainFrameURL: String! var mainFrameDocument: DOMDocument! { get } var mainFrameTitle: String! { get } var mainFrameIcon: NSImage! { get } } extension WebView : NSUserInterfaceValidations { @IBAction func takeStringURLFrom(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func stopLoading(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func reload(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func reloadFromOrigin(_ sender: AnyObject?) var canGoBack: Bool { get } @IBAction func goBack(_ sender: AnyObject?) var canGoForward: Bool { get } @IBAction func goForward(_ sender: AnyObject?) var canMakeTextLarger: Bool { get } @IBAction func makeTextLarger(_ sender: AnyObject?) var canMakeTextSmaller: Bool { get } @IBAction func makeTextSmaller(_ sender: AnyObject?) var canMakeTextStandardSize: Bool { get } @IBAction func makeTextStandardSize(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func toggleContinuousSpellChecking(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func toggleSmartInsertDelete(_ sender: AnyObject?) } extension WebView { func computedStyleForElement(_ element: DOMElement!, pseudoElement pseudoElement: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! } extension WebView { func editableDOMRangeForPoint(_ point: NSPoint) -> DOMRange! func setSelectedDOMRange(_ range: DOMRange!, affinity selectionAffinity: NSSelectionAffinity) var selectedDOMRange: DOMRange! { get } var selectionAffinity: NSSelectionAffinity { get } var maintainsInactiveSelection: Bool { get } var editable: Bool var typingStyle: DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! var smartInsertDeleteEnabled: Bool var continuousSpellCheckingEnabled: Bool var spellCheckerDocumentTag: Int { get } var undoManager: NSUndoManager! { get } var editingDelegate: AnyObject! func styleDeclarationWithText(_ text: String!) -> DOMCSSStyleDeclaration! } extension WebView { func replaceSelectionWithNode(_ node: DOMNode!) func replaceSelectionWithText(_ text: String!) func replaceSelectionWithMarkupString(_ markupString: String!) func replaceSelectionWithArchive(_ archive: WebArchive!) func deleteSelection() func applyStyle(_ style: DOMCSSStyleDeclaration!) } extension WebView { func copy(_ sender: AnyObject?) func cut(_ sender: AnyObject?) func paste(_ sender: AnyObject?) func copyFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) func pasteFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) func delete(_ sender: AnyObject?) func pasteAsPlainText(_ sender: AnyObject?) func pasteAsRichText(_ sender: AnyObject?) func changeFont(_ sender: AnyObject?) func changeAttributes(_ sender: AnyObject?) func changeDocumentBackgroundColor(_ sender: AnyObject?) func changeColor(_ sender: AnyObject?) func alignCenter(_ sender: AnyObject?) func alignJustified(_ sender: AnyObject?) func alignLeft(_ sender: AnyObject?) func alignRight(_ sender: AnyObject?) func checkSpelling(_ sender: AnyObject?) func showGuessPanel(_ sender: AnyObject?) func performFindPanelAction(_ sender: AnyObject?) func startSpeaking(_ sender: AnyObject?) func stopSpeaking(_ sender: AnyObject?) func moveToBeginningOfSentence(_ sender: AnyObject?) func moveToBeginningOfSentenceAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) func moveToEndOfSentence(_ sender: AnyObject?) func moveToEndOfSentenceAndModifySelection(_ sender: AnyObject?) func selectSentence(_ sender: AnyObject?) func overWrite(_ sender: AnyObject?) } |
Modified WebView.downloadDelegate
Declaration | |
From | unowned(unsafe) var downloadDelegate: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var downloadDelegate: WebDownloadDelegate! |
Modified WebView.frameLoadDelegate
Declaration | |
From | unowned(unsafe) var frameLoadDelegate: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var frameLoadDelegate: WebFrameLoadDelegate! |
Modified WebView.policyDelegate
Declaration | |
From | unowned(unsafe) var policyDelegate: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var policyDelegate: WebPolicyDelegate! |
Modified WebView.resourceLoadDelegate
Declaration | |
From | unowned(unsafe) var resourceLoadDelegate: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var resourceLoadDelegate: WebResourceLoadDelegate! |
Modified WebView.UIDelegate
Declaration | |
From | unowned(unsafe) var UIDelegate: AnyObject! |
To | unowned(unsafe) var UIDelegate: WebUIDelegate! |
Modified WebViewInsertAction [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified WKBackForwardList
Declaration | |
