Known and Resolved Issues

This chapter lists high visibility bugs that have been addressed in these releases. It is not a complete listing of all of the bugs addressed. If you still have issues with any of these bugs, please file a new bug at under the Java (new bugs) component, version X. Refer to the bug number indicated below in your new bug if you believe it is the same issue.

Java Application Support

Radar #11393973

/usr/bin/jvisualvm should delegate to installed Java 7 bundles.


The /usr/bin/jvisualvm tool should delegate to the Java VisualVM instance in a Java 7 .jdk bundle if one is present.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #11530542

Java Preferences is no longer necessary on OS X 10.7 and 10.8.


As of this release, Apple is no longer supporting Java applets or Web Start applications running on Java SE 6 on OS X v10.8 and v10.7, and is delegating /usr/bin Java command-line tool priority to the highest ranked JVM installed. Due to these changes, Java Preferences is no longer necessary.


This issue has been resolved. Java Preferences is removed after installing “Java for OS X 2012-006”.

Java AWT

Radar #11333995

Look-and-feel decorated windows cannot de-maximize.


Windows which are decorated by a custom Look and Feel lost the ability to de-maximize once they had been maximized on OS X v10.7 and higher.


This issue has been resolved.

Radar #11505484

Dragging into/out of JPopupMenu crashes.


Under certain circumstances, dragging items into a JPopupMenu could cause a crash.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Install On Demand

Radar #11530556

Java applets and Web Start no longer supported on OS X 10.7 and 10.8.


As of this release, Apple is no longer supporting Java applets or Web Start applications running on Java SE 6 for OS X v10.8 and v10.7.


It is possible, but unsupported, to re-enable the Java SE 6 applet plugin. This workaround will be disabled in the next Java software update:

sudo mkdir -p /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/disabled
sudo mv  /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/disabled
sudo ln -s /System/Library/Java/Support/Deploy.bundle/Contents/Resources/JavaPlugin2_NPAPI.plugin /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin

Applets and Web Start applications now direct users to download a JRE from Oracle Corporation. Pre-existing Web Start application shortcuts no longer function.

Java Launching Framework

Radar #12066308

Java command-line tool priority order should prioritize highest JDK version installed.


The Java command-line tool redirection binaries in /usr/bin should prioritize the highest JDK version installed on OS X v10.8 and v10.7. The tools now ignore any previously set preference from the Java Preferences application.


If you need to continue to access older JDK versions, the /usr/libexec/java_home tool takes a variety of filter options, and returns the path to the top matching Java command-line home.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Printing

Radar #12318379

javax.print APIs fail to return non-default media and sizes


The javax.print APIs regressed in “Java for OS X 2012-004” and “Java for OS X v10.6 Update 9” and failed to return more than one media size.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Security

Radar #11568740

Message digest computation could crash in low memory circumstances.


Computing a message digest could crash in cases where the Java GC heap has insufficient space to return the result, instead of throwing an out-of-memory exception.


This issue has been resolved.

Java Tools

Radar #12321120

No new applications should be created that require Apple’s Java SE 6.


No new applications should be created that require Apple’s Java SE 6. Java developers should use Java 7 or higher and the Java 7 JDK developer tools to build new applications.


This issue has been resolved. Jar Bundler, Java VisualVM, and Applet Launcher are removed after installing this update.