From | class WKBackForwardList : NSObject { var currentItem: WKBackForwardListItem? { get } var backItem: WKBackForwardListItem? { get } var forwardItem: WKBackForwardListItem? { get } func itemAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> WKBackForwardListItem? var backList: [AnyObject] { get } var forwardList: [AnyObject] { get } } |
To | class WKBackForwardList : NSObject { var currentItem: WKBackForwardListItem? { get } var backItem: WKBackForwardListItem? { get } var forwardItem: WKBackForwardListItem? { get } func itemAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> WKBackForwardListItem? var backList: [WKBackForwardListItem] { get } var forwardList: [WKBackForwardListItem] { get } } |
Modified WKBackForwardList.backList
Declaration | |
From | var backList: [AnyObject] { get } |
To | var backList: [WKBackForwardListItem] { get } |
Modified WKBackForwardList.forwardList
Declaration | |
From | var forwardList: [AnyObject] { get } |
To | var forwardList: [WKBackForwardListItem] { get } |
Modified WKErrorCode [enum]
Declaration | Protocols | Raw Value Type | |
From | enum WKErrorCode : Int { case Unknown case WebContentProcessTerminated case WebViewInvalidated case JavaScriptExceptionOccurred } | Equatable, Hashable, RawRepresentable | -- |
To | enum WKErrorCode : Int { case Unknown case WebContentProcessTerminated case WebViewInvalidated case JavaScriptExceptionOccurred case JavaScriptResultTypeIsUnsupported } extension WKErrorCode : Hashable, Equatable, __BridgedNSError, ErrorType, RawRepresentable, _ObjectiveCBridgeableErrorType, _BridgedNSError { } extension WKErrorCode : Hashable, Equatable, __BridgedNSError, ErrorType, RawRepresentable, _ObjectiveCBridgeableErrorType, _BridgedNSError { } | Equatable, ErrorType, Hashable, RawRepresentable | Int |
Modified WKFrameInfo
Declaration | |
From | class WKFrameInfo : NSObject, NSCopying { var mainFrame: Bool { get } @NSCopying var request: NSURLRequest { get } } |
To | class WKFrameInfo : NSObject, NSCopying { var mainFrame: Bool { get } @NSCopying var request: NSURLRequest { get } var securityOrigin: WKSecurityOrigin { get } } |
Modified WKNavigationAction
Declaration | |
From | class WKNavigationAction : NSObject { @NSCopying var sourceFrame: WKFrameInfo? { get } @NSCopying var targetFrame: WKFrameInfo? { get } var navigationType: WKNavigationType { get } @NSCopying var request: NSURLRequest { get } var modifierFlags: NSEventModifierFlags { get } var buttonNumber: Int { get } } |
To | class WKNavigationAction : NSObject { @NSCopying var sourceFrame: WKFrameInfo { get } @NSCopying var targetFrame: WKFrameInfo? { get } var navigationType: WKNavigationType { get } @NSCopying var request: NSURLRequest { get } var modifierFlags: NSEventModifierFlags { get } var buttonNumber: Int { get } } |
Modified WKNavigationAction.sourceFrame
Declaration | |
From | @NSCopying var sourceFrame: WKFrameInfo? { get } |
To | @NSCopying var sourceFrame: WKFrameInfo { get } |
Modified WKNavigationActionPolicy [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified WKNavigationDelegate
Declaration | |
From | protocol WKNavigationDelegate : NSObjectProtocol { optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyForNavigationAction navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler decisionHandler: (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyForNavigationResponse navigationResponse: WKNavigationResponse, decisionHandler decisionHandler: (WKNavigationResponsePolicy) -> Void) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didStartProvisionalNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFailProvisionalNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!, withError error: NSError) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didCommitNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinishNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFailNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!, withError error: NSError) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge challenge: NSURLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSURLCredential!) -> Void) } |
To | protocol WKNavigationDelegate : NSObjectProtocol { optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyForNavigationAction navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler decisionHandler: (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyForNavigationResponse navigationResponse: WKNavigationResponse, decisionHandler decisionHandler: (WKNavigationResponsePolicy) -> Void) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didStartProvisionalNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFailProvisionalNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!, withError error: NSError) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didCommitNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinishNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFailNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!, withError error: NSError) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge challenge: NSURLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSURLCredential?) -> Void) optional func webViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate(_ webView: WKWebView) } |
Declaration | |
From | optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge challenge: NSURLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSURLCredential!) -> Void) |
To | optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge challenge: NSURLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler completionHandler: (NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSURLCredential?) -> Void) |
Modified WKNavigationResponsePolicy [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified WKNavigationType [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified WKUIDelegate
Declaration | |
From | protocol WKUIDelegate : NSObjectProtocol { optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, createWebViewWithConfiguration configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration, forNavigationAction navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, windowFeatures windowFeatures: WKWindowFeatures) -> WKWebView? optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage message: String, initiatedByFrame frame: WKFrameInfo, completionHandler completionHandler: () -> Void) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage message: String, initiatedByFrame frame: WKFrameInfo, completionHandler completionHandler: (Bool) -> Void) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt prompt: String, defaultText defaultText: String?, initiatedByFrame frame: WKFrameInfo, completionHandler completionHandler: (String!) -> Void) } |
To | protocol WKUIDelegate : NSObjectProtocol { optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, createWebViewWithConfiguration configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration, forNavigationAction navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, windowFeatures windowFeatures: WKWindowFeatures) -> WKWebView? optional func webViewDidClose(_ webView: WKWebView) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage message: String, initiatedByFrame frame: WKFrameInfo, completionHandler completionHandler: () -> Void) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage message: String, initiatedByFrame frame: WKFrameInfo, completionHandler completionHandler: (Bool) -> Void) optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt prompt: String, defaultText defaultText: String?, initiatedByFrame frame: WKFrameInfo, completionHandler completionHandler: (String?) -> Void) } |
Declaration | |
From | optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt prompt: String, defaultText defaultText: String?, initiatedByFrame frame: WKFrameInfo, completionHandler completionHandler: (String!) -> Void) |
To | optional func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt prompt: String, defaultText defaultText: String?, initiatedByFrame frame: WKFrameInfo, completionHandler completionHandler: (String?) -> Void) |
Modified WKUserContentController
Declaration | |
From | class WKUserContentController : NSObject { var userScripts: [AnyObject] { get } func addUserScript(_ userScript: WKUserScript) func removeAllUserScripts() func addScriptMessageHandler(_ scriptMessageHandler: WKScriptMessageHandler, name name: String) func removeScriptMessageHandlerForName(_ name: String) } |
To | class WKUserContentController : NSObject { var userScripts: [WKUserScript] { get } func addUserScript(_ userScript: WKUserScript) func removeAllUserScripts() func addScriptMessageHandler(_ scriptMessageHandler: WKScriptMessageHandler, name name: String) func removeScriptMessageHandlerForName(_ name: String) } |
Modified WKUserContentController.userScripts
Declaration | |
From | var userScripts: [AnyObject] { get } |
To | var userScripts: [WKUserScript] { get } |
Modified WKUserScriptInjectionTime [enum]
Raw Value Type | |
From | -- |
To | Int |
Modified WKWebView
Declaration | |
From | class WKWebView : NSView { @NSCopying var configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration { get } weak var navigationDelegate: WKNavigationDelegate? weak var UIDelegate: WKUIDelegate? var backForwardList: WKBackForwardList { get } init(frame frame: CGRect, configuration configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration) convenience init!(coder coder: NSCoder!) func loadRequest(_ request: NSURLRequest) -> WKNavigation? func loadHTMLString(_ string: String, baseURL baseURL: NSURL?) -> WKNavigation? func goToBackForwardListItem(_ item: WKBackForwardListItem) -> WKNavigation? var title: String? { get } @NSCopying var URL: NSURL? { get } var loading: Bool { get } var estimatedProgress: Double { get } var hasOnlySecureContent: Bool { get } var canGoBack: Bool { get } var canGoForward: Bool { get } func goBack() -> WKNavigation? func goForward() -> WKNavigation? func reload() -> WKNavigation? func reloadFromOrigin() -> WKNavigation? func stopLoading() func evaluateJavaScript(_ javaScriptString: String, completionHandler completionHandler: ((AnyObject!, NSError!) -> Void)?) var allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures: Bool var allowsMagnification: Bool var magnification: CGFloat func setMagnification(_ magnification: CGFloat, centeredAtPoint point: CGPoint) } extension WKWebView : NSUserInterfaceValidations { @IBAction func goBack(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func goForward(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func reload(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func reloadFromOrigin(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func stopLoading(_ sender: AnyObject?) } |
To | class WKWebView : NSView { @NSCopying var configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration { get } weak var navigationDelegate: WKNavigationDelegate? weak var UIDelegate: WKUIDelegate? var backForwardList: WKBackForwardList { get } init(frame frame: CGRect, configuration configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration) convenience init(coder coder: NSCoder) func loadRequest(_ request: NSURLRequest) -> WKNavigation? func loadFileURL(_ URL: NSURL, allowingReadAccessToURL readAccessURL: NSURL) -> WKNavigation? func loadHTMLString(_ string: String, baseURL baseURL: NSURL?) -> WKNavigation? func loadData(_ data: NSData, MIMEType MIMEType: String, characterEncodingName characterEncodingName: String, baseURL baseURL: NSURL) -> WKNavigation? func goToBackForwardListItem(_ item: WKBackForwardListItem) -> WKNavigation? var title: String? { get } @NSCopying var URL: NSURL? { get } var loading: Bool { get } var estimatedProgress: Double { get } var hasOnlySecureContent: Bool { get } var certificateChain: [AnyObject] { get } var canGoBack: Bool { get } var canGoForward: Bool { get } func goBack() -> WKNavigation? func goForward() -> WKNavigation? func reload() -> WKNavigation? func reloadFromOrigin() -> WKNavigation? func stopLoading() func evaluateJavaScript(_ javaScriptString: String, completionHandler completionHandler: ((AnyObject?, NSError?) -> Void)?) var allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures: Bool var customUserAgent: String? var allowsLinkPreview: Bool var allowsMagnification: Bool var magnification: CGFloat func setMagnification(_ magnification: CGFloat, centeredAtPoint point: CGPoint) } extension WKWebView : NSUserInterfaceValidations { @IBAction func goBack(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func goForward(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func reload(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func reloadFromOrigin(_ sender: AnyObject?) @IBAction func stopLoading(_ sender: AnyObject?) } |
Modified WKWebView.evaluateJavaScript(_: String, completionHandler: ((AnyObject?, NSError?) -> Void)?)
Declaration | |
From | func evaluateJavaScript(_ javaScriptString: String, completionHandler completionHandler: ((AnyObject!, NSError!) -> Void)?) |
To | func evaluateJavaScript(_ javaScriptString: String, completionHandler completionHandler: ((AnyObject?, NSError?) -> Void)?) |
Modified WKWebViewConfiguration
Declaration | |
From | class WKWebViewConfiguration : NSObject, NSCopying { var processPool: WKProcessPool var preferences: WKPreferences var userContentController: WKUserContentController var suppressesIncrementalRendering: Bool } |
To | class WKWebViewConfiguration : NSObject, NSCopying { var processPool: WKProcessPool var preferences: WKPreferences var userContentController: WKUserContentController var websiteDataStore: WKWebsiteDataStore var suppressesIncrementalRendering: Bool var applicationNameForUserAgent: String? var allowsAirPlayForMediaPlayback: Bool } |